Printed 20 May 2022
President's Corner
May is here and with it the hope of an eternal Spring, or so they say. Looks like it will happen now that we have gotten through the snows of April.
This is also the time of year when clubs think about changing officers and board members. These last two years have seen many officers stay in their positions for two or even three years because there wasn’t much dance activity. Now they are looking for replacements and they are hard to find. Many clubs, councils and even the Federation are having trouble getting people to volunteer. Remember our activity is totally volunteer-driven. If you do not want to see your club or council cease operating, step up and volunteer for a position. Even if you think you are not qualified, you will be surprised at the amount of support you will receive.
Of course, we will always have the people who do not want to fill a position but will take every opportunity to tell the folks in those positions how to do their jobs. That just comes with the territory. Thankfully, those people are few and far between. So, if you feel led, step and take a position for your club or council. You will be surprised at what you can do and the assistance you will get.
Some venues and clubs are still requiring masks and/or proof of vaccination. That is their prerogative. Those clubs still need our support. If you can meet their requirements, please attend their dances.
Hope to see you in a square soon and…
Let’s Start Dancing Again
George Hermann
OFSRDC President 2021-2022
Editor's Note
Now that things are finally approaching "normal" again, I'm going to start creating automatic "regular dance" entries for most clubs. If your regular dance night has changed, you should have your club's OFN representative check to make sure things are being created properly.
Click here to find out how to get your
information into the OFN, including dances, lessons, photos, flyers,
advertisements, and caller/cuer information.
We have set up an email mailing list to notify people when a new edition of
the online OFN is available, and for other important news about the OFN.
To subscribe to this mailing list, just fill out this information:
Federation Events
Federation Meetings
The next Federation meeting will be held via Zoom on Sunday, May 22, 2022.
Summer Festival
The 2022 Summer Festival will be hosted by the Interstate Highlanders and Rogue-Sis-Q Councils, and held at the Blanchet School in Salem, a nice central location. The dates are July 15-17, 2022. The featured caller and cuer are Pat Carnathan and Rikki Lobato. See .
United We Dance – 2022 Summer Festival
Oregon’s Summer Festival is back! Summer Festival will be July 15-17, at Blanchet Catholic School in Salem. Blanchet is the perfect location. When you take the Market Street Exit in Salem, the school is only a ½ mile from I-5, east of Lancaster Drive in the heart of the Mid-Willamette Valley. It is about an hour from Portland or Eugene and within 2-4 hours for most of the rest of the state. The school is close to restaurants, hotels, shopping, and gas stations.
For those who would like to stay in Salem during the festival, there are several hotels listed on the back of the festival registration form. In addition, we have also listed a couple campgrounds. If you wish to camp on-site, there will be limited dry camping for $10 per night, available starting Thursday afternoon. Your rigs will be secure since the gates are locked every night at 10:30 pm. There is another event in the area so hotels and campgrounds are filling up quickly. Be sure to make your reservations as soon as you can.
Dancing will start in the school at 2:00 pm on Friday, July 15. Blanchet has 2 beautiful large wooden gym floors where we will be dancing Plus with Rounds and Mainstream with Rounds. We will also have a separate hall for Rounds and another hall for our Advanced dancers. In order to protect their wooden gym floors from possible damage, cowboy boots or spike heels or heels that come to a point will not be allowed on the wood floors. No exceptions. Boots and dance heels are allowed in the Round Dance Hall and Advanced Hall ONLY.
Summer Festival’s featured caller, Pat Carnathan, is from Menifee, California and started dancing with his parents in 1977. He started calling in 1980 when his club held an amateur night. Pat has been calling professionally since 1981 and now calls worldwide from Mainstream through A2. Pat met his wife nearly 30 years ago and were married in 2008. Pat has been teaching and calling for many years. Pat’s bio is on the Summer Festival Webpage ( under the Callers Tab.
Summer Festival’s featured cuer is Oregon’s own Rikki Lobato from Grants Pass. Rikki grew up watching her grandparents dance, but didn’t start dancing herself until 2011. In 2017, Rikki obtained her RoundALab license so she could “just help friends” and before she knew it she was cueing. She started teaching rounds immediately in the Fall of 2017. Rikki has been traveling the states cueing with local and national callers. She currently teaches in Roseburg and Grants Pass. Rikki’s bio is on the Summer Festival Webpage under the Cuer Tab.
In addition to our featured caller and cuer, we will be enjoying the talents of many of our Oregon callers and cuers. We are planning a complete dance program in all of the halls. There will also be several workshops and teaching sessions available for your dancing pleasure.
Your Summer Festival Committee is planning a great Summer Festival. If you haven’t registered yet, click on the “Registration Form” link at (, complete it and mail it in. You won’t want to miss this fun Festival! Visit out our Summer Festival 2022 Facebook page to keep up-to-date and to post questions.
Kathy Roberts
Mid-Winter Festival 2023 is scheduled for January 27-29, 2023, at the Linn County Fairgrounds in Albany. You can
click here to download the Program Book.
Federation Links
Other National Events
The latest news about the National Square Dance Conventions® is located in the National Squares magazine, produced by the NEC. You can find the latest issue here: (
The 71st National Square Dance Convention® will be held in Evansville, Indiana, June 22-25, 2022.
The 72nd National Square Dance Convention® will be held in Mobile, Alabama, June 21-24, 2023.
The 73rd National Square Dance Convention® will be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 26-29, 2024.
