As you hold your elections for next year's officers, remember to go enter that information in the Federation's membership web site, both to keep the state directory current, and so that we know how to contact you. Ballots for the constitutional amendment are on their way to your club secretary, and if the address isn't current, you might miss out on your opportunity to vote.
The membership page is at
Click here to find out how to get your information into the OFN, including dances, lessons, photos, flyers, advertisements, and caller/cuer information.
We have set up an email mailing list to notify people when a new edition of the online OFN is available, and for other important news about the OFN. To subscribe to this mailing list, just fill out this information:
The Federation's executive board met on May 5 at the Rogue Valley Square Dance Center in Medford. The slate of officers for the 2019-20 square dance was announced:
A big thanks to all of these people who give of their time to help square dancing in Oregon.
The board approved an amendment to the Federation's constitution to include line dance clubs in the list of organizations eligible for Federation membership. This proposal will be sent to the clubs for ratification. Please return the ballots well ahead of the Summer Festival meeting..
The next meeting will be at the Summer Festival in Salem on July 21.
See a full article about special events at the Summer Festival in the articles section.
We hope you are planning to attend the 2019 Summer Festival, to be held at the Blanchet School in Salem on July 19-21, 2019. This festival is sponsored by the entire Federation Board.
You can view the festival schedule on the Festival web site here.
Oregon's Mid-Winter Festival 2020 will be held January 24, 25 and 26, 2020, at the Linn County Fairgrounds in Albany.
The 68th National Square Dance Convention® will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, June 26-29, 2019.
The 69th National Square Dance Convention® will be held in nearby Spokane, Washington, June 18-21, 2020.
All clubs in the Oregon Federation are required to maintain their status as non-profit corporations with the State of Oregon. The Secretary of State's office mails out a renewal notice about a month before your registration expires every year. The following clubs expire this month:
June 10 -- Spin Cycle Squares
June 15 -- Cascade Callers & Cuers Assoc
June 19 -- Hayshakers
June 25 -- Oaky Doaks
Download a complete list of the Federation club dances this month, all sorted by date and city.
Everything in the When & Where is extracted from the state directory information. If you find that your club information is wrong, you can fix that by going to the directory information area and fixing your data.
Click on the title to see the article.
The first of many special events during Summer Festival has us dancing on the Oregon’s State Capitol steps on Friday, July 19th. You can drive directly to the State Capitol at 900 Court St. NE, or drive to Blanchet Catholic School and catch a ride on the Cherriots, Salem’s Public Transportation at 9:40 am. The Mainstream square dance on the steps with Leonard Snodgrass starts at 10:30 am and lasts for 2 hours. Be sure to wear colorful, comfortable clothes and shoes. After the dance, Cherriots will deliver you back to the school in time to for you to purchase a hamburger, hotdog or other food item at the Youth Concessions Stand. Dancing starts in the halls at 2:00 pm. A Cherriots round trip costs $3.25 for adults and $1.50 for youth and seniors. If you’d like to walk around the capitol area, Cherriots sends a bus to Blanchet every 15 minutes. For more information, please check out Lorri McIntosh’s article on the “Oregon Summer Festival 2019” Facebook page.
On Saturday, there will be fun games for the youth, with an opportunity to win a prize basket. Our Funsters, Lee Ashwill and Dave Cooper, will also be leading a fun activity outside on one of the fields Saturday afternoon. You’ll have to come to see what fun activity they have arranged for us! Mid-Winter Chairmen Aaron and Linda Gibbens and committee are working on their Promo Party with Janienne Alexander on Saturday from 4:00-4:45 pm in the Mainstream Hall. Come hear about their plans for Mid-Winter 2020.
On Saturday, there will also be a special Educational Seminar on how to keep your club legally healthy led by Tim Roberts, OFSRDC Parliamentarian. Tim will be joined by Lane Clem, OFSRDC Treasurer and other guests who will present information and answer your questions about how to establish a club, how to keep your existing club healthy, what forms you need to complete for the IRS, what things are required by law for non-profit clubs, and more. Please bring your questions and join Tim, Lane and other speakers on Saturday, July 20th from 3:00-4:00 pm in the Education Room.
