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Oregon Federation News
September 2020

A publication of the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs

Printed 20 September 2020
President's Corner

This is my last letter to the OFN as the Federation president. Welcome to Gary Clark as our new president.

This has been a unique year in our experiences both in dancing and in the world. Please continue to work at keeping in touch with other dancers, neighbors and family as our situation continues.

Good wishes and good luck to Gary as he takes office at our meeting this month.

Karyn Buchheit

Greetings to all Square and Round Dancers within the Oregon Federations.

As incoming Federation President I want to give Karyn Buchhiet a big thank you for her good job as State President this past year. It was different leading the Federation during a pandemic. You did a good job, Karyn. All of your state officers made the adjustment to this new situation. I want to also thank your Secretary Roberta Claudson for adjusting to this situation despite going through a family tragedy. We all understand your need to resign and have time to heal. Thanks to Lorri McIntosh for taking the appointment to fill this slot and becoming the Federation Secretary.

As we move forward with an uncertain square and round dance future, we have to remember we are all in this together. We need to be safe with social distancing. I have seen emails that a group of callers are doing on line meetings to discuss getting started again when the timing is right. There are also round dance clubs having dances with social distancing in mind, as well as following the CDC and Oregon State guidelines. This is all fine if you are comfortable with this. No pressure to participate if it’s not the right timing for you.

There will be a different format for clubs starting back up, I’m sure. We officers of the Federation are always here to help as soon as we find out the go ahead under Phase III. This will be the timing for all dancing, I do believe. However some counties of the state could move forward with CDC permission because of low COVID-19 incident rate. At this time the Portland tri-county area is the hot spot for cases. This will all take time to resolve.

I want to thank each and every one of you for your confidence in me to lead this Federation. Time will tell what the "new normal" will be. Until then, hang in there. Plan some functions with your club with social distancing, and keep in touch with a suggested weekly Club Update email with contributions from the members on what they are doing. My club, the Sunset Promenaders, and others, are doing a good job with this connection with the members. Keep it up until we get back to dancing and we WILL be dancing again.

Swing your partner anytime.

Gary Clark

Editor's Note

We are fortunate this month to have two president's columns, one from outgoing Federation President Karyn Buchheit, and one from incoming Federation President Gary Clark.

September has traditionally been "square dance month", when most of our clubs start their new mainstream lessons. Unfortunately, we won't be seeing much of that this year. Several clubs are starting size-limited round dance lessons.

Once we do get back to dancing, it's likely we will all need refresher lessons...

Tim Roberts

Click here to find out how to get your information into the OFN, including dances, lessons, photos, flyers, advertisements, and caller/cuer information.

We have set up an email mailing list to notify people when a new edition of the online OFN is available, and for other important news about the OFN. To subscribe to this mailing list, just fill out this information:

Your name:
Email address:
Federation Events

Coronavirus Update

Most of our square dance organizations have canceled dances, classes, meetings, and special events in response to the rapid spread of the coronavirus. We'll try to include notices here when things start to open again.

Federation Meetings

The Federation held a teleconference on July 12, in lieu of Summer Festival. The next Federation meeting will be a teleconference on September 20, where our new officers will take over.

Summer Festival

The 2020 Summer Festival, which was to be held at the Seaside Convention Center in Seaside on August 21-23, 2020, had to be canceled, due to the governor's orders on large gatherings.


Oregon's Mid-Winter Festival 2021 will be held January 22, 23 and 24, 2021, at the Linn County Fairgrounds in Albany. At this time, they are still planning to go forward. A final decision will be made in October.

Other National Events

The 70th National Square Dance Convention® will be held in Jackson, Mississippi, June 23-26, 2021.

The 71st National Square Dance Convention® will be held in Evansville, Indiana, June 22-25, 2022.

The 72nd National Square Dance Convention® will be held in Mobile, Alabama, June 21-24, 2023.

The 73rd National Square Dance Convention has just been awarded to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for June of 2024.

Corporation Renewal Status

All clubs in the Oregon Federation are required to maintain their status as non-profit corporations with the State of Oregon. The Secretary of State's office mails out a renewal notice about a month before your registration expires every year. The following clubs expire this month:

September 2 -- Tumbleweeds
September 3 -- Wave Steppers
September 11 -- Hoedowners
September 15 -- Willamette Squares
September 19 -- Braids & Braves
September 21 -- Mid-Willamette Council
September 23 -- Lebanon Square Circlers
September 23 -- Valley River Dancers

When & Where

Download a complete list of the Federation club dances this month, all sorted by date and city.

