Welcome to fall and to our main season of lessons!
As we go further into lesson season, we should take a look at how we are doing as a club and as “angels”. Angels are the wonderful people who volunteer their time to ensure that a class has the best possible learning experience. They provide the new class members with their first real look at the club. How angels behave and treat the new dancers, other angels, and visitors will affect class members' decisions whether or not to join our club.
Angels are also role models. No matter what the instructor and club try to communicate to the students concerning etiquette, attitudes, or styling, class members inevitably take their cues from what they see the angels doing. So it is important that angels be extra careful to provide good role models. Smile, be enthusiastic, and enjoy the dancing. Be friendly, courteous, and gentle. This is sometimes said than done, especially if it has been a long day. And, let's be honest, some of us have personal agendas, perhaps disagreements with club policies or less-than-cordial relations with specific club members that are out of place here and must be put aside.
Although most of us do the right things instinctively the majority of the time it can't hurt to reiterate certain points. The following advice for angels has been extracted from several sources, including articles in square dance publications and handouts prepared for other clubs.
So, as we go out to lessons and our new dancer dances let us make sure that we Square Up With Everyone -- not just a few friends. Seek out the weaker students/dancers and ask them to dance with you. Make sure that students are not sitting out because angels are dancing. Make sure that we as angels and experienced dancers are having fun and being encouraging – this will help make lessons and dances fun for our newer students and dancers.
Karyn Buchheit
Many clubs are deep into their fall lessons by now. Let us know what you tried, what worked, and what didn't.
There are a couple of good articles this month, including part two of the series on dancer safety, and a note about music licensing. Both are worth your time to read.
Click here to find out how to get your information into the OFN, including dances, lessons, photos, flyers, advertisements, and caller/cuer information.
We have set up an email mailing list to notify people when a new edition of the online OFN is available, and for other important news about the OFN. To subscribe to this mailing list, just fill out this information:
The next Federation meeting will be at Mid-Winter Festival, on January 26, 2020.
Oregon's Mid-Winter Festival 2020 will be held January 24, 25 and 26, 2020, at the Linn County Fairgrounds in Albany.
We hope you are planning to attend the 2020 Summer Festival, to be held at the Seaside Convention Center in Seaside on August 21-23, 2020. This festival is sponsored by the Eager Beavers and the Hoedowners.
The 69th National Square Dance Convention® will be held in nearby Spokane, Washington, June 18-21, 2020. The 70th National Square Dance Convention® will be held in Jackson, Mississippi, June 23-26, 2021.
All clubs in the Oregon Federation are required to maintain their status as non-profit corporations with the State of Oregon. The Secretary of State's office mails out a renewal notice about a month before your registration expires every year. The following clubs expire this month:
November 5 -- Sweet Home Squarenaders
November 6 -- Toe Draggers
November 7 -- Crook County Mavericks
November 8 -- Cast A Shadow
November 10 -- LaGrande Star Promenaders
November 14 -- Rosetown Ramblers
November 20 -- Sets In Order
November 25 -- Capitol Callers & Cuers Assoc
November 29 -- Mix N Mingle
Download a complete list of the Federation club dances this month, all sorted by date and city.
Everything in the When & Where is extracted from the state directory information. If you find that your club information is wrong, you can fix that by going to the directory information area and fixing your data.
Click on the title to see the article.
This is part two of a two-part series on dancer safety.
We all have a tendency to regard square dancing, round dancing and clogging as completely safe in regards to the location of the dances. Would we react the same if this was a store, our work or anywhere else? We get bombarded by news reports of attacks and robberies all the time. Do we even think these could happen to dancers or our dance locations?
25 years ago, I never thought twice about being at a grange hall by myself to decorate for a dance and I would often leave the door open. Now, if I'm by myself at a hall, I make sure that the hall door is closed and locked.
Often our dance halls are off by themselves with no other buildings close by. They also tend to have landscaping that includes bushes around the building and poor outside lighting that leaves vast areas dark at night. This is everything that the police warn against. Would we approach any other unknown location without looking for places someone could hide?
