Remember that YOU are in control of the dance information that gets displayed in the main section down below. You can change the callers and cuers, you can set a theme, you can make a dance go dark (or not), and you can set flyers. You can even add additional special dances. To do any of that, you need to go to the state directory club info area. Use the "Dance" page to update your regular dance information, and use the "Edit" page to edit specific dance information.
We have set up an email mailing list to notify people when a new edition of the online OFN is available, and for other important news about the OFN. To subscribe to this mailing list, just fill out this information:
Oregon's 2015 Summer Festival will be held at the Klamath County Fairgrounds in Klamath Falls, July 17 to 19, 2015.
Thanks to those who made Mid-Winter Festival a success. We've starting planning the next one, January 22 to 24, 2016.
Download a complete list of the Federation club dances this month, all sorted by date and city.
Everything in the When & Where is extracted from the state directory information. If you find that your club information is wrong, you can fix that by going to the directory information area and fixing your data.
Click on the title to see the article.
Ray passed away at age 85 on January 7, 2015. Ray had been diagnosed with liver cancer not long before his passing. He was a strong advocate for square and round dancing. Ray danced over 50 years and was always showing up at various clubs and functions. He loved to dance.
Ray had planned to attend the January 10 dance in Sweet Home, and his daughter from Morrow, Oregon was down to be with him and take him. He figured it would be his last dance to attend. He was that committed to dancing and being with his square and round dance family. He was a lifetime member of the Sweethome Squarenaders and will be missed by many.
Ray was a weather fan, measuring rainfall and keeping track of the temperature and other weather phenomena. He'd call friends to compare rainfall and temperatures, etc. He had, at one time, reported his findings to one of the local television stations.
A Celebration of Life Service was held in Lebanon January 31 at the American Legion Hall. Ray also loved to play cribbage and pinochle and had a game lined up with friends before his death. Cards may be sent to Ray's children, Robert Claussen and Karen Dennis at 39941 Crestview Lane, Lebanon, OR 97355. Our thoughts and prayers to Ray's family.
Oh my gosh, where do I begin. As you know, I had a serious emergency surgery on November 13. After three weeks in the hospital I am finally home and slowly on the mend (I think). I had a ruptured duodenum that could not be repaired because of the location of the tear and the fragility of my organs. They placed three drain tubes in my belly to keep all drainage from the wound and a staple line at the base of the stomach to keep anything from going through the duodenum. Two weeks ago I had a cat scan that showed that the rupture has healed. I am now transitioning from being fed through the vein to being fed through one of the tubes in my belly. I started having severe cramping so they have slowed the feeding in the tube. I seem to be tolerating the tube feeding better this week so things are looking up.
As you know, Daryl and Yvonne Clendenin organized a wonderful benefit dance for us. Judy and I are speechless and overwhelmed by the outpouring of support. Never did we think there were so many dancers, callers and cuers pulling for us. How can we show our gratitude? Thank you just doesn't seem sufficient but it is all we have. We would like to extend a special thank you to Daryl and Yvonne for their continued support. We would also like to thank the callers and cuers who supported the dance. Thank you Craig Abercrombie, Connie Clark, George Clark, KC Curtis, Randy Dibble, Bev Flint, Chuck Garner, Ellen Halley, Mike, Halley, Terry Halley, Darryl Kalmback, Richard Lane, Bill Lundin, Roger Putzler, Jim Raupp, Renee' Ruud, Les Seeley, Julie Stiers, Lonnie Syckes, David Trout, Ray Walz, and Mark Wheeler. Please forgive us if we missed anyone. We were also told that several clubs donated baskets for raffles and the Happy Hoppers manned the kitchen. A HUGE thank you goes to everyone involved. There were approximately 34 squares of dancers in attendance. WOW! We haven't seen that many dancers at a local dance in a long time.
Judy and I are so grateful to be part of such a caring and wonderful square dance community. Your generosity has lessened our financial burden with this lengthy illness and we will never be able to repay you. More importantly, your love and friendship will never be forgotten.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Jim and Judy
Download a list of callers and cuers who are available and ready to call or cue a dance for you.
The Oregon Round of the Month for February is "Send Me Down to Tucson", a phase II Waltz choreographed by Betty Skillett. This OROM was chosen by the Blue Mountains Council. Download quick cues here.
For more information on the Round of the Month, please contact .
Click a thumbnail to download the flyer.
Click a thumbnail to see the full-sized picture.
Click a council name to go directly to that section.
Neva Reid will begin six weeks of social ballroom waltz lessons the second Sunday in February from 3:45 . 5:00 p.m. at the Milton-Freewater Community Building. That has been a very popular class, and we are expecting a good group again. Following that will be six weeks of jive/swing lessons.
Danebo Circle 8's members who are willing to run for next year's board positions are: President, Randy Grayboyes; Vice President, Janet Geiger; Secretary, Pat Preston; and for Treasurer, Sharon Greenman and Rich Burdick. We thank these people for being willing to run for office. We owe a huge Thank You to Connie Seamans for being President this year. She has done a great deal for our club and is much appreciated. She not only had some great ideas but implemented them as well. Thanks, Connie! A big thank you also to Chuck Root for being our Treasurer for the past few years. He was penny perfect and careful with our funds. Thanks, Chuck!