Everything in the When & Where is extracted from the state directory information. If you find that your club information is wrong, you can fix that by going to the directory information area and fixing your data.

Letters and Articles

Click on the title to see the article.


Available Callers & Cuers

You can download this list of callers and cuers who are available and ready to call or cue a dance for you.


Daryl Clendenin
14421 SE Jupiter Ct
Milwakie, OR 97267
Cece & Sarge Glidewell
PO Box 1928
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Henna Yauger
14915 SE Brookfield Dr
Oregon City, OR 97045
Ian Craig
6100 NE 138th Ave
Vancouver, WA 98682
Mark Wheeler
6728 SE Woodstock Blvd
Portland, OR 97206


Cece & Sarge Glidewell
PO Box 1928
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Joyce Hooper

Beaverton, OR 97005
Rikki Lobato
2230 SW Webster Rd
Grants Pass, OR 97526
Federation Links
Oregon Round of the Month

The Central Oregon Council has chosen the September Oregon Round of the Month: "Bing Bang Boom", Phase II Two Step, choreographed by Barry and Bobbie Bartlette, music by Highway 101. Download your cue sheet here.

For more information on the Round of the Month, please contact Tami Helms.

Lessons starting in September and October

Please note that, due to the coronavirus, there will probably not be any square dance lessons this fall.

Everything in this section is taken from the state directory information. If you find that your class information is wrong, you can fix that by going to the directory information area and picking to the "Lessons" tab.

Country Cut-Ups
Boring Barn
13987 SE Richey Rd.
Thursdays, 7:30 PM Starting 9/10/20
Contact: Young Lumsden (503) 791-7779
Salem, OR
Salem Square Dance Center
3695 45th Av NE
Thursday, Sept. 10, 7 p.m.
Contact: Marilyn Schmit 503-508-0539
Port Orford
Crook County Mavericks
Beachcombers Cove
43452 Nicholson Dr
Contact: Dave Cooper 541-771-1706 or email cooper
Buckeroo Barn
5051 NE Stephens St
September 14,2020 Mondays, 6:00 PM
Contact: buckeroomembershiplessons@gmail.com
High Desert Dancers
Pine Forest Grange
63214 Boyd Acres Rd
Thur/Sun, 6:00---8:00 pm, September 24-November 19
Contact: Kay Bithell, 541-382-7014

Special Dances
October 9 (2nd Fri)
R Square D
Octoberfest Weekend
7:00-8:00 Pre-Rounds; 8:00-10:00 MS w/Rounds
Catlin Grange, Kelso
Caller: Craig Abercrombie; Adam Christman
Cuer: Susan Healea
View Flyer

All the Flyers

Click a thumbnail to download the flyer.


Click a thumbnail to see the full-sized picture.

Councils & Clubs

Click a council name to go directly to that section.

Blue Mountains Council
No council news received.
Elkhorn Swingers
No club news received.
LaGrande Star Promenaders
No club news received.
Muddy Frogs
No club news received.

September 20 (3rd Sun)
Regular dance 2 - 4 p.m.
Milton-Freewater Comm Bldg, Milton-Freewater
Caller: Dan Nordbye

Central Oregon Council - Link
No council news received.
High Desert Dancers
No club news received.
Red Rock Squares - Link
No club news received.
Sagebrush Shufflers - Link
No club news received.
Sundown Round Dance Club - Link
No club news received.

Emerald Empire Council - Link
No council news received.
Boots & Sandals - Link
No club news received.
Cascade Callers & Cuers Assoc
Our next scheduled dance is supposed to be October 31, but with the coronavirus/COVID-19 still active and growing, we will have to wait and see.

We trust everyone is doing what they can to be safe and that everyone is well and healthy.

Our hall in Springfield was closed around March 9 and will remain closed until further notice.

There is nothing at our hall for the month of August that I am aware of. After that, we will see. It's a little difficult to social distance with square dancing. We fear there may not be any lessons this fall as well.

You can never be too safe with this virus business.

Wishing you all good health,

Christina Corelli, Secretary

Cast A Shadow - Link
No dances are scheduled for the foreseeable future as we follow our Governor's mandates regarding social distancing and social gatherings. Some of us fear we will lose our square dancing skills before all this is over. Guess we'll have to read and reread the call definitions.

