Congratulations to Karyn Buchheit, Silver City Squares, and the rest of your team for organizing and sponsoring a fantastic Pacific NW Teen Festival this year! We saw kids from 5 different clubs from Oregon to Canada competing in calling, cueing, round and square dancing. Our very own Silver City youth were amazing – congratulations on your individual and team wins. Thank you to all of the participants, families, judges, volunteers, and fans. The dancing was superb, the kids were wonderful, and the volunteers were outstanding – what a great experience!
Summer Festival kicks off this year on June 22, in Grants Pass. If you haven’t already registered, please click on the link under Summer Festival in this issue and print out your registration form. Your 2018 Summer Festival Committee has put on a great program for your enjoyment. They have something planned for everyone. There is also a complete Youth Program – check out the schedules in this month’s OFN. You can also find up-to-date information on the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Club’s Facebook Page.
I am excited to announce that during our last OFSRDC Board Meeting, the Delegates and Officers voted to host the 2019 Summer Festival in Salem, on July 19-21, 2019. If you’d like to help plan Saturday’s After Party during this year’s Summer Festival, please contact me. Watch for more information in upcoming issues. “Let’s Get Together in 2019”.
Kathy Roberts
OFSRDC President
With the warm weather, many clubs go dark for the summer months. Be sure to check the Where & When before you drive to make sure your target dance is still on.
Marilyn Schmit stumbled across a set of minutes from Federation meetings in the 1960s and 1970s. There are lots of familiar names (Fran Westphal, Ed Warmoth, Buddy Randall). The Federation changed it's name in 1976 from "Oregon Federation of Square Dance Clubs" to "Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs". At that point, there were 15 councils instead of the current 10. Many know about the Eastern Oregon Council, the Lincoln-Tillamook Council, and the Sunset Empire Council, all of which are fairly recent losses, but there also used to be a dedicated Teen Council, and a "Three Valleys Council".
I've scanned these minutes and made them available on the Mintues and Agendas page.
Click here to find out how to get your information into the OFN, including dances, lessons, photos, flyers, advertisements, and caller/cuer information.
We have set up an email mailing list to notify people when a new edition of the online OFN is available, and for other important news about the OFN. To subscribe to this mailing list, just fill out this information:
At the April 29 Federation meeting, the ballots were counted for your 2018-19 officers. President will be Lorri McIntosh, 1st Vice President Karyn Buchheit, 2nd Vice President Gary Clark, Secretary Tim Hagey, Treasurer Lane Clem, and Membership Chairman Patty Cooper. A big thanks to these folks for offering us their services.
The Federation's next executive board meeting will be on June 24 at the Summer Festival in Grants Pass.
Oregon's 2018 Summer Festival will be held at the Josephine County Fairgrounds in Grants Pass on June 22-24, 2018. You can download the weekend scheduled here, and download your registration form here.
Start planning for Mid-Winter Festival 2019, January 25, 26 and 27, 2019.
The 67th National Square Dance Convention® will be held in Kansas City, Missouri, June 27-30, 2018.
USAWest 2018 will be held in Reno, Nevada, August 16-18, 2018.
All clubs in the Oregon Federation are required to maintain their status as non-profit corporations with the State of Oregon. The Secretary of State's office mails out a renewal notice about a month before your registration expires every year. The following clubs expire this month:
June 10 -- Spin Cycle Squares
June 15 -- Cascade Callers & Cuers Assoc
June 19 -- Hayshakers
June 25 -- Oaky Doaks
Download a complete list of the Federation club dances this month, all sorted by date and city.
Everything in the When & Where is extracted from the state directory information. If you find that your club information is wrong, you can fix that by going to the directory information area and fixing your data.
Click on the title to see the article.
Kirby W. Goode
August 18, 1932 - May 14, 2018
Kirby passed away at home Monday morning, May 14, 2018. He had been on 'in home' hospice since November of 2016. With the care received from his wife, Christina Corelli, Peace Health Hospice and caregiver, Jake Westra, Kirby hung in there for over a year. With the needed oxygen, meds and care he felt pretty good until towards the end when breathing was difficult, and he was tired. While on oxygen Kirby's hair started to grow, and Christina had to purchase good barber shears to cut it. Up to that point his hair didn't grow at all. Interesting how oxygen aids our health and well-being.
