As we dive into summer, many clubs will be going dark. Take some time to scan the Where & When before you drive a long distance to a dance.
Click here to find out how to get your information into the OFN, including dances, lessons, photos, flyers, advertisements, and caller/cuer information.
We have set up an email mailing list to notify people when a new edition of the online OFN is available, and for other important news about the OFN. To subscribe to this mailing list, just fill out this information:
The next meeting of the Federation's executive board will be at the Summer Festival in Salem on July 21. The ballots on the proposed constitutional amendment will be tallied at that time.
See a full article about special events at the Summer Festival in the articles section.
We hope you are planning to attend the 2019 Summer Festival, to be held at the Blanchet School in Salem on July 19-21, 2019. This festival is sponsored by the entire Federation Board.
You can view the festival schedule on the Festival web site here.
Oregon's Mid-Winter Festival 2020 will be held January 24, 25 and 26, 2020, at the Linn County Fairgrounds in Albany.
The 68th National Square Dance Convention® will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, June 26-29, 2019.
The 69th National Square Dance Convention® will be held in nearby Spokane, Washington, June 18-21, 2020.
All clubs in the Oregon Federation are required to maintain their status as non-profit corporations with the State of Oregon. The Secretary of State's office mails out a renewal notice about a month before your registration expires every year. The following clubs expire this month:
July 1 -- Blue Mountains Council
July 9 -- Rogue-Sis-Q Council
July 14 -- Beachcombers
July 18 -- Star Promenaders
July 23 -- Eager Beavers
July 23 -- Sagebrush Shufflers
July 24 -- Buzzin Bees
July 25 -- Umpqua Area Council
Download a complete list of the Federation club dances this month, all sorted by date and city.
Everything in the When & Where is extracted from the state directory information. If you find that your club information is wrong, you can fix that by going to the directory information area and fixing your data.
Click on the title to see the article.
Wow! Summer Festival is almost here! I hope that many of you are planning on attending our Oregon Summer Festival, sponsored by all of the councils and officers in the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs. At the end of the festival, any profit will be split between all of the councils and the OFSRDC. This really is an Oregon Summer Festival.
Summer Festival kicks off with a Trail’s End Dance on Thursday, July 18, at the Salem Square Dance. Friday morning, we will be dancing Mainstream on the Oregon Capitol steps starting at 10:30 am for two hours. You can either drive directly to the State Capitol at 900 Court St., NE., Salem or drive to Blanchet Catholic School to catch a ride on the Cherriots, Salem’s Public Transportation, at 9:40 am. Dancing starts at the Blanchet Catholic School (4373 Market St NE, Salem, OR 97301) at 2:00 pm. Where else will you be able to dance with our special featured caller Michael Kellogg and our featured cuer MaryAnn Callahan and Craig Cowan along with 18 of our very own Oregon Callers and 17 of Oregon Cuers throughout the weekend? We will also have 3 Open Mic opportunities for other callers and cuers. Our schedule is posted on the Summer Festival web page.
In addition to an outstanding weekend dance program, we will also have an Educational Seminar Saturday at 3:00 pm on how to form a new club and keep your existing clubs legally healthy. Saturday afternoon will also have games and activities for youth and all age dancers. Our ceremonies will be Saturday evening at 6:30 pm. During the ceremonies, we will be honoring our veterans and active military personnel, awarding OFSRDC Educational Scholarships, and meeting our Chairmen for Mid-Winter Festival 2020 and Summer Festival 2020. We promise to keep it short so that we can get back dancing as soon as possible!
Clubs and Councils, please remember to bring your basket donation for the raffle. We have a large area outside of the Round Dance Hall for our raffle.
Due to space limitations, if you do not reserve your table space prior to July 1st, you will not be able to display your dance tri-fold. Space is available for flyers, but not extra tri-folds. We will have a monitor to promote your club and council events and dances, if you send me a JPG or PDF of your dance flyer for the slide show. If you don’t send it to me, it won’t be on the slide show.
Tickets for our beautiful and unique Summer Festival Quilt, “We Are One,” will be $1 each at the Registration Table where the quilt will be displayed. All raffle tickets and the winning quilt ticket will be drawn Saturday evening.
