A publication of the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs
Printed 2 December 2015
President's Corner
I am looking forward to the coming year serving as Federation president. My
goal is to improve communication between the Federation and individual
dancers and clubs.
You are invited to send me your questions or suggestions regarding how
we can better serve the dancing community. You can send them to me here
at the OFN or privately by email. Each club has a delegate who attends
council meetings and a council delegate attending state meetings. You
can send your questions or suggestions through your delegates, or attend
the meetings yourself. All of our meetings are open.
OFSRDC President
Editor's Note
Well, my request for feedback last month produced a few comments, but
nothing that will require me to redesign the magazine.
I have received one or two inquiries about getting the OFN in printed form.
What you are reading here is just an ordinary web page, and can be printed
like any other web page. It ends up being a LOT of pages, but it can
be printed.
The printed OFN used to have a "Solo Corner", with news and items of interest
to the single square dancer. If you are interested in being the roving
representative of the singles community and writing a monthly column, do let
me know. I'll make a place for you.
It's not too early to start making your New Year's Eve plans. Many clubs and
councils are doing New Year's Eve dances, and they often sell out because of
their popularity.
Click here to find out how to get your
information into the OFN, including dances, lessons, photos, flyers,
advertisements, and caller/cuer information.
We have set up an email mailing list to notify people when a new edition of
the online OFN is available, and for other important news about the OFN.
To subscribe to this mailing list, just fill out this information:
Federation Events
Mid-Winter Festival will be held at the Linn County Fairgrounds in
Albany, January 29 to 31, 2016. Click here
for forms and more information.
Oregon's 2016 Summer Festival will be held at the Seaside Convention
Center, July 29 to 31, 2016. You may download your registration form
right here.
Seaside hotels fill up quickly in the summer, so get your reservations in early.
Festival Chairman's Note
At Mid-Winter Festival in January,
the marchers for the Grand March will line in the Santiam building at
6:45 pm (the Grand March is not limited this year). The Grand March
and the Ceremonies will start at 7:00 pm.
The Featured caller and cuer will be invited to participate in the Grand
March this year. The Ceremonies will be short.
At this time we have 13 vendors for the Vendors Hall for your shopping pleasure.
The forms for Resale Clothing are on line at
and click on Resale. Resale Clothing will be open Thursday 3:00pm-6:00pm and
on Friday from 9:00am to 6:00pm for consignments. Resale clothing will open
for sales on Friday at 8:00pm Sunday at noon. Youth will get to pick out a
free outfit at 10:am to noon on Sunday. Check your program book for more
information. You will find square dance clothes at reasonable prices.
The youth program is set Friday night is at Abbey’s Pizza, caller for the
evening is Leonard Snodgrass. Saturday a pictogram puzzle game will start
at 10:00am. From 1:00pm-2:00pm the youth are organizing & sponsoring a
"Last Square Standing" in the mainstream hall. The caller will be Randy
Dibble. The youth after party in the mainstream hall at 10:30pm, Mike
Halley will be the caller.
This will be a fun week-end of dancing shopping and visiting with friends.
Everything in the When & Where is extracted from the state directory
information. If you find that your club information is wrong, you can
fix that by going to the directory information
area and fixing your data.
Oregon's matriarch of square dancing, Genevieve Churchill,
fell in July and broke her hip. She has been diagnosed with moderate
dementia and can no longer live by herself.
Here is her new address:
13200 SW Village Glenn Dr.
Tigard, OR 97223
Her phone number is 503-968-1576. Visiting hours are 9:30 AM to 7 PM.
Genevieve will be turning 104 years old on November 22. Her daughter asks
that dancers please send birthday cards to the above address.
Available Callers & Cuers
Download a list
of callers and cuers who are available and ready to call or cue a dance
for you.
November's Oregon Round of the Month is
"Let There Be Peace on Earth", Phase II Two-Step, choreographed by
Yvonne and Daryl Clendenin.
This was chosen by the Tualatin Valley Council.
Download your cue sheet here.
For more information on the Round of the Month, please contact
Lessons starting in November and December
Everything in this section is taken from the state directory
information. If you find that your class information is wrong, you can
fix that by going to the directory information
area and picking to the "Lessons" tab.
Columbia River Dancers
Clark County YMCA
11324 NE 51st Cir
Wednesdays 8:30-9:00 pm
Contact: 360-263-2312 or 360-606-8849
Columbia River Dancers
Clark County YMCA
11324 NE 51st Cir
Wednesdays : 7:00-8:30 pm
Contact: 360-263-2312 or 360-606-8849
Columbia River Dancers
Clark County YMCA
11324 NE 51st Cir
Wednesdays 8:30-9:00 pm
Contact: 360-263-2312 or 360-606-8849
Columbia River Dancers
Clark County YMCA
11324 NE 51st Cir
Wednesdays : 7:00-8:30 pm
Contact: 360-263-2312 or 360-606-8849
Vancouver, WA
Happy Hoppers
Clark County Square Dance Center
10713 NE 117th Ave.
Mondays, starting December 7 at 6:30 PM
Contact: 360-887-1888
Vancouver, WA
Happy Hoppers
Clark County Square Dance Center
10713 NE 117th Ave.
Mondays, starting December 7 at 7:30 PM
Contact: 360-887-1888
Special Dances
November 7 (1st Sat) Valley Squares
Trophy Dance - Veterans Dance
7:00 Plus, 8:00 Mainstream
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Ian Craig
Cuer: Connie Clark View Flyer
December 13 (2nd Sun) River City Dancers
New Dancer Jamboree
Join us for our New Dancer Jamboree
Milwaukie Community Club, Milwaukie
Caller: Les Seeley and Renee Ruud
Cuer: Tami Helms View Flyer
December 31 (5th Thu) River City Dancers
The Last Hoedown - New Year's Eve Dance
Celebrate the new year with River City Dancers
Milwaukie Community Club, Milwaukie
Caller: Les Seeley
Cuer: Patty Herman View Flyer
December 31 (5th Thu) Tualatin Valley Council
New Year's Eve Dinner Dance
Advance Tickets $13; Lasagna dinner at 7:30, pre-rounds begi
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Doug Davis
Cuer: Randy Lewis View Flyer
December 31 (5th Thu) ReVuN'Q
New Years Eve Dance
Party dance with snack food and picture booth
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Cheryl Manley & David Vomocil View Flyer
January 2 (1st Sat) Buckeroo
National Caller Mike Sikorsky
Rounds 7:00 Squares 7:30
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Caller: Mike Sikorsky
Cuer: Neil Koozer View Flyer
April 10 (2nd Sun) Timber 8's
THE CREW Timber 8's Birthday Dance
2p Mainstream, 3rd tip Plus
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Caller: The Crew
Cuer: Neil Koozer View Flyer
August 12 (2nd Fri) Central Oregon Council
Central Oregon RoundUp
See the Flyer for all of the Details
Sisters High School, Sisters
Caller: Mike Sikorsky
Cuer: Ron & Georgine Woolcock View Flyer
September 9 (2nd Fri) Muddy Frogs
Wallowa Mountain Rendezvous
7:30 PM Pre Rounds, 8:00 PM Squares
Edelweiss Inn, Joseph
Caller: Bill Reid, Roger Putzler
Cuer: Neva Reid View Flyer
The Muddy Frogs are well into square dance lessons and having fun with Bill Reid at the helm. They are still being held at the Community Building in Milton-Freewater on Sunday afternoons from 2:00-3:30, with jive/swing ballroom lessons being taught from 3:45-5:00 by Neva Reid. The Reids are officially living at their home on Wallowa Lake. What a gorgeous view they have!
On November 15, the Frogs will host their annual Thanksgiving dance at the Community Building from 3:00-5:00, with a turkey dinner and all the trimmings to follow. Bring a dish to share and your appetite!
A very Happy Thanksgiving to you all from the Frogs, who hope you will come hopping along with us!
Barbara Walter
November 15 (3rd Sun) Regular Dance
3 to 5 p.m.
Milton-Freewater Comm Bldg, Milton-Freewater
Caller: Bill Reid
Cuer: Neva Reid
November 7 (1st Sat) Regular Dance
7pm pre-rounds / 7:30pm square & round
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
Caller: Kippen Parret
Cuer: Joyce Brown View Flyer
November 21 (3rd Sat) Regular Dance
7pm pre-rounds / 7:30pm square & round
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
Caller: Roger Putzler
Cuer: Steve Murphy View Flyer
The RedRocks had great attendance for the Cancer Survivor Dance Oct. 2nd. Larry Sprout was our caller and Dave Cooper was our cuer. The quilt raffle was
won by Tom Klug. The quilt was made by Cathy Shores and Brenda Thompson.
The theme for the night was pink!
Thank you to everyone who donated their time and supplies for the dance that benefited the Sara Fisher Cancer foundation.
Debbie Klug
November 6 (1st Fri) Regular Dance
7pm pre-rounds / 7:30pm square & round
Redmond Grange, Redmond
Caller: Adam Christman
Cuer: Dave Cooper
November 20 (3rd Fri) Regular Dance
7pm pre-rounds / 7:30pm square & round
Redmond Grange, Redmond
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Dave Cooper
Sundown Round Dance Club of Bend had their "Old Time Rock and Roll " Dance on October 12th, at the Pine Forest Grange Hall in Bend. We danced to the sounds of the 50's & 60's, with Mark McDonald cueing & his wife (Bobbi) & daughter (Jessi) helping out. We had a great turnout, as well as our new Two Step students came and got to dance several old time songs from years gone by. Danny Zuko and a couple of the Pink Ladies also showed up. Sundown Round Dance Club dances on the 2nd Monday of each month at the Pine Forest Grange Hall in Bend from 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. We would love to have you join us for a great dance and fun times.
Hope to see you at our next Dance.
Mark McDonald
November 9 (2nd Mon) Thanksgiving/Canned Food Drive
6:30-7 Intermediate Rounds, 7-9:00p Phase II-IV
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
Cuer: Dave Cooper View Flyer
November 13 (2nd Fri) Regular Dance
7pm pre-rounds / 7:30pm plus squares & rounds
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
Caller: Roger Putzler
Cuer: Dave Cooper View Flyer
November 27 (4th Fri) Regular Dance
7pm pre-rounds / 7:30pm plus squares & rounds
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Mark McDonald View Flyer
A new dance season is in full swing. In October we had a fun Mask dance. It's amazing the creativity of our dancers. Roger Putzler called this dance. Lennie Ludiker and Jim Voll call for us as well. We are lucky to have them available. Our dances are always a lot of FUN! December 19 we are having a special Christmas dance along with the Whirl-A-Ways and Single Trees. Mike Kious and Roger Putzler will call. Christina Corelli is cueing. Roger usually calls the first Saturday of each month.
Keep on dancin'
Christina Corelli
November 7 (1st Sat) Regular Dance
7:30 pre-rd 8-10:00 sq
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Roger Putzler
Cuer: Christina Corelli
November 21 (3rd Sat) Regular Dance
7:30 pre-rd 8-10:00 sq
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Lennie Ludiker
Cuer: Christina Corelli
We had a really great dance Month in September. We kicked off with our annual Back to School Sock Hop with George Hermann calling and our club cuer Jackie Gale cueing. We honored Jackie with cake and ice cream for committing to being our club cuer. What a gem she is! George kept up the pace and looked every bit like he had stepped out of the 50's. How fun! What made it even more fun was the visitation by some members of the the Mid-Winter Festival Committee. Thanks, guys!
Craig Abercrombie called for us on the 4th Friday in September and as always chose great music to dance to. We always enjoy his calling and look forward to having him back again at the end of November along with Don Marshall who will call on the 2nd Friday..
The last Saturday night a group of Single Trees went up to welcome Jim Hattrick back to calling at the fun dance held by Corvallis Squares. We came away with a banner! What a deal! and what a cordial club
Gaynor Hintz
November 13 (2nd Fri) Regular Dance
7:30 plus; 8-10:30 MS squares
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Don Marshall
Cuer: Jackie Gale
November 27 (4th Fri) Regular Dance
7:30 plus; 8-10:30 MS squares
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
Cuer: Jackie Gale
We've got an Advanced class going Sunday nights at 5:30 along with Mainstream and Plus. Our caller, Tim Matteson, is flexible and actually can please everyone! We are so blessed.