The area clubs will have another set of beginner lessons starting February 11, a Wednesday. Lessons will be from 7:00 to 8:30 at the Emerald Dance Center. Another chance to bring folks to join us for this fun activity! Wednesday was chosen as there were folks who could not come on Tuesday and/or Thursday the last time.
Keep on dancing.'
Christina Corelli
Danebo Circle 8's members who are willing to run for next year's board positions are: President, Randy Grayboyes; Vice President, Janet Geiger; Secretary, Pat Preston; and for Treasurer, Sharon Greenman and Rich Burdick. We thank these people for being willing to run for office. We owe a huge Thank You to Connie Seamans for being President this year. She has done a great deal for our club and is much appreciated. She not only had some great ideas but implemented them as well. Thanks, Connie! A big thank you also to Chuck Root for being our Treasurer for the past few years. He was penny perfect and careful with our funds. Thanks, Chuck!
The area clubs will have another set of beginner lessons starting February 11, a Wednesday. Lessons will be from 7:00 to 8:30 at the Emerald Dance Center. Another chance to bring folks to join us for this fun activity! Wednesday was chosen as there were folks who could not come on Tuesday and/or Thursday the last time.
Keep on dancing.'
Christina Corelli
Whirl-A-Ways, Single Trees and Danebo Circle 8 hosted an excellent Christmas dinner and dance; something like eleven squares attended. The food and the dancing were excellent!
When Roger Putzler called the Buccaneer Dance, first Friday in January, he was limping; he said it's what happens when an old man shouldn't be on a ladder removing Christmas lights from the house. Now, he and Linda are off to Arizona to attend baseball Spring Training.
We will hold elections for the next Executive Board soon as well as start Beginners' lessons on February 11th.
We look forward to February's dances: Our Sweetheart of a 51st Birthday Dance will happen on February 13th, with The Wild Cards calling and Helen Halley cueing the Rounds. Craig Abercrombie is on board to call and cue on February 27th.
Marguerite Zolman
Whirl-A-Ways, Single Trees and Danebo Circle 8 hosted an excellent Christmas dinner and dance; something like eleven squares attended. The food and the dancing were excellent!
When Roger Putzler called the Buccaneer Dance, first Friday in January, he was limping; he said it's what happens when an old man shouldn't be on a ladder removing Christmas lights from the house. Now, he and Linda are off to Arizona to attend baseball Spring Training.
We will hold elections for the next Executive Board soon as well as start Beginners' lessons on February 11th.
We look forward to February's dances: Our Sweetheart of a 51st Birthday Dance will happen on February 13th, with The Wild Cards calling and Helen Halley cueing the Rounds. Craig Abercrombie is on board to call and cue on February 27th.
Marguerite Zolman
Beginner lessons started January 11th, but if there are people who'd like to try, there is still time; 5:30 Sunday evenings in Hall A of Emerald Dance Center in Springfield, 2095 Yolanda Drive. The first couple lessons are free.
We encourage dancers of all levels from Beginners through A2 to join us on Sunday evenings. We dance from 5:30 - 8:00. Our caller/instructor is Tim Matteson. Tim is proficient in teaching and calling any level. We are so blessed. Right now we are keeping Tim's mom, Virginia Matteson, in our thoughts and prayers as she is not doing well. Virginia makes all of Tim's shirts. He has a lot, and they are all different and unique. Tim picks out the fabric, and his mom makes the shirt. How cool is that!
Happy dancing!
Christina Corelli
Beginner lessons started January 11th, but if there are people who'd like to try, there is still time; 5:30 Sunday evenings in Hall A of Emerald Dance Center in Springfield, 2095 Yolanda Drive. The first couple lessons are free.
We encourage dancers of all levels from Beginners through A2 to join us on Sunday evenings. We dance from 5:30 - 8:00. Our caller/instructor is Tim Matteson. Tim is proficient in teaching and calling any level. We are so blessed. Right now we are keeping Tim's mom, Virginia Matteson, in our thoughts and prayers as she is not doing well. Virginia makes all of Tim's shirts. He has a lot, and they are all different and unique. Tim picks out the fabric, and his mom makes the shirt. How cool is that!
Happy dancing!
Christina Corelli
Beginner lessons started January 11th, but if there are people who'd like to try, there is still time; 5:30 Sunday evenings in Hall A of Emerald Dance Center in Springfield, 2095 Yolanda Drive. The first couple lessons are free.
We encourage dancers of all levels from Beginners through A2 to join us on Sunday evenings. We dance from 5:30 - 8:00. Our caller/instructor is Tim Matteson. Tim is proficient in teaching and calling any level. We are so blessed. Right now we are keeping Tim's mom, Virginia Matteson, in our thoughts and prayers as she is not doing well. Virginia makes all of Tim's shirts. He has a lot, and they are all different and unique. Tim picks out the fabric, and his mom makes the shirt. How cool is that!