Stay safe,

Gaynor Hintz

Misty Valley Cloggers
No club news received.
Single Trees - Link
Like other clubs around the state our dances have been canceled and there is no knowing when we will be able to dance together again. We know they are working hard at coming up with a vaccine that will help immunize us to this dreadful virus.

In the meantime it is nice to stay in contact by reading the OFN, watching for email reports from members and other square dancing friends. We were all sorry to hear Mike Sikorsky was hopsitalized for a very long time with what wascalled pneumonia at first, then double pneumonia, then MRES, and then it all went into sepsis. He is lucky to be alive and have made it through all that. Mike liked to come through Oregon and call here and there upon occasion and some have been lucky to travel to Arizona and get to dance to his fine calling. We wish him well.

Our club may still have a gathering which will not be our traditional picnic but a way to reconnect with one another until we can get back on the dance floor. Perhaps it will happen in September while the weather holds.

Be well. 'Til we meet again.

Gaynor Hintz

Club reporter

Spin Cycle Squares - Link
We have not had a dance since the end of February, and are dark the full month of August.

Patrick Finn, one of our members who moved to Wisconsin has a new puppy! She's a great Dane! We look forward to seeing photos as she gets bigger and bigger! We're glad Patrick is not alone.

We are sad to let you know that Kris and Kurt Jensen's mom, Joan, passed away here in Eugene. Our sympathies to Kris, Kurt and their families. Joan lived an incredibly full life full of adventure, travel and service.

We are continuing to rent the parking lot at the dance hall for a short visit on Sundays. We back our vehicles in a huge circle and either sit on our tailgates or bring a lawn chair. We can visit and see each other and maintain a safe distance. It works.

Stay safe and healthy,

Christina Corelli


Sweet Home Squarenaders
No club news received.
Whirl-A-Ways - Link
No club news received.
Wolf Pack - Link
No club news received.

Interstate Highlanders
No council news received.
Klamath Country Squares
No club news received.

Mid-Willamette Council - Link
No council news received.
Braids & Braves
We had a small Club Campout at Vernonia last month. It was beautiful weather and lots of fun while social distancing.

There is no clear guidance yet when normal square dancing can resume simply because the pandemic is too active and we have no vaccine yet. We are missing all our Square Dance family. Carmen

Capitol Callers & Cuers Assoc - Link
No club news received.
Cherry City Cloggers - Link
No club news received.
Corvallis Squares - Link
This is normally the time when we’re looking forward to and planning our fall square dance lessons! This year is completely different, and we miss the opportunity to gather as a club and make plans for the fall dance season. We hope you’ve enjoyed your summer and taken advantage of the delightful weather to spend some time outdoors. Here’s hoping we can find a silver lining to this year’s physical distancing and can keep a positive attitude as we look toward the future. Our square dance friends are absolutely some of the nicest people we know and so fun to spend time with! We look forward to when we can meet up again! Karen
Golden Squares
No club news received.
Independence Wagon Wheelers - Link
Since we haven’t been able to meet in person, there have been periodic e-mail updates from our members. There has been a lot of gardening happening; one gentleman has made quite a number of masks; some people continue to work at home; several members have been making quilts; one member is a camp host. Everyone seems to be doing their part by social distancing and wearing masks when it is appropriate. We still wait (impatiently) until we can dance again. The hall has been painted and the floor refinished, so we will be dancing in a “new” hall. LaVerne
Lebanon Square Circlers - Link
No club news received.
ORDTA - Link
No club news received.
The month is almost upon us and there are changes coming to the club. We will have guest cuers until we can decide on what is happening in the club. Our co-cuers gave their 30 day notice at the end of July, so we are in contact with a few to see if they can come and cue for us until we figure out what our future is going to be.

We are still dancing weekly on Thursdays through the end of August from 7-9 p.m. for our summer sessions, unless the Governor decides otherwise. I think we will be dark on September 3 for the long Labor Day weekend, in case people have plans to go somewhere. Then, we will start fall sessions at 6:30 p.m. with the intro to Phase 3 dancing with a rhythm to be determined, when we get a cuer to help us out.

We had a summer dance scheduled for August 15, but it is too soon to report on how that went, and too soon to cancel in case the Governor decides otherwise. We are kind of in-between things at the moment.