On Sunday, dancing will start in the Mainstream Hall at 9:00 am with callers and cuers from around the state in an Open Mic format led by Caller MC Phil Ramey and Cuer MC Mark McDonald. MaryAnn Callahan will be conducting a Phase IV Teach in the Round Dance Hall, followed by a Round Dance Review. Back in our Mainstream Hall between 11:00-1:00 pm, we will have a very special Trail’s Out Dance with Featured Caller Michael Kellogg and Featured Cuer MaryAnn Callahan. You won’t want to miss this special day of dancing before you start your trek home.
Our Summer Festival Quilt, “We Are One” will be on display next to the Registration Table. This unique one of a kind quilt has 12 blocks. Ten of the blocks represent a council in the OFSRDC. The last 2 blocks are for Summer Festival and the OFSRDC. It takes all of us working together to put on this Festival – together, “We Are One”. Raffle tickets for the quilt are $1 each and will be available at the Registration Table. The winning ticket will be picked Saturday night when we draw for the Basket Raffles and Split the Pot.
Daytime dancing will be casual dress. Evening dancing will be square dance attire. Please remember no cowboy boots or spike heels on the gym floors in the Mainstream and Plus Halls.
If you are planning on staying at the Shilo Inn, the Comfort Inn, or the Comfort Suites and would like to take advantage of the group rate, please remember to make your reservations prior to June 18th. On June 18th, the rooms that have not been reserved will be released and the prices will go up.
If you’d like to volunteer to help with Summer Festival, please contact me at Let me know where you’d like to help and I’ll put you in contact with the correct committee. Currently, we need volunteers to help with decorations Friday morning, selling Split the Pot Tickets, and with the Basket Raffle.
For additional information on the Festival including our registration form, dance schedules, and Youth Concessions Menu, please visit our Webpage at or our Facebook page “Oregon Summer Festival 2019”. One day ribbons will be available at the door. Friday or Sunday only ribbons will be $12 per day per person. A Saturday only ribbon will be $25 per person for the entire day.
“Let’s Get Together in 2019” for a FUN Time.
Kathy Roberts, Summer Festival 2019 Co-Chairman
Thanks to those you attended the May 19th Portland Area Council and Tualatin Valley Council Alzheimer’s Benefit dance, it was a great success! Thank you to caller MC Dan Nordbye and the other callers in attendance that donated their time (Darrell Kalmbach, Terry Halley (Betty Chipps), K.C. Curtis (Linda Curtis), Daryl Clendenin, Anthony Egan and Lane Clem (Marie Clem). The last tip of the night Dan had Terry, Egan, and Lane up on stage for a few singing calls….lots of fun. Stephanie from the Alzheimer's Association took videos and pictures that she will email to me, hope to post them to Facebook soon.
A big thank you to all the clubs who donated baskets for the raffle. They were really creative and brought in a lot of money. The food items were donated by other dancers, as well as the Alzheimer’s office donated 7 items. Here is the breakdown:
79 signed in dancers
$900 in door donations
$121 in food, silent auction donations
$508 in basket raffle donations
$1,529 GRAND TOTAL for the Alzheimer’s Association.
Thank you volunteers, you made the day run so smoothly! Hope we can do it again next year (the Sunday after Mother’s Day in May?). Looking forward to the Toe Dragger’s “Man Enough to Wear Pink” cancer benefit dance later this year!
Julie Stiers-Cuer
You can download this list of callers and cuers who are available and ready to call or cue a dance for you.
The South Coast Council has chosen the June 2019 Oregon Round of the Month: "Green Waves II", Phase II + 2 Waltz (Spin Turn and Side Corte), choreographed by Mary & Bob Townsend-Manning. It is available on Masters of Modern 7.
Download your cue sheet here.
For more information on the Round of the Month, please contact .