Daytime dancing will be casual dress. Evening dancing will be square dance attire. Please remember no cowboy boots or spike heels on the gym floors in the Mainstream and Plus Halls.
If you’d like to volunteer to help with Summer Festival, please contact me at Let me know where you’d like to help and I’ll put you in contact with the correct committee. Currently, we need volunteers to help with decorations Friday morning, selling Split the Pot Tickets, and with the Basket Raffle.
For additional information on the Festival including our registration form, dance schedules, and Youth Concessions Menu, please visit our Webpage at or our Facebook page “Oregon Summer Festival 2019”. One day entrance will be available at the door. Friday or Sunday will be $12 per day per person. Saturday only will be $25 per person for the entire day.
Hope to see you at the 2019 Summer Festival! “Let’s Get Together in 2019” for a FUN Time.
Kathy Roberts, Summer Festival 2019 Co-Chairman
Many of you have met Joseph White, who was active in square dancing for years with his wife Cynthia Lamb. Joseph passed away suddenly on February 23. At a recent Corvallis Squares event, Cynthia read this tribute in Joseph’s honor. We found it inspiring and want to share it with you.
Who Was Joseph White?
Born October 16, 1944, to Willie Joe White II and Ida May White, they named him Willie Joe White III and nicknamed him JoJo. Both names were ones he never liked nor felt that he fit well into them. As early as age five he became protector and best frind to his little sister, Jennifer, a relationship that remained close for life. His father worked a 300-acre farm near Montgomery, Alabama, which consumed 200% of his time, so his mother raised him. He learned from his dad how to plow a field behind a mule, the meaning of integrity, and always to respect people, ALWAYS, even if THEY don’t show respect by cheating you, which happened a lot. This was the deep south, before civil rights. His parents raised seven kids in a house with no running water or electricity or bathrooms. Wood was used for heat and cooking, and it was JoJo’s job to fetch the wood and water every morning, rain or shine, as the oldest of seven children, and he faithfully did that without complaints. His semi-educated parents taught him proper etiquette: you drink from only the colored fountain, never burp or fart in public, and never look a white woman in the face on the street, which would get you lynched by the KKK. You always arrive clean and dressed sharp in public; no holey jeans. And the most important thing you could accomplish was an education, which their son took seriously. He won the spelling bee in grade school. He got straight A’s and was the teacher’s pet. He joined a speech club and went to state championships. He formed the Gentlemen’s Club in high school, for boys who wanted to honor and respect girls instead of exploit them. And he graduated valedictorian of his class with a 4H Safety scholarship to Tuskegee University. He could have gone earlier; at 16 he passed the college entrance exams and wanted to enroll immediately. His parents wouldn’t let him. Coloreds that excelled too much and stood out made whites look bad so the KKK took care of that, too. JoJo was forced to wait till he was 18, normal college age. But once at Tuskegee he excelled there too. He became class president, changed his major from Mechanical Engineering (an aspiration for which he was accused of being an uppity n-----r) to the school of Business, and joined ROTC. Upon receiving his B. A. in business management, he became an officer in the Air Force. He was about to graduate in the top three of his class as a fighter jet pilot when he found out where they were about to send them, to Vietnam to bomb cities full of civilians. He expressed that that was not why he joined the Air Force. When he objected, instead of discharging him for disobeying orders, they honored his reasons and gave him an alternate assignment. As squadron commander he turned the “dregs and dropout” recruits into top performers, and received awards for his leadership skills. He loved his time in the service and was about to re-up as a lifer when the war in Vietnam wound down and fewer officers were needed. Captain White was offered an early out with full benefits. He took it.
When he was 14, he had made a bold statement: “When I am old enough, I shall leave the South and I shall never return.” After changing his name to William Joseph White, a name that he felt fit him better, he moved to the Northwest, never to return. William means “the protector.” He was called Joseph; the same name as the protector of Mary and the young Jesus. His middle years were spent in public service, both state and federal. At the Oregon Department of Transportation, he acted as a facilitator, bringing “warring factions” together so they could more efficiently and effectively construct our transportation infrastructure. As an Employment Specialist for Oregon Employment Department he made sure that employers found the right person for every job—no “square pegs” were ever stuffed into “round holes.” He held the record for the most employees that stuck to their jobs for good. Whenever Joseph and I went downtown or grocery shopping, there was always somebody who wanted to shake his hand or hug him and thank him, and tell the story of how he had totally changed their life by finding out who they were and what they needed to progress in career and in life. I just watched in awe.
