We have two articles for you this month. One describes the "Heaven Can Wait 5K" race coming up in Bend. The other is an article by Your Faithful Editor describing the process of collecting club information for the Federation's state directory. We see an awful lot of mistaken and outdated information in the directory information. Perhaps a bit of background information will help explain why we go through this process every year.
This month has seen the demise of several clubs in the state (Columbia Gorge Plus, Recycles, Squaws and Paws), but the addition of a new club in the TVC (Columbia River Dancers). Let's hope we can reverse that trend.
We have our first paid advertisement since going online this month. Any feedback you have is always welcome.
We have set up an email mailing list to notify people when a new edition of the online OFN is available, and for other important news about the OFN. To subscribe to this mailing list, just fill out this information:
Oregon's 2015 Summer Festival will be held at the Klamath County Fairgrounds in Klamath Falls, July 17 to 19, 2015.
Mid-Winter Festival 2016 will be rolling in January 29 to 31, 2016, in Albany, Oregon. It's not too early to nail down your hotel reservations. They go quickly. The festival web site will be up and running pretty quickly at www.midwinterfestival.com/.
Download a complete list of the Federation club dances this month, all sorted by date and city.
Everything in the When & Where is extracted from the state directory information. If you find that your club information is wrong, you can fix that by going to the directory information area and fixing your data.
Click on the title to see the article.
Calling all Square and Round Dancers in Central Oregon...
Again this year, we're going to have a "team" representing all dancers at the "Heaven Can Wait" 5K event on Sunday, June 7, 2015, at 9 AM, at Drake Park, in Bend.
You must register at heavencanwait.org yourself and during that process, you'll have an opportunity to select a team. Select "Central Oregon Square & Round Dancers". I, as Team Captain, will receive notification that you're walking with our team. You'll also have the opportunity to purchase a T-shirt or Hat for additional cost. The Council will supply a pink felt square we'll all wear on our back to designate us as Square/Round Dancers. Also, I will be able to pick up everyone's registration material at Foot Zone in Bend so that not individuals will have to make that trip. We will meet at Drake Park left of the Bridge in the park.
Last year we had over 25 dancers walking to benefit Breast Cancer Awareness for Sara's Project. Let's beat last years numbers.!
If you have any questions, please email me, joycewelton@aol.com, or call 541-923-8804. Hope to see you on June 7th.
Joyce Welton
There are two times each year when the Federation asks its clubs and councils to fill out information and pay fees. One time is the annual insurance process in October. The other time is the state directory process, going on right now. I would like to spend a few paragraphs here to tell you what information we collect, how we collect it, why we collect it, and why you should be careful when entering it.
The state directory information is entered on the same pages you use to update your OFN information, at http://squaredance.gen.or.us/ClubInfo/ . The information we ask for includes the type of dances you hold (mainstream, plus, rounds, etc), when and where you hold your regular dances, when and where you hold your lessons, contact information for your club officers, contact information for your caller and cuer, your tax exempt status, information about your special dances, and your number of members. When you finish entering the data on the various pages, a copy of your updated information gets mailed to the 2nd Vice President, who uses it to produce the state directory. We ask you to enter this information in May, after you have held your new officer elections. We collect all of it into a single document, which gets printed and distributed at the September state meeting. (Because the printing process is more efficient now than it used to be, there is talk of changing the deadline to August.)
The information is used in several other ways. All of the data is stored in a central database, and several sections of the Federation’s web page are generated automatically from that database, including the club directory and the lesson directory. Google searches for square dancing in Oregon lead to our club directory, so it’s important to make sure your contact information is accurate.
The state directory has always been a printed publication. At the last state meeting, the executive board voted to start including an online version of the state directory on our web site. When that happens, any updates you make will be available immediately, instead of having to wait until September.