Happy dancing!
Christina Corelli
Beginner lessons started January 11th, but if there are people who'd like to try, there is still time; 5:30 Sunday evenings in Hall A of Emerald Dance Center in Springfield, 2095 Yolanda Drive. The first couple lessons are free.
We encourage dancers of all levels from Beginners through A2 to join us on Sunday evenings. We dance from 5:30 - 8:00. Our caller/instructor is Tim Matteson. Tim is proficient in teaching and calling any level. We are so blessed. Right now we are keeping Tim's mom, Virginia Matteson, in our thoughts and prayers as she is not doing well. Virginia makes all of Tim's shirts. He has a lot, and they are all different and unique. Tim picks out the fabric, and his mom makes the shirt. How cool is that!
Happy dancing!
Christina Corelli
We will hold our 58th Birthday Dance on February 28th. We would love to have you help us celebrate. Then, on March 14th, 2015, we will hold a Pi Dance. This will be a casual dance (or mathematician-geek-nerd, etc.) As you all know, Pi is an irrational number so the digits never terminate and never repeat. The first few digits are 3.1415926 (3-14-15 at 9:26 p.m. we can cheer!) This will be our one and only Pi Dance since 3-14-15 isn't apt to come around again anytime soon. By the way, we will be serving all kinds of pie!
Our camp-out at Camp Koinonia is coming up the 4th weekend in April, so put the date on your calendar and plan to enjoy a wonderful weekend in a lovely setting along the Santiam River with delicious food, plenty of indoor and outdoor games, visiting and, of course, dancing!
Thank you,
Sharon Arthur
We will hold our 58th Birthday Dance on February 28th. We would love to have you help us celebrate. Then, on March 14th, 2015, we will hold a Pi Dance. This will be a casual dance (or mathematician-geek-nerd, etc.) As you all know, Pi is an irrational number so the digits never terminate and never repeat. The first few digits are 3.1415926 (3-14-15 at 9:26 p.m. we can cheer!) This will be our one and only Pi Dance since 3-14-15 isn't apt to come around again anytime soon. By the way, we will be serving all kinds of pie!
Our camp-out at Camp Koinonia is coming up the 4th weekend in April, so put the date on your calendar and plan to enjoy a wonderful weekend in a lovely setting along the Santiam River with delicious food, plenty of indoor and outdoor games, visiting and, of course, dancing!
Thank you,
Sharon Arthur
Our mainstream lessons are going well and we have several students who are enthusiastic and energetic. Thanks to all who have hosted the New Dancers' dances; they've been a lot of fun!
We're looking forward to our coast trip March 13-15 at Gleneden Beach Community Club and all dancers are welcome! We're dancing both Friday and Saturday nights. Karen
Our mainstream lessons are going well and we have several students who are enthusiastic and energetic. Thanks to all who have hosted the New Dancers' dances; they've been a lot of fun!
We're looking forward to our coast trip March 13-15 at Gleneden Beach Community Club and all dancers are welcome! We're dancing both Friday and Saturday nights. Karen
Our class continues on for a few more weeks and then the adventure begins again by figuring out what kind of rhythm we want to do next. We are also looking at new ways to bring in new class members and yet keep the current members in attendance. Stand by for more news as it comes along when plans are made. Happy New Year to all our dancing friends. Marilyn Schmit
Our class continues on for a few more weeks and then the adventure begins again by figuring out what kind of rhythm we want to do next. We are also looking at new ways to bring in new class members and yet keep the current members in attendance. Stand by for more news as it comes along when plans are made. Happy New Year to all our dancing friends. Marilyn Schmit
Our class continues on for a few more weeks and then the adventure begins again by figuring out what kind of rhythm we want to do next. We are also looking at new ways to bring in new class members and yet keep the current members in attendance. Stand by for more news as it comes along when plans are made. Happy New Year to all our dancing friends. Marilyn Schmit
Our class continues on for a few more weeks and then the adventure begins again by figuring out what kind of rhythm we want to do next. We are also looking at new ways to bring in new class members and yet keep the current members in attendance. Stand by for more news as it comes along when plans are made. Happy New Year to all our dancing friends. Marilyn Schmit
We are working on our March dance and we are trying something new! This is a Friday the 13th so we are doing a "Superstitions Dance" with the decorations showing various superstitions - both good and bad. We are planning on having a ladder set up in the middle of the dance floor - do you dare to dance under it? There will also be a black cat wandering around and it may even join a square or two. See you soon. Thomas Buchheit
Just a reminder that due to the Midwinter Festival, WillametteSquares has gone dark for the month of January.
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
February will be a great month for us. We'll have our Valentine's Dance on the 11th, and we will have a Carnival Dance on the 25th. See you there!
Lotta Fluff
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
February will be a great month for us. We'll have our Valentine's Dance on the 11th, and we will have a Carnival Dance on the 25th. See you there!
Lotta Fluff
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
February will be a great month for us. We'll have our Valentine's Dance on the 11th, and we will have a Carnival Dance on the 25th. See you there!
