Printed 20 March 2022
President's Corner
March brings spring. Flowers blooming, birds singing, allergies allerging (??) and, hopefully, warmer temperatures. The Mid-Winter festival is past with a larger attendance than anticipated. It was good to see a lot of friends back out dancing. I could tell that a lot of people just wanted to get out and socialize. The only major problem I heard of was the power going out on Thursday night during the Trail’s End dance. That was rectified fairly quickly and dancing resumed.
March may also bring an end to the indoor mask mandate. That is really good news for our activity and hopefully will make it so more people will come out and dance. I have a new singing call that I will premiere at my March 5th IWW dance. It is called “There’s a Bright Big Beautiful Tomorrow”. These past two years have been really hard on our “sport” and this song has a very optimistic outlook on life. I think it is just what we need while we are suffering from Covid “fatigue”.
Hope to see you in a square soon and…..
Let’s Get Back to Dancing
George Hermann
OFSRDC President 2021-2022
Editor's Note
It looks like the indoor mask mandate will be listed by the end of the month. Perhaps the end of this nightmare is in sight.
Click here to find out how to get your
information into the OFN, including dances, lessons, photos, flyers,
advertisements, and caller/cuer information.
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the online OFN is available, and for other important news about the OFN.
To subscribe to this mailing list, just fill out this information:
Federation Events
Coronavirus Update
The coronavirus situation is very fluid. The state-wide indoor mask mandate is still in effect in Oregon, but is set to expire at the end of March. As always, it is up to each individual club and facility to decide what restrictions make them comfortable. Please honor their wishes. .
Federation Meetings
At the Federation meeting on January 30, the nominees for 2022-23 offices were announced:
- 1st Vice President: Karyn Buchheit, Mid-Willamette Area
- 2nd Vice Presidnet: Pat Cox, South Coast Council
- Secretary: Lorri McIntosh, Rogue-Sis-Q
- Membership: Gil Shoemaker, Portland Area
Tim Kick automatically moves from 1st VP to President. Marilyn Schmit is in the second year of her two-year term as treasurer. As per a motion last September, we will be doing online voting this year. The ballot should be sent to club secretaries by the end of the month.
As Mid-Winter Festival, Gary and Joyce Clark were presented with the 2022 Randall Award. Congratulations for this well-deserved recognition!
The next Federation meeting will be held via Zoom on Sunday, May 22, 2022.
Summer Festival
The 2022 Summer Festival will be hosted by the Interstate Highlanders and Rogue-Sis-Q Councils, and held at the Blanchet School in Salem, a nice central location. The dates are July 15-17, 2022. The featured caller and cuer are Pat Carnathan and Rikki Lobato.
Mid-Winter Festival 2023 is scheduled for January 27-29, 2023, at the Linn County Fairgrounds in Albany. You can
click here to download the Program Book.
Federation Links
Other National Events
The latest news about the National Square Dance Conventions® is located in the National Squares magazine, produced by the NEC. You can find the latest issue here: (
The 71st National Square Dance Convention® will be held in Evansville, Indiana, June 22-25, 2022.
The 72nd National Square Dance Convention® will be held in Mobile, Alabama, June 21-24, 2023.
The 73rd National Square Dance Convention® will be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 26-29, 2024.
Other National Links
Corporation Renewal Status
All clubs in the Oregon Federation are required to maintain their status as
non-profit corporations with the State of Oregon. The Secretary of State's
office mails out a renewal notice about a month before your registration
expires every year. The following clubs expire this month:
March 4 -- Muddy Frogs
March 6 -- Misty Valley Cloggers
March 14 -- Golden Squares
March 18 -- ORDTA
March 22 -- Sundown Round Dance Club
March 23 -- Saints-N-Aints
March 27 -- Timber Twirlers
When & Where
Download a complete list
of the Federation club dances this month, all sorted by date and city.
Everything in the When & Where is extracted from the state directory
information. If you find that your club information is wrong, you can
fix that by going to the directory information
area and fixing your data.
- Janne Norton
Janne Driver Norton passed away peacefully on January 29th after a long struggle with COPD. Janne cued and taught for many Portland-area clubs over the years.
Services will take place on Saturday, February 12th at 12:00 noon at
Church at the Grove
6004 NE 72nd Ave
Vancouver, WA 98661
The service will stream online for those unable to attend in person. The stream will be found on the website via the Media-> Watch Online link. The pastor notes that it works best not to try to join very early but aim for right about the start time.
- Raymond Francis Walz

Raymond passed away surrounded by family on February 11, 2022. He was born on December 2, 1934 to Charles and Katherine (Jurgensmeier) Walz in Lawrence, Nebraska. After high school, Raymond worked various jobs before traveling to Oregon to visit family. He eventually moved to Albany, continuing his work in sales. He met and married Virginia McMillan on November 10, 1958 and together they raised 2 boys. Raymond and his wife were members of St. Edward Catholic Church in Keizer. His life centered around his family while his hobbies included a passion for square dancing, teaching round dancing and traveling. Raymond is preceded in death by his parents, Charles and Katherine Walz. He is survived by his wife: Virginia Walz; siblings Charles Walz, Doris Schiefelbein, Richard Walz, and Tess Masters; children David and Michael Walz; grand-children Kirsten Decker, Kathryn Walz, and Matthew Walz; and five great-grand-children. Services will be held at St. Edwards Catholic Church in Keizer and streamed at 1:00 pm on Tuesday, February 22, 2022. Serving the family, North Santiam Funeral Service, Stayton.
Cards may be sent to
Virginia Walz
c/o David Walz
5273 Newberg Drive N
Keizer, OR 97303
- Danny Paul Rickard

Danny Paul Rickard, age 77, from Salem Oregon, passed away from Covid-19 on February 5, 2022, in the Salem Hospital surrounded by his wife, Lanie Rickard (Moore) and his children.
Danny was born March 30, 1944 in Hanford California to Paul Rickard and Ethel McCollum. A month after Danny's birth his family moved to Salem, Oregon. Danny grew up with 4 brothers Thomas, Ray, Sam, and Jack Benny along with a good number of cousins. Danny graduated from North Salem high school in 1963. During his youth he would work in the neighboring farm fields and orchards. After graduation Danny joined the Oregon National Guard and trained with the Army in Knox Kentucky.
Upon returning to Salem, he worked as a grocery cashier and a public works technician until he was introduced in 1971 to cement finishing. He retired from cement finishing in 2002. After retiring he picked up growing tomatoes and other vegetable plants that he sold from his driveway. Over the years the sales grew to the point that he had 2 temporary greenhouses in addition to his permanent greenhouse.
In 2008 he started square dancing with the Salem Swingin' Stars Square Dance club where he met his beloved wife, Lanie, in 2011. Danny and Lanie were married in December 2012 in Florida. Danny loved hunting, fishing, crabbing, gardening, and square dancing in addition to spending time with family and friends.
Danny is survived by his wife Lanie, his brother Sam (Charlene) and his four children, Daniel, Drew, Dean, and Danielle Amy, along with his six grandchildren and one great-granddaughter.
"Celebration of Life" service will be held at Johnson Funeral Home, 134 Missouri Avenue S, Salem, Oregon on March 19, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. After the service the family will be gathering at Walery's Pizza in West Salem.