We look forward to November 21, third Saturday, when national caller, Kris Jensen, will be here to call for us. Advanced is from 3:00 - 4:30, potluck at 4:30 and Mainstream and Plus from 5:30 - 8:00. Spin Cycle Squares is famous for potlucks. We'll also have a Silent Auction. We are all encouraged to bring wonderful items for the silent auction. This will all happen in Hall B (park behind the building) at the Emerald Dance Center / 2095 Yolanda / Springfield, OR, 97477. This is a Saturday so we will not dance the following day, November 22.
Some of our members did the incredible corn maze at Lone Pine Farm recently and had a blast! This corn maze is huge and laid out with the help of computers and GPS.
Please join us almost any Sunday evening at 5:30 at the Emerald Dance Center. We usually dance in Hall A and are enjoying the new speakers.
Happy dancing,
Christina Corelli
November 1 (1st Sun) Regular Dance
5:30-8:00 p.m. MS Plus & Advanced Call for dates
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
November 8 (2nd Sun) Regular Dance
5:30-8:00 p.m. MS Plus & Advanced Call for dates
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
November 15 (3rd Sun) Regular Dance
5:30-8:00 p.m. MS Plus & Advanced Call for dates
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
November 21 (3rd Sat) November Dance
HALL B: Dance, Potluck & Silent Auction
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Kris Jensen View Flyer
November 22 (4th Sun) Regular Dance
November 29 (5th Sun) Regular Dance
5:30-8:00 p.m. MS Plus & Advanced Call for dates
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
Another Potato Festival has come and gone. We enjoyed the dances, workshops and the no host dinner as well.
We appreciate the the calling and cueing talents of Larry Sprout, Sarge Glidewell, Ray Holmes and Dave Cooper. Thank you to Dave and Patty for making the trip down to Klamath Falls. The parade was damp but fun anyway. Chuck Simpkins did a great job of calling on the float and advertising for the KCs. A big thank you to Chuck and Carla, and Phil Ramey for bringing over the “dancing trailer”. Once we got Phil to stop gathering candy and ice cream, he did a good job of driving in the parade.
Additionally, we appreciate Doty DeGarmo serving as chair for the festival, and furnishing decorations, and decorating, and overseeing the experienced clothing sale, and handling admissions and 50/50 sales and paying our talent, and directing clean up and you get the idea!!!! Kudos to President Denny for keeping things running smoothly by helping out all around as well. Thank you to Dorothy Herndon for the nice punch, and to Afton taking care of our signage, with help from Ron Johnson. We are grateful to our friends from near and far who came out to dance especially the Star Promenaders and Charlie Browns. And as always, tip of the hat to everyone stayed to help with clean up. Special thanks to Larry and Roxanne for pre and post hall floor cleaning.
November 21 (3rd Sat) Regular Dance
7:30 p.m.- 10:00 p.m.
Triad School Student Union, Klamath Falls
Caller: Larry D. Sprout
Cuer: Sarge Glidewell
Our Fall Festival is October 31 with a Halloween theme. Costumes are optional. Come join with other Mid-Willamette dancers and share some Halloween Fun.
November 16 (3rd Mon) Meeting
7:30 p.m.
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Delegate: Norma Sohn
September was an exciting month for the Braids and Braves. Nine members attended the Toe Draggers' 40th anniversary Dance and retrieved a club banner! The following Saturday, seven of our members attended the Toes' “'Are You Man enough to Wear Pink?” Dance benefiting the Susan Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Fun dances!
Our Football dance in October featured team logo items from five professional teams and both Oregon universities, contributed by members. We had three squares dancing and welcomed three new club members. Everyone is encouraged to attend the Mid-Willamette Area Dance on Halloween. Keep dancing and laughing. It’s contagious.
November 21 (3rd Sat) Regular Dance
7:00 - 10:00 PM
McMinnville Grange, McMinnville
Caller: Leonard Snodgrass
Cuer: Sandra Pinion
Independence Wagon Wheelers started the dance season with a very successful "Sock Hop". We had five squares dancing, root beer floats and popcorn popping. It was great!
We started our lessons on September 13 with 13 new dancers. They are learning fast and everyone is having fun. We also did two demo dances in September; the first one at the Salem Hospital during their Diversity Days on September 17 and then the second one was September 24, for The Madrona Hills Retirement Center. We had a wonderful time and lots of people watching at both of these demos.
Our next big dance night will be our Christmas Dance on December 12. This will be our New Dancer Dance and Silent Auction, and also a stuffed animal dance. The animals will be used as decorations and then they will be given to the Sheriff's Department. Please come and join us for this dance as we always have a good time and lots of good food.
Remember, we dance the first and second Saturday's at the Polk County Fairgrounds. See you in a square. Sandy Eddings
November 7 (1st Sat) Regular Dance
Polk County Fairgrounds, Arts & Craft Bl, Rickreall
Caller: George Hermann
Cuer: Ralph Lambert
November 14 (2nd Sat) Regular Dance
Polk County Fairgrounds, Arts & Craft Bl, Rickreall
Caller: George Hermann
Cuer: Ralph Lambert
As we get ready to celebrate fall and the changing of the colors, the club continues to work on various waltz moves that create problems when dancing. A tip here and there will help us look much better in the long run. We are enjoying the fun and friendship with those dancers who show up each week. We did not get any new class members, so we are work shopping more than having a class this fall.
By the time this is printed online, we will be a few days away from our Halloween party dance and telling Virginia Walz happy birthday on the 31st. Please send good thoughts to her as she prepares for knee replacement on November 16.
We will possibly be working on a group presentation for the Mid-Winter Showcase of Rounds. There will be more news next month. Kind of hard to report on something that has not been fully decided yet.
Hope your holiday season is filled with family, food, fun and rest. From all of us to all of you, Happy Thanksgiving, and enjoy your early Christmas shopping. Marilyn Schmit
November 5 (1st Thu) Regular Dance
Dance 6:30-7:20 & 8:30-9:30;Lessons 7:30-8:20
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Cheryl Manley
November 12 (2nd Thu) Regular Dance
Dance 6:30-7:20 & 8:30-9:30;Lessons 7:30-8:20
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Cheryl Manley
November 19 (3rd Thu) Regular Dance
Dance 6:30-7:20 & 8:30-9:30;Lessons 7:30-8:20
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Cheryl Manley
We are looking forward to a great month of dancing in Salem. Our caller is Randy Dibble, cuer is Jeanine Norden. We dance on the first and third Fridays of the month at the SSDC. If there is a 5th Friday, it is a Plus Dance with Advanced Tips at 7:30 pm. October has a 5th Friday and it will be our Spooktackular Halloween Plus Dance. Come join us for all the fun. We will have door prizes.
Our Corn 'n Cluck Dance on September 18 was great fun. The chicken came and brought his girlfriend. We had over five squares dancing. Good food, great friends and fun dancing, what else could you ask for? Sheila Machado
November 6 (1st Fri) Regular Dance
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Jeanine Norden
November 20 (3rd Fri) Regular Dance
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Jeanine Norden
November 13 (2nd Fri) Ham Dinner Dance
7:30 PM to 10:30 PM
Waldo Hills Community Club, Silverton
Caller: Leonard Snodgrass
Cuer: Frances Herigstad View Flyer
The Valley River Dancers welcomed autumn with mainstream and advanced lessons, workshops and a sock-hopping 50s dance.
Plans are already underway for our annual gospel dance the Friday after Thanksgiving. And, watch for a flyer announcing details of our New Years Eve plus gala (with every third tip A).
Happy thoughts follow our caller Randy Dibble on his gig in San Diego this month. No worries though--he and Sharon will be back for our Plus dance Friday, Nov. 13.
November 13 (2nd Fri) Plus Dance
7:30 PM-10:30 PM
Chehalem Community Center, Newberg
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Julie Stiers View Flyer
November 27 (4th Fri) Gospel Dance
7:30-10:30 PM
Chehalem Community Center, Newberg
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Julie Stiers View Flyer
Willamette Squares held its Oktoberfest dance with an abundant harvest of dancers in the spirit of Oktoberfest and many of the musical numbers took on the flavor of a polka beat. Refreshments consisted of traditional German food.
Willamette Squares completed a series of three demo dances at the Salem Saturday Market. They were lots of fun and drew a crowd of attentive observers. Hopefully among those who saw us there will be potential dancers who would like to join us Sunday evenings for square dance lessons.
Our beginning square dance lessons began Sunday, September 27. We encourage people to come give square dancing a try and we can always use angels who get in a good review when they participate.
At the recent Mid-Willamette Area meeting on September 21, our own Georgette Hagerman was installed into the office of President in a ceremony lead by John Templin. Congratulations! Jodee Howard
November 28 (4th Sat) Thanksgiving
7:30 - 10:15
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Sandy Harris
Cuer: Jackie Gale View Flyer
Our council has two agenda items we are working on:
(1) We need to replenish our treasury. We give a lot of money to worthwhile activities, such as the youth festivals. We ask all of our domain clubs to come up with ideas on fundraising.
(2) We’re very serious about wanting to help our domain clubs, and are soliciting input on how our council may help them.
Jim Schira
November 16 (3rd Mon) Meeting
Oak Grove Community Club, Oak Grove
Delegate: Jim Schira
Our new kitchen boss (Jerry Addington) threw me out of the kitchen. With nothing to do, the Prez asked me to write the column this month. I do have to say it is interesting being replaced by the first club in town to hire PAID kitchen help. Imagine, a person with *my* delectable cooking reputation being replaced by PAID help. Humph!
November is going to be a great month. Our featured caller of the month (Nov 11th) will be Rick Hampton from Visalia, California. Join us to hear an out of the area caller that doesn’t come up here all that often.
Our holiday season will start Nov 25th with our gift card raffle. Oh, you may hear around town that it’s a turkey raffle, but don’t you believe it! I am a truthful person and it’s really just a gift card raffle! Sorry, they’ll be no frozen turkey to hold against your chest on your way home, nor me to prepare it for you when you get home. Have our reverend raffle seller bless your ticket especially!
Join me and my lovely dance partner, Flory Flounce, dancing any Wednesday night at our club. If you buy enough raffle, she might just give you a dance “ or a flounce.
Brent Burntwell
November 4 (1st Wed) Regular Dance
7:30 - 10:30 PM
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: Les Seeley
Cuer: Tami Helms View Flyer
November 11 (2nd Wed) Regular Dance
7:30 - 10:30 PM VETERANS DAY
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: Rick Hampton (Visalia, CA)
Cuer: Jim Hattrick View Flyer
November 18 (3rd Wed) Regular Dance
7:30 - 10:30 PM
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Tami Helms
November 25 (4th Wed) Regular Dance
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
Cuer: Julie Stiers View Flyer
Happy fall to you all from the Buzzin Bees. The season is off to a start with our first dance being bittersweet . It was a farewell to our long time caller Bill Lundin. It was a fun dance. We had our first dance with our new caller, K.C. Curtis and who knew, he plays a mean harmonica! It should be a great year. We have a "Welcome K.C. and Linda" dance planned for 10/17/15. Come and enjoy our new caller.
Last year we had a theme dance called "Raining cats and dogs". We took in donations of pet foods and other pet related items. We donated what we took in to the Southwest WA Humane Society. They were so pleased with the donations that we decided to repeat the theme so on 11/21 come wearing any dog or cat gear or rain gear and bring a donation for the Humane Society and enjoy our new caller K.C and our favorite cuer, Debbie Combs. See you in a square.
Debbie Broers
November 7 (1st Sat) Regular Dance
7:30 pre rounds 8:00
Hazel Dell Grange, Vancouver
Caller: Bill Lundin
Cuer: Debbie Combs
November 21 (3rd Sat) Regular Dance
7:30 pre rounds 8:00
Hazel Dell Grange, Vancouver
Caller: Bill Lundin
Cuer: Debbie Combs
Dean Woods, who passed away in December, was a long time angel at our lessons. His trademark move was to blow a "toot-toot" on a wooden whistle whenever the "Load the Boat" move was called. Dean's wife, Rochelle Burney, donated one of his whistles to Walt Eby, who put together a fitting memorial with the whistle powered by a hand-powered air pump. The plaque reads: "To the memory of Dean Woods and the past square dancers who would "Load the Boat" with the Happy Hopper Square Dance Club - 2015". Walt gave the memorial to Rochelle who immediately donated it to the club. Another keepsake worthy of the Square Dance Hall of Fame!
Melissa James is having a square dance birthday celebration, with Jim Hattrick calling, at the Hazel Dell Grange on Sunday October 25 from 2:00 to 5:00. Sounds like fun.
Normally, we have Plus dances on the first and third Saturdays of the month at the Clark County Square Dance Center, but this month is a bit different. We will be dark on November 7, in deference to the Royal Romp Weekend Plus Dance. However, we're back in business on November 21, which will be our not-to-be-missed "Pies Galore" dance. Pre-rounds start at 7:30, with squares at 8:00. Jim Hattrick will be calling and cueing.
On November 7, we are planning a visitation to the other Washington State "Happy Hoppers" in Marysville. We're putting together an extra happy crew for the occasion, so we can lay claim to the title "Happier Hoppers". However, even if we prevail in this effort, we still won't be able to call ourselves the "Happiest Hoppers". Looking online, I found yet another "Happy Hoppers Square Dance Club" in Newmarket, Ontario. I felt obligated to send our Canadian cousins an email inviting them to take part. Here's what I wrote: "I believe that it is only fair to give you folks an opportunity to send a contingent, which would certainly make this some kind of an historical event, to say the least. We could find out, for once and for all, who are the Happiest Hoppers".
We work hard to make our education program a comfortable environment for students. Many of our club members volunteer as "Angels" to help make it an easy and productive experience. We encourage beginning dancers to start introductory lessons on the first Monday of every month at 7:30. We are committed to serving both beginners and continuing students with our lesson format. Every Monday, Plus lessons will be given at 6:30, Basic lessons start at 7:30, and Mainstream lessons are available at 9:00.
Many of our lesson students have risen to the Mainstream level only to be recruited by other clubs before they have had a chance to become Plus dancers and join the Hoppers. We are committed to remain a Plus club, but we also want to keep our students in the family. In an effort to provide our Mainstream students with some Happy Hopper floor time, on December 5, we will have a "Mainstream Splurge" dance. The format for this dance will be Plus tips from 7:00 to 8:00, and Mainstream tips from 8:00 to 10:30. Callers will be Jim Hattrick and Darrell Kalmbach; Dorothy Lowder will be cueing.
Marc Kahn
November 7 (1st Sat) Regular Dance
November 21 (3rd Sat) Regular Dance
7:30 to 8:00 Rounds, 8:00 to 10:30 Plus Dance
Clark County Square Dance Center, Vancouver
Caller: Jim Hattrick
Cuer: Jim Hattrick
Anyone who thinks square dancers are stodgy, stuck-in-the-mud, boring folks should have seen the bumper sticker on the car parked next to us last Saturday night at “R Square D’s” OctoberFest. It read…if I may quote:
“Square Dancing is the most fun you can have with your clothes on!”
“Oh, really?” we thought, winking at each other. “We’ve known that for a long time!”
Rocky and I enjoyed a fabulous weekend on our official River City Dancers October visitation. One fun aspect is that we see dancers whom we rarely encounter, in Kelso, Washington, at the Rose Valley Grange. It was their nineteenth anniversary, and somewhere around that number for myself and my late husband, Leonard, and now with my partner, Rocky Curtis. It has become a tradition. We don’t even have to think about it anymore…it’s the first weekend in October, when we follow our beloved callers, Les Seeley, his wife Paula, Co-caller Rene’ Rudd and her husband Gary, plus our equally beloved cuer, Tami Helms and her partner, Tim Keck.
River City Riders had a small corral on that compact dance floor, but they danced fabulously, as always. Few dancers have ever been bumped by the “knitted tail” of a horse, or swished through a barnyard of floating horse feather “poopies” later.
Thank you, R Square D’s, for another fun, friendly weekend. You are the epitome of all that square dancers have always been, neighbors to the north: a sharing, loving group: carriers of heartfelt old traditions; creators of new.
The month is young as I write! Some of us River City Dancers are going to play hooky and miss our second dance of the month to visit the coast for the Seaside Sashay. We’ll end our month at the Landmark Inn in the southern end of Lincoln City for our annual beach trip.
Life is best when it’s shared with friends and family!
November 14 (2nd Sat) Regular Dance
6:45 Plus, 7:15 pre-rounds, 7:30 to 10:30 pm Mainstream
Milwaukie Community Club, Milwaukie
Caller: Les Seeley
Cuer: Tami Helms
November 21 (3rd Sat) Regular Dance
6:45 Plus, 7:15 pre-rounds, 7:30 to 10:30 pm Mainstream
Milwaukie Community Club, Milwaukie
Caller: Les Seeley
Cuer: Tami Helms
The Ramblers look forward to closing 2015 with a bang, with two of our heavy-hitter callers coming up. On November 7, we will be dancing to Gary Monday from Seattle. Gary is one of our most popular guest callers. He’s been calling since 1984 -- starting when he was barely out of high school -- and he can call fast or slow and to all styles of music. He is also a great teacher and the club caller for Puddletown Squares in Seattle. Join us at the Milwaukie Grange at 7 p.m. on Saturday November 7 (first Saturday), and we guarantee you will not be disappointed. We alternate Mainstream and Plus tips until 9:30 -- no round dancing.
On December 5, we will welcome Anne Uebelacker from north of the border in Vancouver, BC. Anne is a regular caller for the Squares Across the Border club in Vancouver. She’s been calling since 1977. Her choreography is always interesting, and her relaxed style and easy listening voice have won her many square dance friends at all dancing levels. She has called all over North America, Europe, and Japan. This is a great opportunity to dance to one of the greats -- from 7 to 9:30 p.m. at the Milwaukie Grange.
Jeff Knapp
November 7 (1st Sat) Psychedelic Dance Party
MS and Plus tips from 7 to 9:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
Caller: Gary Monday
The Silver Stars had a wonderful excursion on our mystery trip. We traveled by car, train and bus, riding MAX, dancing at the Portland Zoo, had dinner at Izzys then boarded a bus for the ride to visit the Columbia River Dancers in Vancouver. A great time was had by all.
November and December will have us dancing on 2nd and 4th Saturdays with Chuck Garner calling 2nd Saturdays and Darrell Kalmbach on 4th Saturdays. Plus from 7-8 and mainstream from 8-10. Dorothy Lowder is our cuer and we dance at the Hazel Dell Grange for all dances.
The Silver Stars will be changing their dance nights as well as format. At the beginning of the New Year. STARTING IN JANUARY, WE WILL BE DANCING ONLY ON FOURTH FRIDAYS WITH DARRELL KALMBACH CALLING AND DOROTHY LOWDER CUEING. PRE-ROUNDS WILL BE AT 7-7:30, PLUS FROM 7:30-8, AND MAINSTREAM FROM 8-10.