Everything in this section is taken from the state directory information. If you find that your class information is wrong, you can fix that by going to the directory information area and picking to the "Lessons" tab.
Click a thumbnail to download the flyer.
Please support our advertisers, since they help support the magazine. Click a thumbnail to see the full advertisement.
Click a thumbnail to see the full-sized picture.
Click a council name to go directly to that section.
At our May dance, the family of Jerry and Bonnie Jepson surprised them with a celebration of their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Some of the group also square danced and we all enjoyed the celebration/
May was our last dance at Dayton Community Center because in June we'll be back dancing at the McMinnville Grange on Old Sheridan Road. We start at 7 pm. All visitors are warmly welcomed! We will be dark in July and August, but we are looking forward to a campout with the Toedraggers in July. Carmen
Some of our members attended a workshop in Vancouver a month or so ago in Vancouver called "Clog Down". In the evening session they had a competition called "Clog Down". One song that the instructor had taught and practiced throughout the day was chosen for this competition. Each participant continued to dance that song until he/she made a mistake and was eliminated and only one dancer remained on the dance floor. I'm excited to say that our own instructor Staci Larson won that competition. Congratulations Staci!! Georganne
By the time this appears in the OFN, we will have had our May potluck and membership meeting, where the conversation was about officers for next year and plans for offering lessons in the fall. Our dance calendar is already set up and we’ll continue to dance on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month next year. Karen
IT'S STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL TIME! Events begin on Friday, May 31, with a Spaghetti Feed and then the Trails End dance with callers and cuers from the floor. On Saturday, June 1, the club participates in the Lebanon Strawberry Festival parade, dancing through town on the decorated float. A potluck at 5:30 PM will be followed by the big Festival dance with Dan Nordbye calling and Jackie Gale cueing. Strawberry shortcake, of course, will be served at the break time. Special features of our weekend will be a great Silent Auction, which is our annual fund raiser, an Experienced Clothing Sale, lots of prizes, and wonderful dancing. The weekend will conclude with an "All You Can Eat" breakfast on Sunday morning. RVs are welcome with dry camping. Don't miss this fantastic weekend! See you in a square! Marilyn York
June 20 is our 43rd birthday dance with two hours of Phase 2-4 dancing. Cuers are still being worked on, so stay tuned to Facebook to find out who is cueing the dance. We will have a guest cuer on June 27 since Stephanie and Leonard will be at Circle 8 for a round dance workshop seminar. We are looking forward to dancing to new music when they return.
We are always open to visitors to dance and join in on our relaxed version of a club. If you have any questions, give me a call 503-508-0539. Marilyn Schmit
There has been a lot of expressed interest so we will be trying to do summer lessons again this year. Thomas Buchheit will be our instructor for the summer.
Our youth will be running the concession stand at Summer Festival this July. This will be a fundraiser for competition so please check us out and buy a festival pin for 2020. We will be traveling to Auburn, Washington for the festival next year.
This year's teen festival went very well. We had a lot of fun throughout the Festival. Five of our youth led the National Anthem at the start of Saturday: Lucy David, Jasmine Mauro, Noah Rudolph, Phoebe Rudolph and Kailee Shields. We had successes and some goofs. We came home with a lot of trophies: Jasmine Mauro won 1st place in Pre-Teen Novice Cueing; Petrina Buchheit won Best Patter for Junior Calling and 3rd place Junior Calling; Yesenia Vallejo-Mourer won 2nd place Junior Calling; Julia Buchheit won 2nd place Junior Cueing; Petrina and Julia Buchheit won 2nd place Basic Rounds; Silver Dragons won 2nd place in Senior Squares. Both Julia and Thomas Buchheit helped out Wesburn Wranglers in their Intermediate Square when their callers were on the stage. We will have our trophies at Summer Festival so please stop by and take a look. Hope to see you at a dance soon! Petrina Buchheit
We’ve picked up a few members here and there – in spite of the fact I give my disclaimer that I wouldn’t join a club that would have a person like me as a member! Remember: to err is human, but it feels divine!