How often do we look at the traffic pattern, both foot and vehicle, around our hall?
We leave hall doors unlocked during dances and lessons and encourage people passing to stop in, watch and ask questions.
We all need to be aware of the hall we are in: what is the traffic like? Where is it located? What is the lighting like? What is the landscaping like?
Some of the things we can do to protect ourselves, other dancers and our facility include:
Dancing and safety both on the floor and in the hall is the responsibility of both the dancers and the club. We all have things that we really should work on and be aware of. Please be aware of surroundings and others and don't be afraid or unwilling to speak up -- by speaking up, you might be speaking for more than just yourself and you might be keeping a future problem from happening.
Karyn Buchheit
Licensing of music for performance at our dances has long been a source of great confusion. The major caller and cuer organizations have negotiated blanket licenses to keep their members in compliance, but there is still confusion.
Ever since the BMI/ASCAP licensing negotiations began in the early 1990s, there has been a guiding principle that, as long as one performer was licensed, his or her license would cover all performers at the dance. As long as the caller was licensed, the cuer did not need to be, and guest callers and cuers would also be covered.
Things have grown more complicated in the last couple of years with the addition of SESAC, the third major licensing organization. Roundalab has negotiated a blanket license with SESAC, and after reviewing the contracts, Roundalab's attorney has issued an opinion that any performer who is on stage and performing with music must be licensed to play that music, contradicting the long held "one license covers" principle.
This is a significant issue with uncomfortable implications. SESAC is mostly an issue for round dance cuers, because they use radio-ready versions of popular songs, whereas square dance callers have to use music especially arranged for the timing. Callerlab has chosen not to get a blanket contract with SESAC, and they continue to maintain the original "one license covers all" position.
In any case, it is prudent for clubs to have an occasional conversation with their callers and cuers about licensing. The licensing companies do have well-dressed teams of lawyers scanning the internet looking for violations, and they have occasionally contacted and visited clubs to ensure compliance. When new cuers are placed on the program, you need to make sure they have appropriate licensing for all of the music used in the program.
The Federation has licenses with all three organizations to cover our festivals, so any performance at Mid-Winter or Summer Festival is covered.
Here is a link to Roundalab's statement.
It saddens me to report to the membership that our Lifetime Member of Single Trees Lloyd Mutinsky has passed away due to complications of diabetes and dementia. He was a member of our club since 1982 but has not danced with us for quite some time. He has been in acre facility near his long time home in Sweet Home. Many of you will remember Lloyd as the wonderful photographer who kept beautiful albums of the many photos he would take at dances and festivals around the state. He was a great help tome when I first started out as club newsletter editor giving me CDs full of photos to choose from for the monthly editions. He also was official photographer for Mid-Winter for many years. I understand he was a photographer for a leading newspaper in Oakland, CA before moving here to Sweet Home where he became a court reporter for many years before retiring. He loved photography so much he became involved with the writer Ken Kesey and musician-composer Mason Williams and took photos at their events as well. Lloyd danced well at the mainstream, plus and advanced levels. He'll be missed by those who knew him well over the years. Please pass this on to anyone involved with Mid-Winter in the 80's, 90's and early 2000's.
You can download this list of callers and cuers who are available and ready to call or cue a dance for you.
The Emerald Empire Council has chosen the November 2019 Oregon Round of the Month: "Aspenglow", Phase II+2 Waltz (interrupted box and spin turn), choreographed by TJ & Bruce Chadd, by John Denver. Download your cue sheet here.
For more information on the Round of the Month, please contact .
Everything in this section is taken from the state directory information. If you find that your class information is wrong, you can fix that by going to the directory information area and picking to the "Lessons" tab.
Click a thumbnail to download the flyer.
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Keep on calling and cueing for fun,
Christina Corelli
Gaynor Hintz, Club Reporter
On Sept. 27 we had Dan Nordbye calling and Jackie Gale cueing. What a fun dance but for many reasons we only had three squares on the floor. This was the last time we would have Dan calling for us this dance year. We don’t know exactly when we will be able to get him back. However, he will be calling in Mesa this winter if you want to fly down and dance to him! Otherwise, he will return in Oregon and be calling at various places north of here throughout the late spring and summer months. I understand he’ll be at nationals in Spokane too next June.