Lotta Fluff
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
February will be a great month for us. We'll have our Valentine's Dance on the 11th, and we will have a Carnival Dance on the 25th. See you there!
Lotta Fluff
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
We are making a second attempt at lessons. They start January 11,2015 at 6pm at the Hazel Dell Grange. First lesson is free.
February brings us a Sweetheart dance on 2/7 and a mystery trip on 2/21/15. We extend a special invitation to one and all to come eat pie on 3/7/15 when we have our pie eating contest. Chocolate cream pie for the contest and lots of other pies for the break. Happy dancing!
Debbie Broers
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
We are making a second attempt at lessons. They start January 11,2015 at 6pm at the Hazel Dell Grange. First lesson is free.
February brings us a Sweetheart dance on 2/7 and a mystery trip on 2/21/15. We extend a special invitation to one and all to come eat pie on 3/7/15 when we have our pie eating contest. Chocolate cream pie for the contest and lots of other pies for the break. Happy dancing!
Debbie Broers
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Squaws and Paws and our club have enjoyed the camaraderie of hosting Mainstream lessons and we will graduate eight students on January 18. It has been a blessing to team up with another club, putting more angels on the floor and share in the hall rent, instructor fees and responsibilities of hosting lessons. In these times when clubs are met with declining membership, teaming up and sharing a hall certainly cuts expenses and adds to the ambiance of the experience. We highly recommend such camaraderie.
Our Mainstreamers will enjoy, for the first time, the excitement of Mid-Winter Festival in Albany, January 23-25th. We want to extend our appreciation to the organizers of this event; all their hard work grows our square dance community -- thank you.
Our February dances are theme dances! February 6, Chaps will host the Tri-council (PAC, TVC and Evergreen council) "win-the-TROPHY" dance: the club with the greatest percentage of membership in attendance wins the TROPHY, and thus hosts the next dance. February 18, features Les Seeley calling our "Flintstone" dance and Lonnie Sycks cueing. We hope you will attend - we'll keep the light on for you!
Happy Feet :
Betty Chipps
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Squaws and Paws and our club have enjoyed the camaraderie of hosting Mainstream lessons and we will graduate eight students on January 18. It has been a blessing to team up with another club, putting more angels on the floor and share in the hall rent, instructor fees and responsibilities of hosting lessons. In these times when clubs are met with declining membership, teaming up and sharing a hall certainly cuts expenses and adds to the ambiance of the experience. We highly recommend such camaraderie.
Our Mainstreamers will enjoy, for the first time, the excitement of Mid-Winter Festival in Albany, January 23-25th. We want to extend our appreciation to the organizers of this event; all their hard work grows our square dance community -- thank you.
Our February dances are theme dances! February 6, Chaps will host the Tri-council (PAC, TVC and Evergreen council) "win-the-TROPHY" dance: the club with the greatest percentage of membership in attendance wins the TROPHY, and thus hosts the next dance. February 18, features Les Seeley calling our "Flintstone" dance and Lonnie Sycks cueing. We hope you will attend - we'll keep the light on for you!
Happy Feet :
Betty Chipps
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Our club enjoyed bringing in the New Year with Richard Lane calling and Debbie Combs cueing. The taco bar food was outstanding, thanks to Don and Michelle Garwood and their crew. We dug out the hats and noise makers to welcome 2015 as the balloons dropped on us. A few balloons escaped earlier in the evening to the delight of the youth that were there.
We welcome the longer days of February and the hope it brings for warmer weather and brighter days. In the mean time, keep on dancing and come to the Boring Barn often with your warm hearts and bright smiles.
Beverly De La Bruere
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Our club enjoyed bringing in the New Year with Richard Lane calling and Debbie Combs cueing. The taco bar food was outstanding, thanks to Don and Michelle Garwood and their crew. We dug out the hats and noise makers to welcome 2015 as the balloons dropped on us. A few balloons escaped earlier in the evening to the delight of the youth that were there.
We welcome the longer days of February and the hope it brings for warmer weather and brighter days. In the mean time, keep on dancing and come to the Boring Barn often with your warm hearts and bright smiles.
Beverly De La Bruere
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
We are continuing with the monthly cycle for our Monday evening square dance lessons, with Craig Abercrombie presiding in Jim's absence. Through May, we encourage beginning dancers to start introductory lessons on the first Monday of each month at 7:30. Plus lessons start at 6:30, Basic 1 at 7:30, Basic 2 at 8:45, and Mainstream from 9:15 through 9:45.
As always, we have Plus dances on the first and third Saturdays of the month at the Clark County Square Dance Center. Pre-rounds start at 7:30, with squares at 8:00. Our January 17 dance will be a benefit dance for Jim Hattrick, with Craig Abercrombie calling and Jeanine Norden cueing.
Marc Kahn
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
We are continuing with the monthly cycle for our Monday evening square dance lessons, with Craig Abercrombie presiding in Jim's absence. Through May, we encourage beginning dancers to start introductory lessons on the first Monday of each month at 7:30. Plus lessons start at 6:30, Basic 1 at 7:30, Basic 2 at 8:45, and Mainstream from 9:15 through 9:45.