One thing some clubs may not realize is that this information is also used for any official Federation communication. Our constitution requires that, when we need to have a vote of all of clubs (for constitution or by-law changes, or for the annual election of officers), those ballots must be sent to the club secretary as recorded in the database. Every year, some clubs do not receive their ballots because of inaccurate or outdated contact information for their club secretary.
I am always amazed at how many people do not know how to spell their city name, or their caller’s name, or their dance hall’s address, or their zip code, or their email addresses. We spend a great deal of time proofreading and correcting the directory information, and that job is getting more taxing now that information is being updated throughout the year. Please, folks, take a little time to double-check the information before you enter it, and check it again after you type it.
Recently, a special situation has come up that deserves mention. There are people who, for legal reasons, have protective orders that mean they cannot have their contact information appear in public. We certainly want those people to be able to volunteer for their square dance clubs. This question has arisen specifically in relation to online availability, but the fact is that the printed directory is also a public document. If this issue comes up, you should enter their names, but no address or email. If we need to reach these folks, we can go through another officer.
Download a list of callers and cuers who are available and ready to call or cue a dance for you.
June's Oregon Round of the Month is "Moonshine II", phase II+2 two-step, choreographed by Yvonne & Daryl Clendenin. This was chosen by the Interstate Highlanders. Download your cue sheet here.
For more information on the Round of the Month, please contact .
Click a thumbnail to download the flyer.
Please support our advertisers, since they help support the magazine. Click a thumbnail to see the full advertisement.
Click a thumbnail to see the full-sized picture.
Click a council name to go directly to that section.
Summer activities (times will be announced later):
For any questions, please call our intrepid Merri Anne at 541-861-9055.
Dance your feet off!
Barbara Walter
And speaking of dances, the April highlight had to be the club’s luau party. We filled up the grange with friends, food, and gobs of door prizes, and then danced the night away with guest caller Dan Preedy and cuer Ken Pratt. The decorations were fabulous, and the club members who helped make this special dance such a success deserve a big mahalo for all their work. In May we hosted the Oregon Federation state meeting, and we enjoyed visiting and dancing with friends from around the state during the evening’s dance.
Continuing as officers for the upcoming year are Paul Ostrom, President, Marial Gertz, Vice President, Layne Milowe, Secretary, and Lonnie Waak, Treasurer. We look forward to another fine year with this experienced team at the helm.
We’ll be dancing in June and August but dark in July. We’d love to have any dancers from around the state who are vacationing in Bend this summer join us. Casual dress is just fine if you don’t want to pack extra clothes. Information about our club and all the other area clubs is online at http://centraloregoncouncil.org.
The beginner class has had as many as ten squares. It varies from 5 - 8 squares now. We do need more angels though and appreciate the ones who come Wednesday nights at 7:00. Jim Voll does a great job of teaching. It's just nice to see Jim and Joyce back into the swing of things.
A number of our members helped clean the dance hall recently. We didn't have enough folks to do the outside, but the inside looks very nice. Larry Hampton painted a beautiful new board for Danebo Circle 8 which was put up during the cleaning. It looks great from the outside of the hall since the windows were cleaned by David Lajoie and Kurt Jensen of Spin Cycle Squares. Leah Firth was up there helping install the new board as well. Leah is a Whirl-A-Way and learned rounds from Christina. All clubs were involved with the cleaning.
The hall purchased three new heaters to replace the antiquated ones. These are in the main hall and the kitchen. A wise and sound investment for the dancers.
We are dark in July.
Keep on dancing,
Christina Corelli
Jim Voll called our April 10th Spring Bonnet Dance and prizes (potted geraniums) were awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place. There were some very creative hats there. Christina Corelli cued the round dancing.
Terry Halley called our April 24th dance and Christina cued again.
June 12th will be our Annual Reigning Cats and Dogs Dance, a benefit to support Greenhill Humane Society; Mike and Helen Halley on stage. Scott Zinser is scheduled to call and Christina to cue our June 26th dance.