Hope to see you join us when you can.
Gaynor Hintz, Club Reporter
We will be dark November 24, a Sunday.
We dance almost every Sunday at the Emerald Dance Center in Springfield from 5:30 to 8:00. We dance all levels. Our caller, Tim Matteson, will adjust the levels according to who shows up to come and dance. It's always FUN, and we always have a lot of FOOD! We encourage all square dancers to join us! The floor is cushioned and comfortable! We even have heat and air conditioning!
Please call Tim Matteson at 541-988-0399 or David at 541-520-7311 to make sure we are dancing. We are dark once in a blue moon, but we'd hate to miss you.
Keep on dancing,
Christina Corelli
We have several special theme dances coming up. Please join us when you can. Sandy Harris call's the first Saturday and Lennie Ludiker on 4th Saturdays with Christina Corelli cueing both dances.
Sandy Harris
Caller & Club Reporter
We have about 17 cloggers that regularly come to our 4:00 class, which goes at a little slower pace than the intermediate class even though many in the 4:00 class are intermediate level dancers. In our intermediate class that meets at 6:30, we have around 15 that come on a regular basis with a few who drop in as time permits.
Two of our instructors, Staci and Glee, had an exciting adventure the first weekend in October. They flew to Canada and took part in the First Canadian National Clogging Convention.
The club was also asked to perform at the Oregon Bounty Celebration the first weekend in October. We had about 10 members who participated.
October was the month where our officers for 2020 were elected. They will fill their positions in January. Georganne
At the end of October we're looking forward to our traditional Halloween Dance and will enjoy the festivities. For November, our club is dark on the second Saturday only, in honor of Sweet Home Squarenaders' Turkey Dance. Happy Fall, everyone! Karen
Dee Mackaman, IWW Reporter
We are discussing the possibility of doing a showcase for Mid-Winter Showcase of Rounds. Just can’t decide on what kind of rhythm to do, at least at our last class it came out to a tie. Guess we will find out later.
There is always room for more on the dance floor, so come and join us for some dancing and fellowship. Marilyn Schmit
Mainstream lessons are progressing nicely. The dancers have learned almost 50 calls!!! They will be more than ready for all of the New Dancers Dances.
November brings us three dances, our regular first and third Friday dances and a fifth Friday Plus dance on November 29. Our New Dancer Dance will be on December 20 with a Christmas theme and there will also be Resale Clothing at that dance. Mark your calendar for our New Year's Eve dance at the VFW Hall again this year. Randy Dibble will call and Jeanine Norden will cue the dance for us. Cost will be $8.00. See Ronda, Sheila, Terry or Lanie for ticket information. See you on the dance floor. Sheila Machado
Thomas filled in as caller for our October dance since Leonard was out of town. He didn't have a lot of Halloween theme songs, but he did have a good variety.
Our ham dinner dance is November 8. Check out our flyer for more information. See you at a dance soon. Petrina Buchheit
New dancer classes have started and so far our ladies outnumber the men, so gents, if you would like to angel, come on over on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 at the Albany IOOF Hall and join us. Sandy
Have you noticed our web site has been updated?
Even though we just got through sponsoring the Summer festival, we’re going to sponsor the 2021 Summer Festival at the Linn County Fairgrounds in Albany. It’s not too late to volunteer to help.
Jim Schira
Our featured dances are Nov 13th, our Veteran’s day dance; and Nov 20th, our ever famous Pie Night and Turkey Raffle.
November our first dance will be a regular dance and the 2nd dance will have a Red, White and blue themed dance. See you in a square The Bee
We have six strong students attending our Cha-Cha lessons taught by Connie Clark; four students are Chaps, thus we are growing our dance skills and decided to keep the Round lessons going. Our final number of Mainstream students has yet to be determined, due to vacations in progress: the number is likely 8-10. We appreciate our Angels very much which allows us a healthy two squares for MS instruction.