Kirby's square dancing career started back in 1960 with Independence Wagon Wheelers. He also round danced before there were cuers. Round dances were memorized after the caller taught it. Many dancers purchased round dance 45's which were complete with cue sheets that we would find difficult to decipher now.
He started calling in 1991 and called through Plus. He called at a couple of national conventions which he loved. He had an enormous amount of fun on the stage and had a wondrous rapport with the dancers. He was on the program in Penticton, B.C. for many years and was an emcee a number of times.
Kirby taught and called for Danebo Circle 8 for several years before retiring. His greatest love was teaching people how to square dance. The youngest students were twin boys, Simon and Elliott Ewing, who were six. They did well. Their dad, Bob Ewing, learned to call. Kirby mentored several first callers and taught them the ropes. He taught rounds with Christina until the last few years when he was too tired to do so. They danced with Ron and Mary Noble's Rounds R Us advanced round dance group, then with Jeanine and Paul Norden, and David Vomocil and Kathy Baumhardt. They were members of Rounds R Us for many years. Kirby was also club caller for the Spin Cycle Squares.
Kirby, along with his dear friend, Leonard Snodgrass, attended Jerry Bradley's caller school in Portland in 1993. Kirby also worked with two professional voice coaches. He was a member of Cascade Callers and Cuers Association, Roundalab, American Callers Association and CallerLab.
Kirby's passing leaves a huge hole in our hearts and lives, but we realize he is no longer in pain, breathing well and in the company of great callers, cuers and dancers who have gone on before him.
Kirby's 'other' career included being a purchasing agent for Flomacher in Corvallis, a retailer for Sears in Tuscon and then an elementary teacher in Junction City and Harrisburg. He taught driver's education at the Junction City High School before his retirement.
We suggest memorial donations either to the Emerald Square Dance Center, or to Green Hill Humane Society, 88530 Green Hill Road, Eugene, OR 97402, or to a local animal shelter. Kirby always wanted visitors to bring their dogs along.
A memorial gathering will be held June 9th, second Saturday, at the Emerald Dance Center, 2095 Yolanda, Springfield, OR 97477 at 1:30 with music, color guard, sharing and a potluck. Please wear your badge if you have one.
Your support, love and prayers have sustained him and Christina too in this arduous journey,
Thank you!
Christina Corelli
You can download this list of callers and cuers who are available and ready to call or cue a dance for you.
June's Oregon Round of the Month is "Indian Lake", by The Cowsills, Phase II Two-Step, choreographed by Charlie Brown & Linda Cooley. This was chosen by Rogue-Sis-Q Council. Download your cue sheet here.
For more information on the Round of the Month, please contact .
Everything in this section is taken from the state directory information. If you find that your class information is wrong, you can fix that by going to the directory information area and picking to the "Lessons" tab.
Click a thumbnail to download the flyer.
Please support our advertisers, since they help support the magazine. Click a thumbnail to see the full advertisement.
Click a thumbnail to see the full-sized picture.
Click a council name to go directly to that section.
Then our next scheduled dances are September 29 and December 29. We'll have to decide whether or not we';ll actually have a dance December 29 since New Year's Eve is just a couple of days later. .
Keep on dancing, calling and cueing for FUN
Christina Corelli
On April 22 some Single Trees and members of our sister clubs in the EEAC went south to visit the Timber 8’s who were celebrating their anniversary with not only birthday cake (delicious by the way) but also with the Umpqua Valley Boys, Dale Robertson, former caller for Single Trees 1986 to 1996 and Don Marshall who was visiting from his new home in Texas and was also once upon a time a caller for Single Trees when he resided in the Eugene area. They are always a delight to dance to and it always brings back so many good memories. The Timber 8's and Buckeroos are such gracious hots. Do be sure to go visit them soon.
Please come and join us for our Reigning Cats and Dogs Dance, a benefit for Greenhill Humane Society, to be held Friday, June 8. Donations of pet food and other items relating to the care of pets are welcome. Jim Hattrick and Jackie Gale will be calling and cueing for us that night so we know it will be a fun dance.
Gaynor Hintz
We are dark May 27 for Memorial Day weekend.
Happy dancing!