Joseph didn’t marry until he was 35, but finding Bonnie at Multnomah School of the Bible in 1979 led to having his two very adored daughters, Sarrha and Esther, who each bore him three grandchildren. Bonnie and Joseph homeschooled their kids and instilled the importance of education in each of them too, and they were straight A students.
I met Joseph at OSU at a lecture series entitled The Evolution of Human Spirituality, in a phase of life where I was nearly spiritually dead. Joseph awakened me to realms I never knew existed, and we spent countless hours sipping coffee and discussing the meaning of words, events, and the teachings of many spiritual gurus. Never a boring word came from his mouth. He taught me to value myself and believe in my own power to become who I really wanted to be, and that we are all capable of creating our own reality.
If I can sum up what Joseph’s life was about, it is: Dare to dream big. Never give up on achieving your dream. Discover who you are, what you came to do, and do it. Along the way you’ll discover what you love to do and what you’re really good at. When you do, share it with as many people as you can. Give the world the absolute best you’ve got. Be aware that some people will try to kick you in the teeth and put you down for it. But give the world the best you’ve got anyway.
In Joseph’s last moments he carried a box of meat in the rain to the car for me. He didn’t feel up to driving, and as I was driving us to the grocery store to buy the rest of the goodies for our Corvallis Squares birthday dance, his last words were, “I think I’m losing consciousness.” He died as he lived, serving others, uncomplainingly.
You can download this list of callers and cuers who are available and ready to call or cue a dance for you.
The Tualatin Valley Council has chosen the July 2019 Oregon Round of the Month: "Codigo", Phase II Two-Step, choreographed by Ron & Georgine Woolcock, sung by George Strait. Download your cue sheet here.
For more information on the Round of the Month, please contact .
Everything in this section is taken from the state directory information. If you find that your class information is wrong, you can fix that by going to the directory information area and picking to the "Lessons" tab.
Click a thumbnail to download the flyer.
Please support our advertisers, since they help support the magazine. Click a thumbnail to see the full advertisement.
Click a thumbnail to see the full-sized picture.
Click a council name to go directly to that section.
We are so sorry to inform you that one of our caller members, Larry DuPray (Wolf Pack) passed away recently. Larry had heart surgery and was feeling better and looking better as well. He was slated to go back to work (BLM) but didn't make it that first day back. One of the Wolf Pack members went to Larry's home and found him. A memorial picnic and gathering will be held at Island Park, the south shelter in Springfield on August 17 from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M This was supposed to be our annual picnic, but the decision was made to honor Larry in the atmosphere of fun and camaraderie. Larry started the Wolf Pack back in 1998 on Valentine's Day. Because of his health he had not been able to call the past year or so. Sandy Harris and Lennie Ludiker have been calling. Christina remains cuer. Please attend if you are able. It is wheelchair accessible. My late husband, Kirby Goode, helped Larry with his calling when he first started. We miss them both. Sharon Greenman cued for the Wolf Pack as well and is sorely missed.
Our next scheduled dance is August 31 which is also my birthday. Which one you ask? Hmm.
That is also close to Labor Day, but I will let you know if we are going to dance.
We have meetings and dances on the fifth Saturdays of each year. Our board remains the same as last year. Pat Cox - President, Jackie Gale, - Vice-President, Gail Jackson - Treasurer and Christina Corelli - Secretary.
Keep on calling and cueing for fun,
Christina Corelli
CCCA Secretary
Hope to see you soon,
Gaynor Hintz
Club reporter
The 4th Friday saw Craig Abercrombie calling and Jackie Gale Cueing to a solid three squares at times. Craig did a great job calling and choosing fun music for us to dance to.
We are looking forward to our summer dances as we continue to dance throughout the summer 2nd and 4th Friday. Jim Hattrick calls our 2nd Friday dance and in July we have Lennie Ludiker and in August we have Terry Halley calling our 4th Friday dances. Jackie Gales cues all our club dances. If you are looking for some good dancing between the various festivals, please come join u at the Emerald Square Dance Center in Springfield.