At our next dance, November 1st, Scott Zinser will open with Plus and we will have Leonard Snodgrass as our Cuer for the first time ... we hope you join us and make it lively dance.
Chaps & Petticoats will be DARK November 15th. We hope you save your energy for our "Turkey-Trot" New-Dancer JAMBOREE on November 24th from 4:00-7:30pm (with Turkey Dinner served at 5:30pm). Angels, please bring your students: Scott Zinser will call to the floor (max. level 36), Mark McDonald (& Bobbi) will Cue a round between tips and "experienced clothing" will also be sold.
Happy Feet,
Betty Chipps
November will be another exciting month, but not quite so hectic. We have a great mainstream class going with 27 students as of the 5th lesson. Over half are under 25 and they are quick learners. Our biggest challenge is getting enough angels here. We are getting a good response from our club, but he students still outnumber the angels. It is a great problem to have!
We will be dancing 1st, 4th, and 5th Saturdays this month. Come dance off some turkey and pie on November 30th to the calling and cueing of Craig Abercrombie. Rumor has it that we will be raffling off a turkey that night!
Several Cut-ups will be attending the Riverside County Dance Festival in Indio, CA, November 7-10th. We had so much fun last year that we are bringing even more people this year!
Beverly De La Bruere
year now and it’s finally feeling like home. One of the greatest benefits of our new
location has been the number of individuals who have come to participate in our
lessons. Without any other square dance clubs near-by we have found that many
people living in the area are interested in taking lessons close to home. Our lesson year began in September with a combined total of about 32 students enrolled in either plus or basic and mainstream classes. The combination of some terrific Hopper angels and highly motivated and enthusiastic students make lesson nights a lot of fun.
About once a month throughout the dance year Hoppers have a dine-out where we get together at a local restaurant for dinner and fellowship. We have begun inviting our lesson people to this event as a way of encouraging them to feel included in our group and to get to know some of our members in a setting other than a dance. Not all students feel comfortable attending the dine-outs, but our members seem to enjoy the opportunity to spend time with fellow dancers and to get to know some of the students in a relaxed atmosphere.
During the month of October many Hopper members will be found at the R Square D’s Octoberfest and at the Seaside Sashay in Seaside, Oregon. We always look forward to both of these events. We’ll also have our own Harvest Day dance on October 19 th featuring all pumpkin desserts. Yum! Then, it’s on to November and a lot of great dance opportunities at clubs in the area to work off all the wonderful food we will all be eating during the holidays. Additionally,
we will begin collecting toys for our annual toy drive at our November 16 th dance. In the middle of December all the toys and gifts we have collected will be given to The Children’s Center, a nonprofit serving children and families.
Jean Tolstrup
Our students are doing well at lessons and we will be having a new dancer jamboree at our first dance in November on November 9. We will also be honoring our veterans at this dance with the presentation of the “Quilts of Honor” to those who have served in military service. We will also be having an” experienced clothing” sale at that time. Hope you will come join us and bring your students.
We dance every second and third Saturday at Milwaukie Community Center at 42nd and Jackson in Milwaukie. Darrell Kalmbach and Tami Helms are our caller and cuer and we love having company. Come dance with us.
It will be an exciting dance where we get to wear our favorite pajamas. See the flyer for times for advanced, pre-rounds, and mainstream.
All dancers are requested to support the Charlie Browns Birthday dance the first Saturday in December.
We hope to see you at the Charlie Brown Birthday in December, and then our Pajama Party in January.
See you in a Round or Square,
We could use some Angels - especially men (or those that dance left handed).
We have a small group of dancers doing the Mainstream Workshop & Plus class - but everyone has fun.
We were dark for the Circle N Square birthday dance - and what a GREAT time!!!! The hall was hoppin' - thanks to Eric Henerlau & Rikki Lobato!! Congrats on 65 years!!
Our October dance was small - but everyone had a great time with Chuck & Sarge - and there were many donations for Coats For Kids as well as the Rogue Valley Humane Society - thank you to everyone that donated!! We were dark for the 3rd Saturday dance for the Potato Festival - and I am sure everyone had a good time that attended.