As always, we have Plus dances on the first and third Saturdays of the month at the Clark County Square Dance Center. Pre-rounds start at 7:30, with squares at 8:00. Our January 17 dance will be a benefit dance for Jim Hattrick, with Craig Abercrombie calling and Jeanine Norden cueing.
Marc Kahn
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
To continue that joy, consider visiting the Oaky Doaks. Our Saturday, February 7 dance is our "Reigning Cats and Dogs Dance" - a benefit for Clackamas County's Ani-meals program. Ani-meals is the pet version of 'Meals on Wheels'. Did you know that oftentimes seniors give their home-delivered meals to their beloved cats and dogs so that their pet-friend can eat? For seniors receiving home-delivered meals, Ani-meals provides a possibility for nutritious pet food. Your donation of dry or wet, cat or dog food will reduce your dance fee to $4. Thank you for coming and joining us in supporting this special program. (We've donated an average of 150 pounds each of the last 3 years. That's 1/10th of what is delivered each month for 325 pets in Clackamas County. Help the Oaky Doaks help Ani-meals help seniors with their pets.)
Helen Halley, our cuer, has invited dancers to give input on the 'Round of the Quarter'. During the Phase II Pre-rounds from 7:30-7:50 pm she will cue the choices and the dancers will 'vote' on the choreographed dance. At 7:50 pm our mini-Plus teach begins and then its Mainstream from 8:00 until 11:00 pm with a potluck break inspired by our furry friends diet.
We're running a 1/2 hour Plus teach before our Mainstream lessons every Thursday at 7:00 pm. Come brush up or solidify your Plus moves and angel our new Plus students. And why not stay and angel the Mainstream students? Hey -- did you read Part Two of the Radio interview with Mike Halley? See the transcript on page 2 of the January Oaky Doaks Newsletter, which you can find on the following webpage:
It's not too early for the planners of the August 'Big Birthday Bash Dance'. They are interested in knowing any milestone birthdays happening in 2015. Let Elysa and Eric know (c/o your or your 'significant' other's 2015 milestone and be part of creating this fun celebration. Remember: everyone who has a birthday in 2015 is invited!
May is coming up fast. It is our 55th anniversary dance and we're heading south where it is hot. Oh --and did I mention a guest personality will make their presence known?
Elysa Foxman
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
To continue that joy, consider visiting the Oaky Doaks. Our Saturday, February 7 dance is our "Reigning Cats and Dogs Dance" - a benefit for Clackamas County's Ani-meals program. Ani-meals is the pet version of 'Meals on Wheels'. Did you know that oftentimes seniors give their home-delivered meals to their beloved cats and dogs so that their pet-friend can eat? For seniors receiving home-delivered meals, Ani-meals provides a possibility for nutritious pet food. Your donation of dry or wet, cat or dog food will reduce your dance fee to $4. Thank you for coming and joining us in supporting this special program. (We've donated an average of 150 pounds each of the last 3 years. That's 1/10th of what is delivered each month for 325 pets in Clackamas County. Help the Oaky Doaks help Ani-meals help seniors with their pets.)
Helen Halley, our cuer, has invited dancers to give input on the 'Round of the Quarter'. During the Phase II Pre-rounds from 7:30-7:50 pm she will cue the choices and the dancers will 'vote' on the choreographed dance. At 7:50 pm our mini-Plus teach begins and then its Mainstream from 8:00 until 11:00 pm with a potluck break inspired by our furry friends diet.
We're running a 1/2 hour Plus teach before our Mainstream lessons every Thursday at 7:00 pm. Come brush up or solidify your Plus moves and angel our new Plus students. And why not stay and angel the Mainstream students? Hey -- did you read Part Two of the Radio interview with Mike Halley? See the transcript on page 2 of the January Oaky Doaks Newsletter, which you can find on the following webpage:
It's not too early for the planners of the August 'Big Birthday Bash Dance'. They are interested in knowing any milestone birthdays happening in 2015. Let Elysa and Eric know (c/o your or your 'significant' other's 2015 milestone and be part of creating this fun celebration. Remember: everyone who has a birthday in 2015 is invited!
May is coming up fast. It is our 55th anniversary dance and we're heading south where it is hot. Oh --and did I mention a guest personality will make their presence known?
Elysa Foxman
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Come out to the Winona Grange in Tualatin on Friday the 13th and get a lucky start on your Valentine's Day weekend---Scott Zinser and Jeanine Norden will provide the music and moves, you bring your energetic dancing and smiles, and we'll all have a great time! Cupid sometimes can use a little help, so please tell your pals about our fun dances, too!
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Come visit us in the near future.
Gail Domine
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Come visit us in the near future.
Gail Domine
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Strangely, it doesn't seem to matter so much how many members your club has, as its ability to bring in at least four squares average, or have caring people willing to be "worker bees". That's where the fundraising comes in; it takes "worker bees" to create successful fundraisers.