We hope to see you in our dance hall for an evening of round dancing whenever you are in the vicinity. Marilyn Schmit

September 10 (2nd Thu)
Intermediate Level Lessons/Floor Time
Phase 3-4 lessons/floor time dancing
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Randy Lewis
View Flyer

September 13 (2nd Sun)
Phase 2 Two Step class
Two step lessons for beginners
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Ralph Lambert
View Flyer
Salem Swingin' Stars
No club news received.
Silver City Squares
No club news received.
Timber Twirlers - Link
Like the rest of the world, Timber Twirlers is waiting for the time we can resume the activity that we love. But it is looking like the first of the year before things will get moving so we are hanging in there. Hope everyone is staying safe. Sandy
Willamette Squares
No club news received.

Portland Area Council - Link
No council news received.
Bachelor N Bachelorettes - Link
We had a great picnic July 22, that 14 of our members attended. That would have been on our regular dance night. It was good to see our dance friends again, as most of us are friends off and on the dance floor.


Buzzin Bees
No club news received.
Chaps & Petticoats - Link
Hello everyone,

So here comes September, that means no square dances since spring, through summer and soon we’re into fall.

I really miss the dancing. On a happy note, Chaps and Petticoats picked up two more members in May (that makes four since February’s graduation). On JULY 5th, wearing masks and social distancing, we planned a BBQ picnic at a member’s home on the waterfront. It was such a beautiful day, we enjoyed each other’s company immensely!

Chaps and Petticoats can hardly wait to introduce you to the lively and refreshed Maplewood Grange. While the Grange is closed to rentals (that’s us), the lockdown has allowed much-desired improvements to take place ...we will share the upgrades with you in the near future.

When we are back to dancing, students and Angels, alike, are going to need refreshers - look forward to seeing you then.

Stay healthy,

Betty Chipps

Country Cut-Ups - Link
Since the Country Cut-Ups own their own building, we are not restricted by the closure of all the Granges, so we have started round dance lessons. Tammy Helms is teaching beginning waltz on Sunday evenings. We are restricting the size of the class to comply with the social distancing requirements The class is not full so we still have room for more students, however the class did start on Aug. 9th. We are requiring students bring their own partner. For further information, contact Young Lumsden at 503-791-7779. We are considering having a dance in our building that would be round dancing only with social distancing provisions, no date is set yet.

We are having line dance lessons on Thursday nights with beginning from 5pm to 6pm and advanced from 6pm to 7pm, again, with social distancing rules in place. Club member, Lynn Wunische is instructing. So far, all of the classes have been held on our outdoor dance floor.

Our annual Pancake Breakfast has been cancelled this year. As with everyone, we are dearly missing the square dancing and being together. To date, we are all staying healthy.

Happy Hoppers - Link
Current motto: We will survive! Some of us are brainstorming ways to keep our members engaged and interested. Two such motivated people in our club are Liza and Tom Halpenny. They are doing Zoom meetings every Monday at 7 pm which would be our normal time for lessons. We do square dancing for one couple and then Tom and Liza trade off teaching various line dances which we can do in the living room. Our current assignment is for everyone to bring one joke to the meeting which we share at the end. It's a truly enjoyable way to enjoy an hour with our square-dancing friends.

At our recent board meeting it was decided to notify our members that we will be in touch with them as soon as it is feasible to start activities again. We had previously notified them that we might possibly start lessons again in September but here in Washington the granges are still closed unless certain stringent guidelines are followed, ie, complete sanitation of the entire building before and after an event. That is not a realistic possibility for our club.

So we will continue to brainstorm and try to keep square dancing in the minds and hearts of our membership as "Stay safe" becomes a common refrain.

Janet Linebarger

Heads to the Center - Link
No club news received.
Oaky Doaks - Link
No club news received.
River City Dancers - Link
If you have driven by our hall on a weekday morning, you might have noticed cars in the parking lot, windows open, lights on, and the sound of music coming from inside and wondered what was happening. Well it is our long-time renters, the jazzercise class which continues to use the hall most week day mornings. They all wear masks, bring their own water bottles, and practice social distancing. Unfortunately, social distancing is not possible with square dancing.

River City Dancers is still not yet dancing and we are waiting until it is safe to do so. When the day comes that we are dancing again, I am sure you will be able to hear the loud outcry of joy. Just In case you have your windows and doors closed at that time and do not hear all the joyful celebration, we will be sure to notify you when we dance again. Meanwhile, stay safe and healthy and hang on to the hope that we will all be together again and dancing soon.