November will be full of fun dancing~~November 2nd is our annual treat of dancing to J Domis - as well as Bob Dingman. J is always a favorite of the dancers. If you've never danced to him, be sure and join us on Nov 2nd. 7pm Pre Rounds & MS & Plus 730-10pm. November 16th we will have National Caller Mike Sikorsky!!! He is a great caller - if you've never danced -please join us (and get a preview of Diamond Lake, when he is the featured Caller!!). Mark McDonald from Bend area will be doing rounds - so it promises to be a great event!!! Advanced starts at 530pm. Pre Rounds at 7pm and Alternating MS/Plus from 730-10pm. $12 for the evening if you dance Advanced; $10 if you don't dance Advanced. Don't miss either of these great dances in November!!
Our birthday dance is fast approaching as well!!! Going to be a great evening of fun with Mike Haworth & Rikki Lobato!!!! Look for the flyer!!
Safe travels to all the local dances & festivals!
See you in a Square!
Thank you doesn't seem to be adequate for the success and support we got for our 65th birthday dance, but until I think of another wau to say it, THANK YOU TO ALL. Our featured Caller and Cuer put on a great program. Keeping everyone moving, thinking, and having a great time. Also a big thanks to the decorating committee, the hall looked inviting and great! The raffle of the custom necklace was also a success, Ron Hayes, our club's past prez won the necklace. FYI the lost money was claimed and returned. We are making plans for next year, I have contacted callers about calling our 66th birthday, as well as our annual Gold Diggers. I will keep you updated when I get confirmations. On a different note, I was asked, and Sherrie too, (not sure about other members) if we were going to hold next year's birthday dance in Medford in cooperation with the R.V. Rendezvous. Simply put NO. In my simple mind this would be the equivalent to holding the annual Diamond Lake Fest at Crater Lake, or Boatnik at Roseburg. I want to thank Phil and the Star Promenaders for inviting me up to call, I am looking forward to calling again in November. Elaine has agreed to cue rounds for us weather providing. But if the weather is bad or questionable we may not offer rounds. As always we welcome all dancers to join us at any time. Thank you again for your continued support.
See you on the floor!
The next "Game Night" will tentatively be November 8th, with a them of "Mexican" for the potluck to celebrate the game most of us play. Come out and join us. If you don't play Mexican Train, there is usually a game of cribbage going on.
Phil Ramey started a new "Plus" class on Monday, September 9th from 630-830pm. There were two squares turned out to either learn plus or brush up. This class is going very well. Everyone has a great time.
On November 13-15th, there will be "Experienced Square Dance Clothing" for sale at the hall. Come on down and find something you absolutely cannot live without.
On November 15, there will be another "Back to Basics" Dance. Dean Black will be the caller.
Then on November 21, put your appetite on and come join the Stars Class for a Thanksgiving Potluck. Check out the flyer to see the designations for what food to bring. Come on out and do like the rest of us, and eat too much. Then on November 23rd is the club Thanksgiving Dance.
Bow to your partner, your corner too
See you in a square!
On Friday, September 20th the Kinton Grange was rocking with 97 dancers. The Toe Draggers 44th Berry Good Anniversary dance was indeed very good! KC Curtis and Roger Putzler called and Bev Flint cued a great dance. Eleven of the fourteen TVC clubs were in attendance.
Also on a Friday, September 27th, the TriSquares held their 21st Anniversary dance at the Tigard Grange. Several of the old timers mentioned that the Grange had not had that many dancers in a long, long time. That number was 108, over 13 squares, with 8 dancing pre-plus! Guest national caller Adam Christman suggested that the dancers checkerboard their squares, a concept new to some. Sandra Pinion cued the rounds for the evening.
Our next Council event is a fifth Saturday Dance, held at the Aloha Grange on November 30th. This dance will feature Mike and Julie Stout calling and cueing. The dance begins with pre-rounds at 7:30 followed by Mainstream with rounds at 8:00. Every third tip will be Plus. This dance is co-hosted our brand new club to the TVC, the Oak Hills Squares.
Since the OFN is published mid month, you may still have time to plan on the Mix 'N Mingle anniversary dance on October 19th. See their flyer for format information. They are dancing Mainstream for this dance with Randy Dibble calling and Sherri Clark cueing.
Ferrous Steinka
As Thanksgiving is late this year our 4th Saturday Dance is before we eat that big turkey dinner so it we will not have our usual Turkey Burn-off dance but we plan to have a great time with our outstanding club caller, Jim Hattrick. We will have plus from 7-8 and mainstream from 8-?. It will be a good time to stop and relax before jumping again into the Christmas shopping. We look forward to seeing you in a square. Also, just to remind some clubs it might be a time to come get your banner back.
Nick Johnson
We enjoyed visitations to both Toe Draggers and Tri-Squares in September. The second half of the dances we donned our green vests advertising Summer Festival 2020 in Seaside.
Time to visit a new club, the Oak Hills Squares, who are co-hosting the next TVC dance on November 30th at Aloha Grange, 185th and TV Highway. Pre-rounds start at 7:30, Mainstream and rounds at 8:00, with every 3rd tip Plus.
Plan ahead for the New Year’s Dance with a black, red, silver color theme in case you needed an excuse for a new outfit. We and the Sunset Promenaders are hosting this dance with some help from TVC. When you are planning for Thanksgiving and Christmas do not forget to include a night of great dancing to welcome in the New Year.
We dance on most holidays. Even if you have a job, you can join us once in a while. Our three callers keep us on our toes as each week one seems to have some new twist to keep our minds sharp. All plus dancers are invited to dance with us on Monday afternoons, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00, at the Sunset Presbyterian Church, 14986 NW Cornell Road in Beaverton. Please check for up to date information at www.EagerBeavers.info.
Rachel Nettleton
The 5th Friday dance falls on the day after Thanksgiving... Check our website HayShakers.org as the time gets closer to see whether or not we have a dance on November 29th.
With Mainstream lessons completed, we will hold Mainstream workshops throughout November and December to polish new Hayshakers skills so that they can go out and dance with any Mainstream Club and do so successfully.
Craig Holt
September disappeared in my rain spattered rear view mirror which made our Farmer’s Market Dance on the 14th all the more enjoyable. Those endless fall afternoons with the golden autumn sunshine disappeared into the low, wet clouds of early winter but we were lucky and enjoyed the last of the summer’s fruits and veggies. We celebrated, feasted and danced. Hope you joined us.
We had two fun filled visitations in September to the Toe Draggers and Tri-Squares for their anniversary dances. Out came our bright green vests advertising Summer Festival 2020 in Seaside.
Sept 28th was our Callers Choice Dance. Daryl does like to remind us that every song is caller’s choice.
Shiver me timbers and batten down the hatches! The Hoedowners will be having their Pirates Booty Dance on November 9th. There will be treasure.
November 23rd is the famous Turkey Toss Dance. Everyone gets a chance to toss a bag of beans and take home a turkey.
Krystal Laas
We are making plans for our usual Canned Food Dance for Christmas. We hope that you will join us in stocking up on things for those in need.
Patty Bonney
Oak Hills Squares provided a demo dance at the Cedar Hills Farmer’s market on September 14th, with an enthusiastic audience amid the produce.
Seven members of our club visited Toedraggers anniversary dance on September 20th for some good experience dancing to other callers. This was the first exposure some of our new dancers had to a larger dance, and they were pleasantly surprised.
We are welcoming Renee Ruud as our caller on the third and fifth Monday beginning October 21st. Lane Clem will continue to call and cue on the first, second and fourth weeks.
On November 4th we will have a Guy Fawkes Dance as an alternative to a Halloween theme, in celebration of our British members. No fireworks will be set off during the dance, but masks may be in evidence! Photos of the festivities will be posted with our next report.
We have an exciting announcement! On April 1, 2019, a guy and a gal met at our class; in September, they (Mark and Dee), announced they were getting married on October 5th! Our caller, Lane Clem, taught a beginning dance lesson to those who attended the wedding reception. How fun!
We also celebrated them after the September 30th class, with cake, balloons, party lights, and many good wishes.
Please join TVC’s newest club on Mondays from 6:30 to 8:30. The first hour will be the lesson for new dancers (we always welcome angels), and mainstream dancing with phase two rounds will follow for the second hour. Square dancing attire is encouraged, but optional on the first Monday of every month, when the dance is all singing calls.
Let’s keep on dancing!
Marie Clem
You know, all clubs not just dancing, are having a struggle with membership. As R Square D prepared for our annual campout in Skamokawa I realized the connection. As a club we were gathering together as friends, we didn't dance or conduct business (ok, just a little business) the club is/was a social connection. As times change clubs do not have the same significance in our social lives as they once did. I think it is really important to understand this as we structure our dancing in the future.
Speaking of future, Vets! Come dance for free on our November 8th dance. R Square D would like to honor you. It was a precious moment last year when all the Vets came forward for a picture. Makes me thankful.
Speaking of thankful, November 23rd will be our Thanksgiving dance.
And thank you to all of you who read this column. I hope to see you in a square. Dance info: 7pm - 8pm Plus with advanced rounds, 8pm - 9:30pm Mainstream with rounds. 106 NW 8th Ave, Kelso, WA 98626 by the Rotary spray park at the intersection of Hwy 4 and W Main, Kelso/Longview. Our dances are $6 donation.
See you in a square,
Annie Tietze
• Saturday, November 2nd, Mainstream Dance with Mike and Ken calling and cueing.
• Thursday, November 7th, 5th Anniversary Plus Dance with Darrell Kalmbach, and Ken Pratt calling and cueing.
• Saturday, November 16th, Mike Stout calling and Ken cueing. Mainstream Dance with a theme of Thanksgiving.
• Thursday, November 21st, Plus Dance with Darrell and Ken calling and cueing.
• Then on November 30th there is a TVC 5th Saturday Dance with Mike and Julie Stout calling and cueing at the Aloha Grange at 185 and TV Highway.
Our Mainstream and Plus dances start at 6:30 to 7:30 with Intermediate Rounds, then at 7:30 to 9:30 is Square Dancing. Our dances are at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows Hall, 267 E. Main St. Additional parking across the street at Heritage Bank. If you have never danced with us we have the best dance hall and dining facilities in the area. Our hall is located downtown at 3rd and Main St. upstairs.
Come and dance with us so we can become either new friends or better friends.
If you need more information call: 503-805-5867Tom & Janice Sminia or Gary & Joyce Clark 503-647-5742.
Tom & Janice Sminia
Our lessons are progressing on Wednesday evenings at 7:00. We have 8-10 students who all seem to be having a good time. All Angels are welcome to bring a student a join us in the fun.
November 1st is our “Fall Festival” dance. Please bring canned food donations. November 15th will be a regular dance.
Please join us as caller KC Curtis calls and Bev Flint cues. See you soon.
Kathy Degman
Also in September some of our members helped our Grange by participating in a work party to clean up and paint part of the Grange, all for just a free lunch.
We had a great time visiting the Toe Draggers for their anniversary dance.
Then the following week we had our own 21st anniversary dance with 108 people on the floor. Wow, eight squares of PrePlus dancers! Many thanks to all who came and to all who served, too.
Upcoming on Sunday November 3rd we’re having a New Dancer Jamboree, at 3:30. And please remember, we’ve changed our dance nights to 2nd and 4th Fridays now, with a “Homecoming” dance on November 8th and “Grateful Harvest” on November 22nd.
See you on Fridays from now on!
Gloria Davis
Andis Garuts
A round dance workshop continues preceding our 2nd Friday dance, led by Ken and Dianne Pratt, beginning at 6:30 pm. We've been able to bring our questions and dance figure struggles to the pros and have them help us smooth out our bumps. Come put your dance shoes on and work out some kinks with us!
Our Mainstream November 22nd dance features our annual gospel dance. Randy Dibble has an amazing voice and these inspirational songs are especially awesome. Come on out for a fun evening and then join us at Abby's Pizza in Newberg after the dance for complimentary sodas.
Josie Rosenbury
Carolene Siebert