The only other options are to merge with another club (preferably one dancing the same night), in hopes the total number of dancers attracted will average at least four squares. If nothing else, a merger can potentially increase the number of "worker bees", to keep the new club afloat. The only other option is to cease business altogether. Yes, square dance clubs are a business!
Lastly, these are not official council recommendations. They are merely what's being talked about within the delegate circle.
The December 21st Jim Hattrick benefit dance was not our dance, but it garnered over $5500, as well as 200 get-well cards from all over the country. We lost count, but there were not quite twenty squares.
Jim Schira
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
We do a club dine out after every fifth Monday dance. In January, 24 of us went to Azteca and enjoyed the fellowship, the food, and of course, the happy hour margaritas!
At the TVC New Years Eve dance there were 18 members in attendance. We had a great time dancing to Scott Zinser and Molly Combs.
Our dance schedule has changed slightly, adding intermediate rounds starting at 1:00PM, followed by Phase II at 1:15PM, and Plus at 1:30 until 3:15PM. We are increasing our door donation to $4 per person effective February 2nd.
Remember, dancing is an excellent way to keep warm so all plus dancers are invited to dance with us on Monday afternoons, 1:00-3:15 p.m., at the Sunset Presbyterian Church, 14986 NW Cornell Road in Beaverton. Please check for up to date information at
Rachel Nettleton
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
We do a club dine out after every fifth Monday dance. In January, 24 of us went to Azteca and enjoyed the fellowship, the food, and of course, the happy hour margaritas!
At the TVC New Years Eve dance there were 18 members in attendance. We had a great time dancing to Scott Zinser and Molly Combs.
Our dance schedule has changed slightly, adding intermediate rounds starting at 1:00PM, followed by Phase II at 1:15PM, and Plus at 1:30 until 3:15PM. We are increasing our door donation to $4 per person effective February 2nd.
Remember, dancing is an excellent way to keep warm so all plus dancers are invited to dance with us on Monday afternoons, 1:00-3:15 p.m., at the Sunset Presbyterian Church, 14986 NW Cornell Road in Beaverton. Please check for up to date information at
Rachel Nettleton
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
We do a club dine out after every fifth Monday dance. In January, 24 of us went to Azteca and enjoyed the fellowship, the food, and of course, the happy hour margaritas!
At the TVC New Years Eve dance there were 18 members in attendance. We had a great time dancing to Scott Zinser and Molly Combs.
Our dance schedule has changed slightly, adding intermediate rounds starting at 1:00PM, followed by Phase II at 1:15PM, and Plus at 1:30 until 3:15PM. We are increasing our door donation to $4 per person effective February 2nd.
Remember, dancing is an excellent way to keep warm so all plus dancers are invited to dance with us on Monday afternoons, 1:00-3:15 p.m., at the Sunset Presbyterian Church, 14986 NW Cornell Road in Beaverton. Please check for up to date information at
Rachel Nettleton
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
We do a club dine out after every fifth Monday dance. In January, 24 of us went to Azteca and enjoyed the fellowship, the food, and of course, the happy hour margaritas!
At the TVC New Years Eve dance there were 18 members in attendance. We had a great time dancing to Scott Zinser and Molly Combs.
Our dance schedule has changed slightly, adding intermediate rounds starting at 1:00PM, followed by Phase II at 1:15PM, and Plus at 1:30 until 3:15PM. We are increasing our door donation to $4 per person effective February 2nd.
Remember, dancing is an excellent way to keep warm so all plus dancers are invited to dance with us on Monday afternoons, 1:00-3:15 p.m., at the Sunset Presbyterian Church, 14986 NW Cornell Road in Beaverton. Please check for up to date information at
Rachel Nettleton
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
On the 13th we held our annual Toyland Dance. Nothing is more festive than a tree with toys stacked beneath. The toys were loaded up and delivered to needy children. Once again, the Aloha Grange adopted a family for the holidays inviting the Hoedowners to participate. Clothing, toiletries, toys, school supplies, a microwave, books, all appeared then were delivered to a family in need; giving, another joy of the Christmas season.
December 20th Hoedowners had two squares at our visitation to Sunset Promenaders. It was a wonderful evening with friends old and new; sharing is spirit of the holidays.
On the 27th we held our first Pajama Dance. Comfies were the fashion. I noticed a lot of flannel and fleece, a bit of satin here and there but Chet Wolter took the prize wearing a red union suit. He made an iconic American image. Cowboy boots and a western scarf completed his ensemble. Was he channeling John Wayne and Henry Fonda or Santa post-Christmas? I think the latter. You know the old fellow from up north is lounging around in his comfies the week after Christmas too. We noshed on waffles, biscuits and gravy, cinnamon rolls, etc. I didn't know whether to go home to bed and start my day.
Join us February 14th for our Romancing Oregon Dance. Oregon became the 33rd state on Valentines Day in 1859. We try to make it rather a romantic evening celebrating the anniversary and Valentines Day.