November 14 (2nd Sat) Regular Dance
7:00 Plus 8:00 - 10 PM Mainstream
Hazel Dell Grange, Vancouver
Caller: Chuck Garner
Cuer: Dorothy Lowder View Flyer
November 28 (4th Sat) Regular Dance
7:00 Plus 8:00 - 10 PM Mainstream
Hazel Dell Grange, Vancouver
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Dorothy Lowder View Flyer
November 7 (1st Sat) Toys for Tots/Toy Story
7:30pm to 10:30pm
Josephine County Square Dance Hall, Grants Pass
Caller: Ray Holmes
Cuer: Marian Cook View Flyer
November 21 (3rd Sat) Turkey Trot Plus w/A1 Tips
7:30pm to 10:30pm
Josephine County Square Dance Hall, Grants Pass
Caller: Wayne Weaver
Cuer: Marian Cook View Flyer
Beachcombers will be dark for November, December and January, but will resume 4th Saturday dancers from 3-6 pm with potlucks at 6, for February, March and April. Hope to see many of you there!
November 28 (4th Sat) Regular Dance
3 PM to 6 PM
Beachcombers Cove, Port Orford
Caller: Guest Callers
Cuer: Cathy Houston
Since the OFN is published mid month, you still have time to consider the Tri-Council Dance on Halloween night. This fifth Saturday dance will be held at the Clark County Square Dance Center in Vancouver Washington and will be hosted by the Portland Area Council (PAC). The featured caller will be Darrell Kalmbach with Molly Combs cueing. Costumes are encouraged but optional. Be sure to sign in as TVC, there is always competition as to which Council has the best attendance.
Ferrous Steinka
November 23 (4th Mon) Meeting
Spaghetti Factory , Hillsboro
Delegate: Gary Clark
There have been some really great dance opportunities this fall, and we sure wish we could find a cloning machine so we could attend them all.
In September, we managed to fit in 2 visitations. We attended the Toe Draggers Anniversary dance and also attended Buzzin' Bees first dance of the season, which was Caller Bill Lundin's last dance as he is retiring from calling for the Bees. Both dances were a lot of fun and we are very glad we went!
Our dance on September 22nd was called by Renee Ruud with backup from Les Seeley, with Dorothy Lowder cuing. This was our biggest dance so far, with 64 people in attendance! WOW! It was one of those dances that you don't want to end and that is talked about long after it's over. We can only hope for more dances like this one. Thanks to Renee, Les, and Dorothy! And thank you to our guests, including the River City Dancers, the Silver Stars, the Country Cut-ups, and many others clubs for adding to the fun.
Jim Hattrick is doing a phenomenal job of teaching our lessons, and Mark Wheeler is assisting while learning the ways of “The Master” (Jim). We are following the same lesson cycle as the Happy Hoppers and hope that this will encourage students to double-up on lessons.
At the time of this writing, we look forward to October and November dances and have quite a variety of Callers and Cuers lined up, including KC Curtis with Bev Flint, Randy Dibble with Debbie Combs, Mike & Julie Stout, and Jim Hattrick. We truly appreciate our very talented Guest Callers and Cuers and the time and effort they put into preparing for and performing at our dances!
Nancy Smith for Nick Johnson
November 14 (2nd Sat) Regular Dance
7 PM plus, 8 PM Mainstream
Clark County YMCA, Vancouver
Caller: Mike Stout
Cuer: Julie Stout View Flyer
November 28 (4th Sat) Beginners' Jamboree (with 1st hour Plus)
7 PM plus, 8 PM Beginners, B-40
Clark County YMCA, Vancouver
Caller: Jim Hattrick
Cuer: Jim Hattrick View Flyer
Just over 3 squares of Eager Beavers ventured to the coast for our annual beach trip in mid September. Some stayed at the Garibaldi House and others RV'd. The weather was great and afforded us the opportunity to visit the local museum. As usual we ate, danced, played games, explored the area and had a great time.
Almost 10 squares of dancers attended the retirement celebration dance in honor of George Clark. George retired from being a regular club caller on September 28th after calling for the Eager Beavers for the past twenty one years. Among the guests there were several callers and cuers; George Herman, Jim Hattrick, Daryl Clendenin, Darrell Kalmbach, Norm Yoder, Harold Kleve, Yvonne Clendenin, Bev Flint, Joyce Hooper, Thanks to our President Sally Duyck and her many helpers for putting this celebration together.
Because this was a retirement dance and everyone was invited we danced mostly mainstream. The dance was fun and the toast/roast was well done. Most of the attendees stayed to enjoy cake and coffee, and some to say a few words. Norm Yoder was the master of ceremonies, first speaking of his and Marci's history and friendship with George and Nancy, and then asking for comments from the floor. There were many!
George and Nancy were thanked for their twenty one years of tireless service to the club and were then awarded a plaque making them honorary lifetime members of the club.
As a reminder, we have new line up of callers and cuers for our Monday dances. On 1st & 5th Mondays - Daryl Clendenin & Yvonne Clendenin, on 2nd & 4th Mondays - Darrell Kalmbach & Joyce Hooper, and on 3rd Mondays - Jim Hattrick.
All plus dancers are invited to dance with us on Monday afternoons, Rounds 1:00 - 1:30; Plus 1:30 - 3:15 p.m., at the Sunset Presbyterian Church, 14986 NW Cornell Road in Beaverton. Please check our website at www.eagerbeavers.info for up to date information or go to the OFN website for flyer: http://ofn.club.
Rachel Nettleton
November 2 (1st Mon) Regular Dance
1:00 Ph3 - 1:15 Ph2 - 1:30 to 3:15 Plus
Sunset Presbyterian Church, Beaverton
Caller: Daryl Clendenin
Cuer: Yvonne Clendenin View Flyer
November 9 (2nd Mon) Regular Dance
1:00 Ph3 - 1:15 Ph2 - 1:30 to 3:15 Plus
Sunset Presbyterian Church, Beaverton
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Joyce Hooper View Flyer
November 16 (3rd Mon) Regular Dance
1:00 Ph3 - 1:15 Ph2 - 1:30 to 3:15 Plus
Sunset Presbyterian Church, Beaverton
Caller: Jim Hattrick
Cuer: Jim Hattrick View Flyer
November 23 (4th Mon) Regular Dance
1:00 Ph3 - 1:15 Ph2 - 1:30 to 3:15 Plus
Sunset Presbyterian Church, Beaverton
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Joyce Hooper View Flyer
November 30 (5th Mon) Plus Lessons Start in February
Exact date to be determined
Sunset Presbyterian Church, Beaverton
Caller: Hattrick, Clendenin, Kalmbach View Flyer
November 30 (5th Mon) Regular Dance
1:00 Ph3 - 1:15 Ph2 - 1:30 to 3:15 Plus
Sunset Presbyterian Church, Beaverton
Caller: Daryl Clendenin
Cuer: Yvonne Clendenin View Flyer
The Hoedowners’ September was characterized by a whirlwind of various activities. This month is always a time of adjustments; kids back in school, weather cooling and wow, what a spectacular finale with the super moon eclipse.
We began the month with a visitation to Valley Squares on the 5th. It was a fine addition to the three day Labor Day weekend.
Remember when youngsters used to stuff a phone booth for fun? Well phone booths are obsolete so we had a Stuff the Bus dance on the 12th so dancers could bring school supplies to distribute to needy kids.
Sunday, October 13th was our annual Hoedowner Dinner Out. We had 28 Hoedowners get together at the Old Spaghetti Factory for a lovely dinner. After the busy summer months, it’s always a chance to catch up on summer trips and activities and fire everyone up for lessons. We also had samples of the different styles of club shirts available for order.
Our first New Dancer Lesson Sept 16th had 29 students excited to learn. We had kids, folks who have never danced and people returning to square dancing after a number of years away. Meeting new people and sharing square dancing is part of the charm and allure of our favorite activity.
September 23rd found two busy groups of Hoedowners, most being Angels at the Aloha Grange for our second New Dancer class while a smaller group attended the community dance at the Hillsboro Elks to introduce square dancing to a new audience.
Our first ever Farmer’s Market Dance was held on the 26th. We had a great visitation from Valley Squares and they reclaimed a banner. Joy Choy mixed fresh yellow and red cherry tomatoes in a bruschetta that was so good it was almost illegal. We had homemade pies, crisp apples, and a slightly creepy bunch of carrots among other delicious treats.
Hate to type in the word November but there it is. On the 14th, we’ll hold our annual Turkey Toss Dance. Have you won a turkey yet? The game is easy, bean bags aren’t so hard and the results are always fun and full of surprises.
Finally on the 28th of November we’ll have our first Soup Nite dance. After a traditional Thanksgiving menu a little soup sounds refreshing. Join us and I promise we’ll have all kinds of soup, not just turkey.
What a joy to have our new plumbing installed and functioning, even though it took longer than expected! The rooms have been redone to live up to the new fixtures. There is even a drinking fountain beside the dance floor. We hope that everyone will come to check things out and then dance with us.
Any mainstream dancers working towards an ambassador’s badge are welcome to come to one of our dances and ask for a mainstream tip. Our caller will be glad to accommodate you.
It’s not too early to start accumulating food for our annual Canned Food Dance December 19th
November 7 (1st Sat) Regular Dance
November 21 (3rd Sat) Regular Dance
Higher level Rounds 7 pm; Pre-Rounds 7:30; Squares 8-10:30
Winona Grange, Tualatin
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Jeanine Norden View Flyer
R Square D welcomed guest callers Renee Rudd and Les Seeley along with spouses Gary and Paula to our Boxcar boogie dance on the 11th of September. Best hobo costumes were Mary McDaniel and Marv Pope for the second year in a row. Although the dance hall was warm a lot of fun was had by dancers form Cougar Squares, Flutter Wheels and Happy Hoppers. Chile and Cornbread was served at the end of the dance and dancers left into the night with a full belly and a warm summer breeze to see them home.
The clubs yearly campout at Vista Park in Cathlamet was the weekend of September 18th, lots of good memories created. I hear Lonnie Sycks isn’t going to be riding with his wife Linda in the motor home again soon. We thank Ron and Lynn Waliezer for hosting our monthly meeting in their home.
Please come dance with us in November, the 13th we celebrate our veterans and on the 28th we will be kicking up our heals along to some good old Gospel tunes.
Get out and dance. For more information about the R Square D club please visit our website at www.r-square-d.info or friend us on Facebook. Caller- Craig Abercrombie, Cuer- Lonnie Sycks
“Dance is the hidden language of the soul of the body” Martha Graham
Marie Geisler
November 11 (2nd Wed) Regular Dance
November 13 (2nd Fri) Veteran's Day Dance
7:30 Plus; 8:00 - 10:00 MS w/Rounds
Kelso Senior Center, Kelso
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
Cuer: Lonnie Sycks
November 25 (4th Wed) Regular Dance
November 28 (4th Sat) Gospel Dance
7:30 Plus; 8:00 - 10:00 MS w/Rounds
Kelso Senior Center, Kelso
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
Cuer: Lonnie Sycks
Sunset Promenaders were very active in September; on the 4th we had a visitation to the Toe Dragger’s Anniversary Dance, on the 10th-13th we had a Club Campout at the Devils Lake RV Resort in Lincoln City with 43 guests and club members, on the 18th Tri Squares visitation at their anniversary, and on the 28th celebrated George Clarks retirement at the Eager Beavers dance.
At the campout the club and guests played games, did jigsaw puzzles, had a scavenger hunt, ate at Sambos on Friday night, and Saturday night we square and round danced after a big taco bar dinner.
At our November 7th dance the Promenaders will be asking for donations of food for Food Bank. Our November 21st dance theme is “Giving Thanks” asking for more non-perishable food donations for our food drive.
Thursdays of November 5th and 19th are the Promenaders Plus Dances.
Tom & Janice Sminia
November 5 (1st Thu) .Plus Dance
7:00 PM
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Ken Pratt View Flyer
November 7 (1st Sat) Food Drive Mainstream Dance
7:30 PM
IOOF HALL, Hillsboro
Caller: Mike Stout
Cuer: Ken Pratt View Flyer
November 19 (3rd Thu) Plus Dance (1st & 3rd Thursday)
7:00 PM
IOOF HALL, Hillsboro
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Ken Pratt
November 21 (3rd Sat) Giving Thanks / Food Drive Mainstream D
8:00 AM
IOOF HALL, Hillsboro
Caller: Mike Stout
Cuer: Ken Pratt
Busy month of dancing in September for the Toes. We had 16 squares of dancers for our 40th anniversary dance. Thanks to all of you that came out to support us. We followed up the next week with our special dance, “Are You Man Enough to Wear Pink?” Thank you to everyone that helped to make our dance a tremendous success with almost $2000 donated to the Susan G. Komen Foundation, to help us find a cure for cancer.
This is the month to collect food for our canned food drive. Come join in on the fun and opportunity to help us fill our food boxes to overflowing. The food will be donated to local families in need.
Nov. 14th is our annual club Progressive Dinner, with a Great Gatsby theme of the roaring twenties. Should be fun.
Our New Dancer’s Jamboree is this month. Check flyers for date and time. Hope you’ll come and bring your new square dancers. We have a fun dance planned for everyone.
Nov. 20th is a regular dance for us and on the 29th our whole club turns out to help decorate the grange for Christmas and go out to dinner together afterwards. Christmas did I really say that? How time flies when you are having fun.
Pat Olson
November 6 (1st Fri) Let's Give Thanks Dinner (6:30 pm) and D
7:30 preround, 8:00 MS
Kinton Grange, Beaverton
Caller: KC Curtis
Cuer: Bev Flint View Flyer
The Tri Squares danced away the month of September. Lessons are taking off with many students and angels. Round dance lessons are being held by Sandra Pinion and square dancing with Terry Halley. Our second set of lessons will be held during the month of January. This will include moves past B-51. We would love to see new and old faces at our events. Square dancers from all areas enhance our overall experience. Dancing with others also strengthens one another’s skills.
Tri Squares recently enjoyed an Apple Fest Dance during the month of September. The dance was filled with great music and an abundance of laughter. During the month of November our dance dates will be on November 7th and November 20th. We encourage all to join us on our ""Western Wandering" dance on the 7th of November. We also encourage you to join us on the 20th of November for our "Give Thanks...for PIE!" dance! Make sure to show up ready and to dance followed by fun and fellowship! Our dance schedules starts at 7:30 PM, We begin with 15 minutes of pre-rounds and 15 minutes of plus. At 8PM we will start mainstream with every fourth tip plus.
See you at the dance!
Leslie Woodland
November 7 (1st Sat) "Western Wandering" Dance
7:30 to 10:00 PM
Tigard Grange, Tigard
Caller: Terry Halley
Cuer: Sandra Pinion View Flyer
November 20 (3rd Fri) "Give Thanks...for PIE!" Dance
7:30 to 10:00 PM
Tigard Grange, Tigard
Caller: Terry Halley
Cuer: Sandra Pinion View Flyer
Please join us for our Trophy Dance/Honor Our Veterans Dance November 7th. Capture the Traveling Trophy by having the highest percentage of club members present. We realize this is Royal Romp weekend, but hope you can still recross the river for what will be a fun dance. Our caller that evening will be Ian Craig, with Connie Clark doing the cueing.
Our Thanksgiving Turkey Dance is Saturday, November 21. We will start our Toy Drive and the Canned Food Drive at that dance. Help us express our gratitude for the gift of square dancing - fellowship, exercise, fun! Please help other families lessen their burdens over the holiday and increase their joy through your generous contributions.
Our first Chicken Barbecue before the Tailgate Dance was a great meal at a reasonable price. Tony and Joy Choy, Larry Siemer, and Angus & Lynn McCamant concocted some yummy barbecue recipes and cooked most of the chicken on site. The salads were very tasty and the cookies fattening but hard to resist.
We started our Mastering Mainstream and Beginning Plus lessons in September and students are progressing while having fun. We had great visitations to Hoedowners and Rosetown Ramblers, and enjoyed our Back to School Dance where once again, members and guests were so generous donating school supplies.
Following the Fall Dance in October, the Wave Steppers will take a break for the winter. The club won’t be entirely dark, however. A new round of square dance classes starts Wednesday, January 13, at the Elks Lodge in downtown Tillamook; the classes, taught by club caller Joe Wrabek, run 6-8 p.m., and are absolutely free. (Joe even brings homemade cookies.)
For 2016, the Wave Steppers will be having eight dances, on the second Saturdays of March, April, May, June, July, August, September, and October. Out-of-town callers that have been approached include Jim Hattrick, Darrell Kalmbach, Mark Wheeler, and Harvey Hunsucker, and cuer Connie Clark; other dances will have club caller Joe Wrabek.
The Wave Steppers’ dances are held at Garibaldi City Hall. About two-thirds of the second floor of the building is a dance floor, built in the 1940s for the old Firemen’s Balls. The Garibaldi House hotel, half a block away, offers a discount to dancers.
We will be marching in the Veteran’s Day Parade again this year and all square dancers are welcome to come and join us. We meet behind the Douglas County Court House at 10:30 on November 11th. Please wear square dance attire, or western wear. (We try to wear red, white and/or blue.) It’s a fun parade and a great way to honor the men and women who have served our country. Mark the date on your calendar and come and join us on the parade route.
Here at the Buckeroo Barn summer is winding down and fall has set in. Fun was had by all with Dale Roberson calling our casual dance on the 5th of September. We had a nice crowd and everyone left with a smile on their face. We joined up again on the 19th with Lenny Ludiker calling our “Dog Days of Summer” dance.
Mid-September we started our mainstream lessons. We have 24 new dancers that we are enjoying getting to know. We all look forward to sharing our love of dancing with them and are excited to see them on the dance floor in the coming months! We have also begun our round dance lessons.
Come enjoy the beautiful Umpqua Valley and dance with us at the Buckeroo Barn. We love to have visitors and our Thanksgiving Potluck and Dance is just around the corner!
Happy dancing,
Robin Faltersack
November 7 (1st Sat) Apple Theme
Rounds at 7:00 Squares at 7:30 (Time changed as of Jan. 2015
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Caller: Dale Roberson
Cuer: Neil Koozer View Flyer
November 21 (3rd Sat) Harvest Potluck and Dance
Easy Mainstream 7-8 Mainstream 8-10
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Caller: Chuck Simpkins
Cuer: Neil Koozer View Flyer