Gaynor Hintz
Club Reporter
We dance almost every Sunday at the Emerald Dance Center in Springfield. 5:30 - 8:00. We dance all levels. Our caller, Tim Matteson, will adjust the levels according to who shows up to come and dance. It's always FUN, and we always have a lot of FOOD! We encourage all square dancers to join us! The floor is cushioned and comfortable! We even have heat and air conditioning!
Please call Tim at 541-988-0399 or David at 541-520-7311 to make sure we are dancing. We are dark once in a blue moon, but we'd hate to miss you.
Keep on dancing,
Christina Corelli
Spin Cycle Squares
We went back dancing at the McMinnville Grange in June, but will be dark in July and August. Come and join us on the third Saturday in September. Carmen
We are having our pajama dance on the first Monday in August. Julie Stiers is our cuer on the first and fifth Mondays and Sherri Clark cues on the third Monday. We could really use some visitors. We have a great dance hall with air conditioning. Please keep us in mind this summer. Golden Squares will be dark on August 19. Teija Danskey
Then continue to dance with us at the Fairgrounds on the first and second Saturdays of each month (except we are dark in August). We are looking forward to gathering with dancers from neighboring clubs at Blanchet Catholic School in Salem July 19, 20, and 21 for Summer Festival.
During July, IWW will collect cans of decaffeinated coffee to contribute to Windsor House, an annual service project for the club. Then August 8-10 we will brave the summer heat to staff the admission gates at the Polk County Fair, our annual club fund-raising project.
Encourage friends, family, and work associates to join us for mainstream lessons at Salem Hospital beginning in September. Keep dancing! Dee and Bert Mackaman
June was our 43rd birthday on the 20th and we had birthday cake and ice cream with multiple toppings. It was fun to see what the dancers brought for selections.
David Vomocil will be cueing our June 27 evening of dancing since Stephanie and Leonard will be at Circle 8, learning all sorts of stuff with John and Karen Herr as clinicians. We will gain from what they bring back.
We finished cha and slow two-step lessons and will be putting our heads together in late July or early August to see what is on the minds of the dancers for September lessons. Stay tuned for more news on that. Marilyn Schmit
By the time you read this we will have had two demo dances as well as our regular dances in June. The World Beat Festival has invited us back to dance on Sunday June 30 at 12:00 pm. Location is Salem Waterfront Park. If you are in the area, come on over to join in.
We will be DARK on July 1 as we will all be at Blanchet School for Summer Festival. We will see you on the dance Floor. Sheila Machado
Our big summer project is that we are going to have a “Get Tim and Kathy Roberts Here Dance”. Why Tim and Kathy? They are the closest proximal Federation officer to our club at the Abernethy Grange; yet no one can recall just when they last visited our club. I guess the first thing we do is to ask any readers if they know how to get the Roberts to come to our dance?
Wouldn’t it be great to get them here for (maybe) our Christmas in July Dance on July 31? I’ve talked to our President about a reception line. I wanted to be in the front of the line, but President said, “No because your dues are in arrears.”
We’re all aflutter with the thought of them coming, maybe July 31. Our parking valet (Parker Parkit) says he won’t even insist on a tip to park their car. Club chef (Cal Amari) says he will create something special and unforgettable. Club decorator (Dorcas Décor) says she’s ready for even a surprise visit. Music Directors KC Curtis and Tami Helms will also be ready July 31. Or maybe Tim and Kathy will make a surprise visit this Wednesday?
Our summer plans include a club picnic at K.C. & Linda's house on 7/28. Linda and KC will provide the meat and club members should bring salads and desserts.
We plan to resume dancing on September 21st at the Hazel Dell Grange with KC Curtis as our caller and Lonnie Sykes as our cuer. Lessons will start Sunday 9/15 and we are discussing starting at 4pm.
The Bees hope you have a great summer.
Debbie Broers
Dan Nordbye will be calling High Energy Monday Mainstream dances throughout the summer, so check the flyer for the dates. Don’t miss a chance to dance to this great caller. He challenges our dance skills while keeping it fun. 7 to 9 PM every Monday in July!
Always fun to dance with the Country Cut-Ups! Come join us on 1st and 4th Saturdays, and on 5th Saturdays, if you dance plus level.
Beverly De La Bruere
In addition to providing square dance opportunities, we are trying to engage our students with Hopper activities. For instance, we have invited them to our monthly dine-outs, and have been pleased to find some of them attending. August will provide another opportunity for our new dancers to participate in a club activity when we get together for our club picnic at Don and Joanne Oja’s farm. It is always a well-attended event in a perfect setting for getting together with friends. By engaging students in club activities, we hope to encourage them to feel a part of our group thereby developing a desire to continue dancing and to become club members once their lessons are over.
Finally, if you were at Portland’s Starlight Parade on June 1st, you may have noticed the float sponsored by the Happy Hoppers and the Country Cut-Ups. Some of our new members participated that night and had a great time. At lessons the following Monday night there was a good amount of storytelling and laughter about the time they spent at the parade. Even though it was a normal Hopper dance night, some of our members chose to promote square dancing by decorating the float, dancing on the float, and in general having a great time letting parade observers know that square dancers know how to have fun. Special thanks to Danny Williamson who drove the truck pulling the float, Mark Wheeler who did a great Elvis act while calling, and all the Hoppers and Country Cut-Ups who gave up a dance night to make sure there was a square dance presence at the Starlight Parade.
Jean Tolstrup
The rest of the summer and all year, we will be dancing every second and third Saturday at Milwaukie Community Center. Our hall is air conditioned for your comfort. Come visit us. We welcome everyone and love visitors.
You will have to wait, however, until September 14 for your next opportunity to join the fun. We are dark in July and August. After our summer break, our fall dances will feature:
September 14: Kris Jensen
October 12: Richard Lane
November 9: Diana Wedel
December 14: Ian Craig.
We dance at the Oak Grove Community Center from 7:30 to 9:30 pm. We alternate Mainstream and Plus tips. We don’t round dance. Every dancer is welcome at the Ramblers.
If you can possibly make it to the summer festival, you will be richly rewarded by the fabulous callers scheduled to appear. Featured caller Michael Kellogg has called for our club several times, and he is a master of the craft. We hope to see you in Salem in July.
Jeff Knapp, President
President: Roberta Claudson
Vice President: Phil Claudson
Treasurer: Debbie Cretton
Secretary: Lorri McIntosh
State Delegate: Garrett (Blake) Smith
The clubs are moving along with finishing classes. Charlie Browns are having a fast track class that should be complete in July.
The council is sponsoring a Benefit Challenge weekend in August: Raise the Roof for Beachcombers. Star Promenaders are donating the dance hall for the weekend, the callers and cuers are volunteering their time, and the council will be putting on a fantastic dance with dancing in the water. All proceeds will go to the Beachcombers to help put a new roof on their dance hall.
July 12 is the Youth dance for ALL ages will be July 12, 6-8pm at Fruitdale Grange in Grants Pass. If an experienced dancer brings a non-dancer, both get in free.
Lorri Jo McIntosh
Rogue Sis Q Council Secretary
We will start Mainstream FunShops at 630pm on June 25th. Plus FunShops will follow at 8pm. These will go thru July. See the flyer!
Our June dances were lots of fun. June 1st we welcomed guest caller Michael Kious. He called a wonderful dance; though low in numbers, it was high in FUN! Rikki did the rounds and it was a great evening. Delicious Strawberry Shortcake rounded out the night! June 15th was an absolutely amazing night!! 3 national callers (Don Wood(WA), Charlie Robertson(OK) & Matt Worley(VA)) rocked the hall all nite starting with Advanced. They were absolutely fabulous. There were a lot of local dancers that didn’t attend the dance; and boy did they miss out!!! We had 5 great squares of fun and the boys were just fabulous. Rikki cued – and it was great to see a lot of round dancers on the floor. We had guests from as far away as New Hampshire join us!!! Such fun! Thank you to Buckeroo’s for going dark to attend the dance as well as Circle N Square. Several Charlie’s followed the callers up to Roseburg & Springfield and got to enjoy Ray & Nicolas Brendzy join the 3 other callers, as well as Marie Wood on rounds.