- Steven M. Christensen
Steven M. Christensen, 91, of Lebanon passed away January 15, 2022 at his home. Huston-Jost Funeral Home is handling arrangements. Steven was a member of the Lebanon Square Circlers. Arrangements are being made for a March memorial.
- Dick Click
We have received word that long time Oregon caller Dick Click passed away on February 6 after a fall. We will post an obituary when we find one. A celebration of life will be held in the spring.
- Lila Uretta (Welch) Jones

April 10, 1928 – December 25, 2021
Lila was born at home near Summit Point, Utah at or about 12:00 am on April 10, 1928. She was the youngest of five children. Lila’s family moved to Phoenix, Arizona and then Blythe, California when she was a child. The family moved to Fall Creek, Oregon where Lila graduated from Lowell High. After graduation, Lila worked as a telephone operator for two years. She was married in 1947 and had three children, Karen, Randy, and Doug. After her divorce, Lila moved to Banks where she worked at the telephone company. In 1963 she met and married Otis Jones and became the stepmother to five more children. Since most of the kids were teenagers, Lila quit her job to become a stay-at-home mom. Lila and Otis had one son, Darren, making them a family of eleven. Lila was an avid gardener spending a lot of time outside and provided many friends with all the asparagus they could eat over the years.
Lila was also a proficient crafter, knitting afghans for her twenty-six grandchildren (plus many more) and crocheting beautiful doilies, tablecloths and even clothing. In 1973 Lila and Otis started square dancing and were members of the 4N8ers. They were charter members of the Sunset Promenaders and Lila continued dancing until she was in her late 80’s. Not only did she square dance, but Lila was an avid round dancer and clogged for about ten years. They traveled to every state to attend square dance conventions. In 1994 Lila and Otis were awarded the TVC Recognition Award and in 2001 they were presented the Randall Award for all their contributions to square dancing in Oregon. We remember other things like their dedication to being angels at classes, her pies and other potluck dishes and her willingness to help whenever possible. In August 2021 Lila attended the Sunset Promenaders club picnic visiting with old friends and meeting our new dancers. Having lived a full good life, Lila passed away December 25, 2021, and will be missed by many for her baking abilities, good humor, and sharp wit.
Available Callers & Cuers
You can
download this list
of callers and cuers who are available and ready to call or cue a dance
for you.
Ian Craig
19598 Goose Lake Dr NE
Aurora, OR 97003
Mark Wheeler
6728 SE Woodstock Blvd
Portland, OR 97206
Cece & Sarge Glidewell
PO Box 1928
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Henna Yauger
14915 SE Brookfield Dr
Oregon City, OR 97045
Cece & Sarge Glidewell
PO Box 1928
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Rikki Lobato
2230 SW Webster Rd
Grants Pass, OR 97526
Oregon Round of the Month
ORDTA has chosen the March Classic Round of the Month:
"Hit the Road Jack", Phase II+1 Two-Step (Side Corte), choreographed by Casry & Sharon Parker, performed by Renee Olstead.
[Download your cue sheet here]
For more information on the Round of the Month, please contact
Lessons starting in March and April
Everything in this section is taken from the state directory
information. If you find that your class information is wrong, you can
fix that by going to the directory information
area and picking to the "Lessons" tab.
Dancing Friends
Buckeroo Barn
5051 NE Stephens St
Thursday, 6:30-8 West Coast Swing Lessons for 13 Weeks w/Neil Koozer
Columbia River Dancers
Manor Grange #1101
17901 NE 72nd Ave
Sundays 6 - 7 PM YEAR ROUND
Contact: Dale 360-606-8849
Columbia River Dancers
Manor Grange #1101
17901 NE 72nd Ave
Sundays 7 - 8 PM YEAR ROUND
Contact: Dale 360-606-8849
Happy Hoppers
Washington Grange #82
7701 NE Ward Rd
Mondays, 6:30 PM starting Mar 7
Contact: Gil Shoemaker - 360-450-7029
Happy Hoppers
Washington Grange #82
7701 NE Ward Rd
Mondays, 7:30 PM starting Mar 7
Contact: Gil Shoemaker - 360-450-7029
Dancing Friends
Buckeroo Barn
5051 NE Stephens St
Tuesday 6:30-8:30 Mixed Rhythm Fun Floor Time w/Neil Koozer
Country Cut-Ups
Boring Barn
13987 SE Richey Rd.
Thursdays, 7:30 PM to 9:30PM
Contact: Don Garwood 503-334-8141
Red Rock Squares
Redmond Grange
707 SW Kalama
Sundays, 3-5:00 PM & Wednesdays, 6-8:00 PM
Contact: 509-953-3726
High Desert Dancers
Pine Forest Grange
63214 Boyd Acres Rd
6:30-8:30 pm Mondays & Thursdays
Contact: Kay Bithell, 541-382-7014
New Dancer Jamborees
March 11 (2nd Fri)R Square D
Class Level Dance
7:00-8:00 Plus; 8:00-9:30 Basic w/Rounds
Kelso Senior Center, Kelso
Caller: Jim Hattrick
Cuer: Susan Healea
View Flyer
March 13 (2nd Sun)River City Dancers
New Dancers Jamboree
4:00 - 6:00 pm Dance, Clothing Sale: 3:00 - 4:00 pm & 6:00 -
Milwaukie Community Club, Milwaukie
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Julia Buchheit
View Flyer
March 27 (4th Sun)Columbia River Dancers
Beginner Dance
Basic all dance
Manor Grange #1101, Battleground
Caller: Jim Hattrick
Cuer: Jim Hattrick
View Flyer
Special Dances
March 6 (1st Sun)Silver City Squares
Youth ?Fundraiser Dance
Youth fundraiser dance, silent auction/basket raffle, cash r
Waldo Hills Community Club, Silverton
Caller: Ian Craig
Cuer: Julia Buchheit
View Flyer
March 12 (2nd Sat)Columbia River Dancers
Anniversary Dance
Plus 7-8, MS 8-10 PM
Manor Grange #1101, Battleground
Caller: Adam Christman
Cuer: Adam Christman
View Flyer
April 6 (1st Wed)Bachelor N Bachelorettes
Anniversary Dance
7:30 - 10:00 PM
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: Daryl Clendenin
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
April 8 (2nd Fri)Rogue-Sis-Q Council
Pear Blossom Square Dance Festival
Rogue Valley Square Dance Center, Medford
Caller: Mike Haworth
Cuer: Rikki Lobato
View Flyer
April 8 (2nd Fri)R Square D
69th Anniversary Dance
7:00-8:00 Plus; 8:00-9:30 MS w/Rounds
Kelso Senior Center, Kelso
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
Cuer: Susan Healea
View Flyer
April 25 (4th Mon)Eager Beavers
Anniversary Dance
Plus 12:45 to 1:15 pm - Mainstream 1:15 - 3:00 pm
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach & Jim Hattrick
Cuer: Jeanine Norden
View Flyer
April 29 (5th Fri)Portland Area Council
April Showers
Council Dance
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: Sarge Glidewell
Cuer: Cece Glidewell
View Flyer
May 22 (4th Sun)Country Cut-Ups
Robert & Young Lumsden Anniversary Dance
Free Dance to Celebrate Robert & Young Lumsden
Boring Barn, Boring
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
May 27 (4th Fri)Charlie Brown Squares
Boatnik Square Dance Festival
Josephine County Square Dance Hall, Grants Pass
Caller: Eric Henerlau
Cuer: Dan Drumheller
View Flyer
June 4 (1st Sat)
Lebanon Square Circlers
Strawberry Festival ALLIANCE Dance
Silent Auction, Experienced Clothing Sale
Lebanon Senior Center, Lebanon
Caller: Dan Nordbye
Cuer: Jackie Gale
July 20 (3rd Wed)Star Promenaders
49th Diamond Lake SD Festival
Diamond Lake, Diamond Lake
Caller: Don Wood (Phil Ramey)
Cuer: Marie Wood
View Flyer
All the Flyers
Click a thumbnail to download the flyer.