Come on over and find what we’re all about; come on over and sashay with us.
Lotta Fluff
June may bring some outdoor dance floor weather, too. Come and dance under the stars on hot summer nights and feel the gentle outdoor breezes to cool you off.
Want to diversify your dance skills? Come join us for line dance lessons with Lynn Wunische on Wednesday afternoon 2:30 PM or Thursdays at 6:00 PM. Or learn more by coming for both!
The Cut-Ups are great dancers and lots of fun, so take the drive out into the countryside and join us at the Boring Barn!
For many years the Hoppers have helped sort donated food at a local food bank, FISH of Vancouver. In mid-April about 20 of our members spent three hours sorting approximately 5000 pounds of food into appropriate categories. The space we work in is a little tight, but being accomplished square dancers, we know how to dance around each other as we sort and move the donated food into boxes based on food categories such as fruit, soup, vegetables, etc. There is always much teasing, laughter, and fellowship as we work together to help our neighbors in need.
The next week over 20 of our members gathered together so share a meal at a local Mexican restaurant. During the regular dance year we try to dine together about once a month. We usually go to a number of different restaurants featuring American as well as foods from different ethnicities. We will have our final dine-out in June at an Italian restaurant.
Our first dance in May was our anniversary dance. Since it was on May 4th, the theme was “May the Fourth Be with You.” It was great fun since several people came dressed as Star Wars characters. The decorations reflected the Star Wars theme. An Ewok could be found hiding in the vegetation wrapped around a tree trunk. Darth Vader stood guard over the Ewok Treats. The “Refueling Station” sported items such as Wookie Wraps, Vader Veggies and Chewbacca Chips, to name a few. Of course, the captain of the ship for the night, Jim Hattrick, did an amazing job of calling and cueing the dance!
To accommodate an amazing group of students, the club has decided to extend our lesson season through June. We will not be taking new students, but anyone wishing to practice their skills in plus can attend sessions every Monday night from 6:30 to 7:30. Mainstream people will be practicing, reviewing and learning mainstream calls from 7:30 to 9:00. Additionally, since we have an air conditioned hall the club will not go completely dark this summer. We hope to maintain the enthusiasm of our students by offering two dances. The first will be July 20th and the second is scheduled for August 17th. To provide experience for our new mainstream dancers the format will be plus from 7:30 to 8:00 and mainstream from 8:00 to 9:30. We are excited to be able to use the hall during the summer months and to provide an opportunity for everyone to have a cool place to dance.
Finally, if you are a strawberry shortcake lover, you won’t want to miss our June 15th dance. It’s the strawberry shortcake dance. We always have plenty of fresh strawberries, shortcakes, and whipped cream as well as great dancing and fellowship with all our friends. Come join us, we’d love to have you dance with us.
Jean Tolstrup
We are celebrating our club anniversary at our dance on June 8. We invite all dancers to come help us celebrate. Darrell Kalmbach and Tami Helm (our caller and cuer) will add to your dancing pleasure . We have our second monthly dance the following Saturday on June 15. Both dances are located at Milwaukie Community Center at 42nd and Jackson in Milwaukie Oregon.
Our club will be going dark on our second dance in July on Saturday July 20 to attend summer festival. You can still dance with us though if you come to summer festival. Look for us. We will be there in our blue and white club outfits
We have a change in our schedule and find we have to be DARK on July 5. Please make that change. Also in the last part of July we are looking forward to celebrating our Anniversary.
We want to welcome present and former senior (meaning older) square dancers to our dances. We have a great dance hall with air conditioning, wonderful callers ,and a potluck lunch after. It is great exercise, social and fun.. We love our seniors so please come help us stay strong.