July 6th brings guest caller Darrell Kalmbach from Portland for squares and Sarge Glidewell on rounds. This is our Dance Explosion and should be a great nite of fun. 7pm Pre Rounds and 730 for Mainstream w/Plus tips. July 20th is Summer Festival weekend, but for those that won’t be attending, we have a Mainstream/Plus dance with Chuck Simpkins & Elaine Funk. Kick up your heels & put your best foot forward and just dance. See flyers for both dances!
We are still coming down from an absolutely AMAZING Boatnik Festival with Joe Saltel & TJ Chadd - what a great weekend!!! We are planning for another great event in 2020 with Bronc Wise & Peter Gomez. Ribbons are available!!!
Stay cool and enjoy all that dancing offers!!!
As always there are so many people to thank, but on the heels of Memorial Day and the 75th anniversary of D-Day, I don't think I can ever say enough thanks to all of the men and women who serve in our military that make this the greatest country in the world.
Let me say a big thank you to every one that attended our Armed Forces dance. I had a great time dancing and calling and working on a few Advanced calls. As always it's a different feel calling and dancing at the same time.
By the time you read this we will have held our Gold Diggers Dance. So a belated thank you to every one who attended. We look forward to our Birthday dance with Eric and Rikki. I hope you have all circled Sept 21 on your calendars. Look for fliers with the location and a special prize.
As summer approaches we may have an opportunity to dance thru the summer and work with the Karuk Indian tribe.
I want to welcome Debbie back. I also want to say a couple special thank yous! A great big thank you to Bogey for all the shirts! I'm sure I could dance every night for a month and not wear the same shirt, so again thank you! I also want to thank Phil and the Star Promenaders for inviting me to call for them.
Hope to see you on the floor
On Sunday, June 2nd, the Stars sponsored a benefit dance for Alzheimer’s research. I am sure we all know someone who has been affected by this monter. The Stars donated the hall and the callers and cuer from the area donated their time also. Thanks to all who came out to support this event. The chairman of the event revealed to me that she was hoping for around $200 – well, she missed the mark. We actually collected $507 for Alzheimer’s Research!!
Phil Ramey will pick back up the “Back to Basics dance in August.
There were quite a few “Stars” in attendance at the Buckeroo RoundUp. We brought home the award for the most members present from one club!
Preparations for Diamond Lake Festival are coming along nicely. Everything seems to be on schedule. Get your ribbons for a great time.
Circle Left then Circle Right!
See you in a square
Our next Council event is a fifth Saturday Dance, held at the Aloha Grange on August 31st. This dance will feature Daryl Clendenin calling with Connie Clark cueing. The dance begins with pre-rounds at 7:30 followed by Mainstream with rounds at 8:00. Every third tip will be Plus. This dance is co-hosted by the Valley Squares.
Ferrous Steinka
We will have new dancers at 7 PM and mainstream lessons at 8:30. So, if you would like to keep current on your mainstream or know those who would like to learn, the Hazel Dell Grange is the place to be this summer. Our caller, Jim Hattrick, will also be reviewing round dancing beginning at 5:30.
The only thing that will interfere with the above schedule is when the temperature gets above 90 at 5:30. It is then that the Grange is just too warm to dance.
The Columbia River dancers would like to throw out a big “Thank You” to all of those dancers who have supported us this year. So, instead of holding dances the club has decided we will be returning the favor and visiting clubs who have supported us. We will be looking to not only get our banners back but hope to add to our collection.
See you in a square soon. Have a great summer!
Nick Johnson
We want to thank our club and everyone that helped with baskets and attended to make the Alzheimer’s benefit dance a great success. There were 79 signed-in dancers and a grand total of $1,529 was raised for the Alzheimer’s Association.
Our newly elected officers are busy learning their new duties and planning for the next year’s events. Other volunteers are needed for the little jobs that take a few hours or more depending on the job at hand. As my grandmother used to say, “Many hands make light work.” For the good of the order lend a helping hand.
Get ready for Summer Festival in Salem July 19th - 21st. You will meet old friends, make new friends, and enjoy a mini vacation. Go find that someone in your club who would be thrilled to sell you ribbons. Next it will be our turn, along with Hoedowners to put in the work for Summer Festival 2020 in Seaside, OR.
Have a safe and sane July Forth celebration and observance. After all it is Independence Day when we should reflect on how we started and how we have changed over time.