Please support our advertisers, since they help support the magazine.
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Eager Beavers Black & White Dance, Jim Hattrick Calling
Salem Swingin' Stars say goodbye to Danny Richard
R Square D had visitors from Cougar Squares, Columbia River Dancers, Happy Hoppers, Buzzin' Bees and Prairie Steppers for their "Rockin' to the 50s & 60s" dance, with Mark Wheeler and Susan Healea.
Congratulations to Darrell and Erin Kalmbach recipients of TVC's "Recognition Award" for 2021, presented to them Monday night by TVC's President Mike St.Clair at the annual President's Appreciation meeting. They are very deserving of this honor.
Councils & Clubs
Click a council name to go directly to that section.
Blue Mountains Council
No council news received.
LaGrande Star Promenaders
No club news received.
March 24 (4th Thu)
Regular Dance
Not holding regularly scheduled dances
Fort Union Grange, Island City
Cuer: Guest Cuers
Muddy Frogs
No club news received.
March 20 (3rd Sun)
Regular Dance
2 to 4 p.m.
Milton-Freewater Comm Bldg, Milton-Freewater
Caller: Guests
Cuer: Guests
Central Oregon Council -
No council news received.
March 14 (2nd Mon)
meet every 3 months--time and place vary
High Desert Dancers -
No club news received.
March 5 (1st Sat)Regular Dance
2:00-5:00 pm squares/occasional rounds
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
View Flyer
March 11 (2nd Fri)Regular Plus Dance
7:00-9:30 pm squares/occasional rounds
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
View Flyer
March 19 (3rd Sat)Double down/Triple up weekend
7:00-9:30 pm squares/occasional rounds
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
Caller: Adam Christman
Cuer: Adam Christman
View Flyer
March 25 (4th Fri)
Regular Plus Dance
No club news received.
March 4 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
7:00 PM
Redmond Grange, Redmond
Caller: Guest Callers
Cuer: Guest Cuers
March 18 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
7:00 PM
Redmond Grange, Redmond
Caller: Guest Callers
Cuer: Guest Cuers
Sagebrush Shufflers -
No club news received.
March 12 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
6:30-9:30 PM
Ochoco School Crossing Gym, Prineville
Caller: Guest callers
Cuer: Guest cuers
March 26 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
6:30-9:30 PM
Ochoco School Crossing Gym, Prineville
Caller: Guest callers
Cuer: Guest cuers
Sundown Round Dance Club -
No club news received.
March 14 (2nd Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30-9:00 pm
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
Cuer: Mark McDonald
Emerald Empire Council -
No council news received.
March 7 (1st Mon)
every two months-call for details
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
March 14 (2nd Mon)
every two months-call for details
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
March 21 (3rd Mon)
every two months-call for details
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
March 28 (4th Mon)
every two months-call for details
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Cascade Callers & Cuers Assoc
Our next scheduled dance is April 30, 2022. Surely, things will have slowed down by then. We're wanting everyone to be safe and feel safe. We are going to assume the mask mandate will still be in effect. No shared food or drink. We have hand sanitizers for before and after each tip. Please bring your own water. We want to thank all of the dancers for their diligence and support to make this pandemic bearable and short-lived.
Christina Corelli
At this point in time we are still not dancing but waiting for the pandemic to die down. As the Governor and OHA will be lifting the indoor masking mandate as of March 31, 2022, we might anticipate a return to dancing by our advanced group at the Emerald Square Dance Center in Hall B from 1:30-3:30PM one to two Sundays a month. Let’s hope so.
We dance to recorded music but do have a live caller every once in a while. We generally have between 1 and 2 squares of dancers and use cards so everyone has a chance to dance whether they have a partner or not. All advanced level dancers are welcome to join us when we start dancing again. Please keep an eye on our website where Fred Beisse posts the schedule of dances:
Hope to see you in a square soon,
Gaynor Hintz
March 6 (1st Sun)
Regular Dance
Irregular, please see website link
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
March 13 (2nd Sun)
Regular Dance
Irregular, please see website link
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
March 20 (3rd Sun)
Regular Dance
Irregular, please see website link
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
March 27 (4th Sun)
Regular Dance
Irregular, please see website link
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Misty Valley Cloggers
No club news received.
March 18 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
7:30 - 10:00
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Cuer: Lauri Weidenhaft
We have been dancing most months since last May but up until February we only danced once a month on the 4th Friday. We did not dance the 4tgh Friday in January because of Mid-Winter. Because we are the only dance club dancing regularly in our area, our members decided that until the Buccaneer club or the Whirl-A-Ways start up their dances we will offer two dances a month on the 2nd and 4th Fridays. The club also voted to temporarily increase our door fee to $8 per person as we are only getting about two squares at our dances. Once our numbers increase back to normal or until we can drop to only one dance a month that rate will be in effect.
We dance starting with 15 minutes of pre-rounds at 7:30 and then a plus tip. Thereafter we have two mainstream tips with every third tip plus until 10PM. We offer rounds in between every square dance tip. Masks are required while the mandate is in effect and no shared food or beverage is encouraged. Hand sanitizer is put out for all dancers to use in between tips.
I am sorry to announce that we lost one of our Lifetime Members, Gloria Gardner, who had been one of the group to find our square dance hall and help get it purchased for use by our square dancing community. She served over 20 years on the Hall Board as Treasurer, and was as already mentioned, a Lifetime Member of Single Trees as she first joined in 1997. Her memorial service will be held Thursday, Feb. 24 at 2PM at Buell Chapel, at 360 6th St., Springfield.
Please come and join us if you can dance at the mainstream level; singles, couples, families are all welcome. We’ll have K.C. Curtis and Neil Koozer on March 11 calling and cueing, and Jim Hattrick and possibly Jackie Gale on March 25.
Hope to have you join us,
Gaynor Hintz
March 25 (4th Fri)
Regular Dance
7:30 plus; 8-10:00 MS squares
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Jim Hattrick (4th Fridays)
Cuer: Jackie Gale
Spin Cycle Squares -
Spin Cycle Squares is meeting socially at the hall albeit being socially distant. We meet Sundays from 4 - 6 at the square dance center at 2095 Yolanda in Springfield. Our dances are always casual dress. Right now we are not doing shared food. Dancers, please bring your own water. Vaccinated dancers only please and thank you. Call president David Lajoie at 541-520-7311 to make sure we are meeting and/or DANCING! And hopefully, by the time you are reading this, we are back to dancing! Our caller, Tim Matteson, makes sure the level is spot on for the floor. Fun to be had by all!
Thank you! Come and join us! We meet almost every Sunday whether we are dancing or not!