Christina Corelli
We will be dark in July and August for our regular dance night, but will be hosting a Community Dance party at the LDS McMinnville church in August to hopefully attract new dancers. Come and join us.
Remember we're at the Dayton Palmer Creek Lodge starting at 7 p.m. on the third Saturday of the month. Come make a new friend. Carmen
In June, we will have our members' annual summer kick-off potluck, and talk about plans for the fall. We'll be holding mainstream lessons again, and are already talking it up with co-workers, neighbors, and friends! Karen
We are thrilled that our new club cuer, Patty Hermann, is on the job and doing great. We extend a hearty invitation to all dancers to come enjoy dancing at IWW dances (Polk County Fairgrounds, Rickreall). It is always a fun evening under the guidance of the Hermann Dynamic Duo, our new cuer Patty and her husband/club caller George. By the time you read this, we will have had our Kentucky Derby Dance on May 5, with non-alcoholic mint juleps and a chance for the ladies to wear Kentucky Derby style fancy hats.
Come dance with us at the Polk County Fairgrounds on the first and second Saturdays of the month. Dee and Bert Mackaman
May also means getting everything ready for our Strawberry Festival weekend June 1, 2, & 3. For months we have been collecting items and soliciting merchants for the silent Auction, which is chaired by Kaynor Heineck. RVs will be coming in on Friday (June 1) and there will be a Spaghetti Dinner for all prior to the dance. Our club participates in the big Strawberry Festival parade on Saturday morning. Then there's a potluck on Saturday prior to the dance on Saturday night. Our caller will be Andy Garboden from Washington. Andy grew up in Lebanon and we are excited to welcome him "back home" for our Festival dance. Jackie Gale will be cueing. Of course strawberry shortcake will be served at break time. An experienced clothing sale will be another feature of our weekend. We conclude the time with a Sunday morning breakfast. It will be a glorious weekend and we hope you all will come and enjoy the fun. See you in a square! Marilyn York
May is a sad month for us as we say goodbye to our cuer, Cheryl Manley and her husband Geof, as they prepare to move to Blackfoot, ID. Cheryl will finish the Jive class at the end of May. She will be moving closer to her family. They have purchased a house and are working on getting their house in Canby ready to sell.
The club is celebrating 42 years on June 14. It will be a two-hour dance with Ken Pratt as the MC. Hope you can join us. Maybe Cheryl will still be around so she can attend also.
We will have a new schedule for the summer with Cheryl’s departure. On the second and fourth Thursdays, Ken Pratt will come down and continue our Phase 3-4 routine that we are used to from 6:30 to 9:30 pm. The big change will be the first, third, and fifth Thursdays when Stephanie Lozano will step up and take over the cueing duties. She will cue Phase 2 and easy Phase 3’s to bridge the gap between Phase 2 classes and taking Intermediate level classes. Her dance partner, Leonard Snodgrass, is learning to cue also, and will help her instruct any class we decide to have in the fall. The time for Stephanie’s events is 7-9 pm. It will be floor time for all involved and we invite dancers to come and work out some problems with any move that is giving you a fit to do correctly. Floor time will be the drawing point for all concerned. A much needed product for the easy level dancers who need some extra guidance. Marilyn Schmit
We held elections at our April 20 dance. Results are: President - Sheila Machado, Vice President - Richard Smith, Treasurer- Terry McCarty, Secretary - Harriet Livingston, Membership Chair - Danny Rickard, Sunshine - Lanie Rickard, Area Delegate - Manuel Machado, OFN Reporter - Sheila Machado. Thank you to all who voted. Thanks also to Silver City Squares who made a visitation to our Birthday Dance. They took home one of the four banners we have of theirs.
We dance all year round. The hall is air conditioned so we can keep it cool inside even when the temperatures soar outside. We dance on the first and third Fridays of the month. Pre-Rounds begin at 7:00 pm, with Plus at 7:30 pm. Mainstream with Rounds 8:00 -10:15 pm followed by a final Plus tip. If there is a fifth Friday in the month, we will have a Plus Dance. (June 29) and (August 31) Pre-Rounds at 7:00 pm, Advanced at 7:30 pm, Plus with Rounds 8:00 -10:15 pm followed by a final Advanced tip. Cost is just a mere $6.00 per dancer. So come join us for a great time. See you all on the dance floor. Sheila
Now for the results: Julia Buchheit placed third in Junior Cueing; Yesenia Vallejo-Mourer placed second in Junior Calling; Silver Knights placed second in Novice Squares; Silver Dragons took Champion in Intermediate Squares and we won one of the promotion awards. Our two preteen girls, Jasmine Mauro and Kailee Shields, who helped out the Delta Sundancer's Preteen Square, received second place awards.