Carol Mendenhall

Rosetown Ramblers - Link
With the trend in COVID-19 cases moving in the wrong direction, the Ramblers have reluctantly decided to cancel all dance activities through December 31. We do not foresee an opportunity to dance safely and comfortably until a vaccine is approved and available to the general population. In the interest of predictability and fairness to our members (who paid for a service we cannot deliver), we decided to proactively suspend all activities for the rest of 2020. We will offer members a prorated refund of their dues, or an opportunity to roll over their membership to 2021.

After our successful masked Ramble in Sellwood in July, we decided to Remake the Ramble on August 8. This time we gamboled through Portland's Irvington neighborhood. We marveled at some truly magnificent mansions, some vintage apartment buildings, and some stately old trees lining one of Portland's most elegant neighborhoods. The weather was beautiful and comfortably cool, so mask-wearing was certainly tolerable.

We will plan another Ramble for early September...got to get these walks in while climatology is working in our favor.

We hope everyone is staying healthy and sane. We look forward to getting back on the dance floor soon.

Jeff Knapp


September 12 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
Alternating Mainstream and Plus, 7:30 to 9:30
Oak Grove Community Club, Oak Grove
Caller: Michael Kellogg

September 12 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
Alternating Mainstream and Plus, 7:30 to 9:30
Oak Grove Community Club, Oak Grove
Caller: Michael Kellogg
Tumbleweeds - Link
No club news received.

Rogue-Sis-Q Council
No council news received.
Charlie Brown Squares - Link
The Charlies are still in a holding pattern in regards to classes & dances. The club voted to hold off on classes until, hopefully, January. We typically have new classes in September & January. We will keep our fingers crossed for January. No dances scheduled for September. We currently have 1 dance scheduled in October, on October 3rd, with Michael Kious & Rikki Lobato; and will hope for the best. The Charlie's website and facebook pages stay updated; so if there is ever any question - please check the website or contact one of the officers. Speaking of officers; we installed our new board; and would like to say congratulations to President: Carla Simpkins 1st VP: Jeanne Lobato 2nd VP: Lorri McIntosh Secretary: Candy Marie Erb & Treasurer: Michele Dunavant. Thank you to the previous officers - all of you are appreciated!!
Not much news to report. Like many other clubs we are in a holding pattern. We are waiting to see what other clubs decide to do and what their plans are. Our biggest challenge is where to dance. All of our party nights are usually held at a local school, but with the current debate going on concerning how schools will reopen and what guidelines will be set, we can not have use of any schools. Other places suitable for dancing are either in the same situation or too expensive to rent. We have been in contact with our most active dancers, and the general feeling is wait until things mellow out or some kind of definite vaccine is available. When we do get back to dancing we will have a temperature gun to take temps of those attending, we will also have hand sanitizer, and extra masks. We will encourage people to bring their own drink cups, bottles etc. We hope everyone is staying safe and doing their part to keep others safe.
Star Promenaders - Link
There really isn't much to report. The Stars are still "In Limbo". We are going to have a "Game Night on August 28 and another one on September 11, but that's about the size of it. Nothing grand & glorious.

South Coast Council
No council news received.
Beachcombers - Link
No club news received.
Crook County Mavericks
No club news received.
Saints-N-Aints - Link
No club news received.
Sets In Order - Link
No club news received.

Tualatin Valley Council - Link
Several of the TVC clubs have come up with ways to keep in touch with their members. There are Zoom meetings, small back yard gatherings, phone calls and emails, and an afternoon rally style game day. See the Sunset Promenaders report below.

One of the popular methods of keeping in touch is a club newsletter where members and other dancers are invited to share their experiences during the pandemic. For information on how the clubs are doing this you can ask your question using the "Contact Webmaster" link on the websites for the Hoedowners, Eager Beavers, Sunset Promenaders, R Square D, Wavesteppers, or Oak Hills Squares.

The annual "Seaside Sashay" held in late October and hosted by the TVC Promenaders and Hayshakers had to be cancelled due to Covid-19 concerns.

Please, wear a mask in public places and stay safe until we can meet on the dance floor again.