Christina Corelli / Member-at-Large
March 6 (1st Sun)
Regular Dance
4:00-6:00 p.m. MS Plus & Advanced Call for dates
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
March 13 (2nd Sun)
Regular Dance
4:00-6:00 p.m. MS Plus & Advanced Call for dates
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
March 20 (3rd Sun)
Regular Dance
4:00-6:00 p.m. MS Plus & Advanced Call for dates
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
March 27 (4th Sun)
Regular Dance
4:00-6:00 p.m. MS Plus & Advanced Call for dates
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
Sweet Home Squarenaders
No club news received.
March 12 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30pm Plus; 8:00-10:30pm MS square dance
Oak Heights School, Sweet Home
Caller: Jim Voll
Cuer: Jackie Gale
March 26 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30pm Plus; 8:00-10:30pm MS square dance
Oak Heights School, Sweet Home
Caller: Jim Voll
Cuer: Jackie Gale
No club news received.
March 12 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 plus 7:30-10:00 ms
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Mike Kious
Cuer: Christina Corelli
March 19 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 plus 7:30-10:00 ms
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Mike Kious
Cuer: Christina Corelli
We haven't been dancing but hope to return in March. We are going to have square dance lessons starting in March too. Look for our flyer coming soon. Janet Geiger will be calling the first Saturdays and myself Sandy Harris will be calling the 4th Saturdays.
Hope to see all the dancers joining us soon.
March 5 (1st Sat)welcome back dance
7:30 Plus / 8:00 Mainstream
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Sandy Harris
Cuer: Christina Corelli
View Flyer
March 26 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30 Plus / 8:00 Mainstream
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Sandy Harris
Cuer: Christina Corelli
Interstate Highlanders
No council news received.
Klamath Country Squares
No club news received.
March 19 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30 p.m.- 10:00 p.m.
Triad School Student Union, Klamath Falls
Caller: Cece Glidewell
Cuer: Sarge Glidewell
Mid-Willamette Council -
No council news received.
March 21 (3rd Mon)
Sept, Nov., Jan., Mar., May
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Braids & Braves
No club news received.
March 19 (3rd Sat)
61st Birthday Dance
7:00 - 9:30PM
McMinnville Grange, McMinnville
Caller: Leonard Snodgrass
Cuer: Sandra Pinion
March 19 (3rd Sat)61st Birthday Dance
7:00 PM to 9:30 PM
McMinnville Grange, McMinnville
Caller: Leonard Snodgrass
Cuer: Sandra Pinion
View Flyer
Capitol Callers & Cuers Assoc -
No club news received.
March 20 (3rd Sun)
Regular Dance
Cherry City Cloggers -
Our beginner class participants that started in the Fall have now graduated and we are pleased to announce that there were six of them that continued with classes after the first of the year. We are glad to have them as members of our club. However, we are saddened by the fact that our beginner instructor, Grace Allen, moved out of the area so she is no longer with us. Mary Bray, one of our original founders of the club back in
1989, has stepped back in to teach this class. Mary taught all levels of clogging for many years and then took a hiatus to raise her family. She is now retired and has returned to help. She is energetic, engaging, and humorous and we love having her back.
The club also hosted the "Stamp Out Winter Workshop" Saturday February 12 at the Square Dance Center. It was sponsored by the Northwest Clogging Association and we had several very talented instructors from Washington and Oregon. It was nice to have a workshop in our own backyard. Georganne Pfnister
March 1 (1st Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00p - 8:00pm
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
March 8 (2nd Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00p - 8:00pm
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
March 15 (3rd Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00p - 8:00pm
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
March 22 (4th Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00p - 8:00pm
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
March 29 (5th Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00p - 8:00pm
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
No club news received.
March 11 (2nd Fri)
Coast Trip
March 12 (2nd Sat)
Coast Trip
March 26 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
7:pm pre-rounds; 7:15 Mainstream, every 3rd tip plus
First Congregational Church, Corvallis
Caller: Guest callers
Cuer: Guest cuers
Golden Squares
Golden Squares is looking forward to starting up dances in the spring. I will keep you posted! Thank you - Teija
March 7 (1st Mon)
Regular Dance
7:00 P. M.
The Estates Auditorium, Woodburn
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Julie Stiers
March 21 (3rd Mon)
Regular Dance
7:00 P. M.
The Estates Auditorium, Woodburn
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Julie Stiers
Independence Wagon Wheelers -
The club danced once in January and will dance twice in February. We will put plans together for our 62nd birthday dance on the second Saturday of March. Check out the flyers for our dance.
Our president’s wife had a heart attack and has had a stent and balloon procedure done. Bonnie and Eugene Ivy will be home to work on getting better and stronger. The club members will help with the set-up of dances until Eugene is ready to come and lead again.
We had a club meeting and we have changed our fiscal year and month of elections. We had several dates each year when something was due so we combined some of them into a more even renewal time.
We hope to see some of you at our dances. We enjoy company at our dance hall. Just face masks or face shields are required. Proof of vaccination is not needed. Marilyn
March 5 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
Polk County Fairgrounds, Arts & Craft Bl, Rickreall
Caller: George Hermann
Cuer: Patty Hermann
March 12 (2nd Sat)62nd Birthday Dance
62nd Birthday celebration
Polk County Fairgrounds, Arts & Craft Bl, Rickreall
Caller: George Hermann
Cuer: Patty Hermann
View Flyer
Lebanon Square Circlers -
No club news received.
March 5 (1st Sat)St. Patty's Day Dance
7:30 PM
IOOF Hall, Lebanon
Caller: Charlotte Jeskey
Cuer: Jackie Gale
View Flyer
March 19 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30 PM
IOOF Hall, Lebanon
Caller: Charlotte Jeskey
Cuer: Jackie Gale
No club news received.
The club finished rumba right before Mid-Winter and we took a week off due to low attendance for the evening. The week after Mid-Winter, we started Jive for those in phase 2 who are ready to move up in rhythms.
We will start looking for new officers in February and let everyone know that dues will come around in March.
It is time to start the planning process for a spring dance. We will also be hosts for the dance on Thursday of Summer Festival week in July. So we have a couple of events to work on for the future.
We hope your clubs are starting to dance again or shortly will be back on the dance floor. Think positive. Marilyn Schmit
March 3 (1st Thu)
Regular Dance
Schedule 7-9:00 p.m.
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Randy Lewis
March 10 (2nd Thu)
Regular Dance
Schedule 7-9:00 p.m.
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Randy Lewis
March 13 (2nd Sun)Daylight Savings Time
Sunday afternoon of round dancing Phase 3 and 4
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Randy Lewis
View Flyer
March 17 (3rd Thu)
Regular Dance
Schedule 7-9:00 p.m.
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Randy Lewis
March 24 (4th Thu)
Regular Dance
Schedule 7-9:00 p.m.
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Randy Lewis
March 31 (5th Thu)
Regular Dance
Schedule 7-9:00 p.m.
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Randy Lewis
Salem Swingin' Stars
Our Annual Wear Red dance was awash in various shades of red on February 4. George Hermann was our guest Caller and Rikki Lobato was our guest Cuer.
On February 5 we lost a great member of our club, Danny Rickard, who passed away quietly that morning with family and friends surrounding him. Danny was the inspiration of the Chicken at our Annual Corn and Cluck dances. Danny went all out on the decorations for our Annual Hobo dances. He was the Membership Chair for many years and his love for square dancing was evident. He spent time placing flyers and talking to people, encouraging them to give it a try. Danny had a great smile and infectious spirit. He will be missed by all who knew and loved him. We are all praying for his wife, Lanie and family as they navigate the coming days without him. Watch our Facebook page for details on the funeral to held in March.
Rikki Lobato will be our Guest Cuer on our February 18 dance. Our March dances are March 4 and March 18. On March 18 we will celebrate St. Patrick's Day, so wear your green. Sheila Machado
March 4 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Randy Lewis
March 18 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Randy Lewis
Silver City Squares
We graduated thirteen youth just before Mid-Winter Festival and eight of our new graduates attended the Festival. We are looking at doing a second set of lessons but it depends on how many students we get. If we don't get enough, we will continue with Tuesdays as practice and dance time.
The Pacific Northwest Teen Square Dance Festival has been cancelled again this year. BUT Silver City Squares is going to be hosting a Teen Square Up May 6-8, 2022, at Waldo Hills Community Club. This will be youth dancing and a mini competition. The details are still being worked out. Watch for flyers and club reports. If you have youth who might be interested, get ahold of Karyn Buchheit.
We have also gone to two dances a month. Watch our flyers for definite dates for our second dance of the month.
Our youth will be having a Fundraiser Dance on March 6, 2022, to help raise funds to host our Teen Square Up. We will be dancing 2:00-5:00 p.m. with a silent auction, raffle baskets, cash raffle and a brunch. Brunch will be served from 1:00-2:00 p.m. Petrina Buchheit
March 6 (1st Sun)Youth ?Fundraiser Dance
Youth fundraiser dance, silent auction/basket raffle, cash r
Waldo Hills Community Club, Silverton
Caller: Ian Craig
Cuer: Julia Buchheit
View Flyer
March 11 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
7:30 PM to 10:00 PM
Waldo Hills Community Club, Silverton
Caller: Guest Caller; TBA
Cuer: Guest Cuer; TBA
March 26 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30 PM to 10:00 PM
Waldo Hills Community Club, Silverton
Caller: Guest Caller; TBA
Cuer: Guest Cuer; TBA
We have been planning month to month due to Covid but it looks like things might loosen up in March so we hope to get in a dance March or April. We will post a flyer as soon as we know. Sandy
March 4 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
March 18 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
Willamette Squares
No club news received.
March 26 (4th Sat)Regular Dance
7:00 - 9:30
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Bruce Lowther
Cuer: Judy Russell
View Flyer
Portland Area Council -
Mark your calendars for September 17-18, 2022 when Portland Area Council will host the Oregon Federation Meetings and Dance at the Maplewood Grange in Aurora, Oregon.
Betty Chipps
March 21 (3rd Mon)
Monday meeting, 5th Friday dance
Oak Grove Community Club, Oak Grove
Bachelor N Bachelorettes -
Our students have graduated and we’re launched for another fiscal year.
Our president still believes there are too many clubs for the number of dancers we have. In that light, we are always looking for clubs that would like to merge with us, or have us merge with them. This will combine talent, resources and dancers to continue the hobby we so much love.
April 29th, we will be hosting our council dance at Abernethy Grange. It will feature Sarge and Cece Glidwell, the caller and cuer for the Klamath Country Squares. It’s really a treat to welcome and dance to entertainment who doesn’t usually come up this way.
March 2 (1st Wed)Regular Dance
7:30 - 10:00 PM
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: Terry Halley
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
March 16 (3rd Wed)Regular Dance
7:30 - 10:00 PM
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
March 30 (5th Wed)Regular Dance
7:30 - 10:00 PM
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
Buzzin Bees
The Buzzin Bees are back and we have a new home.
We will start dancing on February 19th at 7pm . Our new home is Messiah Lutheran Church 905 NW 94th ST. Vancouver, WA 98665. This is where we will be dancing on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month at 7pm. Everyone is excited to get back on the floor. Come join us!
March 5 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 pre rounds 7:30 squares
Hazel Dell Grange, Vancouver
Caller: K.C. Curtis
Cuer: Guest
March 19 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 pre rounds 7:30 squares
Hazel Dell Grange, Vancouver
Caller: K.C. Curtis
Cuer: Guest
Chaps & Petticoats -
Reflecting on the last couple of years, during this era of COVID shutdowns, isolations, event closures, mandates, vaccinations, etc., while some clubs have indeed struggled, even closed, it is comforting to know some events, like Mid-Winter Fest have continuity.
To all the Mid-Winter Festival (1/28-1/30/2022) Team - Thank you for a much needed weekend of dancing and seeing old and new friends!!
Chaps and Petticoats continue to dance on first and third FRIDAY’s: March 4th we host a PAC Visitation dance, Scott Zinser and Stephanie Lozano will call and cue, March 18th Mark Wheeler calls and Leonard Snodgrass, indeed, will cue. Our April 1st HIPPIE dance (dress in costume, if you prefer, as all dancers will also judge) opens with Scott Z. doing Plus at 7:30pm and Mark McDonald will entertain us with Rounds…come join us!
Happy Feet,
Betty Chipps
March 4 (1st Fri)
7:30 PM
Maplewood Grange, Aurora
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Stephanie Lozano
March 18 (3rd Fri)
7:30 PM
Maplewood Grange, Aurora
Caller: Mark Wheeler
Cuer: Leonard Snodgrass
No club news received.
March 5 (1st Sat)Regular Dance
7:00-10:00 PM M/S Dance; 7:00-7:30 Plus, Masks Required
Boring Barn, Boring
Caller: Ian Craig
Cuer: Julie Stiers
View Flyer
March 26 (4th Sat)Regular Dance
7:00-10:00 PM M/S Dance; 7:00-7:30 Plus
Boring Barn, Boring
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
No club news received.
March 5 (1st Sat)Regular Dance
7:00 to 9:30
Washington Grange #82, Vancouver
Caller: Jim Hattrick
Cuer: Jim Hattrick
View Flyer
March 19 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
Heads to the Center -
No club news received.
March 3 (1st Thu)
Regular Dance
7:30 - 9:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
Caller: tape club
March 10 (2nd Thu)
Regular Dance
7:30 - 9:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
Caller: tape club
March 17 (3rd Thu)
Regular Dance
7:30 - 9:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
Caller: tape club
March 24 (4th Thu)
Regular Dance
7:30 - 9:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
Caller: tape club
March 31 (5th Thu)
Regular Dance
7:30 - 9:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
Caller: tape club
No club news received.
March 5 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 Pre-Rounds, 7:30- 9:30 Mainstream
Oak Grove Community Club, Oak Grove
Caller: Daryl Clendenin
Cuer: Julie Stiers
March 19 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 Pre-Rounds, 7:30- 9:30 Mainstream
Oak Grove Community Club, Oak Grove
Caller: Daryl Clendenin
Cuer: Julie Stiers
River City Dancers -
We continue to dance every second and third Saturday, and also begin lessons in January.
We will be having a new dancers jamboree on Sunday March 13. It will begin at 4 P.M and callers from the floor will be invited to call. Julia Buchheit will be the cuer.