People seemed to enjoy the location and the event. Mom (Karyn Buchheit) will find out for sure about next year at the committee meeting in June.
Thank you to everyone who came to our May dance. We all enjoyed the spaghetti dinner and we got to check out the trophies up close. Mom took them in to be engraved the next Monday.
We are now dark until our September dance, but we will try to be out some during the summer. See you at a dance soon. Petrina Buchheit
Sandy Harris was the caller and Judy Russell was the Cuer. A guest caller and guest cuer helped out. Everyone enjoyed the array of food items, and everyone seemed to have a great time! Jodee Howard
Lotta Fluff
Our Hall is not air-conditioned so it gets too hot to dance there in the summer. We're planning to make many visitations this summer and we hope to see you in a square.
We are making a change to our programming yet again as we try to find our happy place. We will be starting preplus on the third Saturday Dance of the month. That means we will do plus starting at 7 followed by mainstream at 7:30 with every third tip being Plus. The dance we have on the first Saturday of the month will still start with pre-rounds at 7.
As we end our season we are looking forward and planning lessons for September. We will start beginner lessons on Sunday September 9th at 6 p.m. at the Hazel Dell Grange. We will then add in plus lessons on Sunday September 30th at 4 p.m. with a break between plus and mainstream.
For the last two summers our caller, K. C. Curtis, has done square dance lessons one day a week in the month of August at Lakeshore Athletic Club. It looks like he will be doing that again this year. Watch for further information. Angels from all clubs are greatly appreciated because the lessons are usually in the morning. If we don't see you at our Hawaiian dance in June, We Wish You a healthy and happy summer of dancing.
Debbie Broers
Silver City Squares did well. In the Junior-class level, the Silver Knights took second (2nd) in Squares Display, Yesenia Vallejo-Mourer, of Silver City Squares (SCS), placed 2nd as Junior-class Caller and the Silver Dragons (Intermediate class) took the first (1st) place Trophy for Best in Squares!!
Chaps and Petticoats took the Portland Area Council's Bear-Mascot, "Beary PAC Potter" home from the PAC 5th Friday dance on March 30, 2018. "Beary Potter" was previously awarded to Country Cut-Ups and presently holds Honorary Club Membership with two clubs: Country Cut-Ups & Chaps and Petticoats. Would you like to visit "Beary"? Join the Chaps and Petticoats on June 1st (Scott Zinser calls and Sandra Pinion cues) or come to our "50's & 60's" Dance on June 15th at the Maplewood Grange (Terry Halley calls and Ken Pratt cues) ... "Beary" will be waiting to meet you!
If you attend the PAC's fifth Friday dance on June 29th, and have greatest percentage of Club members in attendance, you too can win a visit from "Beary."
See you in square...
Happy Feet, Betty Chipps
If you are worried about the heat, then you will be excited to know we are moving forward with plans for our outdoor dance floor. We want to thank all of you who helped us raise money for this at the Murder Mystery Play and Dance in March. We will start using it when it is finished on any dance where the weather permits. We are looking forward to dancing under the stars!
Dan Nordbye will continue his series of Mainstream Funshops on Monday nights from 7 to 9 PM at the Boring Barn. He is helping the dancers iron out problem spots and be more flexible in their dancing. If you feel like you need a challenge or you are not yet confident in your dancing, let Dan help you!
In spite of dancing in Boring, the Cut-Ups are NOT boring dancers! We love to have a good time and are happy to have you come out and enjoy a good time with us.
Beverly De La Bruere
The good news is that we are currently looking at two good potential locations for our dance season which starts in September. Even better news for our club members and the dancing community is that on Friday, June 8th, we will be having a trial dance at one of the locations, the Salmon Creek United Methodist Church, 12217 NE Highway 99, Vancouver, WA. The dance will be from 7:30 until 9:30 with Craig Abercrombie calling and Dorothy Lowder cueing. Jim Hattrick was not available to call on this date. All square dancers are welcome to attend. Keep watching for further updates about our new location and plan to come and dance with us as we settle in to our new home in September!