Marguerite Zolman
We are dark May 24, Memorial Day. We are getting ready for the big recruitment dance, August 22nd, a Saturday. We usually dance on Sundays, but we'll be dark on August 23rd. The August 22nd dance is free to new dancers and is a welcome-to-square-dance fun day. We'll have a huge potluck for which we are famous. A more detailed schedule will be out next month. This is a great opportunity to bring people to witness just how much fun square dancing is. Christina Corelli will be on hand to cue a round or two and get folks involved in a line dance or mixer.
Spin Cycle Squares had a huge percentage of our club help clean the dance hall recently. We are so happy to be dancing there and we're happy to help. David Lajoie and Kurt Jensen were up on the scaffolding again this year to clean the upper windows and install the new Danebo Circle 8 signboard. Leah Firth climbed up there as well and helped. It's amazing how much light comes in when the windows are clean!
Come dance with us Sundays at 5:30. All levels. Tim Matteson, our caller and instructor, is so good about making sure dancers get floor time, no matter what level. We are so blessed! Please call David at 541-520-7311 or Tim at 541-988-0399 as there may be a slim chance we are not dancing.
If you want floor time, you've got it with us!
Christina Corelli
We recently returned from a wonderful weekend at Camp Koinonia! It was a bit damp outside, but we still enjoyed fellowship with friends, all kinds of games, square dancing with Jim Voll and Leonard Snodgrass, round dancing and work-shopping the Jive with Jackie Gale, learning Plus with Leonard, listening to the music of Jerry Parks and "crew," and other fun activities.
Our Wild, Wild West BBQ and Dance is May 9, and then our last regular dance is our Red, White and Blue Dance on June 13th. We will also hold a dance during the Brownsville Pioneer Picnic celebration on June 20 at 7:30 p.m. This dance will be held at a hall in the park and is free. Bruce Lowther and Judy will be our caller and cuer. Arrive early and enjoy Brownsville's delicious BBQ chicken dinner.
Sharon Arthur
Whirl-A-Ways, Springfield
Coming up a very special dance on Sunday, June 7, featuring 'THE CREW;" callers Daryl Clendenin, Randy Dibble and Les Seeley, and cueing by Yvonne Clendenin. Times are 1:30 to 2 p.m. Pre-Rounds, and 2 to 4 p.m. Mainstream with every third tip Plus. Location: Emerald Square Dance Center, 2095 Yolanda Ave., Springfield. For more information call 541-953-3156. You-all come for a great afternoon of dancing!
Then on June 19 to 21 is our annual Summer Campout; again at Black Butte Resort at Camp Sherman near Sisters, Oregon. There are cabins besides the RV spaces and Whirl-A-Ways have held our campout at this scenic location many times for always a fun and enjoyable time of hiking exploring, visiting, games and, of course, delicious food.
'Z', Reporter
Our spring dances have been a lot of fun, and it's been great to see several of our new dancers join in. We have a few demo dances planned for this summer to get the word out about square dancing and how enjoyable it is!
In June, we will have our members' annual summer kick-off potluck and talk about plans for the fall. We'll be holding mainstream lessons again, and are already talking it up with co-workers, neighbors, and friends! Karen
A1 lessons will begin September 20 from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the Lebanon IOOF Hall. (From newsletter.)
We are started Mambo lessons on May 7. By the time you read this, hopefully we are doing well and maneuvering around the floor in fine fashion.
The big event of this month is the club’s 39th birthday and the retirement recognition dance for Ray and Virginia Walz, who have given us many years of their time and instructions. We all dance better because we learned to dance intermediate rounds under their tutelage.
Ray and Virginia, from the club to you, THANK YOU! We appreciate the friendship we have with you and will remain that way. You are welcome any time to join us and dance instead of teach. Marilyn Schmit
Our big surprise was that both of our round couples placed! Logan Williams and Audrey Meyerhofer tied for second place in Novice Rounds while Thomas Buchheit and Emily Meyerhofer took FIRST PLACE in Novice Rounds. Thomas and I don’t know where exactly we placed in calling competition. We have to wait for mom to get the scores. Thomas was up against 10 others in Junior Level Calling and I competed against four others in the Pre-Teen Level Calling. Our adult club members and mentors are all pleased and very proud of us. We all had lots of fun going up to the competition and seeing our friends from the other clubs again. Petrina Buchheit
Tuesday night plus and advanced lessons/workshops continue in June; drop-ins are welcome.
It's not too early to save the date for the annual Dance Under the Stars on Friday evening, July 24, during the Newberg Old Fashioned Festival. In the meantime please join us for our first-Friday plus and third-Friday mainstream dances. Perrin
This month’s club to fold is the Recycles. It befuddles us on why that club folded. It would be easy to deduce that dancers don’t like a plus and mixed rounds club; however, the biggest club in our council follows the same format and does very well. And it would be easy to deduce that dancers won’t dance any night but Saturday; however, one of our clubs has danced Wednesdays for 50 years, and is also doing well. Informal discussions continue on cause and effect. It does seem apparent, however, that there are not enough dancers left to support all our clubs. Clubs will need to change with the times to attract new dancers and retain the old. Hopefully, those changes will not conflict.
Jim Schira
It’s going to really hurt, to see our former President and Queen Bee go out to the Great Bookkeeping Pasture, but we’ll assign a couple drones to keep her company. She helped us immensely, as she did the Recycles.
May 29th is your BIG CHANCE to again enjoy the calling of the incomparable Jim Steele. Many long-time dancers still remember him calling as a teenager and how he could call at breakneck speed. Of course, we want more, nowadays, than fast calls. His calling last year at the Juniper Jubilee showed he still comes up with cleaver combinations.
June 17th will be our Christmas in June Dance. C’mon out to request all your favorite Christmas music.
Flory Flounce
Our final dance is set for 6/6/15. We have a BBQ planned for before the dance and all are welcome. We will be grilling hamburgers and hot dogs, have lots of salads and chips. We will eat at 6:30, pre-rounds at 7:30 and squares at 8pm.
We held elections last month and our officers for the next year are President Dennis and Julie Woods, Vice president Elmer and Betty Toops, Treasurer Bruce Prenguber, and Secretary Holly Grissom. I want to thank our outgoing secretary Barbra Meisenheimer for all her hard work as secretary, visitation planner , flier maker, and great idea person. She is an enthusiastic dancer and great fun.
We did a demonstration dance at Mallard Landing Assisted living in Battleground, WA. We had good resident turn out and they really enjoyed 2 of our special dancers, our youngsters. We went for pizza after the demonstration. We will have a club picnic in July for planning the next year.
Bill Lundin has announced that he has accepted a position with the Lions and will be doing a lot of traveling on weekends so he plans to step down as club caller at the end of the year so the search is on. Bill isn't retiring from calling altogether and he will still be a member of the club.
We wish you a happy and safe summer.
Debbie Broers
Richard Lane called at the boring Barn on May 2, to over five squares of dancers. His daughter was visiting and this is the first time she had heard him call a square dance. A lot of the Vancouver folks came over to support him. It was a lot of fun for everyone.
It is sad to see that more clubs have folded, mostly recently the Recycles and the Squaws and Paws. It is important that each of us support our own club, and the activity of square dancing in general. We need to be more creative in retaining students and keeping the activity fun for all ages. So get out there and dance, and speak up with any inspiration you come up with.
Beverly De La Bruere
Our weekly square dance lessons are now on summer vacation. We are proud of the fact that during this past school year (September 2014 through April 2015) we welcomed 91 new dancers, plus a group of 13 one-time dancers. The Happy Hoppers work hard to make our education program a comfortable environment for newcomers. Lessons will pick up again on Monday, September 14th.
As usual, we will hold two club dances in June, on the first and third Saturday evening, at the Clark County Square Dance Center. Rounds start at 7:30 and Squares (at the Plus level) start at 8:00.
While our club caller, Jim Hattrick, is off dealing with his medical situation, we have been lucky to have various callers and cuers from the community coming in to take care of us. On June 6, Les Seeley will be calling and Molly Combs will be cueing. On June 20, for our annual "Strawberry Shortcake" dance, Richard Lane will be calling and Molly Combs will be cueing. The "Strawberry Shortcake" dance is always a fun time, so you don't want to miss that one.
In July and August our club dance schedule goes "dark", allowing the Happy Hoppers to disperse to points unknown, spreading the joy. We'll start up again in September.
The highpoint of the summer season, our annual club picnic will take place on Sunday, August 2, at Don and Joanne Oja's farm.
Marc Kahn
Our Picnic Dance on the 6th of June marks the beginning of our casual dress for the summer months; don’t forget the Oak Grove Community Hall is air conditioned. And we will be ‘Springing into Summer’ by changing up the weather!
We’ll continue offering Intermediate Rounds from 7:00-7:20 pm. From 7:20-7:40 pm we will alternate a Square Dance workshop (1st Saturday) and a Round Dance workshop (3rd Saturday) followed by Easy Rounds from 7:40-8:00 pm. These changes will enable all dancers to add to their dance moves repertoire in a gentle fashion. Look forward to seeing and dancing with you! Remember! We’re NOT dark all summer! And we’re a cool place to be on hot summer nights.
Hope to see many of you at the PAC picnic on June 16 (6:00 pm at the North Clackamas Park!)
~Elysa Foxman
The Recycles' final Plus dance on May 8th was attended by our many faithful guests and six of our seven members. A special treat for the evening was the presence of our past callers Dick Click (and Ruth H.) and Darrell (and Erin) Kalmbach, who both called tips.
The Recycles was formed 20 years ago when the Mainstream clubs Circul-8-N Singles and Fun Lovers combined and held dances for singles and couples, first at the Frog Pond Grange and then in Tualatin at the Winona Grange. After 11 years, the energies of the dwindling membership began to wane and they were going to close the club.
In 2006 another small group decided to revitalize the Recycles and it became a Plus club. Our membership remained small-but-dedicated---and determined to try our best to continue providing an enjoyable evening of dance. We have lasted almost 9 years because of lots of hard work by our members and officers---but especially because our excellent callers, Darrell Kalmbach and Scott Zinser, and our cuer, Jeanine Norden, created such good fun for all!
Special recognition goes to past members Paul and Dianne Cap who organized a fundraiser for us, our Secretary, Sue Shoemaker, who created all of our charming flyers and was our Portland Area Council representative, and Ferrous Steinka of the Hoedowners who was our website's Master. Ted Olinger (and Sally Knigge) faithfully opened our hall early and Don Green also arrived early to help.
And of course, many thanks to all of our officers who have served so faithfully and well: Richard Smith, President; Harriet Livingston and Tom Dymowski, Vice Presidents; Sue Shoemaker, Secretary; and Cynthia Ekberg, Treasurer.
We will celebrate our 25th Anniversary on June 20th. Twenty five years ago the Barn Owls and Rose City Squares merged and became River City Dancers. Les Seeley as caller and Tami Helms as cuer have been the hub of our wheel and we do love them.
We recently lost two past members that were instrumental in the success of our club.
Dick Palan and his wife Jeanette were originally Rose City Squares. They were members of the teams from each club that worked to form a smooth transition. They were the second President of the club. They also lived near the dance hall and were the caretakers of the building. Dick recently passed away.
Kathy Buczkowski and her husband Buzz were originally Barn Owls. Kathy served several terms as Secretary. Around the early 2000's they retired to their home in Gleneden Beach. They continued to square and round dance and joined the Toledo 49ers. Kathy was active at many festivals and both National Conventions in Portland in the Sewing Clinics. Kathy also recently passed away.