We dance on most holidays. Even if you have a job, you can join us once in a while. Our three callers keep us on our toes as each week one seems to have some new twist to keep our minds sharp. All plus dancers are invited to dance with us on Monday afternoons, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00, at the Sunset Presbyterian Church, 14986 NW Cornell Road in Portland. Please check for up to date information at
Rachel Nettleton
Upcoming dances: Mark Wheeler will call squares on the 3rd Friday in July and Jim Hattrick will call squares and cue rounds on the 3rd Friday in August. The Hayshakers enjoy dancing — no themes necessary.
Craig Holt
May 11th saw Hoedowners walking the streets of Aloha doing our semi-annual road clean up. It was a brilliant lovely day, a fun loving bunch and we left Aloha better for it. There is something about a reflective vest and a debris picker upper that makes for a bit of hilarity and a great time.
The 11th was also our Fiesta Dance; fun decorations (thanks, Debbie) and a fabulous taco bar. It was the first opportunity for Daryl to use the new Aloha Grange speakers. I later saw someone (Daryl) taking a siesta. Don’t know if the two are related. No one took home the cash from the Spin the Wheel but the Taco Bar was a big winner. A multitude of choices for the do it yourselfer; corn or flour tortillas, soft or crispy, beef or pork, cheddar or Mexican cheese, hot sauce or just the medium. It was a fabulous and popular menu.
May 25th was our Red, White and Blue Dance in observance of the Memorial Day weekend. Mike and Sally decorated. Thanks to all our guests for making this annual evening a success.
We received news that Yvonne Clendenin had fallen and hurt her shoulder and Pat Wolter is having foot problems. We all wish them well.
The Hoedowners’ commitment to improving the Aloha Grange ballroom has been amazing. In the past six weeks this small group has completed a number of improvements including, exterior lighting, new colors, etc. It should be wrapped up by the end of June and we’re going to blow you away.
Looking ahead to July, YIKES! We’ll welcome the hotter weather with a Hawaiian Luau Dance on July 13th; floral shirts, sandals, flowers in the hair. I look forward to it and the Aloha Grange’s air conditioning will keep those tropical breezes blowing.
On July 27th we’ll do a trip to the soda fountain for our Root Beer Float Dance. The question always is; which goes in the glass first, the ice cream or root beer? Come and find out what we think is the best method.
Krystal Laas
Patty Bonney
Did you see us on KGW TV, with Rod Hill? 5 couples were available at 6:30 am to go to the Red Leaf Coffee Shop for a demo. It was fun and several dancers had people comment to them that they had seen the spot on TV! Memorial Day weekend was the 50th anniversary for Ron and Lynn Waliezer. It is such an honor to celebrate this fun couple's long term marriage.
May is when our new president couple begins. Outgoing Vic Roberts and Toni Carroll were recognized and appreciated with flowers as was secretary Chris Poole and Treasurer Pat Faires by our incoming President couple Dick and Sandy Sims. These offices are the foundation of our clubs, many behind the scenes hours and for the most part unrecognized efforts keep our club successful. Thank you to each of those willing to serve.
July 24th will be a 2:30-3:30 demo at the Cowlitz County fair called by Jim Raupp. Jim will also call our Hawaiian theme dance that evening.
Our summer dances are ice cream themed treats and casual attire, air conditioned hall...great fun ahead for our summer dances. See you there.
Summer news and info will be on our website: 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Dance times: 7pm - 8pm Plus with advanced rounds, 8pm - 9:30pm Mainstream with rounds. 106 NW 8th Ave, Kelso, WA 98626 by the Rotary spray park at the intersection of Hwy 4 and W Main, Kelso/Longview.
Happy summer to all,
Annie Tietze
• Thursday July 4th Club is DARK. There will be no dance because of the holiday.
• Saturday July 6th Mainstream Dance with the theme of “Independence’s Day”, Mike and Ken calling and cueing.
• Thursday July 18th Plus Dance with Darrell Kalmbach, and Ken Pratt calling and cueing.
• Saturday 20th Club is DARK (no dance) because of the Summer Festival in Salem.