Before going dark for the summer, the Hoppers have traditionally ended our dance year with a strawberry shortcake dance, and this year will be no exception. What can be better than fresh strawberry shortcake, a great dance, and fellowship with friends? So, mark your calendars for June 16th and plan to dance with us and share the final square dance to be held at the Clark County Square Dance Center.
Jean Tolstrup
Our club caller Darrell Kalmbach will be back and calling our dances in June. Our second dance in June (June 9 ) will be our club anniversary dance and promises to be a lot of fun .Our retired former club caller Les Seeley will be coming back for a visit from his home in Arizona and will be calling our club dance on July 14. You will not want to miss these special dances.
Our hall is air conditioned and we dance all summer every second and third Saturday at Milwaukie Community Center in Milwaukie.
Our visitations to other clubs are going strong. We have a visitation each month. We have collected the following banners : Valley Squares, Hoedowners , Tumbleweeds, Chaps and Petticoats, Silver Stars, Columbia River Dancers, Toe Draggers, Charlie Brown Squares, and Prairie Steppers. We welcome these and all clubs to come visit us.
Hope to see you in a square,
Carol Mendenhall
Our last monthly dance before our summer break will be on June 9 at the Milwaukie Grange. One of our most popular callers, Don Wood from Lacey/Olympia, will be behind the mic. The hijinks start at 7:30.
Finally, we want to put in a plug for our annual three-day dance weekend, Scares and Squares. You can find our flyer in the special dances section of the newsletter. We will be dancing October 26-28, 2018 at a venue that is new to us, but very familiar to many dancers: the Oak Grove Community Club. We will have three internationally famous callers: Mike Kellogg, Kris Jensen, and Gary Monday. Our event features 15 hours of dancing, Friday supper, Saturday banquet, snacks, costume contest, and Ramblers’ hospitality. The cost for the entire weekend is $85. Some people balk at the cost, but if you think what it would cost to go to a square dance convention or even an out-of-town weekend, the cost is quite reasonable. You can sleep in the comfort of your own bed and still dance to some of the planet’s best callers. If you have any questions, please send an email to We hope to see you in October!
Jeffrey Knapp
Summer Festival is just around the corner.
If there are questions, please contact either Lorri McIntosh or Elaine Funk — the Co-Chairmen.
The next 5th Friday Council dance will be on June 29, in Grants Pass with Wayne Weaver calling and Elaine Funk cueing.
This will be the last time Wayne will call a Council dance before he retires, that is, unless we can catch him on the fly for a dance in the future.
Things are also in the planning stages for the next "Fountain of Youth" dance on July 6, 2018. Stay tuned for more information.
PLEASE support the Council and the Clubs in the Rogue Valley. Everyone needs all the support they can get. Times are "skinny", so, please come out and help by supporting your local clubs. We don't want to lose any clubs because of non-support from the dancers.
The next Council meeting will be June 5, 2018 at Denny's Restaurant on Biddle Road at 4:30pm.
Lois & Lorri
We are so excited and I can't wait to report on it next month!!
There is still time to get your ribbons and enjoy the fabulous Tony Oxendine & Sharon Parker!!! We will also be going on a jet boat trip Monday-contact a committee member to ask about our group number and join us on the same boat! Last year we almost filled the boat with all dancers; let's shoot for the same this year!
Our January class graduated May 17th!! Be sure to welcome our new dancers into a square at your next dance or festival!!
May 19th we welcomed the wonderful George & Patty Hermann to our hall as we celebrated our American Heroes!!
Such a fun duo!
May 29th we are trying something new with an 8 week Fast Track Class; this is a fast paced session where new dancers (or re-treads) will learn most of the Mainstream calls. Starts at 7 and goes til 9. $40 gets you the whole session and an additional $5 gets you in the dance to show off your skills at the end!
June 2nd we welcome Terry Halley & Steve Murphy as they dance under the big top!! Should be a wonderful and fun dance!!!
We will be dark on June 16th - as the Circle N Squares puts on their annual GoldDiggers Dance.