We will also be having a used square dance attire sale that weekend. It will be a huge sale since we have a whole storage room full of clothes. There will be great bargains galore. The clothing sale will begin before and after our Saturday dance on March 12 and again before and after the new dancer jamboree on Sunday March 13.
We hope that you will join us for all our fun activities.
Happy dancing,
Carol Mendenhall
March 12 (2nd Sat)Regular Dance
7:00 Plus & Rounds,7:30 to 9:30 pm Mainstream & Rounds(Cloth
Milwaukie Community Club, Milwaukie
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
March 13 (2nd Sun)New Dancers Jamboree
4:00 - 6:00 pm Dance, Clothing Sale: 3:00 - 4:00 pm & 6:00 -
Milwaukie Community Club, Milwaukie
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Julia Buchheit
View Flyer
March 19 (3rd Sat)Regular Dance
7:00 - 8:00 PM Basic Lessons and PreRounds,8:00 to 9:30 pm M
Milwaukie Community Club, Milwaukie
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
No club news received.
March 12 (2nd Sat)Monthly Dance With Daryl Clendenin
Alternating Social Square Dance and Plus tips
Oak Grove Community Club, Oak Grove
Caller: Daryl Clendenin
View Flyer
Rogue-Sis-Q Council
No council news received.
Charlie Brown Squares -
Charlie Brown Squares
We started a new SSD class and have a fun group learning!! We are still doing mainstream and plus FunShops on Thursdays and can always use more dancers!
Our next dance is February 19th with Pre rounds at 7pm with Rikki and alternating plus and Mainstream starting at 730pm with Chuck. Our March dances are on the 5th & 19th. On the 5th we will "Feed The Need" with guest caller/cuer Phil Ramey & Sarge Glidewell. We will also be collecting canned goods for the local food bank. On the 19th, we have J Domis & Bob Dingman who will be ready to "Clover on Over." J is is a local caller who we are always thrilled to get to call a dance or two for us - he's has a great energy & personality!
Boatnik is fast approaching and we are excited to be having the festival this year during Memorial weekend. Featured talent includes caller Eric Henerlau and cuer Dan Drumheller. Get your ribbons!!
See you on the dance floor soon!!
March 5 (1st Sat)Feed The Need Dance
Pre Rounds 7pm Mainstream and Plus 730pm
Josephine County Square Dance Hall, Grants Pass
Caller: Phil Ramey
Cuer: Sarge Glidewell
View Flyer
March 19 (3rd Sat)Clover on Over Dance
7pm PreRounds/730-10pm Alternating Plus/MS
Josephine County Square Dance Hall, Grants Pass
Caller: J Domis
Cuer: Bob Dingman
View Flyer
No club news received.
March 4 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
6:30 -9:30
Evergreen Elementary School, Yreka
Caller: Dean Black
Cuer: Elaine Funk
March 11 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
6:30 -9:30
Evergreen Elementary School, Yreka
Caller: Dean Black
Cuer: Elaine Funk
March 18 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
6:30 -9:30
Evergreen Elementary School, Yreka
Caller: Dean Black
Cuer: Elaine Funk
March 25 (4th Fri)
Regular Dance
6:30 -9:30
Evergreen Elementary School, Yreka
Caller: Dean Black
Cuer: Elaine Funk
No club news received.
March 12 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
March 26 (4th Sat)Honor Arizona Bill(FREE dance)
Easy Advanced 6pm Pre Rounds 7pm MS/Plus 730-930
Rogue Valley Square Dance Center, Medford
Caller: Phil Ramey
Cuer: Mary Nutt
View Flyer
South Coast Council
No council news received.
No club news received.
March 26 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
3 PM to 6 PM
Beachcombers Cove, Port Orford
Caller: Dave Cooper
Cuer: Cathy Houston
Crook County Mavericks
No club news received.
March 11 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
7:00-9:00 PM Phase II-IV
Beachcombers Cove, Port Orford
Cuer: Dave Cooper
No club news received.
March 5 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
Shop, Coos Bay
Caller: Sherm Welch
Cuer: Cathy Houston
March 19 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
Shop, Coos Bay
Caller: Sherm Welch
Cuer: Cathy Houston
No club news received.
March 12 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 PM
Coquille Community Building, Coquille
Caller: Coleeta Quigley
Cuer: Denise Harris
Tualatin Valley Council -
The TVC wishes to extend congratulations to the recipients of the 2021 Randall Award. This is the highest honor the Oregon Federation can bestow on a square dancer. Named for past Federation president Buddy Randall, the award is intended to honor those dancers who have done great service for the Oregon Federation and for square dancing in Oregon, and especially those who work behind the scenes where recognition is so rare. At the Mid Winter Festival, the award was presented to TVC's own Gary and Joyce Clark.
The Council convened a Zoom meeting on January 24th prior to the Mid Winter Festival, and then an in person meeting on the 31st after the Festival. During the first meeting it was decided to continue with Zoom meetings until further notice. There was also discussion about the next TVC event. It will be a 5th Saturday dance in April. Planning is underway and details will be reported next month.
Each year the Council holds a TVC Presidents Meeting to honor current and past club Presidents. This has been a tradition for 28 years. Last year, because of Covid concerns, the annual meeting was not held. Since the TVC Recognition Award is presented at that meeting, it was postponed. The award for 2020 as well as 2021 was presented at the January 31st meeting
Mike St Clair, TVC President, said "Each year since 1994, the TVC Recognition Award has been presented to an individual or couple for outstanding service and significant contribution to the square dancing community. I am very happy to present this award to Bob & Carolyn Bosch for the year 2020, a year that will go down in the history books. Also, at this time I am pleased to announce that the 2021 TVC Recognition Award goes to Darrell & Erin Kalmbach. I think you will agree that both couples are very deserving of this award and I am proud to be the one to present it to them." To see photos and read the full presentation go to the TVC website by clicking the "Link" above this report and then click on the "TVC Awards" tab.
Ferrous Steinka
March 28 (4th Mon)
Columbia River Dancers -
The Columbia River Dancers will be celebrating our 7th anniversary with a special dance on Saturday, March 12TH. We will have Adam Christman from Spokane as our caller that evening. We usually dance on the 1st and third Fridays so this is a change from our normal routine. Dangles will be given to the first 50 attendees.
Our classes continue on Sundays with beginners at 6 PM. We usually have mainstream at 7PM but with our smaller classes Jim has been able to move the classes at their pace. New classes begin the first Sunday of each month. Watch our website, for our next beginner’s dance. It is coming soon.
So much has transpired in those seven years. We have gone from dancing in an YMCA room full of mirrors to a room full of echoes to the Hazel Grange and now to our great home at the Manor Grange. Most of our time has seen Jim Hattrick as our caller. We have been with him through his thick and thin. We consider ourselves fortunate to have a master caller such as Jim.
Our club continues to thrive in spite of a long hiatus due to Covid. We are following Washington State guidelines and require that all dancers wear masks, not shields, that confirm to those guidelines. At this time we do not have a vaccination requirement.
Check our website for upcoming events. If you would like to be on our mailing list to receive notices of dances in the area there is a place on the website to sign up.
Nick Johnson
March 4 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
March 12 (2nd Sat)Anniversary Dance
Plus 7-8, MS 8-10 PM
Manor Grange #1101, Battleground
Caller: Adam Christman
Cuer: Adam Christman
View Flyer
March 18 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
Plus 7-8, MS 8-10 PM
Manor Grange #1101, Battleground
Caller: Jim Hattrick
Cuer: Jim Hattrick
March 18 (3rd Fri)Regular Dance
Plus 7-8, MS 8-10 PM
Manor Grange #1101, Battleground
Caller: Jim Hattrick
Cuer: Jim Hattrick
View Flyer
March 27 (4th Sun)Beginner Dance
Basic all dance
Manor Grange #1101, Battleground
Caller: Jim Hattrick
Cuer: Jim Hattrick
View Flyer
The Eager Beavers began the year with a Centennial Award presentation by the United Square Dancers of American to Paul Swenson, our founder along with his wife, Dottie. We had four squares in attendance to honor Paul and join in the celebration.
We ended the month of January with a Black and White dance to add some sparkle to the gray days of winter.
Congratulations to our own Darrell and Erin Kalmbach for being the recipients of the TVC Recognition Award for 2021. It was presented to them by TVC President Mike St.Clair at the annual Presidents’ Appreciation Meeting. They are very deserving of this honor.
Our Plus lessons are scheduled to begin on Monday, February 14, from 12:00 noon to 1:15, followed by our regular dance from 1:15 to 3:00. Darrell Kalmbach will teach the first class, alternating weekly with Jim Hattrick. This will be a great opportunity for your Mainstream dancers to step up to Plus, as well as an excellent refresher for those who need it.
We require proof of vaccination along with the required face masks or shields, to ensure the safety of our members and guests. Please join us on Monday afternoons for fun and fellowship with our excellent caller/cuer teams.
Alice Hendricks
March 7 (1st Mon)Regular Dance
1:00 to 3:00 Refresher Plus & Ph II/III Rounds
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Jim Hattrick Caller/Cuer 1st & 3rd Monda
Cuer: Jim Hattrick Caller/Cuer 1st & 3rd Monda
View Flyer
March 14 (2nd Mon)Regular Dance
1:00 to 3:00 Refresher Plus & Ph II/III Rounds
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Jeanine Norden
View Flyer
March 21 (3rd Mon)Regular Dance
1:00 to 3:00 Refresher Plus & Ph II/III Rounds
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Jim Hattrick Caller/Cuer 1st & 3rd Monda
Cuer: Jim Hattrick Caller/Cuer 1st & 3rd Monda
View Flyer
March 28 (4th Mon)Regular Dance
1:00 to 3:00 Refresher Plus & Ph II/III Rounds
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Jeanine Norden
View Flyer
The Hayshakers remain dark in March 2022. We’re looking forward to dancing again soon.
Craig Holt
March 18 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
All year around starting at 7:00 p.m.
Pacific Grange, Warrenton
Caller: Mark Wheeler
Cuer: Guest
WOW, January was fun! I saw so many old friends across squares both at Hoedowner dances and at Mid-Winter Festival. Let’s keep it up. We began the New Year with a dance on January 8th. Was there a theme? No, but warm comfy clothes were suggested. I didn’t see any gloves, but sweats and sweaters were the norm. I even saw a knitted hat. Scott Zinser did his best to keep us warm and moving throughout the night. Randy Lewis soothed everyone when he called rounds.
On January 22nd we had a Randy and Randy dance. Are you mystified? Randy Dibble challenging us in the squares and Randy Lewis keep us twirling in rounds. Randy Dibble always makes us THINK! The man always has a challenge. Something I know I need more of. It was a great group of dancers. A special thanks to the Valley River Dancers who joined us.
Mid-Winter was a gas! (Does anyone use that phrase anymore??) As usual we kicked off the weekend with dinner at Novaks, then off to the Linn County Expo Center. Our after party was fun and we didn’t even have one complaint about noise. Saturday saw a full day of new dancers, mainstream, plus, and we even peered in to check out advanced. The round hall was busy, and we’re always tickled to hear our own Randy Lewis cueing. This year the Showcase of Rounds featured club members Randy Lewis and Debbie Olson along with Sarah Richmond and David Boultinghouse. Of course, the Hoedowners dined together at the Cascade Grill before dancing and then had a post dance fling Saturday night. Did we shop? Yes, we did. Did we win a raffle basket? Yes, we did. Did we make memories? You betcha!
Please join us for our regularly scheduled dances in March on the 12th and the 26th. Masks and/or shields are required.
Krystal Laas
March 12 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00-8:00 Plus/Interm. Round;8:00-10:00 Mainstream
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Cuer: Randy Lewis
March 26 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00-8:00 Plus/Interm. Round;8:00-10:00 Mainstream
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Cuer: Randy Lewis
We are open and dancing! Masks and proof of vaccination are required. Come join us on 1st and 3rd Saturdays for rounds with Jeanine starting at 7:30 and Plus squares with Randy starting at 8pm. We’ve been doing the closing circle at 10pm and if there is anyone wanting to stick around for more dancing, Randy will do one last “overtime” tip.
Lindie Noonan
March 5 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
March 19 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
Pre-Rounds 7:30; Squares 8-10:30
Winona Grange, Tualatin
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Jeanine Norden
The Oak Hills Squares continue to meet every Monday from 6.30-8.30pm, at the Oak Hills Gym on NW 153rd Ave, Beaverton with caller Mark Wheeler.
We started lessons on January 17th and at this time have 9 new dancers, which is very exciting. Lessons are on Mondays, from 6.30pm-7.25pm and then we continue with a Mainstream dance.
In January we enjoyed a visit from the Tri Squares and Craig Abercrombie who did some calls and sang along with Mark, a very fun night for all.
We welcome visits from any clubs and dancers, we are a fully vaccinated club and ask for proof of vaccine at your first visit.
Our thanks again to Craig Abercrombie for stepping in and calling when Mark was unavailable, always entertaining and we learned some new moves.
Please contact Linda Kitchin: for any information about the club.
Linda Kitchin
March 7 (1st Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30 PM
Oak Hills Community Center, Beaverton
March 14 (2nd Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30 PM
Oak Hills Community Center, Beaverton
March 21 (3rd Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30 PM
Oak Hills Community Center, Beaverton
March 28 (4th Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30 PM
Oak Hills Community Center, Beaverton
R Square D’s “Back in the Saddle Again!” dance was January 14th and we had 4½ squares in attendance. It was great fun seeing dance friends whom we hadn’t been able to dance with for almost two years! Huge thanks to a large group from Columbia River Dancers and also to Cougar Squares members and others who are faithful in supporting our club. We danced again on January 22nd and enjoyed Craig’s calling and Susan’s cueing to the theme of “Snowflake Sashay”. Thankfully, we didn’t see any snowflakes that evening!
Our beginner’s class has 12 students who are returning each week for lessons. Their enthusiasm is contagious! We are continuing plus lessons/workshops at 6:30 PM on Wednesday evenings (prior to the beginner’s class). Our club caller, Craig Abercrombie, is going to Arizona in late February to attend Mariners’ spring training games and Jim Hattrick will teach our lessons while Craig is away.
A class level dance is scheduled for Friday, March 11th with guest caller Jim Hattrick and Susan Healea cueing rounds. Our Spring Celebration dance is Saturday, March 26th, again with Jim Hattrick as our guest caller and Susan as cuer. Our dances begin with plus dancing and intermediate rounds at 7:00 and mainstream from 8-9:30 (on March 11th it will be class level calling after the plus hour).