On the brighter side, we look forward to fun activities this summer, as well as great dancing. Come join us.
Gail Domine (and Gimpy Al)
We neglected last month to report on the most recent recipient of our Rambler Extraordinaire award: Brian Arnzen. For many years, Brian has tracked all our members’ birthdays and made birthday cards for presentation at our monthly dances. Brian’s tireless efforts have enhanced the camaraderie and friendships in our club, and we really appreciate him!
We will continue with weekly dances on Wednesday nights at the Ankeny St. Studio at SE 9th and Ankeny in Southeast Portland. We will have Mainstream workshop nights on May 6 and 13 and Mainstream/Plus dancing on May 20 and 27. All are welcome to join us from 7-9 pm. We especially welcome solo dancers!
We’ll be dancing at the Milwaukie Grange on Saturday, June 6, alternating Mainstream and Plus tips from 7-9:30. Don Wood will be calling. Our theme will be Rainbow Pride—all are encouraged to wear rainbow colors!
We will be dark in July. HOWEVER, we will be having an ice cream social and free taste of square dancing on Saturday, August 1 at the Ankeny St. Studio. All are welcome. Mark your calendars and keep an eye out for details in next month’s OFN.
Finally, early warning that our September dance at the Milwaukie Grange will move to the second Saturday, that is September 12, to avoid conflicting with Labor Day weekend. We hope that some of our friends who normally dance elsewhere on first Saturdays will be able to join us as a result of this date change!
During June we will have Chuck Garner calling our 2nd Saturday dance and Darrell Kalmbach will call the 4th Saturday dance. Dorothy Loader will cue both dances.
We will be dark the months of July and August, while we utilize the weekend events, other clubs dances and have social activities within our club.
We will resume dancing on September 12.
Have a fun and safe summer and happy dancing to all.
Our elections are over and Doris Schnelle is our president, Carol Zellmer Vice President, Lela Harper treasure, Jerrie Rismoen Secretary and Verna France PAC delegate.
Our new board had their first meeting of their term and planning much more fun for the rest of the year. Our first dance in May brought us almost 5 squares.
May 8th is our mother's Day dance our theme is vintage attire.
June is shaping up to be a fun month with June 12th Elvis dance and some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in honor of Elvis as his favorite sandwich.
June 19th is our Father's Day dance with cake and ice cream. Come join in on the fun.
Jerrie Rismoen
The Council has elected officers for the upcoming year with President, Gary Clark; Vice-President, Dale Brabham; Treasurer, Lane Clem; and Secretary, Tom Sminia, all continuing their roles from last year. Thank you for your dedication. Our Council delegates are doing a fantastic job in bringing their clubs concerns to the Council as well as taking the Councils information to their clubs.
After the fifth Saturday dance, the next TVC event will be our annual Hahn Barn Dance on August 29th. There will be a potluck picnic by the lake at 6:30 PM preceding the dance on the barn. There will more details in future editions of the OFN.
Ferrous Steinka
We dance the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of every month, and will continue dancing throughout the summer thanks to the wonderful air-conditioning at the Clark County Family YMCA where we hold both our dances and lessons. However, we may go dark in August as many of us will be participating in the “Ride to Helena” and USA West, as our Caller and his wife, Richard & Leslye Lane, are the President couple of this festival. With other Vancouver clubs dark this summer, we will also take the opportunity to visit our Oregon neighbors in both the Portland Area Council and the Tualatin Valley Council. This will help the new dancers get more floor time as well as help us advertise our new club.
We are fortunate to have Richard Lane as our Caller and Cuer. A former national Caller, he calls a very energetic and entertaining dance. He sings well and his timing is impeccable.
We started lessons in January and will continue to hold lessons every Wednesday evening while we have a class. Some students are from other area clubs and are attending our lessons to review what they’ve learned. Also, a number of Happy Hoppers students recently joined our lessons as the Hoppers ended their lessons before these students were able to take Mainstream (they had completed B-51). We think it is important to keep these dancers on the dance floor, as we may lose them over the summer if we don’t. We don’t care whose club they join, or even whether they join a club; we are focused on keeping them dancing with the goal of growing our favorite leisure activity and avoiding its further decline.
While every dance is special to us, we currently do not have any dance “events” planned at this time. However, we will soon be starting plans for our first Anniversary Dance, which will probably be held early next year.
More information on our club can be found at www.ColumbiaRiverDancers.com and on FaceBook, at www.facebook.com/columbiariverdancers.
Tax Day received some recognition at our Rich Man Poor Man Dance thanks to planning by Karen and Ferrous Steinka. The Poor Man was awarded a can of beans and a plastic pearl necklace.
We celebrated our Anniversary Dance with a well attended mainstream dance at the IOOF Hall in Hillsboro and a chicken dinner with all the fixings afterwards. Marie and Lane Clem did a beautiful job as chairman and deserve our thanks. The dance was also a special time to say a big thank you to Karen and Ferrous Steinka for continued outstanding support of the club and for consistently promoting square dancing in the community. They richly deserved receiving this year’s "Swenson Award".
Speaking of wonderful times, our annual beach trip will be September 16th - 18th in Garibaldi. Square dancers have special rates at the Garibaldi Inn. Other dancers are invited to join us. We have a variety of activities planned and there will be plenty of food. We do like to eat. For more information on activities and space call Nan at 503-291-1966.
Our plus class graduated nine new plus dancers on April 8th. Please welcome these new dancers to your dances. Remember how we needed lots of practice in the beginning.
All plus dancers are invited to dance with us on Monday afternoons, Rounds 1:00 - 1:30; Plus 1:30 - 3:15 p.m., at the Sunset Presbyterian Church, 14986 NW Cornell Road in Beaverton. This hall is air-conditioned which makes dancing a pleasure during the summer. NOTE change of location: June 22nd, we dance in air conditioned comfort at the Aloha Grange at 185th and TV Highway. Please check for up to date information at www.eagerbeavers.info.
Rachel Nettleton
Our Denim Dance is always a favorite as everyone has a bit of denim to wear. For some of us it’s a uniform. The evening was relaxed……hmmmm as in relaxed fit jeans. Who didn’t undo the top button after the baked potato bar? It was an enormous hit; more than a dozen toppings and deserts too. Everyone ate hardy and lingered after the dance; just what we love to see.
As for June, we’re looking forward to our Strawberries and Cream Dance on the 13th. Fresh Oregon strawberries will be served and celebrated.
On the 27th, we’re holding our first Dad’s BBQ Dance. Can you guess what we’ll be serving? Join us to celebrate all the Dads in our lives.
Krystal Laas
Patty Bonney
R Square D thanks Dick and Sandy Sims for hosting the monthly meeting, lots of good discussion was had. Thank You Toni Carroll for stepping up and taking over as lead for our yearly Oktoberfest Celebration.
We are looking forward to a visitation on June 6th to Cougar Squares Anniversary Dance. The club will be hosting an M & M dance on Wednesday June 10th, casual wear and on the 24th of July we will all be eating Strawberries at our Strawberry Dance. July finds us having a freedom Dance on the 8th with root beer floats and the 22nd is our Denim Dance. The warmth of August finds us enjoying a Hawaiian Dance on the 12th and our yearly back to school dance for the children on the 26th.
For more information about the R Square D club please visit our website at www.r-square-d.info or friend us on Facebook. Caller- Craig Abercrombie, Cuer- Lonnie Sycks.
Hope to see you on the dance floor, enjoy your summer.
Marie Geisler
We now have 11-new dancers in our club; just graduated from class and hopefully will come dance with us regularly. All of our students have joined our club and we had potluck dinner after their graduation to welcome them; they are a really nice group of people; the future of our club. On the sad side, the Club is also having at least four couples that are leaving the club; one moving to Aurora, another to Bend, etc.
We had a visitation to the Toe Draggers this month with over a square going, and it was a fun dance, the Toes are really friendly dancers.
Our Plus dances on 1st and 3rd Thursdays are really fun with Darrell Kalmbach calling and Ken Pratt cueing. If you Plus dancers come to the dance we are sure you will enjoy it; give it a try. We start at 7:00 and dance until 9:30 at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall, 267 E. Main St.
Tom & Janice Sminia
Our May dances had a Mexican travel theme. I have never seen so many sombreros in a dance hall like that before. The taco feed at our 2nd dance was a great success. Those dinners before dances give us great energy to dance the night away.
The Tri Squares gave us a special evening of dancing, laughing and making new friends on our May visitation.
We are looking forward to traveling to Madagascar this month. Hope you get to come to the dance in the Rainforest on June 19th. Watch out for those strange animals lurking in amongst the trees.
The Damons did an outstanding job for our Mystery trip on June 6th, never a dull moment for us.
We welcome our new officers this month and are looking forward to a new year of square and round dancing opportunities.
See you in a square.
Pat Olson
Tri-Squares recently enjoyed a visitation from the Toe Draggers. They brought a total of 16 dancers and took home two banners. The “Toes” brought their club caller K.C. Curtis and Cuer Bev Flint which made for a very exciting dance. Thank you Toe Draggers for bringing a positive energy to our Fiesta Dance.
Our next dance will be on June 6th. We encourage all to join us on our "Blue Danube Cruise". The ship will leave port at 7:30 PM starting with 15 minutes of pre-rounds and 15 minutes of plus. At 8PM we will start mainstream with every fourth tip plus. We will end the dance with light refreshments.
We look forward to dancing with all of our friends, new and old this June!
Leslie Woodland
If you want to put polishing touches on your Mainstream Dancing, we are offering a MS Workshop at 7 Tuesday nights throughout June. Chuck Garner is instructing. First class is June 2 and costs $6.
Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate our 66th Anniversary. We hope the next year brings new people into dancing and strengthens one of the oldest clubs in the metropolitan area.
We had a great crowd at our first dance in April - lots of Sunset Promenaders brought energy and fun to the floor.
Patt Hawthorne
Saturday, June 13 is the club’s famous Elvis Dance, with caller Mark Wheeler as Elvis, and round dancing with cuer Connie Clark.
The Wave Steppers will hold a Patriotic Dance on Saturday, July 11, with George Clark calling and Cueing. Our Hawaiian Dance Saturday, August 8, will feature Harvey Hunsucker as caller and cuer.
Club caller Joe Wrabek will call the Wave Steppers’ Fall Dance October 10, with Gwen Kiel conducting line dancing.
The Wave Steppers’ square dance classes, taught by club caller Joe Wrabek, continue every Wednesday evening at the Tillamook Elks Lodge, 1907 Third St. in downtown Tillamook. The classes are free.
All the club’s dances are held the second Saturday of the month, on the Dance Floor at Garibaldi City Hall, 107 6th St. (one block off US 101). The Garibaldi Inn and Suites, located half a block away, offers discounts for dancers spending the night.
Joe Wrabek
The annual elections were held the first Saturday in May and the following officers were elected:
President -Doris Koozer, Vice President-Ray Blessing, Treasurer-Robert Reynolds, and Secretary-David Harman. Three new Chairperson Heads were appointed as well and we welcome them to the Board. Mary Upthagrove will be taking over the Special Dances, Bruce and Laura Knotts together will serve as the Membership chairperson, Jim Irwin will serve as the Lesson Coordinator and Robin Faltersack will be helping with Publicity. A round of congrats and thank you’s go out to our Buckeroo Board who volunteer so much time to make the club run smoothly. August will be here soon and we hope to see you in your square dance attire on the dance floor with us at the Douglas County Fair.
Happy Dancing,
Rita Schuchard