Looking ahead to July 7th - mark your calendars as you don't want to miss this wonderful dance!! The talented Bronc Wise will be center stage at the Charlie's!! 230-4 he will do an advanced workshop. Come back at 6-730 for an A2 dance and then Rikki Lobato will cue pre-rounds 730-8. We will then do Alternating MS & Plus tips and rounds in between. Something for everyone! You don't want to miss this!!! I've heard that we may be getting some visitors - so let's fill the hall!!!
We will end the summer with an all-skate dance for newer graduates and all dancers - Mainstream and Plus dance with Chuck Simpkins calling and Rikki Lobato cueing.
We are dark for August due to Fair and will also be dark during the Labor Day weekend and Yreka's birthday dance in September. However, we will be dancing all over the place during the summer!!
USA West is in Reno this year and will be a wonderful time!!! Diamond Lake will be a fabulous event with Hunter Keller & MaryAnn Callahan, as well as Wayne Weaver!! We are also looking forward to hosting the June Council dance with Wayne & Elaine Funk. This will be Wayne's last council dance as the entertainer. Summer Festival will be at our hall in Grants Pass and we hope to see lots of friends.
So much fun, dancing and laughter to be had!!! See you somewhere soon!!
Our next big dance is the GOLD DIGGERS Dance celebrating 50 years on Saturday, June 16, 2018 nestled between the Buckaroo Round Up the week before and the Oregon Summer Festival the following week.
See you on the dance floor.
In the meantime, we are dancing at the other clubs in our Council. Summer Festival is the middle of June in Grants Pass and Stars Diamond Lake Festival is the end of July. We also try to get out of the area and see what the rest of the Square Dance World looks like. There is always Yreka, Klamath Falls or Roseburg. The Gold Digger Dance is in Yreka on June 16, the Buckeroo Roundup is June 8 & 9 and the Potato Festival is in Klamath Falls the middle of October. The list goes on & on.
Our July 20 dance is "Potluck Birthday Party for the United States". The caller will be Phil Ramey and the cuer will be Elaine Funk. The Potluck starts at 5:30. See the flyer for details. This dance is for any dancer who likes a good time and for the recent graduates (both September and January classes).
We are still working on the future for The Rogue Squares.
See you in a square.
Carl & Lois
Boatnik and Mary's Party and Buckaroo Roundup and Summer Festival and Diamond Lake and Yreka and Klamath Falls and Port Orford and Winston Wildlife and and and.. There sure is a great amount of dancing planned for the Summer.
Wayne Weaver's Retirement Party will be at the RVSDC on August 11.....Looks like a potluck and dancing and visiting and dancing and guest callers and oh yeah....retirement stuff for Wayne!!! Sure hope to see lots and lots of people. There will be no admission charge. Watch for the flyer for all the particulars and be there to bid fond farewell......................................
The club will be dark for Boatnik and Summerfest and Diamond Lake and classes will start the second Thursday in September.
Ladies to the center for a teacup chain...........
The next TVC event will be a very special dance with a very different format. On the 5th Saturday, June 30th, there will be a Mainstream to Advance event at the Aloha Grange, Scott Zinser calling and Jeanine Norden cueing. The format is: 1 hour Mainstream & Level 2-3 Rounds w/Plus intro, followed by 1 hour Plus & Level 3-5 Rounds w/Advanced intro. This dance is co-hosted by the Valley Squares.
The 2018 anniversary dance attendance record held by the Columbia River Dancers with 115 was shattered by the April 7th Valley Squares Anniversary dance with a total overall attendance of 135! A return visitation from Kirkland WA helped bolster the total by bringing 21 dancers! Big dance!! A week later the R Square D held their Anniversary dance on the 13th in Kelso WA. Even with 2 inches of rain in 2 hours, 125 attendees braved the weather and the hall was rockin'! Then on Sunday the 15th, the Eager Beavers had their anniversary dance in Hillsboro. A mid afternoon time and limited parking hampered things a bit but they too managed 125 attendees! Next, on Wednesday the 25th, the Tualatin Timber Squares celebrated their Anniversary at the Winona Grange. Exact numbers are not available but the Grange and parking lots were full!