We'll wrap February up with a celebration of our own on the 28th. It is our 65th Anniversary Dance and will be preceded at 6:15 with a chicken dinner. We hope to see you laughing and smiling in our square.
Krystal Laas
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
On the 13th we held our annual Toyland Dance. Nothing is more festive than a tree with toys stacked beneath. The toys were loaded up and delivered to needy children. Once again, the Aloha Grange adopted a family for the holidays inviting the Hoedowners to participate. Clothing, toiletries, toys, school supplies, a microwave, books, all appeared then were delivered to a family in need; giving, another joy of the Christmas season.
December 20th Hoedowners had two squares at our visitation to Sunset Promenaders. It was a wonderful evening with friends old and new; sharing is spirit of the holidays.
On the 27th we held our first Pajama Dance. Comfies were the fashion. I noticed a lot of flannel and fleece, a bit of satin here and there but Chet Wolter took the prize wearing a red union suit. He made an iconic American image. Cowboy boots and a western scarf completed his ensemble. Was he channeling John Wayne and Henry Fonda or Santa post-Christmas? I think the latter. You know the old fellow from up north is lounging around in his comfies the week after Christmas too. We noshed on waffles, biscuits and gravy, cinnamon rolls, etc. I didn't know whether to go home to bed and start my day.
Join us February 14th for our Romancing Oregon Dance. Oregon became the 33rd state on Valentines Day in 1859. We try to make it rather a romantic evening celebrating the anniversary and Valentines Day.
We'll wrap February up with a celebration of our own on the 28th. It is our 65th Anniversary Dance and will be preceded at 6:15 with a chicken dinner. We hope to see you laughing and smiling in our square.
Krystal Laas
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
Patty Bonney
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
Patty Bonney
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
R Square D had a busy December starting with 20 of our club members attending the Thankful Christmas dance put on by Cougar Squares. A feast, with Santa attending for pictures, gifts for all attendees and a full dance floor that delighted in stepping to the sounds of the Christmas music. Cougar Squares really knew how to get the holiday season started.
We were thankful to all the dancers that brought toys to be donated to the Salvation Army at our toy dance on the 12th. Holiday tunes were called by Craig Abercrombie and everyone jingled their way through the evening.
R Square D finished up lessons in December and will be starting a new set on January 7, 2015. We would love to see you.
Please come join us in February for our Sweetheart dance on February 13th and on the 28th we will be having a benefit dance for our local Emergency Support Shelter.
For more information about the R Square D club please visit our website at or friend us on Facebook.
Marie Geisler
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
R Square D had a busy December starting with 20 of our club members attending the Thankful Christmas dance put on by Cougar Squares. A feast, with Santa attending for pictures, gifts for all attendees and a full dance floor that delighted in stepping to the sounds of the Christmas music. Cougar Squares really knew how to get the holiday season started.
We were thankful to all the dancers that brought toys to be donated to the Salvation Army at our toy dance on the 12th. Holiday tunes were called by Craig Abercrombie and everyone jingled their way through the evening.
R Square D finished up lessons in December and will be starting a new set on January 7, 2015. We would love to see you.
Please come join us in February for our Sweetheart dance on February 13th and on the 28th we will be having a benefit dance for our local Emergency Support Shelter.
For more information about the R Square D club please visit our website at or friend us on Facebook.
Marie Geisler
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
Our Plus Promenaders dance is going well with four plus squares each night, this dance is on the first and third Thursdays; Intermediate level pre-rounds at 7:00 until 7:30; Plus dance from 7:30 until 9:30, and a break afterwards. Darrell (Erin) Kalmbach is calling and Ken (Dianne) Pratt is cueing. Please come visit us sometime soon.
We enjoyed a visitation of two squares of Promenaders to the Hoedowners.
We had and hope all of you dancers had a great Christmas and New Year this past year. That time of the year seems to be a very busy time in our lives.
We want to invite all you dancers to come to our dances. The Sunset Promenaders have a Mainstream dance on the first and third Saturdays of the month with Mike (Julie) Stout calling, and Ken (Dianne) Pratt cueing at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall. We have Intermediate pre-Rounds from 7:30 until 8:00 and Mainstream dance 8:00 to 10:00 with a break afterwards. God bless!
Tom & Janice Sminia
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
Our Plus Promenaders dance is going well with four plus squares each night, this dance is on the first and third Thursdays; Intermediate level pre-rounds at 7:00 until 7:30; Plus dance from 7:30 until 9:30, and a break afterwards. Darrell (Erin) Kalmbach is calling and Ken (Dianne) Pratt is cueing. Please come visit us sometime soon.
We enjoyed a visitation of two squares of Promenaders to the Hoedowners.
We had and hope all of you dancers had a great Christmas and New Year this past year. That time of the year seems to be a very busy time in our lives.
We want to invite all you dancers to come to our dances. The Sunset Promenaders have a Mainstream dance on the first and third Saturdays of the month with Mike (Julie) Stout calling, and Ken (Dianne) Pratt cueing at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall. We have Intermediate pre-Rounds from 7:30 until 8:00 and Mainstream dance 8:00 to 10:00 with a break afterwards. God bless!
Tom & Janice Sminia
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
Our Plus Promenaders dance is going well with four plus squares each night, this dance is on the first and third Thursdays; Intermediate level pre-rounds at 7:00 until 7:30; Plus dance from 7:30 until 9:30, and a break afterwards. Darrell (Erin) Kalmbach is calling and Ken (Dianne) Pratt is cueing. Please come visit us sometime soon.
We enjoyed a visitation of two squares of Promenaders to the Hoedowners.
We had and hope all of you dancers had a great Christmas and New Year this past year. That time of the year seems to be a very busy time in our lives.
We want to invite all you dancers to come to our dances. The Sunset Promenaders have a Mainstream dance on the first and third Saturdays of the month with Mike (Julie) Stout calling, and Ken (Dianne) Pratt cueing at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall. We have Intermediate pre-Rounds from 7:30 until 8:00 and Mainstream dance 8:00 to 10:00 with a break afterwards. God bless!
Tom & Janice Sminia
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
Our Plus Promenaders dance is going well with four plus squares each night, this dance is on the first and third Thursdays; Intermediate level pre-rounds at 7:00 until 7:30; Plus dance from 7:30 until 9:30, and a break afterwards. Darrell (Erin) Kalmbach is calling and Ken (Dianne) Pratt is cueing. Please come visit us sometime soon.
We enjoyed a visitation of two squares of Promenaders to the Hoedowners.
We had and hope all of you dancers had a great Christmas and New Year this past year. That time of the year seems to be a very busy time in our lives.
We want to invite all you dancers to come to our dances. The Sunset Promenaders have a Mainstream dance on the first and third Saturdays of the month with Mike (Julie) Stout calling, and Ken (Dianne) Pratt cueing at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall. We have Intermediate pre-Rounds from 7:30 until 8:00 and Mainstream dance 8:00 to 10:00 with a break afterwards. God bless!
Tom & Janice Sminia
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
Our Mastering Mainstream/Beginning Plus lessons ended. It's great to see our new Plus dancers doing so well at the dances.
Four squares romped at the Christmas dance - a wonderful turnout since so many of our members were out of town for the holidays. We hope to see you at our dances February 7th and 21st at the Aloha Grange.
Patt Hawthorne
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
Our Mastering Mainstream/Beginning Plus lessons ended. It's great to see our new Plus dancers doing so well at the dances.
Four squares romped at the Christmas dance - a wonderful turnout since so many of our members were out of town for the holidays. We hope to see you at our dances February 7th and 21st at the Aloha Grange.
Patt Hawthorne
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
Our 2015 dance schedule starts in May. We'll be dancing the second Saturday of the month on the Dance Floor at Garibaldi City Hall. About two-thirds of the big City Hall's second story is a dance floor, built in the 1940s for the old Firemen's Balls; there have apparently been square dances there ever since the building was built.
MAY 9 will be our New Dancers Dance, with caller Joe Wrabek and line dance instructor Gwen Kiel. JUNE 13, we'll have Mark Wheeler calling, and either line dancing with Gwen or round dancing with cuer Connie Clark. On JULY 11, George Clark will be calling and cueing, and on AUGUST 8, caller and cuer will be Harvey Hunsucker. The SEPTEMBER 14 and OCTOBER 10 dances will have club caller Joe Wrabek and line dance instructor Gwen Kiel.
Joe Wrabek
Since the OFN is now online and published mid-month, you still have time to consider two January TVC events: 1) the annual TVC President's Meeting. Each year we have an appreciation meeting and potluck dinner for our current and past club presidents. This year it will be held at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall on Jan 26th and will include a potluck dinner at 6:00. A short business meeting will begin at 7:00 followed with Gary Clark (TVC President) announcing the 2014 TVC Recognition Award recipient; and 2) on January 31st the TVC will be holding a fifth Saturday dance at the Kinton Grange. The Mid Winter Rebound Dance will feature the calling of Darrell Kalmbach and cueing of Deb Combs. The evening will begin with at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds followed at 8:30 with Mainstream. Every 3rd tip will be Plus including intermediate rounds. We look forward to seeing you all at Mid Winter.
Ferrous Steinka
Our 2015 dance schedule starts in May. We'll be dancing the second Saturday of the month on the Dance Floor at Garibaldi City Hall. About two-thirds of the big City Hall's second story is a dance floor, built in the 1940s for the old Firemen's Balls; there have apparently been square dances there ever since the building was built.
MAY 9 will be our New Dancers Dance, with caller Joe Wrabek and line dance instructor Gwen Kiel. JUNE 13, we'll have Mark Wheeler calling, and either line dancing with Gwen or round dancing with cuer Connie Clark. On JULY 11, George Clark will be calling and cueing, and on AUGUST 8, caller and cuer will be Harvey Hunsucker. The SEPTEMBER 14 and OCTOBER 10 dances will have club caller Joe Wrabek and line dance instructor Gwen Kiel.
Joe Wrabek
Rita Schuchard
Rita Schuchard
Rita Schuchard