R Square D dances at Kelso Senior Center, 108 NW 8th Ave, Kelso, WA. We do not require proof of vaccination but face masks are required (face shields are not allowed in place of masks in WA State).
Chris Poole
March 11 (2nd Fri)Class Level Dance
7:00-8:00 Plus; 8:00-9:30 Basic w/Rounds
Kelso Senior Center, Kelso
Caller: Jim Hattrick
Cuer: Susan Healea
View Flyer
March 26 (4th Sat)Spring Celebration
7:00-8:00 Plus; 8:00-9:30 MS w/Rounds
Kelso Senior Center, Kelso
Caller: Jim Hattrick
Cuer: Susan Healea
View Flyer
Sunset Promenaders -
We are continuing to Mainstream 1st and 3rd Saturdays at 7pm. Also we are dancing Plus on the 1st and 3rd and 5th Thursday same time, both at the Hillsboro Odd Fellows hall. We have a great turn out for the Plus dances, we had four squares this last Thursday dance. Averaging 2 1/2 at mainstream dances.
We also started lessons in January with seven students. Our lessons start at 4pm till 6pm. We are hoping for a few more next lesson. So that's a good start.
Also Tami is having an intermediate round dance Workshop on Sundays at our hall. They start at 2.30pm till 4 pm.
We still require masks and vaccinations to dance at our hall.
Hope to see you soon....
Mike St.Clair
March 3 (1st Thu)
Regular Dance
7:00-7:30 Intermediate Rounds,7:30-9:30 Dance
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
March 5 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00-7:30 Intermediate Rounds,7:30-9:30 Dance
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Mike Stout (Mainstream 1st & 3rd Satur
Cuer: Julie Stout (1st, and 3rd Saturdays M/S)
March 17 (3rd Thu)Regular Dance
7:00-7:30 Intermediate Rounds,7:30-9:30 Dance
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
March 19 (3rd Sat)Regular Dance
7:00-7:30 Intermediate Rounds,7:30-9:30 Dance
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Mike Stout (Mainstream 1st & 3rd Satur
Cuer: Julie Stout (1st, and 3rd Saturdays M/S)
View Flyer
March 31 (5th Thu)
Regular Dance
7:00-7:30 Intermediate Rounds,7:30-9:30 Dance
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
I’m happy to report that we had a very fun dance the last Friday in January. The festivities were all centered around the theme “Alice in Wonderland”. The Cheshire Cat (aka Kathy Roberts) and her handsome escort, The Mad Hatter (aka Tim Roberts) made a dashing couple!
We are very thankful to the many clubs that visited, and to the wonderful calling of KC/Linda Curtis, & Darrell Kalmbach/Erin, and the lively cueing of Tammy Helms, and Tim Keck. We had 2 squares on the floor most of the evening.
Toe’s will be dark for the month of March. More news on when we might be stating back up in my next report.
Take care.
Kathy Degman
March 4 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
March 18 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
A few members of our club have ventured out to visit other clubs since we are still not holding our own dances. However, at our February board meeting a fresh, new idea was put forth which sounded exciting! And the board will poll all our members and talk to our caller, Terry Halley, and cuer, Sandra Pinion, to get their input on it. In any case, Covid numbers are decreasing and we are really hoping to be having refresher lessons and/or dances again within the next few months.
I think I may be seeing some daylight at the end of this pandemic tunnel!
Gloria Davis
March 11 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
7:30 PM Rounds; 7:45 PM Plus; 8 PM Mainstream, 4th tip Plus
Tigard Grange, Tigard
Caller: Terry Halley
Cuer: Sandra Pinion
March 25 (4th Fri)
Regular Dance
7:30 PM Rounds; 7:45 PM Plus; 8 PM Mainstream, 4th tip Plus
Tigard Grange, Tigard
Caller: Terry Halley
Cuer: Sandra Pinion
Valley River Dancers -
Our Mainstream lessons have been put on hold because of students who came down with Covid and an injury, so we plan to resume lessons in March.
Our Dances will continue to be held on the 2nd Fridays of March for Plus and the 4th Fridays of March for Mainstream. Masks and proof of vaccination are required.
Dances will be at the Newberg Chehalem Community Center in Newberg.
Judy Zimmerman
March 11 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
7:30-10:30 PM
Chehalem Community Center, Newberg
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Sherri Clark
March 25 (4th Fri)
Regular Dance
7:30-10:30 PM
Chehalem Community Center, Newberg
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Sherri Clark
Valley Squares March 19 dance, 7-9 pm at the Aloha Grange. Scott Zinser will be our Caller, Connie Clark our Cuer. Come join us and enjoy Scott's calling and Connie's cueing. At the date I write this report, our class is expected to be finished by the end of February. We invited our students to attend our February 19 dance. We have been having a great time in our classes, Craig has kept us moving and learning. Our dances will be at dancer level, which will be Mainstream. We will include some Plus as well.
Come join us.
Carolene Siebert
March 19 (3rd Sat)Wearing of the Green
Mainstream with Rounds
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Connie Clark
View Flyer
March 19 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
MS & Plus with Rounds, 7-9 pm, floor level
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
Cuer: Connie Clark
No change in March. No dances at WaveSteppers until further notice. For up to date information see:
Bob Allen
March 12 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 - 9:00 pm
Garibaldi City Hall, Garibaldi
Caller: Don Hart
Cuer: Connie Clark
Umpqua Area Council -
No council news received.
No club news received.
March 5 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
PLUS 6:00, Mainstream 6:30 Every 3rd tip PLUS
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Caller: Mark Wheeler
Cuer: Neil Koozer
March 19 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
PLUS 6:00, Mainstream 6:30 Every 3rd tip PLUS
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Caller: Mark Wheeler
Cuer: Neil Koozer
No club news received.
March 1 (1st Tue)
Mixed Rhythms Fun Floor time
6:30-8, figures reviewed as needed
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Caller: N/Ad
Cuer: Neil Koozer
March 8 (2nd Tue)
Mixed Rhythms Fun Floor time
figures reviewed as needed
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Caller: N/A
Cuer: Neil Koozer
March 15 (3rd Tue)
Mixed Rhythms Fun Floor time
6:30 PM
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Cuer: Neil Koozer
March 18 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
Ph 2-4,7:00-9:00
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Cuer: Rikki Lobato
March 22 (4th Tue)
Mixed Rhythms Fun Floor time
figures reviewed as needed
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Caller: n/a
Cuer: Neil Koozer
March 29 (5th Tue)
Mixed Rhythms Fun Floor time
6:30 PM
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Cuer: Neil Koozer
No club news received.
March 11 (2nd Fri)
Spring Ahead Square Dance Weekend
7:30-10pm alternating MS/plus squares, pre-rounds 7pm
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Caller: Phil-Billy & Jim Steele
Cuer: Rod Skinner
March 12 (2nd Sat)Spring Ahead Square Dance Weekend
7:30-10pm alternating MS/plus squares, pre-rounds 7pm
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Caller: Phil-Billy & Jim Steele
Cuer: Neil Koozer
View Flyer
March 12 (2nd Sat)Spring Ahead Square Dance Weekend
Free ARKIE workshop 2-4p
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Caller: Phil-Billy
View Flyer
March 26 (4th Sat)
Frog Plus Dance