Ferrous Steinka

Columbia River Dancers - Link
Hello to all of our square and round dance friends. The Columbia River Dancers are not dancing now but that does not mean we are not seeing each other. We have had a variety of drive-by birthday gatherings. A group meets at some local spot, decorates their cars and drives by the birthday house honking and making a big racket for all the neighbors to hear. Many of us will stop and distance greet and lament the lack of dancing. Melissa James has been great about bringing cupcakes along to the get-togethers. Our president, Dale Smith, has been battling migraine headaches for some time so ask that you include him in your prayers.

Nick Johnson

Eager Beavers - Link
At least we are not in solitary confinement, we still have phones and computers, to reach out to others. We have newspapers, TVs and smart phones to let us know what is happening out side of our personal cells. What if we had no way to get information about our common enemy, Covid-19? Do not try to answer that question. The answer might look like a horror movie.

On the bright side it is easy to make somebody’s day with just a call or a note making both of you feel a lot better. This time out also makes us appreciate all those things we take for granted; socializing with friends, taking spur of the moment trips, shopping when you feel like it, celebrating birthdays and weddings, dining in a restaurant, visiting a friend or family in a care facility, and so on.

While I am thinking about things missed, I miss our callers and cuers. They must be bored out of their skulls. Give your caller a call too.

My thanks to those who are making an effort to find ways to keep the dancing going even with just one couple at a time.

Keep checking for our start date at www.EagerBeavers.info.

The following message is for your information when life as we used to know begins again: We dance on most holidays. Even if you have a job, you can join us once in a while. Our three callers keep us on our toes as each week one seems to have some new twist to keep our minds sharp. All plus dancers are invited to dance with us on Monday afternoons, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00, at the Aloha Grange, 3425 SW 185th, Beaverton, 97006

Rachel Nettleton

September 7 (1st Mon)

8:00 AM
View Flyer
Hayshakers - Link
No club news received.
Hoedowners - Link
Okay, I get an email reminding me that an OFN report is needed and I immediately panic because I haven’t the foggiest idea what to write. I know the Hoedowner’s are all doing well but our social activities, especially with each other, are non existent and I’m sadder for it.

In fact, Donnie and I were bemoaning our lack of a social life one evening last week when we plunked ourselves down in from of the TV and began to cruise through streaming services when we noticed a documentary called Clive Davis: The Soundtrack Of Our Lives. It was a homerun, as we were mesmerized over the next two hours listening to the music. YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS!

The film got us talking about one of the charms of summer; the outdoor concert. Growing up in Montana, outdoor concerts with headliners were rare. In 1971 we were thrilled to see Sonny and Cher live at the State Fair. Here we’re very lucky with dozens of venues presenting a host of summer concerts; the Gorge Amphitheatre (great groups, great camping, great big mosquitoes), McMenamins Edgefield Concerts out in Troutdale (eclectic music, good food and beverages), Portland Zoo Concerts sitting in the grass, Portland Jazz Festival, Waterfront Blues Festival (we went several years ago to hear Richie Havens because that’s where we found our daughter’s name), Waterfront Park concerts (Who can pass up the Oregon Symphony playing the 1812 Overture with the National Guard cannons on Labor Day). We have all enjoyed an evening dancing at one of the wineries or celebrating a wedding outside. We can enjoy Michael Allen Harrison’s Ten Grands playing at Ron Tonkin Field or the wonderful Italian Festival, held each August at Pioneer Square, where the crowd is doing the rumba, the waltz, or cha to a large dance band. There are usually dozens of concerts each week in local parks and venues. Everyone loves dancing in McMinnville at the Valley River Dancers “Dancing Under The Stars”. A few years ago we drove up to Seattle to see Paul McCartney in concert at T-Mobile Park, the baseball field. It was a perfect evening, warm, with the lights of downtown Seattle as the backdrop. The gal sitting to my left had come with her daughter and she and I decided we never dreamed we’d have an opportunity to dance, in the dark, under the stars to a Beatle. She and I danced all night while her daughter sat glued to her seat. Donnie joined in but in a more sedate manner letting the “girls” have fun.

I know each and every one of you has memories too of other summers. May I suggest we make a new memory of the summer of 2020? We are definitely missing out but I have two suggestions, grab a lawn chair, a snack, an adult beverage, and make your own concert in your backyard, the music selections are up to you. Smell the grass and enjoy the moonlight.

I also recommend watching the Clive Davis documentary. You will be amazed at the guy’s music savvy and insight. We didn’t know that this mild mannered attorney influenced us so much. Dancing is optional but recommended.