Since the OFN is published mid month, you may still have time to plan on the Hayshakers 66th Anniversary dance on May 18th, 7 to 9pm, at the Pacific Grange, 90475 Hwy 101, Cullaby Lake in Warrenton. Craig Abercrombie calling with Lonnie Sycks cueing. For information call Sylvia (503) 325-8109 or Kathy (503) 861-2726.
Ferrous Steinka
We have had a wonderful group of students learning plus and nearing the end of their lessons in May. Welcome these new and well trained dancers. Both callers and students have been working diligently to perfect the moves. Our callers deserve some special thanks. Congratulations to all the new plus dancers and enjoy your new skills.
Our Anniversary dance was very successful with our total attendance being 125. Our callers and cuers were outstanding. Thanks to all for your great support and thanks to all the callers and volunteers who worked so hard to make the Anniversary Dance so special. Speaking of special, our retired caller, George Clark and his wife Nancy, were surprised and pleased to receive the Swenson Award for their dedication to our club and support of square dancing. They certainly deserved the recognition.
Even if you have a job, you can join us once in a while; we usually dance on holidays. Our three callers keep us on our toes as each week one seems to have some new twist to keep our minds sharp. "Plus Workshop" noon to 1:15 and our regular dance is 1:15 to 3:00 pm, at the Sunset Presbyterian Church, 14986 NW Cornell Road in Beaverton.
Please check for up to date information at or OFN website:
Rachel Nettleton
Sylvia Davis
We filled the floor for our April 28th Hope to “Sea” You Dance. Beach balls, mermaids, sandcastles, and shells were scattered about but it was the bathing beauties hanging on the walls that had everyone talking. Their swimsuits varied from oh, so modest to holy cow! Those couples may be a little wooden when it comes to dancing but they certainly have been putting on a fashion show in April. We’ll keep you posted.
I have to mention this new face that’s been lingering about for the month of April. Svelte he’s not but oh so cuddly and really quite large for his family. He’s frequently referred to as “The Traveling Bear”. He came home with the Wolter's after a April Hoedowner visitation to Sunset Promenaders and you’ll have to watch the OFN as to when your club can claim him and take him home.
What does June have in store for the Hoedowners? STRAWBERRIES! We’ll be dining a la Oregon with our Strawberry dance on June 9th.
Hold on, wait for this, on June 23rd we’ll be celebrating Parenthood. Hey, we all had parents and this is our evening to acknowledge moms and dads of all generations.
Krystal Laas
We continue to enjoy all the folks coming to the lessons, appreciating seeing longer time friends and making newer ones.
As usual, our special summer dances will be coming along. Dates haven't been set for sure for the three: the Red, White, and Blue Dance, the Root Beer Float Dance and our Watermelon dance. A sweet windup to some great dancing.
Patty Bonney
R Square D brought a square to celebrate Eager Beaver's anniversary dance in Hillsboro the following Sunday. We brought home one of their banners. I guess they will be coming back.
We were dark April 28th, for those Sashayer festivals on the east side and west side.
Come and join us as we dance the summer away. Starting in June and continuing through August we dance on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. During the summer months casual attire is OK if not advisable as we do no have air conditioning. We continue with our normal format; 7:00pm - 8:00 pm Plus, and 8:00pm - 10:00pm Mainstream with rounds. Most summer dances involve ice cream for break.
For more information about us please visit our website at or friend us on Facebook. Our caller for R Square D is Craig Abercrombie and our cuer is Lonnie Sycks.
Annie Arnsdorf
The Promenaders Plus dances will be on June 7th with Darrell Kalmbach and June 21st with Daryl Clendenin calling.
We have had a really good square dance class this year with graduation on May 20th. Mike and Julie Stout have done an outstanding job this year teaching and drilling them in the square dance moves and the angels have also been supportive of the class. We have several new club members from our efforts and that is important as our member numbers have been going down in the last few years.
We have also been having a good turnout for Round Dance lessons and workshops with Ken and Dianne Pratt instructing. We have been doing phase 2 two-step, and Cha-Cha in one group and working through Jive in another group up into phase four. We are about to finish for the summer. So much to learn and so little time, enjoying it.
It has been a busy time going to several anniversary dances recently. The club has a bunch of banners and are eager to return them to their home club, please come visit us we really enjoy visitors. Have a great summer, be safe, and keep on dancing.