We have some new officers this year, our President is now Clay McCaw, Vice-President are Tom and Janice Sminia, Secretary is Melanie LeBlanc, and Treasurer Candy St. Clair. Thank you to Gary Clark, now Past-President, and Ginny Mickelson Past-Secretary for their service the last years. Other changes include Dan Browning new TVC Delegate, Tammy LeBlanc TVC Sunshine chairman.
We hope you have a great summer and hope you come visit us, too.
Our dances start at 7:00 with intermediate rounds, then at 7:30 to 9:30 square dance. Come and dance with us so we can become better friends. If you need more information call 503-848-3841.
Tom & Janice Sminia
The Toe’s have been busy with many places to dance and visit. May 19th a few of us danced at the Oak Grove Community Center to support the Alzheimer’s Association. Some great baskets were won by the Toe’s and a few yummy cookies too. On May 26th we had our annual Progressive Dinner. This year the theme was a murder mystery and we had 3 houses to visit and play out the scenes. It was a lot of laughs, as some of our amateur actors and others tried to solve this crime.
On July 5th the Toe’s will host “An American Celebration” dance with Hot dogs and Polish sausage dinner @ 6:30. This will be followed by Betsy Ross (AKA) Bev Flint cueing, and Yankee Doodle Dandy (AKA) KC Curtis calling.
Toe’s will be dark July 19th, as many of us will be attending Summer Festival in Salem.
See you there in a square.
Kathy Degman
Although we’re dark in July and August, we’ve planned two visitation each month. In July they will be to the Bachelor & Bachelorettes on Wednesday the 10th, and then to the Valley River Dancers on Friday the 26th for their “Under the Stars” dance which has made itself a part of Newberg’s Old Fashioned Days Festival.
Gloria Davis
Our dances in July are on the 10th and the 24th. And, as usual, we will be serving refreshments downstairs right after every dance.
Summer will be in full swing in July, and so a reminder: if the temperature on the day of the dance reaches 90 degrees or above, we may cancel the dance. We will let everyone know when this happens.
Our club continues to be a fun place where friends gather, have some food and practice moves they want to work on before the weekend dances. Lots of belly laughs to go around. We would love to have you come join us!
See you around in a square
Andis Garuts
A round dance workshop continues preceding our 2nd Friday dance, led by Ken and Dianne Pratt, beginning at 6:30 pm. Come work on your round dancing moves with us.
We congratulate the three new mainstream students who just completed graduation from Randy Dibble’s class, and we look forward to seeing these energetic new dancers across a square.
It’s finally time for our outdoor dance, “Dance Under the Stars!” (Look for our flyer.) This special dance will be held Friday, July 26th in the tennis courts next to the Old Fashioned Festival carnival on 6th and Howard Streets in Newberg. On stage will be Randy Dibble calling Mainstream with a half hour of Pre-Plus beginning at 7:30 p.m., and Ken Pratt cueing a mix of intermediates and easy rounds. Ground tires are spread on the concrete to make it easier to dance on, but don’t wear your best dancing shoes this time. The Valley River Dancers got involved with the Old Fashioned Festival years ago. It’s a darling small town festival in Newberg with everything you want in a weekend; breakfast in the park, carnival rides with food and handicraft vendors, car show, live entertainment, awesome fireworks, even an old-fashioned hymn sing-a-long in the park, (and lots more). A traditional square dance is right in line with the many activities. Bring your sweetheart and dance the night away with us under the stars.
Saturday morning, July 27th, the Valley River Dancers will participate in the Newberg festival parade with Randy Dibble calling. The theme for the 2019 Old Fashioned Days is “Dancing in the Streets, ” and we are going to do just that!!
We do not go dark in the summer, so come join us for some fun dancing. We are blessed with an abundance of male dancers—more so than other clubs I’ve noticed, so if you don’t have a partner, not to worry, please come!
Josie Rosenbury
We had a very fun dance on May 18th, B&B's had an official visitation to us, they retrieved a banner. Thank you B&B. Hope to see more clubs visiting this Summer.
Carolene Siebert
While we continue regular Wednesday classes In Tillamook at the elks lodge downtown, lessons be dark on June 19th. Will begin again June 26th. Our class is going well and all attending are having lots of fun.
Don Hart
Rita Schuchard
Happy dancing,
Robin P. Faltersack