Hope to see you dancing soon.

Krystal Laas

Mix N Mingle - Link
M&M’s (the official Company not our square dance club) has come out with a new flavor; Fudge Brownie. Don’t they sound yummy? Almost as good as the “Boo-terscotch” that came out last Halloween. I’m anxious to get them into our dispensers for everyone to nibble on in between tips - once we get back to dancing, that is.

Hmmm. Maybe I should stock up just in case they are a “limited edition”.

We will keep you updated on calendar changes thru this OFN report as well as our website: www.mixandminglesquares.org

Lindie Noonan

Oak Hills Squares - Link
No club news received.
R Square D - Link
No club news received.

September 11 (2nd Fri)
Red, White & Blue Dance

September 26 (4th Sat)
Autumn Leaves
Sunset Promenaders - Link
On Saturday, July 11th, about 30 Sunset Promenaders and friends participated in a Poker Run. It was set up like The Amazing Race, where teams needed to complete a challenge at each stop before receiving a playing card and a clue to find the next destination. Safety was the top priority, with social distancing and hand sanitizer at each location.

Starting at the Cherry Lane Trailhead in Hillsboro, participants needed to toss a beanbag through one of the holes in a spaceship before continuing. After finding “the quarter” (25th Avenue), teams played a short game of croquet at Griffin Oaks Park in really tall grass, which made it more challenging.

From there, everyone traveled to the Fernhill Wetlands for a game of ring toss. The next stop, at Thatcher Park in Forest Grove, featured a giant frog. Teams used badminton rackets to hit shuttlecocks, ping pong balls, and plastic baseballs through the mouth of the frog. It looked easy, but was deceptively hard, especially with the changing breeze. This stop was probably the highlight of the competition!

Before revealing their hands, everyone was allowed to discard and draw one or two cards to improve their chances of winning. Darrell Kalmbach had the best hand with five 11’s (queens). Everyone visited and snacked for a while before heading home after a fun afternoon.

Ruth Canby, our first round dance cuer, passed away on July 3, 2020 at the age of 91. She cued for the Sunset Promenaders for twenty-five years; her husband, Mel, was our first square dance caller. She taught round dancing to many people over the years. Her contributions to the club also included decorating, food for potlucks, and managing scrapbooks to preserve memories made during club functions. She attended many Sunset Promenaders activities after her retirement party at the Christmas Dance in 2010.

Due to the more stringent restrictions on gatherings, the club picnic scheduled for August 16th was cancelled. Dan and Terri Browning graciously offered to host the event, but felt it wasn’t possible to comply with the directives in place at this time. They are looking forward to having a picnic at their house next year!

Unfortunately, the pandemic has also led to the cancellation of the Seaside Sashay in October.

Ferrous Steinka (with permission)

September 24 (4th Thu)
Cancelled Seaside Sashay
8:00 AM
View Flyer
Toe Draggers - Link
The Toe Draggers are reportedly keeping so busy, I don’t know how we ever had time to dance! Just listing a few of their activities: Playing with Grandkids, camping, hiking, beach combing, fishing, yard work, gardening, canning, organizing photos, discovering ancestors, puzzles, and one is recovering nicely from knee surgery. WHEW!

I hope all of you are doing well and looking forward to dancing with you soon.

Kathy Degman

Tri Squares - Link
Our board has kept meeting over Zoom the last few months, but we've decided to skip September. We've cancelled our annual August picnic also. But the good news is that only 4 members have declined to renew their membership for the coming year! Gotta dance!

This pandemic has made it difficult for our grange too, so our contract hasn't been negotiated for the coming year yet. But they have agreed to let us know first if they have someone else wanting to rent it on one of our normal dance nights, so that we could keep that date ourselves if we are able to dance together by that time. We all miss each other and dancing together, so, since our club’s monthly newsletter is very empty now, the board has asked members to submit their “Covid-19” stories to share through the newsletter, so we could all keep more in touch. Looking forward to that!

Gloria Davis

Valley River Dancers - Link
Valley Squares have no report. Thinking of everyone, stay safe and well.

Carolene Siebert

Valley Squares - Link
No club news received.
Wave Steppers - Link
No club news received.

Umpqua Area Council - Link
No council news received.
Buckeroo - Link
No club news received.
Dancing Friends - Link
No club news received.
Timber 8's - Link
No club news received.

Copyright © 2020, Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs.