A publication of the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs
Printed 30 April 2015
Editor's Note
We are finally ready to accept non-Federation advertising in the online OFN, for $10
per month. Send a full-page PDF to your editor at the link below,
and send your check to the Federation treasurer, currently Marilyn Schmit.
The Available Caller and Cuer listings will be $12 per year, as before.
We have an article this month with an interesting fun activity for your next dance,
by having a "bingo" game for door prizes. New numbers get called after each tip
until someone gets a "bingo".
We have set up an email mailing list to notify people when a new edition of
the online OFN is available, and for other important news about the OFN.
To subscribe to this mailing list, just fill out this information:
Federation Events
Oregon's 2015 Summer Festival will be held at the Klamath County Fairgrounds in
Klamath Falls, July 17 to 19, 2015.
Everything in the When & Where is extracted from the state directory
information. If you find that your club information is wrong, you can
fix that by going to the directory information
area and fixing your data.
Bingo cards can be issued at the door. Give out one card for every
dancer. Have the dancers put their name on the back of the card just in
case it gets misplaced.
The bingo cards come in a Bingo game purchased at any toy store or even
Fred Meyers. Purchase the cheapest one possible because you will only
be using the cards. Place the cards on a copier. You should be able to
get 4 cards per sheet of paper. Copy all the cards and then cut the
copied cards out. These will be the ones you give out at the door.
Keep the original cards to be used for future dances.
On the back of the cards you will need to attach a strip of transparent
dots using Elmer's glue. The transparent dots come in rolls and are made
by Avery. They can be picked up at any stationary store. Use only the
transparent dots. They are available in Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow. Do
Not Use the Yellow. Cut out strips of 15 dots and attach them to the
back of the cards.
Have a Called Number Board set up on stage. This can be a large sheet of
paper or a dry eraser board. On the top of the board print out the word
BINGO. Under the "B" put the numbers 1 - 15 in a column. Under the "I"
put the numbers 16 - 30 in a column. Under the "N" put the numbers 31 -
45 in a column. Under the "G" put the numbers 46 - 60 in a column. Under
the "O" put the numbers 61 -75. As the numbers are called, circle the
number with a marker.
After each tip choose 1 person in each square to give a number. This
can be the #1 gal in each square, or #4 guy in each square, or whoever
the MC chooses. You will need a minimum of 5 numbers. If you have
less than 5 squares, choose another person in each square to give a
number. Individuals who are chosen to pick a number can pick any number
they want, even if it is a number on their card. After a number is chosen,
the number is circled on the Called Number Board. All individuals that
have the called numbers will place a transparent dot over the number on
their card.
Choosing numbers will continue after each tip until BINGO is called. At
that time the numbers will be checked and the winner will choose from
the door prizes. Play will continue on the same cards until a second
BINGO is called and so on until all the door prizes are awarded.
It is best to keep the number of door prizes down; otherwise it might go on for a long time.
Available Callers & Cuers
Download a list
of callers and cuers who are available and ready to call or cue a dance
for you.
April's Round of the Month is
"Too Old To Die Young", choreographed by Christine & Theron Hixson.
This was chosen by the Central Oregon Council.
Download your cue sheet here.
For more information on the Round of the Month, please contact
Lessons starting in April and May
Kelso, WA
R Square D
Kelso Senior Center
106 NW 8th Ave.
Wednesday, 6:00 PM
Contact: 360-636-1993
Kelso, WA
R Square D
Kelso Senior Center
106 NW 8th Ave.
Wednesday, 7:00 PM
Contact: 360-636-1993
Muddy Frogs
Milton-Freewater Comm Bldg
NE 5th and Ward
Six weeks of Jive/swing started April 12 from 3:45-5:00
Contact: Merri Anne at 541-861-9055
Happy Hoppers
Clark County Square Dance Center
10713 NE 117th Ave.
Mondays, 7:30 PM
Contact: 503-328-9321 360-887-1888
Vancouver, WA
Happy Hoppers
Clark County Square Dance Center
10713 NE 117th Ave.
Mondays, 6:30 PM
Contact: 503-328-9321 360-887-1888
Braids & Braves
Yamhill County Heritage Museum
Hwy 18 at Durham Lane
7th 6:30PM
Contact: Brenda Fields 503-560-5690
Salem, Oregon
Salem Square Dance Center
3695 45th Av NE
Thursdays, 7:30 p.m.
Contact: Marilyn Schmit, President 503-508-0539
Special Dances
April 10 (2nd Fri) Lebanon Square Circlers
Plus Dance sponsored by the ALLIANCE/Lebanon Square Circlers
IOOF Hall, Lebanon
Caller: Charlotte Jeskey
Cuer: Sandy Harris View Flyer
May 2 (1st Sat) Saints-N-Aints
Cinco De Mayo Live Band Dance
Live band to celebrate Cinco de Mayo
First United Methodist Church, Coos Bay
Caller: Sherm Welch
Cuer: Cherie Cox & Cathy Houston View Flyer
May 8 (2nd Fri) Lebanon Square Circlers
Plus Dance sponsored by the ALLIANCE/Albany Timber Twirlers
IOOF Hall, Lebanon
Caller: Bruce Lowther
Cuer: Sandra Pinion View Flyer
May 22 (4th Fri) Charlie Brown Squares
Charlie Brown Squares Boatnik Square Dan
May 22-24 See flyer for times & details
Josephine County Square Dance Hall, Grants Pass
Caller: Pat Carnathan
Cuer: Jo Yakimowski View Flyer
June 5 (1st Fri) Lebanon Square Circlers
Strawberry Festival
Mainstream and Rounds
Lebanon Senior Center, Lebanon
Caller: Charlotte Jeskey
Cuer: Sandra Pinion View Flyer
June 6 (1st Sat) Lebanon Square Circlers
Strawberry Festival
Advanced, Inter. Rounds, Rounds, Mainstream, Plus
Lebanon Senior Center, Lebanon
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Jackie Gale View Flyer
June 13 (2nd Sat) Umpqua Area Council
Buckaroo Roundup
10:30 AM to 10:30 PM
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Caller: Scot Byars
Cuer: Erin Byars View Flyer
August 6 (1st Thu) Central Oregon Council
Central Oregon Round UP
August 6th, 7th & 8th
Sisters High School, Sisters
Caller: Charlie Fagen
Cuer: Debbie & Paul Taylor View Flyer
All the Flyers
Click a thumbnail to download the flyer.
Click a thumbnail to see the full-sized picture.
Les Seeley, Jet Roberts, Renee Ruud and Gary Ruud represent the caller team
at the Sunday Heavenly Hoedown at Mid-Winter.
The River City Riders held a Rodeo at the Milwaukie Community Center in
February. The rodeo raised $340 to support the team.
A good time was had by all, dancers and callers like, at the Single Trees
Sweetheart of a 51st Birthday Dance, February 13. Thank to visitors and the
Wild Cards who do some fantastic calling for us. Photo courtesy of Janet
The Buckeroo's 2015 graduating mainstream class.
A large contingent of Hoedowners attended Mid-Winter Festival in January.
The graduating class of 2015 from the Corvallis Squares mainstream class.
Graduation was February 24.
The Toe Draggers continued their tour around the world with an Italian
theme in February, including a pre-dance spaghetti dinner.
Complete with tail feathers and beaks the students taking lessons from the Buckeroo's danced the chicken dance at their graduation.
Councils & Clubs
Click a council name to go directly to that section.
April 24 (4th Fri) Spring Fling April 24 & 25
Festival April 24 & 25 starts with Friday evening dance.
Community Connection (Senior Center), Baker City
Caller: Vern Boggs
Cuer: Kathy Boggs View Flyer
April 25 (4th Sat) Spring Fling continued
Festival continued with workshops and evening dance.
Community Connection (Senior Center), Baker City
Caller: Vern Boggs
Cuer: Kathy Boggs View Flyer
The Milton-Freewater Muddy Frogs waltz social ballroom classes drew a crowd of two dozen dancers having a good time one-two-threeing around the hall, under the instruction of Neva Reid. On April 12, a six-week session of jive/swing social ballroom classes will commence from 3:45-5:00.
The square dance class has entered the final weeks of classes under the able calling of Bill Reid, ending with graduation at our April 19 dance.
The Frogs will have their regular third Sunday afternoon dance on April 19 from 3:00-5:00, with a potluck following. Our own Bill and Neva Reid will be calling and cueing at our regular hall, the Community Building at 109 NW 5thin Milton-Freewater.
We are a lively group who love to laugh and would love to have you join our fun!
Keep on dancin’!
April 19 (3rd Sun) Regular Dance
3:00 PM
Milton-Freewater Comm Bldg, Milton-Freewater
Caller: Bill Reid
Cuer: Neva Reid
We celebrated our birthday March 7 - 65 years! We are the second oldest club in Oregon. Ivan Midlam was the first caller/teacher. The club first met in Sadie Bertlesen's kitchen in the Danebo (pronounced Dane' uh Bo) area of Eugene. Five couples from Danebo Circle 8 bought Prairie Hall in west Eugene where we danced for many years. We now dance at the Emerald Dance Center in Springfield.
We will again host DAN NORDBYE, national caller from Mesa, Arizona April 14, 2015. The dance will begin at 7:30 with squares and go until 9:30. We have had people comment that beginning and ending earlier would be beneficial to those having to go to work the following day. So, no excuses, we'll see you April 14 for DAN NORDBYE. This is a Tuesday and will be at the Emerald Dancer Center in Springfield.
We are enjoying Wednesday night beginner square dance lessons with up to ten squares dancing! We have angels from all of the area clubs and encourage you to attend. The beginners are having a great time as are the angels and Jim Voll, our instructor.
Keep on dancin!
Christina Corelli
April 4 (1st Sat) Regular Dance
7:30 pre-rd 8-10:30 sq
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Roger Putzler
Cuer: Christina Corelli
April 14 (2nd Tue) Special Dance with National Caller Dan N
7:30-9:30 Mainstream squares with rounds between tips
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Dan Nordbye
Cuer: Christina Corelli View Flyer
April 18 (3rd Sat) Regular Dance
7:30 pre-rd 8-10:30 sq
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Roger Putzler
Cuer: Christina Corelli
Misty Valley Cloggers
No club news received.
April 17 (3rd Fri) Regular Dance
7:30 - 10:00
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Cuer: Lauri Weidenhaft
February was a fun month for the Single Trees. On Feb. 13 we celebrated our 51st birthday with four squares of enthusiastic dancers on the floor, enjoying the calling of the Wild Cards and cueing of Jackie Gale. What a great time we had with visitors from as far away as the Happy Hoppers in Vancouver and Roseburg Timber 8's and Buckeroos, all wanting to see this fun group of callers. They got rave reviews from everyone for being so friendly. Everyone enjoyed themselves and the birthday cake and ice cream served at break time.
The next weekend some of us went to the Danebo Circle 8 dance with Lennie Ludiker and Christina Corelli. It was their Chinese New Year dance with contributions of decorations from the Boots and Sandals who were there too to enjoy this special dance. Lennie did a great job and looked so cool in his Mandarin outfit and long braid and cap.
Craig Abercrombie called and cued for us on the 27th and as always had us dancing to the beat of his well chosen music. We always like his singing and his songs too. He'll be calling for us once again and next September will bring his friend Al Frazier with him. We had our club elections the night of the 27th. Unfortunately we found no one willing to run for president so our new vice president, Joy Pitts, will be stepping up to manage both positions. We hope the club will pull together to support her efforts.
We’re all looking forward to our Spring Bonnet dance in April with Jim Voll and Jackie Gale. We are happy now that we can have Jim guest call now and then for us once again and tickled pink that Jackie will be our club cuer starting in September.
Gaynor Hintz
April 10 (2nd Fri) Regular Dance
7:30 plus; 8-10:30 squares
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Guest Callers
Cuer: Guest Cuers
April 24 (4th Fri) Regular Dance
7:30 plus; 8-10:30 squares
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Guest Callers
Cuer: Guest Cuers
It's always a treat when we have KRIS JENSEN,national caller from Albuquerque, New Mexico to call for us. Kris is Kurt Jensen's sister. Kurt and his wife, Lorna, are members of Spin Cycle Squares and round dancers with Christina and Kirby. Tim Matteson got to have a night off from calling and enjoyed dancing to Kris. Kris also called advanced for Cast-a-Shadow earlier.
We encourage dancers from all levels to attend our Sunday evening sessions which begin at 5:30. Tim calls and teaches all levels. This is a great chance to give yourself floor time and have FUN!
Happy dancing!
Christina Corelli
April 5 (1st Sun) Regular Dance
5:30 MS Plus/7Advanced
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
April 12 (2nd Sun) Regular Dance
5:30 MS Plus/7Advanced
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
April 19 (3rd Sun) Regular Dance
5:30 MS Plus/7Advanced
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
April 26 (4th Sun) Regular Dance
5:30 MS Plus/7Advanced
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
April 18 (3rd Sat) Club Birthday Dance
7:30 p.m.- 10:00 p.m.
Triad School Student Union, Klamath Falls
Caller: Larry D. Sprout
Cuer: Sarge Glidewell View Flyer
Mid-Willamette Council
Nine New Dancer Ambassador bars were presented on Feb. 8 to some of our new dancers at the last MWA New Dancer dance, hosted by the Salem Swinging Stars and the MWA. Although only three squares were dancing, everybody had a good time. Thank you to the MWA club dancers for supporting our new dancers.
April 20 (3rd Mon) Meeting
7:30 PM
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Delegate: Norma Sohn
Braids and Braves graduated four new dancers at our January dance, with several more new dancers that could not attend the graduation. One of our new dancers, Lynnette Wiesner, was awarded an Ambassador Badge for her attendance at new dancer dances. Congratulations, Lynnette! We are pleased to have all of our new dancers dancing with us. We also began a Plus level class in January with two squares of dancers and Leonard Snodgrass teaching. We are having lots of fun and learning too!
At our February business meeting, the club decided to ask our visiting callers and cuers to contribute the regular admission price at our dances. We are also busy planning our demos and visits for spring and summer: a demo at Willow Place in Newberg on March 28, Farm Fest on April 11 and Harvest Fest on August 15-16, both at Yamhill Valley Heritage Center in McMinnville. Club members are looking forward to another summer camp-out at Flying M Ranch in the hills outside of Yamhill August 28-30. Looks like a fun spring and summer! Jennie
April 11 (2nd Sat) Farm Fest Demo
Yamhill Heritage Museum in McMinnville Ore.
McMinnville Grange, McMinnville
Caller: Leonard Snodgrass
April 18 (3rd Sat) Regular Dance
7:00 - 10:00 PM
McMinnville Grange, McMinnville
Caller: Leonard Snodgrass
Cuer: Sandra Pinion
Special thanks to all who joined us on Valentine's Day for our Birthday Dance! Later that month, we had a festive graduation party for our eleven graduates from our mainstream class. Two of our members, Bob and Luella, supplied freshly cut daffodils for all the grads. Some of these new club members, along with others, headed west for our annual coast trip at Gleneden Beach in March. In April, we look forward to more dancing and are encouraging new dancers to get their "floor time" in! Karen
April 11 (2nd Sat) Regular Dance
7:00 PM
First Congregational Church, Corvallis
Caller: Guest callers
Cuer: Guest cuers
April 25 (4th Sat) Regular Dance
7:00 PM
First Congregational Church, Corvallis
Caller: Guest callers
Cuer: Guest cuers
Golden Squares
No club news received.
April 6 (1st Mon) Regular Dance
7:00 P. M.
The Estates Auditorium, Woodburn
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Jackie Gale
April 20 (3rd Mon) Regular Dance
7:00 P. M.
The Estates Auditorium, Woodburn
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Jackie Gale
April 4 (1st Sat) Regular Dance
Rounds at 7:30, Mainstream Squares start at 8pm
Polk County Fairgrounds, Arts & Craft Bl, Rickreall
Caller: George Hermann
Cuer: Ralph Lambert
April 11 (2nd Sat) Dan Nordbye National Caller
Special National Caller Dan Nordbye
Polk County Fairgrounds, Arts & Craft Bl, Rickreall
Caller: Dan Nordbye
Cuer: Ralph Lambert View Flyer
April 4 (1st Sat) Regular Dance
IOOF Hall, Lebanon
Caller: Charlotte Jeskey
Cuer: Sandra Pinion
April 10 (2nd Fri) ALLIANCE Plus Dance
Plus Dance sponsored by the ALLIANCE/Lebanon Square Circlers
IOOF Hall, Lebanon
Caller: Charlotte Jeskey
Cuer: Sandy Harris View Flyer
April 18 (3rd Sat) Regular Dance
IOOF Hall, Lebanon
Caller: Charlotte Jeskey
Cuer: Jackie Gale
The club is going through some changes as our cuer, Ray Walz and his wife, Virginia, are retiring from active cueing due to medical reasons. They will stay with us for a short time while we look for a replacement to teach and cue Phase 3-4 lessons and dances. They put their house up for sale on a Friday and had an offer on the following Tuesday and are in the midst of moving out and putting things in storage until they find a smaller house closer to their son in Keizer.
We have finished West Coast Swing and are now working on dances and then work-shopping a step in the dance if we mess up. Not sure what our hours are going to be until we hire a new cuer and set up a schedule that will work for them. We have interviewed one potential candidate and will make a decision in the near future in case we hear from someone else who might be interested. You can call President Marilyn Schmit at 503-508-0539 to see what we are doing each week until a new schedule is set. Marilyn Schmit
April 2 (1st Thu) Regular Dance
Lessons 6-6:50;Dance 7-8:30
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Ray Walz
April 9 (2nd Thu) Regular Dance
Lessons 6-6:50;Dance 7-8:30
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Ray Walz
April 16 (3rd Thu) Regular Dance
Lessons 6-6:50;Dance 7-8:30
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Ray Walz
April 23 (4th Thu) Regular Dance
Lessons 6-6:50;Dance 7-8:30
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Ray Walz
April 30 (5th Thu) Regular Dance
Lessons 6-6:50;Dance 7-8:30
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Ray Walz
Rounds aRe Us
No club news received.
April 2 (1st Thu) Regular Dance
7 PM 4/5/6
Keizer/Salem Senior Center, Keizer
Cuer: David Vomocil
April 9 (2nd Thu) Regular Dance
7 PM 4/5/6
Keizer/Salem Senior Center, Keizer
Cuer: David Vomocil
April 16 (3rd Thu) Regular Dance
7 PM 4/5/6
Keizer/Salem Senior Center, Keizer
Cuer: David Vomocil
April 23 (4th Thu) Regular Dance
7 PM 4/5/6
Keizer/Salem Senior Center, Keizer
Cuer: David Vomocil
April 30 (5th Thu) Regular Dance
7 PM 4/5/6
Keizer/Salem Senior Center, Keizer
Cuer: David Vomocil
April 3 (1st Fri) Easter Food Drive Dance
7:00 PM - Intermediate Rounds, 7:30 Plus, 8:00 Mainstream
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Ken Pratt View Flyer
April 3 (1st Fri) Easter Food Drive Dance
7:00 PM - Intermediate Rounds, 7:30 Plus, 8:00 Mainstream
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Jeannine Norden View Flyer
April 17 (3rd Fri) 49th Birthday Dance
7:00 PM - Intermediate Rounds, 7:30 Plus, 8:00 Mainstream
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Jeanine Norden View Flyer
The youth have been working hard on practicing and fundraising. Thank you to everyone who came to their fundraiser dance on March 8. We currently have 21 youth planning to go to the Pacific Northwest Teen Square Dance competition in May. This gives us two teams of squares, two callers and two couples in round dancing.
We added something new to the fundraising this year. One of our parents has had some experience with the “GoFundMe” system and volunteered to set one up for us. If you are interested in checking it out, please go to gofundme.com/mv2274.
For our superstition dance on March 13, we had a lot of fun researching superstitions and decorating the hall. See you in a square soon. Thomas Buchheit
April 10 (2nd Fri) Regular Dance
7:30 PM to 10:30 PM
Waldo Hills Community Club, Silverton
Caller: Leonard Snodgrass
Cuer: Frances Herigstad
Wow, we have been having a great time of dancing at our new location. Seems like the attendance has been up which I attribute to having better parking and a larger dance floor and, of course, a great caller and cuer (wink).
Our Chinese New Year dance was a big success with three tables of auction items and some great Chinese food and fun dancing.
We have several dances with fun themes coming up, so come join us. We always have a good time. Sandy
April 3 (1st Fri) Mexican Fiesta - dance and food
6:45 Food, 7:30 Rounds, 8 Mainstream
United Methodist Church, Albany
Caller: Bruce Lowther
Cuer: Sandy Harris View Flyer
April 17 (3rd Fri) Regular Dance
April 19 (3rd Sun) Timber Twirlers 28th Birthday
2 pm Rounds 2:30 Mainstream
United Methodist Church, Albany
Caller: Bruce Lowther
Cuer: Sandy Harris View Flyer
The past few months have been busy! Following great turnout for Mid-Winter Festival, we rallied the troops to win the Mid-Willamette Council Trophy Dance in February followed closely by a fantastic anniversary dance. Our trophy dance will be May 22, for those of you who plan ahead. Our caller, Randy Dibble, and cuer, Julie Stiers, promise to keep guests on their toes.
While you have your calendar out, add Valley River Dancers’ wildly popular “Dancing Under the Stars” dance which will be held on Friday, July 24, during the Newberg Old Fashioned Festival. Watch for our flyer in a future edition of the OFN.
Mainstream and advanced students are deep into lessons and having a blast. Randy teaches every Tuesday, with mainstream at 6:30 and advanced at 8:00. Drop-ins are welcome, and our lessons and dances are still just $5.00 a person.
April 10 (2nd Fri) Plus Dance
7:30-10:30 PM
Chehalem Community Center, Newberg
Caller: Chuck Garner
Cuer: Julie Stiers View Flyer
April 24 (4th Fri) Regular Dance
7:30-10:30 PM
Chehalem Community Center, Newberg
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Julie Stiers View Flyer
February was the Willamette Squares' sweetheart dance and there was a good turnout of visitors from various clubs. The caller was Sandy Harris, and the cuer was Sandra Pinion.
We are glad to report that member Brice Baker is recovering from recent surgery. Get well soon, Brice.
We are looking forward to our March dance. No matter how big or small, our dances are always FUN so we hope you will join us for an enjoyable evening of dancing and friendship! Jodee Howard
April 25 (4th Sat) Regular Dance
7:30 - 10:15
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Sandy Harris
Cuer: Jackie Gale View Flyer
Portland Area Council
The last couple of months, I wrote about clubs in trouble and when it may be wise to merge with other clubs. I wrote about clubs who cannot consistently get an average of four squares per dance night. But another symptom of a club in trouble is not being able to get anyone to serve on its board of directors. Of course, this is no problem for caller run clubs, but is a problem for a federated club. An advantage about merging is that talent that can be pooled: one set of officers would be needed rather than two sets.
Many things change. Back in the day, the square dancer norm was to sell the family home, buy an RV, and travel the country going to regional and national square dances. For a variety of reasons (mostly having to do with HMO plans and the cost of running an RV), that was not practical. But you can still have a lot of dance fun locally, but only if there is proper staffing for these events.
Jim Schira
April 20 (3rd Mon) Meeting
7:30 PM
Oak Grove Community Club, Oak Grove
Delegate: Jim Schira
I love dancing, especially with the B&B’s. So, to get to our dances, I drive with a heavy foot on the gas and a hand on the horn. I mean, there’s more to life than dancing, but not much more. And I want big bang for my buck. I don’t like to sit out, which is why I take as many of our lessons as possible, so that no matter what is called or cued, I can dance it. That goes for the cha lessons we are starting this month, before our Wednesday dances.
Dances this month, where you can particularly get big bang for your buck, are our “Early Days” dance on April 1st. No foolin’ this will be a pretty sentimental dance, designed to bring up great memories, especially when dancing was the pastime norm. You can bring pictures of your early childhood. You should see me in my cute pigtails and flouncy white dress.
And then our big 50th Aniversary gala on April 15th, with National Caller DAN NORDBYE from Gilbert, Arizona. Our club got started because solo dancers were not necessarily welcomed at many clubs. But we showed ‘em; and now we’re tootin’ our horn!
Lotta Fluff
April 1 (1st Wed) Our Early Days
7:30 - 10:30 PM
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: Les Seeley
Cuer: Tami Helms View Flyer
April 8 (2nd Wed) Regular Dance
7:30 - 10:30 PM
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: Chuck Garner
Cuer: Tami Helms
April 15 (3rd Wed) 50th Anniversary Dance
7:30 - 10:30 PM
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: Dan Nordbye
Cuer: Tami Helms View Flyer
April 22 (4th Wed) Regular Dance
7:30 - 10:30 PM
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: K.C. Curtis
Cuer: Ken Pratt
April 29 (5th Wed) Regular Dance
7:30 - 10:30 PM
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: Mike Kious
Cuer: Tami Helms
Happy spring from the Buzzin Bees. February was fun with our sweetheart dance and a mystery trip where we ate at a Vietnamese restaurant (New experience for some of us ) and danced to Chuck Garner with the Valley Squares. We just had our Pie Eating contest and dance where we had a visitation from River City Dancers. For the second year in a row, the winner is ...Marvin Shaw from the River City dancers. We danced to our guest caller, Mike Combs. I just love the Irish songs he does.
Our next big dance is our anniversary dance. We will be celebrating 57 years as a square dance club on April 18th. Please join us. We have elections coming at our dance on 4/4. See you in a square.
Debbie Broers
April 4 (1st Sat) Regular Dance
7:30 pre rounds 8:00
Hazel Dell Grange, Vancouver
Caller: Bill Lundin
Cuer: Debbie Combs
April 18 (3rd Sat) Anniversary Dance
7:30 pre rounds 8:00
Hazel Dell Grange, Vancouver
Caller: Bill Lundin
Cuer: Debbie Combs
We experienced the skinniest attendance ever at our club anniversary dance, the “Flintstone” dance on February 20th. Our lesson learned is not to host the Trophy dance, ahead of another major theme dance – and certainly not back-to-back. The logic being: it takes energy to do a visitation, if a club has just been to your hall, it is not likely that visit will repeat with your next dance, and thus low attendance the result. So trophy/banner winners…choose wisely your Trophy dance date. We were thankful for those who attended our “Flintstone” dance - you made it fun! Costume prizes were awarded to these dancers: Adult Male/Female was Les Seeley and Vicki Pounds (C&P), Youth Male/Female: Ethan and Madison (C&P), and the winning couple was Robert and Young (Country Cut-ups).
The Chaps & Petticoats enjoyed the Silverton dance demonstration on March 8th where the Silver Knights and Silver Dragons exhibited their styling to be seen at the Pacific Northwest Teen Square Dance competition. Chaps had six dancers present at the Silver City Squares fundraiser to wish our youth “good luck”!
Won’t you wear your Easter hat/bonnet and come support Scott Zinser and Jackie Gale, caller/cuer on our April 3rd dance? April 17th is a regular dance with Leonard Snodgrass and Ken Pratt as caller/cue – please join us.
Happy Feet,
Betty Chipps
April 3 (1st Fri) Regular Dance
7:30 PM
Maplewood Grange, Aurora
Caller: Scott Zinser (1st Friday)
Cuer: Jackie Gale (1st Friday)
April 17 (3rd Fri) Regular Dance
7:30 PM
Maplewood Grange, Aurora
Caller: Leonard Snodgrass
Cuer: Ken Pratt
Spring has sprung and new life is showing up all over! New dancers are learning their moves and getting ready to graduate into full fledged mainstream square dancers by summer. Old dancers will need to learn new names as they join our club.
Speaking of spring, we hope all of you reading this, and many more, will come out to the annual Barn Sale. This year you can find some of yesterday’s treasures on sale on April 10 and 11, 2015. We are sure you need something that we can sell you! The proceeds of this sale help us with out beloved old Boring Barn’s upkeep and repairs.
Elections were held March 8, 2015 and we are pleased that most of our officers were willing to keep serving. Doug and Kathie Femrite stepped into the president’s position in January to fill a vacancy and have agreed to serve for the coming year. Tom and Katie Cassatt and Donna Krossman-Darling will continue as our vice presidents. Dan and Debbi Ragland will continue as treasurer. Incoming officers, Josh and Crystal Thomas will now fill the secretary slot. A big thanks to all who are willing to serve and a special thanks to all the members who have served on the board in the past.
It's Spring, and things tend to move fast in the Spring. There is a bad news / good news situation to report. The bad news is that Jim and Brenda Martinez had to step down as our club presidents due to Brenda's ongoing health issues. The good news is that Randy and Jackie Amundson have agreed to serve out the current presidential term, with assistance from Rex and Jean Tolstrup. The Happy Hoppers are thankful to Jim and Brenda for their service, above and beyond the call of duty. Our hearts go out to them in this time of trouble.
We will have a visitation on Saturday, March 14th with the Hoedowners at the Aloha Grange, starting at 7:00. Daryl and Yvonne Clendenin will call and cue. This should be a fun dance and we're hoping that the Hoppers will show up in great enough numbers to make it even "funner".
We hope you can join us for some great food and fellowship at our next club dine-out, which will be at 6:00 in the evening of Wednesday, March 25th, at La Costa Mexican Restaurant, 4708 NE Thurston Way, Vancouver, WA (by the Olive Garden, near the Mall).
April is the last month for our Monday evening square dance lessons before summer vacation. Lessons will pick up again in September. Craig Abercrombie is presiding in Jim Hattrick's absence. We encourage beginning dancers to start introductory lessons on the first Monday of each month at 7:30. Plus lessons start at 6:30, Basic 1 at 7:30, Basic 2 at 8:30, and Mainstream from 9:00 through 9:30.
As usual, we will hold 2 club dances in April, on the first and third Saturday evening, at the Clark County Square Dance Center. However, this month each dance will be kind of special.
On April 4th, we will have our annual Ice Cream Social dance. Pre-rounds start at 7:30, with Plus squares starting at 8:00.
On April 18th, we will hold our 56th anniversary dance. The theme will be "Making Memories". Callers will be Craig Abercrombie and Adam Christman with Molly Combs as cuer. We will follow our normal schedule with pre-rounds at 7:30 and square dancing at 8:00, but because it's a party, this will be a Mainstream level dance with every third tip called at the Plus level. This will give students who have completed lessons at least through level 72 a chance to get some floor time and to help the Hoppers celebrate.
Marc Kahn
April 4 (1st Sat) Regular Dance
7:30 to 10:30 PM
Clark County Square Dance Center, Vancouver
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Dorothy Lowder
April 18 (3rd Sat) Happy Hoppers' 56th Anniversary Dance
7:30 to 10:30
Clark County Square Dance Center, Vancouver
Caller: Craig Abercrombie and Adam Christman
Cuer: Molly Combs View Flyer
It’s April and three of our favorite annual events are with us again! What are they? Our First Saturday Dance (April 4) is our ‘Easter Gospel Dance” with all singing calls. (The format of the evening will remain the same with Intermediate rounds from 7:00-7:30, Pre- rounds from 7:30-7:50 and a mini-Plus teach from 7:50-8:00 and then it is Mainstream until 11:00 with our usual potluck break at 9:30 pm).
Our New Dancer Jamboree with Clothing Resale will be Thursday, April 9 from 7:30 – 9:30 pm. All new dancers and angels are warmly welcomed. It’s a chance for our new dancers to try on their ‘dancing feet’ at their first dance!
The third weekend we are dark. We’re off to the beach! Which one you ask? Well, to Lincoln City for their mile long garage sale, some dancing and some friendly fun. You are most welcome to join us for the day or for the whole weekend (Friday evening to Sunday morning).
And May 2nd is the Oaky Doaks 55th Anniversary Dance! That is a lot of years of dancing! Scott Coon, Elvis Tribute Artist and Square Dance Caller from Seattle, will join cuer, Helen Halley, to help us celebrate this big anniversary. Elvis’ film “Fun in Acapulco” is the inspiration for the evening. An Elvis Tribute floor show will start off the festivities at 4:30 pm. Feel free to invite your non-dancer friends to join you for the afternoon show! Then we’ll host a Cinco de Mayo potluck and our regular dance format for the evening. (Limited Tickets are now on sale: $7 for either the floor show or the dance or save at $10 for both.) We’re looking forward to lots of fun dancing with ‘Elvis’!
~Elysa Foxman
April 4 (1st Sat) Easter Dance featuring Gospel Tunes
7:00 PM
Oak Grove Community Club, Oak Grove
Caller: Mike Halley
Cuer: Helen Halley View Flyer
April 9 (2nd Thu) Welcome Spring New Dancer Jamboree!
It's our New Dancers dance, featuring Resale Clothing, Level
Oak Grove Community Club, Oak Grove
Caller: Mike Halley
Cuer: Helen Halley View Flyer
April 18 (3rd Sat) Regular Dance
8:00 Mainstream
Oak Grove Community Club, Oak Grove
Caller: Mike Halley
Cuer: Helen Halley
It's April Showers time of the year---but at the Recycles' dance on Friday the 10th, you'll be showered with lots of Fun and Good Times instead of rain! Scott always calls a lively dance and tosses in some twists 'n' turns on the usual, and Jeanine is sure to treat us to many levels of enjoyable Rounds. Bring your "A" dancing friends along with you, and we'll even have an "A" tip at the end of the evening. Something for everyone!
Many thanks to all of our faithful guests who make our dances possible! We've had an excellent turnout the past couple of months and truly appreciate our loyal supporters coming out to Plus dance with us. As long as our tiny club continues to have lots of guests, it looks like the Recycles will still be around for everyone to enjoy for quite a while!
See you soon---
April 10 (2nd Fri) Regular Dance
7:30 - 11 PM
Winona Grange, Tualatin
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Jeanine Norden View Flyer
If this report comes out early and before the end of March, please plan to attend the fund raiser for our hall, Milwaukie Community Club, on Sunday, March 29. World reknown story-teller Eric Foxman will be entertaining from 3:30-5:00 PM. This performance will have an Easter theme. Suggested donation is $12.50 per person. Hope to see you there.
Our mystery trip is this month, April 25. Maybe we will be coming to dance with you, and, then, again, maybe not. Frank and Cathy Betzer are sure to plan an exciting evening.
Our April 18th dance is a Hobo Dance and Canned Food Drive. Come in your comfortable duds. We decided to have our food drive in the spring as there is a need year found, not just during the holidays.
Gail Domine
April 11 (2nd Sat) Regular Dance
7:30 to 10:30 pm
Milwaukie Community Club, Milwaukie
Caller: Les & Paula Seeley
Cuer: Tami Helms
April 18 (3rd Sat) Hobo Dance - Canned food drive to benefi
6:45 Plus, 7:15 pre-rounds, 7:30 to 10:30 pm Mainstream
Milwaukie Community Club, Milwaukie
Caller: Les & Paula Seeley
Cuer: Tami Helms View Flyer
The Ramblers dance at the Milwaukie Grange on the first Saturday of each month. On February 7, we hosted Palm Springs caller Terri Sherrer. On March 7, we hosted Albuquerque caller Kris Jensen. We will be dancing on April 4; caller TBD. We look forward to welcoming back Chuck Garner, who taught our Mainstream class for several years, to call for our Mainstream graduation dance on May 2. We also plan to dance on June 6; we will be dark on July 4. Solos, couples, and families are all welcome at our monthly dances. We encourage visitations from other clubs.
We’ve just confirmed the dates for our club’s annual three-day dance festival, which we call Scares and Squares because it takes place around Halloween. We will be dancing October 23-25, 2015 at the Multnomah Arts Center, 7688 SW Capitol Highway, Portland. Callers will include Mike DeSisto (Enumclaw, WA) and Chris Phillips (Ft. Lauderdale, FL). This is a great opportunity to dance to different calling styles and diverse musical selections with some superb callers. Solos, couples, and families are welcome. Watch for more details on our website: www.rosetownramblers.com.
As March ends, we look forward to our Easter Bonnet Dance on April 3rd. Yep that’s right ladies wear those Bonnets. Daryl Clendenin will be calling for us on April 10th. A Special Dance on April 17th, Ham Easter Dinner cost is $7.00 and we will be having a Special Guest Caller, Dan Nordbye, who now resides in Mesa, Arizona. Dan was introduced to square dancing at the age of 12. Eleven months later he was trying his hand at calling. From that moment on, Dan has pursued calling as his one and only profession. By the age of 16, he was Club Caller for 3 Omaha Square Dance Clubs. In 1976, he decided to pursue calling as a full-time profession. He now books dances and travels throughout the United States and Canada. Dan has called in Switzerland, Sweden, Mexico, Hawaii and Alaska. See you in a Square Soon!
Our third Saturday dance this month will be celebrating our 37th Birthday with Sherm Welch calling. And coming up in May is our Cinco de Mayo dance on the first Saturday with a live band. See flyer in this issue.
That is all I have for now.
Happy Dancing!
April 4 (1st Sat) Regular Dance
First United Methodist Church, Coos Bay
Caller: Sherm Welch
Cuer: Cathy Houston & Cherie Cox
April 18 (3rd Sat) Birthday Dance
First United Methodist Church, Coos Bay
Caller: Sherm Welch
Cuer: Donna Hiserote
April 11 (2nd Sat) Regular Dance
7:00 PM
Coquille Community Building, Coquille
Caller: Coleeta Quigley
Cuer: Denise Harris
Tualatin Valley Council
The next Council event will be a fifth Saturday dance at the IOOF Hall in Hillsboro on May 30th. The scheduled caller is Jim Hattrick and due to health issues, he probably will not be able to do the dance. The Council Caller Advisor, Daryl Clendenin, is working to resolve this, perhaps getting a group of cuers and callers to volunteer to do the dance.
Ferrous Steinka
April 27 (4th Mon) Meeting
Spaghetti Factory , Hillsboro
Delegate: President Gary Clark
Eager Beavers visited the Valley Squares on February 7th with a square and our caller. We have two banners now so if you would like your banners back come to any Monday dance or our Anniversary Mainstream Dance on Sunday afternoon, April 26th, at the IOOF Hall in Hillsboro. See flyer for info in the OFN Flyers section.
February 9th we held our Valentine Dance honoring our randomly selected King and Queen. We were delighted to see Nan Overall and Dick Frazier selected to cheers from the dancers. They also received flowers and candy. Good job when you can get it!
If tax time is getting you down come dance at our Poor Man’s Ball April 13th. By that time you should know if you are a pauper or flush with cash and you can show it off by what you wear. Anyone wearing a barrel?
The Eager Beavers started plus lessons for new dancers and old dancers who wanted some practice. We expect to be adding new members soon.
All plus dancers are invited to dance with us on Monday afternoons, 1:00-3:15 p.m. (rounds from 1 to 1:30) at the Sunset Presbyterian Church, 14986 NW Cornell Road in Beaverton. Please check for up to date information at www.eagerbeavers.info.
Rachel Nettleton
April 6 (1st Mon) Regular Dance
1:00 - 3:15 PM
Sunset Presbyterian Church, Portland
Caller: George Clark
Cuer: George Clark View Flyer
April 13 (2nd Mon) Regular Dance
1:00 - 3:15 PM
Sunset Presbyterian Church, Portland
Caller: George Clark
Cuer: George Clark
The Hoedowners’ February just flew by. Can the 2 or 3 extra days in a regular month make such a difference? I think this glorious sunshiny weather made the month so incredible and quick.
2015 is one of those years where our first dance of February falls on Valentine’s Day. We were “Romancing Oregon” as it’s also Oregon’s birthday. The ballroom was full because so many wonderful square dancers decided to celebrate the holiday dancing with us. The hall was decorated in festive and romantic red, white and hearts. The buffet table was heavy with chocolaty treats. We took the opportunity to sing Happy Birthday to Debbie Olson. She too is a Valentine baby.
We had our Annual Meeting, Potluck and New Dancer Graduation on Wednesday, February 25th. We never organize a thing and yet the table is laden with a variety of appetizers, salads, main dishes and desserts. Our meeting was brief, the conversations were lengthy; new shirts were ordered, social activities discussed and we graduated twelve new dancers. Can’t ask for a better evening than that.
We wrapped up February in fine style with our 65th Anniversary Dance. The club finally qualifies for Medicare but we just can’t figure out how to apply. We had a wonderful group of dancers helping us celebrate with visitations from Valley Squares and Sunset Promenaders. The ballroom was decorated like a trip down memory lane with each decade represented by nostalgic hints, old club banners and club dresses. Our annual chicken dinner was enjoyed by a large group and two birthday cakes devoured during open break. I hope you had a chance to join us.
April is when we hold our Under the Big Top Dance. Have you enjoyed a visit to the circus and dancing under our own big top at the Aloha Grange? You must! Costumes are optional but devilishly fun. On April 25th, we have our Denim Dance where everyone comes in costume; denim shirts, denim jeans, denim skirts, what isn’t made in denim these days?
As we tell our new dancers, “If we’re not supposed to dance, why all the music?”
Krystal Laas
April 11 (2nd Sat) Under the Big Top
Circus Foods
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Daryl Clendenin
Cuer: Yvonne Clendenin View Flyer
Janelle Janicke reports that her foot operation was successful. She finds the crutches, the wheelchair, and the cane challenging. She hopes that a knee scooter will ease her mobility problems.
Beyond that we are having our usual fun dances and hope that all you plus dancers will join us.
Nothing as sweet as the sounds of feet tapping, and laughter in anticipation of what kind of fun is about to happen when the caller steps up to the microphone. February brought the club out in lots of red and pink for sweetheart’s day with a dance on the 13th. We continue the month with our benefit dance for the Emergency Shelter on the February 28th.
We had a busy month of visitations starting with 5 couples going to Buzzin Bees to retrieve a banner and on the 21st the club made a good showing at the Anniversary dance at Ruff and Ruffles in Kelso. Congratulations to them. In turn we will celebrate our 62nd Anniversary dance on April 10th followed up by a Western dance with guest caller Renee Rudd on April 25th.
We’ve had amazing support from the club on lesson nights and most of the time the floor is moving with 3 squares. Thank you to Vic Roberts and Toni Carroll for hosting the monthly meeting.
For more information about the R Square D club please visit our website at www.r-square-d.info or friend us on Facebook.
Caller- Craig Abercrombie, Cuer- Lonnie Sycks
Submitted by Marie Geisler
April 10 (2nd Fri) 62nd Anniversary Dance
7:30 To 10:00
Kelso Senior Center, Kelso
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
Cuer: Lonnie Sycks View Flyer
April 25 (4th Sat) Western Dance
7:30 To 10:00
Kelso Senior Center, Kelso
Caller: Renee Ruud
Cuer: Lonnie Sycks
April 2 (1st Thu) Promenader Plus
Intermediate Pre-Rounds 7, Plus Dance 7:30-9:30
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Darrel (Erin) Kalmbach
Cuer: Ken (Dianne) Pratt View Flyer
April 4 (1st Sat) DARK Visitation to Valley Squares Anni
Visitation to the Valley Squares Anniversary dance 185 & TV
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Chuck Garner
Cuer: Connie Clark View Flyer
April 9 (2nd Thu)
April 16 (3rd Thu) Plus Dance (1st & 3rd Thursday)
7:00 Intermediate Pre-Rounds, 7:30 to 9:30 Plus Dance
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Darrel (Erin) Kalmbach
Cuer: Ken (Dianne) Pratt View Flyer
April 18 (3rd Sat) Rich Man Poor Man
7:30-8:00 Intermediate Pre-Rounds, 8:00-10:00 Mainstream Dan
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Mike (Julie) Stout
Cuer: Ken (Dianne) Pratt View Flyer
KC Curtis, Bev and Harlan Flint, set their alarms early to arrive before sunrise on Feb. 20th, to dance, call and cue, as Channel 2 News filmed the dancing live, for the early news. Folks are working hard to advertise square and round dancing in our area. Thanks to everyone who participated.
In February our Italian Spaghetti feed and chocolate desserts were a great hit. We had to dance hard to work off those calories. March found us dancing with the Leprechauns. We also found our Pots of Gold hidden in the Irish rubber ducks on our second dance of the month. Those silly rubber ducks left us with smiles and lots of special fun memories. When was the last time you visited the Scandinavian countries? April is our month to do that and also celebrate the Arrival of Spring with our travels. Please remember our second dance in April is being held at the IOOF Hall in Hillsboro.
We want to send get well wishes to Janelle Janicke, Kathy Degman and Debra Wold who have been working hard on healing their bodies so they can get back to dancing with the Toes.
Pat Olson
April 3 (1st Fri) Regular Dance
7:30 preround 1st Fri. 2nd Friday pre plus Dance at 8:00 MS
Kinton Grange, Beaverton
Caller: KC Curtis
Cuer: Bev Flint View Flyer
Please join us for our 66th Anniversary Dance April 18, Chuck Garner calling and Connie Clark cueing.
We hosted our annual Soup Dance to celebrate the Super Bowl. Guests sampled lentil, beef barley, lemon chicken, French onion, and taco soups. We had so many fine guest callers and cuers to accompany our own creative artists, Chuck and Connie. Daryl Clendenin, Darrell Kalmbach, KC Curtis, George Clark shared the calling mike and Julie Stiers, Bev Hardin, Yvonne Clendenin the cueing honors.
Our Mardi Gras Dance was humming with a visitation from Buzzing Bees. Colorful beads clacked as dancers twirled and a few folks hid their faces behind masks of various hues. A couple of toucans alit in the form of Julie and Pete Cooper. Dancers sampled King Cake during our Open Break in the Quilt Room.
We ended the month with a visit to Hoedowners' 65 Anniversary Dance. What a nice crowd of celebrants from the dancing community! We recaptured one of our club flags.
The Wave Steppers are dark over the winter, but we'll be having classes; a new round of square dance classes, taught by caller Joe Wrabek, started Wed., Jan. 28th, at the Tillamook Elks Lodge. As last year, the classes are free; the Elks are letting us use the hall free of charge.
Our 2015 dance schedule starts in May. We'll be dancing the second Saturday of the month on the Dance Floor at Garibaldi City Hall. About two-thirds of the big City Hall's second story is a dance floor, built in the 1940s for the old Firemen's Balls; there have apparently been square dances there ever since the building was built.
May 9th will be our New Dancers Dance, with caller Joe Wrabek and line dance instructor Gwen Kiel. June 13th, we'll have Mark Wheeler calling, and either line dancing with Gwen or round dancing with cuer Connie Clark. On July 11th, George Clark will be calling and cueing, and on August 8th, caller and cuer will be Harvey Hunsucker. The September 14th and October 10th dances will have club caller Joe Wrabek and line dance instructor Gwen Kiel.
Joe Wrabek
April 11 (2nd Sat) No Dance in April
See Upcoming Schedule Flyer
Garibaldi City Hall, Garibaldi
Caller: Joe Wrabek
Cuer: Gwen Kiel View Flyer
Umpqua Area Council
No council news received.
April 6 (1st Mon) Meeting
4:30 PM
Garden Valley Mini Mart, Roseburg
Delegate: Frank Schuchard
What a lovely month of dancing we had in February. Not only did we have a “hearty” lot of fun at our Valentines Dance, but we also celebrated the graduation of 17 new students at our combo potluck & graduation night. Chuck Simpkins led the graduates through a tip danced to the Chicken Dance while the students wore chicken tail feathers and yellow beaks. Before receiving their diplomas the students also danced a tip with a balloon between their knees. We also had a few additional folks who came out for lessons and received their Refresher Workshop certificates. Thanks to a small group of hard working volunteers our annual February Barn Sale was a success. We are looking forward to our 63rd Birthday Dance coming up April 4th. Our fabulous local Umpqua Valley Boys will be calling and Neil Koozer will be cueing. Birthday cake is on the “agenda” so mark it down on your calendar and join us!