Our schedule for all dances is Intermediate Rounds at 7:00, Mainstream at 7:30 until 9:30 with a break time following. Additional parking is available at the bank across the street. The Location is IOOF Hall (upstairs) at 267 E. Main St. in Hillsboro. 503-805-5867 for information.
Please check out our new website at
Tom & Janice Sminia
May 4th was our Fillies and Lillies / Derby Theme Dance. Everyone came dressed in their best Kentucky Derby outfits and had a fun filled evening. May 18th will be our regular dance for the month. KC and Linda and Bev and Harlan will all be there to make sure our dancing will be fun and challenging.
June here we come. The club has voted on new officers and they are ready to go. Thank you to each of you for stepping up to help our club to have a great year ahead of us. June 1st is our 50’s and 60’s Sock Hop. I always love this dance because of the fun costumes we can come up with to dance the night away. Ice Cream Sundaes will be served. Looking forward to our club June Progressive Dinner to held at 3 different homes on a Sunday afternoon. Our one clue to the theme is to wear something red. Should be a fun night with yummy food, wonderful friends and a surprise to what’s the red all about? June 5th is our regular dance and we hope you’ll come and join us.
Casual attire is our come as you are for the months of June, July and August dances. We are trying to beat the heat. Short sleeve shirts and short pants are what we’ll be wearing.
July 6th is our All-American Dance. How about joining us for a good old hometown picnic? We look forward to our times together and hope you’ll come and dance with us over the summer months.
Pat Olson
In June we're looking forward to our last two dances, on June 9th ("It's a Grand Old Flag") and June 22nd ("Berry Best Ice Cream Social") before we go dark for July and August. And we're taking a June mystery trip to who-knows-where!
Gloria Davis
Our classes are continuing on Wednesday nights with mainstream. We would love your help with angels! It’s always nice to have multiple squares out on the floor while teaching.
Janienne Alexander
Please join us for our Strawberry Dance June 2nd at Aloha Grange. Scott Zinser is calling & Connie Clark cueing. We have added a Mainstream Workshop for students and new dancers at 6 pm before our regular MS with Plus on the hour.
We expect 50 new dancers to sample our fun activity as Wells Fargo holds a get acquainted dance this month. Date & location TBD. Angels are always appreciated.
In addition to our 1st & 3rd Saturday dances, we will also be hosting the TVC 5th Saturday Dance at Aloha Grange June 30th.
New officers are Carolene Siebert- President, Pete Cooper - Vice President, Cheryl Kahler - Secretary, Andis Garuts, Treasurer. TVC reps are Julie Cooper & Dorothy Reed.
Aloha Grange is air-conditioned so please put us on your summer dance calendar.
Patt Hawthorne
The Wave Steppers’ June 9th dance will again be a Hawaiian Dance, with caller Mike Stout and cuer Julie Stout. The club’s dances are on the second Saturday of the month, on the Dance Floor at Garibaldi City Hall, 107 Sixth St. (at Acacia) in downtown Garibaldi. Garibaldi is 9 miles north of Tillamook on US 101. The dances all start at 7 p.m.
The Club’s “Beach Dance” on Saturday, July 14th will have club caller Joe Wrabek and cuer Connie Clark. The “County Fair Dance,” which happens the last day of the Tillamook County Fair, Saturday, August 11th, will have caller Joe Wrabek and line dance instructor Gwen Kiel. The club’s anniversary dance Saturday, September 8th, will again be an “Elvis Dance,” with caller Mark Wheeler as Elvis, and cuer Connie Clark. And the last dance of the 2016 season—a “Fall Dance” Saturday, Oct. 13th—will have club caller Joe Wrabek and line dancing with Gwen Kiel.
The Wave Steppers’ free square dance classes continue on Wednesdays, 6 to 8 p.m. at the Tillamook Elks Lodge, 1907 Third St. in downtown Tillamook. The club has also been providing angels to the Hayshakers’ square dance classes in Warrenton on the first and third Fridays.
Joe Wrabek
Lessons and workshops are moving forward and going well for us. Our current group of students are moving along quite well and we are looking forward to seeing them out on the dance floor. We hope to see many of them at our upcoming Round-Up!
Remember that we are only a short drive on I5 from both Portland and Medford. We would love to see you at the barn!
Keep dancing,
Robin P. Faltersack