On May 4th & 5th, the State Federation Meeting was in our council. The “Crock Pot” Potluck was held at the Rogue Valley Square Dance Center on Table Rock Rd. There were lots of good words and “Thank You’s” from those who attended about the food. There was certainly plenty and, as usual, this Council did a bang-up job of preparing it. We sure do have a bunch of “Top Notch” cooks in Southern Oregon. Way to go, Gang!! The May 5th meetings was held at the Square Dance Center on Sunday.
There will be a Council Dance on May 31, 2019 in Grants Pass at the Josephine County Square Dance Center. Caller is Chuck Simpkins and cuer is Bob Dingman.
The next Council meeting will be June 4th, 2019 at Round Table Pizza in Poplar Square.
Note: New Council Officers: President: Roberta Claudson Vice President: Phil Claudson
Secretary: Lorri McIntosh Treasurer: Debbie Cretton and State Delegate: Blake Smith
Lois & Lorri
As mentioned above – Boatnik is coming!!!! Memorial Weekend – May 24-26!!! This is a don’t miss event with the fabulous Joe Saltel & TJ(Bruce) Chadd!! We have so much fun and definitely enjoy the party every year. We hope to see lots of friends!!!
June dances will be on June 1st with Mike Kious & Rikki Lobato – 7pm Pre Rounds and 730-10pm for Squares (Mainstream w/3rd Tip Plus). June 15th is a very special dance with 3 (YES-3) National Callers joining us!! We have Don Wood, Charlie Robertson & Matt Worley taking the stage – as well as cuers Rikki Lobato & Marie Wood!! Going to be a fabulous nite of fun – Advanced starts at 6pm – come on down and join the 1st stop of the wagon train to the WA State Festival!! The Charlie’s are also looking forward to The Buckeroo RoundUp in Roseburg with Hunter Keller & Randy Lewis, as well as Diamond Lake Festival in July with Ken Ritucci & Chuck Weiss!!!
Our birthday dance Dec 7th is set with caller Michael Haworth & cuer Rikki Lobato – put it on your schedule now – going to be a fabulous time!!
We have new officers – we want to thank Louse Voss for her 2 years as President – much appreciated!!! Our new officers include: President: Carla Simpkins Co 1st Vp’s Rikki Lobato & Jeanne Lobato 2nd VP Teresa Durham Secretary Michele Dunavant and Treasurer Armon Strack. Please welcome your new board & thank the members of the outgoing board when you see them!!
Happy Dancing!
We welcome any and all dancers.
Hope to see you on the floor.
Don’t forget – On Sunday, June 2nd, the Stars are sponsoring a benefit dance for Alzheimer’s research. The time will be 2 to 5pm. Please come out to support this very worthy cause. Help us find a cure, or at least a way to slow this terrible disease down. I am sure we all know someone who has been affected by this monster. Come on down and help! The Stars are donating the hall and the callers and cuers from the area are going to donate their time also.
Phil Ramey is having a “Back to Basics” on the 3rd Friday of each month, with the exception of July. This is due to Summer Festival and Diamond Lake. We will pick it back up in August and go from there.
Elections are over and the only change to the Stars roster is President. Mary Moody decided to step down after 4 years and give someone else a chance. Phil Claudson is our “#One” now.
Preparations for Diamond Lake Festival are coming along nicely. Everything seems to be on schedule. Get your ribbons for a great time.
See you in a square!
Ferrous Steinka
Because we are dark does not mean the CRD’s will not be dancing. We have club banners out there in the square dance world so will be planning on visitations to get them back. We want to repay all of those clubs who have been faithful and attend our dances. This is the way it should be, so look for us.
As many local clubs besides ours goes dark the club did decide to continue with lessons on Tuesday nights. The area has many newer, and lots of older, dancers who want to continue learning or honing their skills so it was decided that we could help by keeping our lessons going. Who else can hone skills like our caller, Jim Hattrick. Plan on coming to lessons on Tuesday nights unless it is 90 degrees at 5 PM. Jim will call to the level of the floor and there will lots of angels to help. Newer dancers at 7 PM and mainstream and up about 8:30.
Our June 8th dance will feature Mike and Julie Stout calling and cueing. Our June 22nd dance will have a patriotic theme so wear the red, white and blue. Jim will be doing the calling and cueing.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Nick Johnson
I found out it depends on who is counting the number of dancers at our Anniversary Dance. It was either eighty five or ninety three from two reliable sources. The Hoedowners and the Sunset Promenaders took home banners. Everyone enjoyed the “crock pot bonanza during the open break. Direct quote heard from a guy who keeps his comments understated and to the point, “Pretty good dance”.
Our Plus classes are almost finished and we have certainly enjoyed newcomers who are adding to the fun of square dancing. I hope they enjoyed us. Welcome these new plus dancers at your club.
June is the time to smell the flowers and mow the grass, enjoy the long warm days, outside picnics, pick the strawberries, pull the weeds, and wish it would rain again as you water your flowers. Father’s Day seems to be the forgotten holiday but what do you do for Father’s Day? Flowers? Cake? Candy? I do not think Dad can resist strawberry shortcake. It is the month of multiple graduations and weddings. Also, the beginning of Summer with the longest day of the year June 21st.
NOTE: We will be dancing at the Aloha Grange Monday June 24th.
Plan ahead to support your local clubs and for some good dancing. New Dancers’ MS Jamboree, Valley Squares at Aloha Grange, June 4th: TVC Hahn Barn, Picnic and Dance Potluck starts at 6:00, June 29th; Summer Festival in Salem - July 19th-21st;
We dance on most holidays. Even if you have a job, you can join us once in a while. Our three callers keep us on our toes as each week one seems to have some new twist to keep our minds sharp. All plus dancers are invited to dance with us on Monday afternoons, 1:00 - 3:00, at the Sunset Presbyterian Church, 14986 NW Cornell Road in Portland. Please check for up to date information at
Rachel Nettleton
Sylvia Davis is now back on the Hayshakers Board of Directors as Vice-President.
Plan to attend the Seaside Sashay which will take place on Friday & Saturday, October 25 & 26.
Craig Holt
Saturday morning started off with a wonderful breakfast prepared by Kathy Christie and Larry Seimer and everyone was off on the Seaside Scavenger Hunt. Where is that green clock? It was Petrowskys again who took home the prize! Saturday afternoon there was plenty of time for sand dollar and driftwood art and crafts which culminated in the evening’s Art Show. You must see the pictures; whales, horses and bears etc. Duane won for best performance while playing Humm…ble. We watched the Oregon women’s basketball team play, assembled a puzzle each day, shopped, walked, beach combed, blinged, ate and ate and generally had a wonderful relaxed weekend with dear friends.
The Best Circus Dance on Earth was held April 13th and ladies, just as I predicted last month, Hugh Jackman did not appear but plenty of other handsome and talented circus lovers did. Don’t you love the smell of popcorn and hot dogs? Debbie Olson always delights us with her decorations.
On Friday night, Karen Steinka suggested a spontaneous visitation to the Sunset Promenaders Pirate Dance on the 20th. The word got out and twenty-one Hoedowners attempted a bit of piracy and took back a banner. We’re sending kudos to the Hoedowners who came in costume; Curt, Shannon, Kylie and Elle Brehmer, Mike and Sally Duyck, and Clay and Kelly McCaw.
The Hoedowner Wild, Wild West dance was on the 27th of April. It was a rootin’, tootin’ evening with a Darlene Ditsworth’s horse on stage, cowboy boots everywhere and the smell of sulphur in the air. It’s those darn caps guns. Of course Daryl found plenty of great western music for the dancers. There was a bit of a kerfuffle when two armed and masked bandits broke into the ballroom with the split the pot bucket in hand. It was just a bit of friendly intimidation.
A number of Hoedowners have been spending their Wednesdays working on the Aloha Grange’s ballroom window trim after the windows were replaced last summer; caulking, filling, scraping, sanding, oh my! The continuing ballroom transformation is underway.
Looking ahead June 8th is our Strawberry Fields Forever Dance. We’ll be celebrating the unmatchable Oregon strawberries and hoping that the strawberry fields in Washington County will always be planted and provide this sumptuous crop.
On June 22nd we’ll be holding our first, ever Night at the Movies Dance. This is your chance to come as Jack Sparrow, the Mummy, Princess Leia or a taxi driver; any character from any movie. Please surprise us!!
Krystal Laas
Regular readers of this column will notice that the Naven name does not appear for the first time in years. Dick and Sue have been invaluable members for many years. Each has served as officers time and time again. Dick set up our website and designed our posters. He has also been the liaison with the Winona Grange. As a member of the grange, he has been responsible for many improvements. After so many years of dedicated and invaluable service, they are stepping back a little. We hope to see them on the dance floor as often as possible. We thank them for all that they have gone for the clubs, and I personally thank them for all the times they have provided transportation for me to and from the dances.
Patty Bonney
We have had great response for the Plus workshop on Wednesday evenings. I just wanna say "it takes a community" and we really appreciate and enjoy the interaction we have from so many of you. As the square dance world changes around us we are drawing together all the more. It is wonderful to have friends like you.
Remember what happens in June, summertime? We go to a different dance schedule. Times are the same but we dance on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays.
Summertime starts our ice cream-for-treats. On the 12th it will be strawberries and ice cream, on the 26th it will be ice cream floats for the Out to the Ballgame theme. What will Craig and Lonnie bring us for dancing? Come and see. Summer dances are casual so when your day winds down come dance with us. Summer news and info will be on our website, June begins summer dance schedule: 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Dance times: 7pm - 8pm Plus with advanced rounds, 8pm - 9:30pm Mainstream with rounds. 106 NW 8th Ave, Kelso, WA 98626 by the Rotary spray park at the intersection of Hwy 4 and W Main, Kelso/Longview.
Happy summer to all,
Annie Tietze
• Saturday June 1st Mainstream Dance with “Father’s Day” theme. Mike Stout calling and Ken Pratt cueing.
• Thursday June 6th Plus dance with Darrell Kalmbach calling and Ken Pratt cueing.
• Saturday June 15th Mainstream Dance with Mike and Julie Stout calling and cueing with a “Flag Day” theme.
• Thursday June 20th Plus Dance with Darrell, and Ken.
For those of you who have not been to one of our dances; we are located in downtown Hillsboro at Odd Fellows Hall, 267 E. Main Street. There is plenty of parking either on the street or in the bank parking lot across the street. Our dance hall is a wood floor, and dining area adjacent. Our dances start at 7:00 with intermediate rounds, then at 7:30 to 9:30 the square dance. Come and dance with us so we can become better friends. If you need more information call 503-848-3841.
Tom & Janice Sminia
Toe’s had a hoppin’ good time at our last dance in April.
The Ham dinner and bazaar fund raiser our grange put on was a mild success. With the help of our square dance friends and the Scholls community’s generous donations, we will be able to keep the building alive and healthy. Thank you all so much!
Our next fun fund raiser is the Kinton Grange annual Rummage Sale, Friday and Saturday June 14th & 15th, 9:00am-3:00pm. Tons of Treasures and a Plant sale too.
We are looking forward to the June 7th dance, it will be “Rocking thru the Ages” all singing calls with music from the 50’s to the 80’s. It should be a rockin’ good time, so come on over to the Kinton Grange and Rock ON!!
We hope to see you all real soon.
Kathy Degman
Our new officers for May 2019 - April 2020 are: President Dale Brabham, Vice President Alice Hendricks, Secretary Gloria Davis, Treasurer Edith Prouty, Dance Coordinator Lynnea Loveberg, TVC Delegate #1 Judy Groom, and TVC Delegate #2 Deb Mandeville.
In June we look forward to our last two dances of this dance-year, June 8th “Summer Dreamin” and June 28th “Berry Best Ice Cream Special”, both with our caller Terry Halley and cuer Sandra Pinion. We also plan to visit the Chaps and Petticoats for their June 21st “50’s-60’s Dance.”
Gloria Davis
Our dances in June are on the 12th and on the 26th. A reminder: if we have less than a square at any of our dances, we may end the dance early or cancel the dance.
Also, summer is coming, and, if the temperature on the day of the dance reaches 90 degrees or above, we may cancel the dance. If this happens, we will let everyone know.
Our club continues to be a fun place where friends gather, have some food and practice moves they want to work on before the weekend dances. Lots of belly laughs to go around. We would love to have you come join us!
See you around in a square.
Andis Garuts
A Cha Cha/Ph III Waltz workshop continues preceding our 2nd Friday dance, led by Ken and Dianne Pratt, beginning at 6:30 pm. Come work on your round dancing moves with us.
We visited the Braves and Braids in April and took home a banner. The Sunset Promenaders visited our April Mainstream Dance which was called by Mike Stout, their club caller, and his wife Julie did a couple of tips cueing intermediates. We had a lot of fun dancing with them, and they took home one of our banners.
Our June Mainstream Dance (4th Friday, June 21st) is traditionally our Berry Dance. We are so blessed to have Stan and Teija Danskey as members of our club from the Woodburn area. They furnish the berries every year for our scrumptious dessert. Come enjoy the evening dancing with us, have some dessert, and be sure and meet the Danskeys. They are super neat people.
Our next 5th Saturday Advanced dance is scheduled for June 29th at Woodburn Estates; Randy Dibble calling.
Our special outdoor dance this summer, “Dance Under the Stars,” is coming right up! This dance is held on the 4th Friday in July, (July 26th) outside in the tennis courts next to the Old Fashioned Festival carnival on 6th and Howard Streets in Newberg. Randy Dibble calling, Ken Pratt cueing. (See our flyer.) Ground tires are spread on the concrete to make it easier to dance on, but don’t wear your best dancing shoes this time. The Valley River Dancers got involved with the Old Fashioned Festival years ago. It’s a darling small town festival in Newberg with everything you want in a weekend—breakfast in the park, carnival rides with food and handicraft vendors, car show, live entertainment, awesome fireworks, even an old-fashioned hymn sing-a-long in the park, (and lots more)—a traditional square dance is right in line with the many activities. I love it that Valley River Dancers are part of this event and so thankful for all the efforts of others that made it possible years ago for us to be able to participate in this adorable festival. Hope you will mark your calendar and come out to Newberg for a special night.
Saturday morning, July 27th, we plan to get gussied up to square dance in the annual Newberg festival parade. One of our new members, Tom (Sheila) Deuber, has an awesome new truck we broke in for him on a club visitation to Vancouver (6 passengers) awhile back that will pull a trailer of dancers very nicely. Tom took it so well when his truck was volunteered. It is pretty cool that the theme for Newberg’s 2019 Old Fashioned Days is “Dancing in the Streets.” We are going to do just that!!
Josie Rosenbury
Valley Squares June 1st dance is "June Bug Boogie" with Scott Zinser calling and Connie Clark cueing. Come join us for a lively dance.
Our students will be graduating on June 11th. I will miss having classes, they are so much fun.
Our June 15th dance is our "Strawberry Dance" where we have the new board take over. Craig Abercrombie is calling and Connie Clark cueing. Come enjoy strawberries and cream and shortcake and maybe ice cream. We all look forward to the strawberry dance. What Fun! Yum!
Our dance schedule will be 7 to 8:30 pm, Mainstream at class level until graduation, then full Mainstream, 8:30 to 9;30-ish pm, Plus. We include the "ish" as we don't know when we will stop, all dancers help make that decision.
See you in a square. Yellowrock!
Carolene Siebert
Lessons and workshops are moving forward and going well for us. Our current group of students are moving along quite well and we are looking forward to seeing them out on the dance floor.
Remember that we are only a short drive on I5 from both Portland and Medford. We would love to see you at the barn!
Keep dancing,
Robin P. Faltersack