Other National Links
Corporation Renewal Status
All clubs in the Oregon Federation are required to maintain their status as
non-profit corporations with the State of Oregon. The Secretary of State's
office mails out a renewal notice about a month before your registration
expires every year. The following clubs expire this month:
May 3 -- Country Cut-Ups
May 6 -- Whirl-A-Ways
May 8 -- Timber 8's
May 15 -- Bachelor N Bachelorettes
May 15 -- River City Dancers
May 26 -- South Coast Council
When & Where
Download a complete list
of the Federation club dances this month, all sorted by date and city.
Everything in the When & Where is extracted from the state directory
information. If you find that your club information is wrong, you can
fix that by going to the directory information
area and fixing your data.
- Celebration of life for Ralph Lambert

A celebration of life will be held for Ralph Lambert on Saturday, June 11, 2022 at the Polk County Fairgrounds, located at 520 S. Pacific Hwy, West, Rickreall, OR in building “B” which is the Arts and Craft building at 3:30pm. All are invited to come and share their special thoughts regarding Ralph’s life.
The Independence Wagon Wheelers invite anyone that would like to attend their regular dance to join them in that same hall starting at 7pm that night. If you no longer dance but wish to visit with fellow dancers or observe square and round dancing, please join us.
- Gary Wells
Gary Wayne Wells, age 72, of Milwaukie, Oregon passed away on Tuesday, April 5, 2022. Gary was born January 3, 1950. He was a member of Columbia River Dancers and Happy Hoppers.
Available Callers & Cuers
You can
download this list
of callers and cuers who are available and ready to call or cue a dance
for you.
Ian Craig
19598 Goose Lake Dr NE
Aurora, OR 97003
Sandy Harris
Springfield, OR 97403
Cece & Sarge Glidewell
PO Box 1928
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Mark Wheeler
6728 SE Woodstock Blvd
Portland, OR 97206
Cece & Sarge Glidewell
PO Box 1928
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Sandy Harris
Springfield, OR 97403
Rikki Lobato
2230 SW Webster Rd
Grants Pass, OR 97526
Oregon Round of the Month
Umpqua Area Council has chosen the May Oregon Round of the Month:
"Hardwood Floor", Phase II+1 Two Step (Strolling Vine), choreographed by Cherie and Patrick Cox, performed by Ace Arlo.
Download your cue sheet here.
For more information on the Round of the Month, please contact
Lessons starting in May and June
Everything in this section is taken from the state directory
information. If you find that your class information is wrong, you can
fix that by going to the directory information
area and picking to the "Lessons" tab.
High Desert Dancers
Pine Forest Grange
63214 Boyd Acres Rd
6:30-8:30 pm Mondays & Thursdays
Contact: Kay Bithell, 541-382-7014
New Dancer Jamborees
May 22 (4th Sun)Columbia River Dancers
Beginner Dance
6-8 PM
Manor Grange #1101, Battleground
Caller: Jim Hattrick
Cuer: Jim Hattrick
View Flyer
May 23 (4th Mon)Happy Hoppers
Happy Hoppers Beginner Square Dance
7:30 PM
Washington Grange #82, Vancouver
View Flyer
June 26 (4th Sun)Columbia River Dancers
Beginner Dance
Basic all dance
Manor Grange #1101, Battleground
Caller: Jim Hattrick
Cuer: Jim Hattrick
View Flyer
November 20 (3rd Sun)
Chaps & Petticoats
Turkey Trot Dance
4:30 PM
Maplewood Grange, Aurora
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Dave Cooper
Special Dances
May 22 (4th Sun)Country Cut-Ups
Robert & Young Lumsden Anniversary Dance
Free Dance to Celebrate Robert & Young Lumsden
Boring Barn, Boring
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
May 27 (4th Fri)Charlie Brown Squares
Boatnik Square Dance Festival
Josephine County Square Dance Hall, Grants Pass
Caller: Eric Henerlau
Cuer: Dan Drumheller
View Flyer
June 4 (1st Sat)Lebanon Square Circlers
Strawberry Festival ALLIANCE Dance
Silent Auction, Experienced Clothing Sale
Lebanon Senior Center, Lebanon
Caller: Dan Nordbye
Cuer: Jackie Gale
View Flyer
June 5 (1st Sun)Columbia River Dancers
Dance Party Benefit
4-7 PM Breast Cancer Benefit Dance
Milwaukie Community Club, Milwaukie
Caller: Melissa James and callers on the floor
Cuer: Julie Stiers and cuers from the floor
View Flyer
June 10 (2nd Fri)Buckeroo
Buckeroo RoundUp & Safari Dance (Fri-Sun
See Flyer - 3 Day Event
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Caller: Michael Kellogg
Cuer: MaryAnn Callahan
View Flyer
July 3 (1st Sun)Beachcombers
69th Anniversary Weekend
Activities All Day
Beachcombers Cove, Port Orford
Caller: Terry Halley
Cuer: Dave Cooper
View Flyer
July 20 (3rd Wed)Star Promenaders
49th Diamond Lake SD Festival
Diamond Lake, Diamond Lake
Caller: Don Wood (Phil Ramey)
Cuer: Marie Wood
View Flyer
September 2 (1st Fri)Beachcombers
Battle Rock Weekend
Events all weekend -- check the flyer
Beachcombers Cove, Port Orford
Caller: KC Curtis
Cuer: Dave Cooper
View Flyer
October 14 (2nd Fri)R Square D
Octoberfest Weekend
7:30-8:00 Pre-Rounds; 8:00-10:00 Mainstream & Rounds
Catlin Grange, Kelso
Caller: Craig Abercrombie & Adam Christmas
Cuer: Susan Healea
View Flyer
October 15 (3rd Sat)R Square D
Octoberfest Weekend
7:30-8:00 Pre-Rounds; 8:00-10:00 Mainstream & Rounds
Catlin Grange, Kelso
Caller: Craig Abercrombie & Adam Christmas
Cuer: Susan Healea
View Flyer
October 21 (3rd Fri)Sunset Promenaders
Seaside Sashay 10/21-22
Hayshakers/Sunset Promenaders Present
Seaside Convention Center, Seaside
Caller: Steve Noseck & Randy Dibble
Cuer: Debbie Taylor
View Flyer
All the Flyers
Click a thumbnail to download the flyer.
Please support our advertisers, since they help support the magazine.
Click a thumbnail to see the full advertisement.
Click a thumbnail to see the full-sized picture.
Broomstick dance at the Tri Squares mainstream graduation, April 3
Happy Hoppers at the R Square D 69th anniversary dance on April 8th
The Rosetown Ramblers were delighted to welcome Chuck Simpkins and his wife Carla to our April 9 dance. This was Chuck’s first time calling for the Ramblers, and we had a marvelous time. We especially appreciated his encouragement and guidance for our new dancers.
Toe Draggers held a community dance with 3 squares in Beaverton on April 2
Columbia River Dancers at the R Square D 69th anniversary dance on April 8th
Eager Beavers 47th Anniversary Dance
Cougar Square at the R Square D 69th anniversary dance on April 8th
Balloon dance at the Tri Squares mainstream graduation, April 3
Eager Beavers 47th Anniversary Dance
R Square D members at their 69th anniversary dance on April 8th
Councils & Clubs
Click a council name to go directly to that section.
Blue Mountains Council
No council news received.
LaGrande Star Promenaders
No club news received.
May 26 (4th Thu)
Regular Dance
Not holding regularly scheduled dances
Fort Union Grange, Island City
Cuer: Guest Cuers
Muddy Frogs
No club news received.
May 15 (3rd Sun)
Regular Dance
2 to 4 p.m.
Milton-Freewater Comm Bldg, Milton-Freewater
Caller: Guests
Cuer: Guests
Central Oregon Council -
No council news received.
May 9 (2nd Mon)
meet every 3 months--time and place vary
High Desert Dancers -
No club news received.
May 7 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00-9:30 pm squares/occasional rounds
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
May 13 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
7:00-9:30 pm squares/occasional rounds
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
May 21 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00-9:30 pm squares/occasional rounds
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
May 27 (4th Fri)
Regular Dance
7:00-9:30 pm squares/occasional rounds
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
Kountry Rhythm Rockin Outlaws
No club news received.
No club news received.
May 6 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
7:00 PM
Redmond Grange, Redmond
Caller: Guest Callers
Cuer: Guest Cuers
May 20 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
7:00 PM
Redmond Grange, Redmond
Caller: Guest Callers
Cuer: Guest Cuers
Sagebrush Shufflers -
No club news received.
May 14 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
6:30-9:30 PM
Ochoco School Crossing Gym, Prineville
Caller: Guest callers
Cuer: Guest cuers
May 28 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
6:30-9:30 PM
Ochoco School Crossing Gym, Prineville
Caller: Guest callers
Cuer: Guest cuers
Sundown Round Dance Club -
No club news received.
May 9 (2nd Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30-9:00 pm
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
Cuer: Mark McDonald
Emerald Empire Council -
No council news received.
May 2 (1st Mon)
every two months-call for details
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
May 9 (2nd Mon)
every two months-call for details
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
May 16 (3rd Mon)
every two months-call for details
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
May 23 (4th Mon)
every two months-call for details
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
May 30 (5th Mon)
every two months-call for details
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Cascade Callers & Cuers Assoc
We look forward to calling and cueing for the dance on April 30. This is the first Fifth Saturday dance since the pandemic started. The dance starts at 7:30 with Pre-Rounds and then the square and round dance tips will begin at 8:00. We end at 10:00.
We know the mask mandate is over, but please wear one if you are more comfortable doing that. We will have hand sanitizers at the front desk and on the tables. Please bring your own water as the water fountain is still turned off due to COVID. There will be no shared food.
We look forward to calling and cueing for your dancing pleasure. We are charging $8 per person.
Christina Corelli
On Sunday, April 3, we held our first advanced dance since last summer when we managed to get in two dances before deciding to shut down due to the surge in COVID cases. Since case counts are low as well as hospitalizations, we have chosen to start dancing again. We only had one square of dancers and some extras to swap out but are hopeful we’ll see more come out in future. The next dance will be on April 17, but this report had to be in by the 10th so I cannot report on it. We look forward to having more regular dances.
We dance in Hall B of the Emerald Square Dance Center from 1:30-3:30PM two Sundays a month depending on the availability of the hall and dancers. Please consult our website at for the tentative schedule. Also if you want to be on the email notification list call Fred Beise at 458-221-3564.
May 1 (1st Sun)
Regular Dance
Irregular, please see website link
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
May 8 (2nd Sun)
Regular Dance
Irregular, please see website link
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
May 15 (3rd Sun)
Regular Dance
Irregular, please see website link
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
May 22 (4th Sun)
Regular Dance
Irregular, please see website link
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
May 29 (5th Sun)
Regular Dance
Irregular, please see website link
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Misty Valley Cloggers
No club news received.
May 20 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
7:30 - 10:00
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Cuer: Lauri Weidenhaft
In March we held two dances since none of the other clubs had resumed dancing and our members felt they were getting rusty. K.C. Curtis called our first dance and Jim Hattrick called our second dance on the 4th Friday, our normal dancing night. We had an impromptu visitation from our friends to the north, mostly Salem Swingin’ Stars but also some from Lebanon Square Circlers and Corvallis Squares. We were very happy to see them join us. Both dances were a lot of fun. Since masking was optional by the 4th Friday, we allowed dancers to bring food to share although I think most were so used to not bringing food to share that there wasn’t much on the break bar. I am sure as time passes people will get more into it. Meanwhile we come for the dancing not the food.
Neil Koozer cued the 2nd Friday night. We were super happy to see Jackie Gale return to calling for us on the 4th Friday. It was truly a regular dance. Some dancers do continue to wear masks, but the vast majority feel with vaccinations and boosters and a stricture to stay away if one is not feeling well that we are on firm ground.
We hope more will join us on April 22 when we will have Scott Zinser calling and Jackie Gale cueing. On May 14 we will offer a combined dance with our sister club, the Whirl-A-Ways. It is our Mexican Fiesta dance and will feature a taco bar as always. Please mark your calendars for that fun dance! Mike Kious will be calling and
Christina Corelli will be cueing.
Please check our website for more information:
Happy dancing, everyone,
Gaynor Hintz
May 27 (4th Fri)
Regular Dance
Spin Cycle Squares -
Yippee! We are back to dancing! We dance every Sunday from 4 - 6. Tim is a great caller and will call whatever level we can muster. We've been dancing for a few weeks. All of our dancers have had their two vaccinations and the booster. We are continuing to wear our masks. We have hand sanitizers on the tables. Please bring your own water.
We invite you all to join us! We're a fun bunch and have been gathering during the pandemic being masked and socially distanced just to visit and see each others' faces!
Please call our president, David, at 541-520-7311 to make sure we are, indeed, dancing. Once in a blue moon we give up our dance night for the hall.
Christina Corelli
May 1 (1st Sun)
Regular Dance
4:00-6:00 p.m. MS Plus & Advanced Call for dates
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
May 8 (2nd Sun)
Regular Dance
4:00-6:00 p.m. MS Plus & Advanced Call for dates
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
May 15 (3rd Sun)
Regular Dance
4:00-6:00 p.m. MS Plus & Advanced Call for dates
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
May 22 (4th Sun)
Regular Dance
4:00-6:00 p.m. MS Plus & Advanced Call for dates
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
May 29 (5th Sun)
Regular Dance
4:00-6:00 p.m. MS Plus & Advanced Call for dates
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
Sweet Home Squarenaders
No club news received.
May 14 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30pm Plus; 8:00-10:30pm MS square dance
Oak Heights School, Sweet Home
Caller: Jim Voll
Cuer: Jackie Gale
May 28 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30pm Plus; 8:00-10:30pm MS square dance
Oak Heights School, Sweet Home
Caller: Jim Voll
Cuer: Jackie Gale
No club news received.
May 14 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 plus 7:30-10:00 ms
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Mike Kious
Cuer: Christina Corelli
May 21 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 plus 7:30-10:00 ms
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Mike Kious
Cuer: Christina Corelli
We started our lessons on March 19th and have been doing pretty well. All seem to be having a good time. We hope to plan another set of lessons in June but that is not positive yet.
Dances have not been well attended. I don't know if it is people not wanting to come back yet due to Covid or just so many dancers have dropped out of the activity.
Hopefully we will get some help soon from the area dancers before we have to become a traveling club.
Hope to see you at one of our dances soon.
May 7 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30 Plus / 8:00 Mainstream
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Sandy Harris
Cuer: Christina Corelli
May 28 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30 Plus / 8:00 Mainstream
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Sandy Harris
Cuer: Christina Corelli
Interstate Highlanders
No council news received.
Klamath Country Squares
No club news received.
May 21 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30 p.m.- 10:00 p.m.
Triad School Student Union, Klamath Falls
Caller: Cece Glidewell
Cuer: Sarge Glidewell
Mid-Willamette Council -
No council news received.
May 16 (3rd Mon)
Sept, Nov., Jan., Mar., May
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Braids & Braves
Our Birthday Dance in March had two squares. It was lots of fun to get out on the floor again. We are looking forward to more dancing. We have decided to not go dark for the summer and are planning dances for June, July and August. Come visit us on the third Saturday of the month. Norma
May 21 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
Capitol Callers & Cuers Assoc -
No club news received.
May 15 (3rd Sun)
September, November, February, May
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Delegate: N/A
Cherry City Cloggers -
No club news received.
May 3 (1st Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00p - 8:00pm
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
May 10 (2nd Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00p - 8:00pm
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
May 17 (3rd Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00p - 8:00pm
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
May 24 (4th Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00p - 8:00pm
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
May 31 (5th Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00p - 8:00pm
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Corvallis Squares had an Easter themed dance, with decorations including Ukrainian Easter eggs. We are just dancing the second Saturday of the month for now. We’re planning to offer mainstream lessons in the fall, as we move hopefully toward full swing again! Karen
May 14 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:pm pre-rounds; 7:15 Mainstream, every 3rd tip plus
First Congregational Church, Corvallis
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
Cuer: Craig Abercrombie
May 28 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
Golden Squares
Golden Squares is dark until further notice. The venue is still in lockdown due to Covid. Teija
May 2 (1st Mon)
Regular Dance
May 16 (3rd Mon)
Regular Dance
May 30 (5th Mon)
Regular Dance
Independence Wagon Wheelers -
We had a good dance for our 62nd birthday dance. Three to four squares and lots of black and white as those are our club colors. We had Dixie cups and birthday cake for munchies.
Molly Combs Fairly has joined Capital Callers and Cuers, ORDTA, and Roundalab so she can now fill in for Patty Hermann when Patty doesn’t feel well. Such fun to watch her 2-year old daughter Brie run around the hall with daddy Bill not far behind.
We have a board meeting in May to discuss lessons for the fall, more special dances and hold elections. The past presidents had a gathering recently and welcomed the most recent past president to the group. Always a fun time since there are no rules to follow.
Come and join us as we dance from 7-10 p.m. on the first and second Saturday of each month except for August. Marilyn Schmit
May 7 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
Polk County Fairgrounds, Arts & Craft Bl, Rickreall
Caller: George Hermann
Cuer: Patty Hermann
May 14 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
Polk County Fairgrounds, Arts & Craft Bl, Rickreall
Caller: George Hermann
Cuer: Patty Hermann
Lebanon Square Circlers -
No club news received.
May 7 (1st Sat)Cinco de Mayo Dance
Tacos served at Break
IOOF Hall, Lebanon
Caller: Charlotte Jeskey
Cuer: Jackie Gale
View Flyer
May 21 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30 PM
IOOF Hall, Lebanon
Caller: Charlotte Jeskey
Cuer: Jackie Gale
No club news received.
Well, we have made it through another month. We are finishing Jive on April 21 and will have a workshop/review with Leonard Snodgrass as the instructor on April 28. During May we will just have workshops/reviews with Randy Lewis since he will be recovering from hip replacement surgery on April 27. He will be unable to be on the dance floor to teach so we will start a new class of something in June, depending on what his doctor says he can do. The waltz class will pause during May and finish up in June or whenever Randy gets to the bottom of the list for Phase 4.
We are collecting dues and names for office holders through April. Hope all are enjoying spring and the warmer weather. Marilyn
May 5 (1st Thu)
Regular Dance
Schedule 7-9:00 p.m.
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Randy Lewis
May 12 (2nd Thu)
Regular Dance
Schedule 7-9:00 p.m.
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Randy Lewis
May 19 (3rd Thu)
Regular Dance
Schedule 7-9:00 p.m.
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Randy Lewis
May 26 (4th Thu)
Regular Dance
Schedule 7-9:00 p.m.
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Randy Lewis
Salem Swingin' Stars
Happy Spring. We continue to have great dances. Thank you to all of the dancers who come out to our 1st, 3rd and 5th Fridays.
There were four squares on the floor for our Dress like a Fool, April Fool's Day Dance. We had a blast and the crazy outfits were so much fun to see. Our 56th Birthday dance was April 15. Election of officers were held at this dance. April 29 is our 5th Friday Plus dance with Special Guest Cuer Jeanine We are looking forward to our May dances.
We have 13 students in our beginning Mainstream class and five of them are ages 8-16. We have four squares on the floor each week. The new dancers are learning fast and having fun.
We do not go dark for the summer as we dance all year long. See you on the dance floor. Sheila Machado
May 6 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Randy Lewis
May 20 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Randy Lewis
Silver City Squares
We have 29 students in Mainstream lessons, only two of them are adults. Lessons are going well and we usually have six squares on the floor thanks to angels who fill out the squares.
Our Teen Square Up weekend is May 6 and 7. If you know of youth dancers, please pass the word to them that they are welcome to join us. This is mostly a youth get together/dance with a little competition added. Contact Karyn for more information. (503-873-4869 or
May will have our last official dances until September as we are usually dark June, July and August. Petrina Buchheit
May 6 (1st Fri)Teen Square Up
Weekend Youth Dance, mini competition
Waldo Hills Community Club, Silverton
View Flyer
May 13 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
7:30 PM to 10:00 PM
Waldo Hills Community Club, Silverton
Caller: Guest Caller; TBA
Cuer: Guest Cuer; TBA
May 28 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30 PM to 10:00 PM
Waldo Hills Community Club, Silverton
Caller: Guest Caller; TBA
Cuer: Guest Cuer; TBA
Timber Twirlers started back dancing in March after two years of being dark. We want to thank those that have attended our first few dances. Our last dance will be May 20 as we go dark for the summer because our hall is not air-conditioned.
We are looking forward to Sept. and having our regular schedule of fun dances. Sandy
May 6 (1st Fri)Regular Dance
IOOF Hall, Albany
Caller: Leonard Snodgrass
Cuer: Sandy Harris
View Flyer
May 20 (3rd Fri)Regular Dance
IOOF Hall, Albany
Caller: Sandy Harris
Cuer: Sandra Pinion
View Flyer
Willamette Squares
Willamette Squares March dance was well attended and thoroughly enjoyed by all. We appreciated the visitations from other clubs. Due to Covid, our last dance was our birthday dance in October 2021, so everyone was very happy to be together once again. It was our new caller’s, Bruce Lowther, first dance for our club. He was well received. Judy Russell was our cuer. We are back to having a food table providing refreshments for those who are comfortable partaking of it. The pizza and cupcakes went fast.
At our club meeting we established themes for our upcoming dances. In April it will be Eggstravaganza; in May it will be Barbecue, Brisket, and Burgers! Save the fourth Saturday evening of each month and join us. There is always good energy and fun! Jodee Howard
May 28 (4th Sat)Regular Dance
7:00 - 9:30
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Bruce Lowther
Cuer: Judy Russell
View Flyer
Portland Area Council -
As mentioned in the Bachelor ‘n’ Bachelorettes news (and the Chaps & Petticoats’ news), our council dance will be April 29th, 7:PM, at Abernethy Grange Oregon City. This will be an off-dance night for the B&B’s, but they have graciously offered to host our dance. The Glidewell’s will be the featured caller and cuer from the Klamath Country Squares. They are very popular at the dance festivals across the state.
May 16 (3rd Mon)
Monday meeting, 5th Friday dance
Oak Grove Community Club, Oak Grove
Bachelor N Bachelorettes -
We had a great 57th anniversary dance on April 6th, with Daryl Clendenin. He was our club caller during the 1973/74 year. Tami cued that night. She has been our club cuer since 1996.
April 29th, we will be hosting our council dance at Abernethy Grange. It will feature Sarge and Cece Glidwell, the caller and cuer for the Klamath Country Squares. It’s really a treat to welcome and dance to entertainment that doesn’t usually come up this way.
May 4 (1st Wed)Regular Dance
7:30 - 10:00 PM
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: Daryl Clendenin
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
May 18 (3rd Wed)Regular Dance
7:30 - 10:00 PM
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: K. C. Curtis
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
Buzzin Bees
The Buzzin Bees celebrated Their 64th Anniversary on April 16th with many friends and Visitors. We were excited to have a visitation from the Portland Area Council.
We are beginning our 64th year dancing on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month at the Messiah Lutheran Church 905 NW 94th Vancouver, WA, 7 to 8:45pm. Our caller is KC Curtis. Please come join us!
May 7 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
Messiah Lutheran Church, Vancouver
Caller: K.C. Curtis
Cuer: Guest
May 21 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
Messiah Lutheran Church, Vancouver
Caller: K.C. Curtis
Cuer: Guest
Chaps & Petticoats -
Did you attend our March 18th dance with Mark Wheeler as Caller and Leonard Snodgrass as Cuer? This was the first time we booked these two together - it was a winner! Mark even closed the evening with ‘Elvis’ on stage. Thanks to all for making it a fun night.
On April 1st (no foolin’) we hosted our HIPPIE Dance. It was well attended - we had four squares. We encouraged costumes and you, the dancers, elected the winners: Male was Robert Lumsden (County Cut-Ups), Female was our very own Vicki Pounds (we think she was sharp as a redhead) and Couple was awarded to Gene and Patricia (with their fringed vest and flared bell-bottoms) of Bachelor & Bachelorettes.
If you are in the Portland Area on April 29th, the Glidewells (from Klamath Falls) will call and cue for PAC’s 5th Friday dance held at the Abernethy Grange, a/k/a Bachelor and Bachelorettes hall, in Oregon City.
Chaps will dance the 1st and 3rd Friday’s on: May 6th - opens PLUS with Zinser and Stephanie Lozano cues, on May 20th, theme is “Flags of Valor” with Darrell Kalmbach, Caller, and Dave Cooper (all the way from So. Coast Council) will cue and on June 3rd - Zinser opens with PLUS and Julia Buchheit cues.
See you in a square,
Betty Chipps
May 6 (1st Fri)
7:30 PM
Maplewood Grange, Aurora
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Stephanie Lozano
May 20 (3rd Fri)Flags of Valor
Honoring those who have served
Maplewood Grange, Aurora
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Dave Cooper
View Flyer
The Boring Barn is never a boring place to come! The Country Cut-Ups have a very busy schedule in the merry month of May. We square and round dance every 1st, 3rd, and 5th Saturday night, with Plus from 7:00 to 7:30 PM on 1st
and 3rd Saturday, followed by Mainstream. 5th Saturdays are all Plus level.
Once again, we are having our annual Barn Sale (quenched by COVID for the past 2 years) on May 20th and 21st from 9:00 to 4:00. We have stored up 3 years of things to sell, so we will definitely have something you need! Come out and find your treasures. All Cut-Ups needed to help with set up on the Tuesday before. Call Dan Ragland with any questions, he is the head honcho for this event. Kudos to Dan and all his work!
We are offering lots of dancing for our community. Lynn is still teaching line dancing every week on Thursdays from 5:00 for beginners and 6:00 for more experienced dancers, but all are welcome to come to both hours for only $5. To learn more, go to: .
Don and Michelle Garwood are teaching Cowboy Two Step on Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 9:30 PM. This is not round dancing; this is the one where the guy learns to lead and you can dance it anytime, anywhere you have the right music! Great social skill to learn, and it is popular with our community. Bring a partner and the cost is $7 for the two of you. There is talk of moving these to Friday nights and start offering some dances on Saturday nights opposite our square dances for the Two Steppers and Line Dancers in our area, so stay tuned for more information.
Our club is also offering some round dancing classes taught by Tami Helms, so for more information, call Young Lumsden. Young's number is (503) 791-7779. We graduated 10 new mainstream students this spring and several are eager to learn more dancing.
Our club President and also the PAC President, Robert Lumsden and his lovely bride of 45 years, but forever Young, are celebrating with a FREE dance on May 22nd. We will dance from 2:00 PM and also see the River City Riders perform their new routine, “Tri-Ride”. Robert, Young, and Ron Rasmussen have all joined the River City Riders to give the horses some new blood. The River City Riders are now sponsored by the Country Cut-Ups, who currently have several who enjoy horsing around.
See you on a dance floor,
Bev De La Bruere
May 7 (1st Sat)Regular Dance
7:00-10:00PM Mainstream Dance; 7:00-7:30 Plus
Boring Barn, Boring
Caller: Terry Halley
Cuer: Stephanie Lozano
View Flyer
May 20 (3rd Fri)Annual Barn Sale - Country CutUps
9:00AM to 4PM, Barn Sale
Caller: None
Cuer: None
View Flyer
May 21 (3rd Sat)Annual Barn Sale - Country CutUps
9:00AM to 4PM, Barn Sale
Boring Barn, Boring
Caller: None
Cuer: None
View Flyer
May 22 (4th Sun)Robert & Young Lumsden Anniversary Dance
Free Dance to Celebrate Robert & Young Lumsden
Boring Barn, Boring
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
May 28 (4th Sat)Regular Dance
7:00-10:00PM Mainstream Dance; 7:00-7:30 Plus
Boring Barn, Boring
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
No club news received.
May 7 (1st Sat)Regular Dance
7:00 to 9:30
Washington Grange #82, Vancouver
Caller: Jim Hattrick
Cuer: Jim Hattrick
View Flyer
May 21 (3rd Sat)Regular Dance
7:00 to 9:30
Washington Grange #82, Vancouver
Caller: Jim Hattrick
Cuer: Jim Hattrick
View Flyer
May 23 (4th Mon)Happy Hoppers Beginner Square Dance
7:30 PM
Washington Grange #82, Vancouver
View Flyer
Heads to the Center -
No club news received.
May 5 (1st Thu)
Regular Dance
7:30 - 9:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
Caller: tape club
May 12 (2nd Thu)
Regular Dance
7:30 - 9:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
Caller: tape club
May 19 (3rd Thu)
Regular Dance
7:30 - 9:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
Caller: tape club
May 26 (4th Thu)
Regular Dance
7:30 - 9:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
Caller: tape club
No club news received.
May 7 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 Pre-Rounds, 7:30- 9:30 Mainstream
Oak Grove Community Club, Oak Grove
Caller: Daryl Clendenin
Cuer: Julie Stiers
May 21 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 Pre-Rounds, 7:30- 9:30 Mainstream
Oak Grove Community Club, Oak Grove
Caller: Daryl Clendenin
Cuer: Julie Stiers
River City Dancers -
We have been active and busy. Our dances on the second and third Saturday of each month are doing well. We also hosted a new dancers dance that had over four squares. Julia Buchiet was our guest cuer that day and did a very nice job . Thank you Julia.
Our clothing resale was a big success and we now have more room in our storage area to move around.
Lessons continue and our students will graduate On May 1.
We dance every second and third Saturday at Milwaukie Community club in Milwaukie. The welcome mat is always out for others to join us for a fun night of dancing to the calling of our caller Darrell Kalmbach and cuer Tami Helms.
Carol Mendenhall
May 14 (2nd Sat)Regular Dance
7:00 Plus & Rounds,7:30 to 9:30 pm Mainstream & Rounds
Milwaukie Community Club, Milwaukie
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
May 21 (3rd Sat)Regular Dance
7:00 Plus & Rounds,7:30 to 9:30 pm Mainstream & Rounds
Milwaukie Community Club, Milwaukie
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
The Ramblers were delighted to welcome Chuck Simpkins and his wife Carla, all the way from Grants Pass, to our April monthly dance. This was Chuck's first time calling for the Ramblers, and he called a marvelous dance. In addition to lively tempos and creative patterns, Chuck provided tremendous guidance and encouragement to our new dancers and students. A great time was had by all!
We always tell our students that, in addition to being loads of fun, square dancing will introduce you to a wonderful and supportive community. Our words have certainly rung true lately. After our SSD instructor experienced some health problems over the past month and was unable to teach, we reached out to Daryl Clendenin to substitute. Without hesitation, Daryl stepped up and filled the gap with his trademark good sense, good humor, and good calling. Thanks to Daryl, we are still on target to graduate 19 students on May 14.
Speaking of...our graduation dance on May 14 will feature the amazing Eric Henerlau calling. What a treat to have this internationally renowned caller for our always entertaining Mad Plaid Grad dance. Wear your craziest combinations of plaids for this dance. Graduation ceremony (all welcome!) at 6:30, followed by Social Square Dance and Plus tips from 7 to 9:30. We dance at the Oak Grove Community Center, 14496 SE Cedar Ave., Portland.
See you in a square!
Jeff Knapp
May 14 (2nd Sat)Mad Plaid Grad Dance With Eric Henerlau
Alternating Social Square Dance and Plus tips
Oak Grove Community Club, Oak Grove
Caller: Eric Henerlau
View Flyer
Rogue-Sis-Q Council
No council news received.
May 3 (1st Tue)
4:30pm on even numbered months
Round Table Pizza, Medford
Charlie Brown Squares -
The SSD class graduated April 12th with 6 new dancers. Welcome!! We had a fun time at our dance on April 16th with Wayne and Bob, in spite of the low turnout.
Our dances in May will have Chuck calling and Elaine and Mary cueing - Elaine on the 7th and Mary on the 21st. We will also have an SSD Dance on May 13th w/Chuck. Memorial weekend is coming up faster than you think!! Going to be a great festival with Eric Henerlau & Dan(Allison) Drumheller!! There is still time to get your pre-registrations in for a discount on the weekend price. We are looking forward to having a great time with everyone!!
New SSD classes will start on 4/19 and we hope to get a great turnout; maybe some of the 50++ dancers who attended our dance a few weeks ago!!
We are so happy to be getting back to some normalcy and it's great to see everyone's smiling faces!!
See you on the dance floor!!
May 7 (1st Sat)Fiesta de Mayo Dance
7pm PreRounds/730-930pm MS/Plus Tips
Josephine County Square Dance Hall, Grants Pass
Caller: Chuck Simpkins
Cuer: Elaine Funk
View Flyer
May 21 (3rd Sat)Salute To Heroes Dance
6pm A-1//7pm PreRounds/730-10pm Alternating Plus/MS
Josephine County Square Dance Hall, Grants Pass
Caller: Chuck Simpkins
Cuer: Mary Nutt
View Flyer
May 27 (4th Fri)Boatnik Square Dance Festival
Josephine County Square Dance Hall, Grants Pass
Caller: Eric Henerlau
Cuer: Dan Drumheller
View Flyer
No club news received.
May 20 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
No club news received.
May 14 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
May 28 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
South Coast Council
No council news received.
No club news received.
May 28 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
3 PM to 6 PM
Beachcombers Cove, Port Orford
Caller: Dave Cooper
Cuer: Cathy Houston
Crook County Mavericks
No club news received.
May 13 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
7:00-9:00 PM Phase II-IV
Beachcombers Cove, Port Orford
Cuer: Dave Cooper
No club news received.
May 7 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
Shop, Coos Bay
Caller: Sherm Welch
Cuer: Cathy Houston
May 21 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
Shop, Coos Bay
Caller: Sherm Welch
Cuer: Cathy Houston
No club news received.
May 14 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 PM
Coquille Community Building, Coquille
Caller: Coleeta Quigley
Cuer: Denise Harris
Tualatin Valley Council -
The March TVC meeting was held via Zoom which will remain the meeting method at least through May.
The TVC’s slate of officer candidates is as follows: President - Ursula Kuhn, Vice President - Linda and K.C. Curtis, Secretary - Andis Garuts, and Treasurer - Tammy LeBlanc. The position of Federation State Delegate is open. The slate of candidates will be voted on during the April TVC meeting and the new Officers will preside on June 1st.
It was voted to uphold the previous decision to not require proof of vaccination at Council dances, though this may be affected by policy of the venue and the co-hosting club for each dance. In general, abiding by the current State requirements has been a successful solution.
Since the OFN is published about the 20th, you still have time to plan on attending the TVC Fifth Saturday Dance on Saturday, April 30th. It will be held at the Kinton Grange, 7 to 10 pm, with KC Curtis calling and Julie Stiers cueing. No Covid restrictions.
The Council encourages all dancers to attend Anniversary dances. It is important to support our dancing community. On the afternoon of April 25th, the Eager Beavers are celebrating their 47th Anniversary at the Aloha Grange featuring callers Darrell Kalmbach and Jim Hattrick with cuer Jeanine Norden. Plus with Level III Rounds from 12:45 to 1:15, Mainstream and Rounds from 1:15 to 3:00. Vaccinations required. This is a TVC Ambassador Badge dance. Flyer in April OFN.
On May 21st the Valley Squares will celebrate their 73rd Anniversary Dance, 7 to 9 pm at the Aloha Grange. Craig Abercrombie is Calling and Connie Clark Cueing. No masks or proof of vaccination required. See their flyer following the Valley Squares report below.
Ferrous Steinka
May 23 (4th Mon)
Columbia River Dancers -
Many dancers in the Portland area have danced with long, tall Gary Wells. It was with a great deal of sorrow to learn of his passing. He was a smooth dancer, both square and round. He helped me and lots of other dancers to get our moves correctly. I am not sure what other clubs he belonged to but he was a member of the Columbia River Dancers and the Happy Hoppers.
In case l did not mention it before, Mary Brown is our new Treasurer and l have taken on the office of Vice President of Columbia River Dancers.
Our May dances will be with legendary caller and cuer, Jim Hattrick. We had 4 squares of dancers at our first lessons in April, with a new dancers dance planned for the last Sunday beginning at 6pm.
Nick Johnson
May 6 (1st Fri)Fiesta Dance
7 PM plus, 8 PM Mainstream
Manor Grange #1101, Battleground
Caller: Jim Hattrick
Cuer: Jim Hattrick
View Flyer
May 20 (3rd Fri)Memorial Day Dance
7 PM plus, 8 PM Mainstream
Manor Grange #1101, Battleground
Caller: Dan Nordbye
Cuer: Julie Stiers
View Flyer
May 22 (4th Sun)Beginner Dance
6-8 PM
Manor Grange #1101, Battleground
Caller: Jim Hattrick
Cuer: Jim Hattrick
View Flyer
Eager Beavers’ dances in March continued with a half-hour of Plus review followed by our regular dance of Plus and Rounds. Our wonderful teams on alternating weeks are caller Darrell Kalmbach with cuer Jeanine Norden, and Jim Hattrick as caller/cuer.
The new slate of officers has been elected and will be installed in May. Co-Presidents: Karen and Ferrous Steinka, Co-Vice President: John Semm and Leslie Tallman, Secretary: Dee Rice, Co-Treasurers: Sally and Mike Duyck, TVC Delegates: Alice Hendricks and Judy Groom.
Our club voted to continue to require proof of vaccination for our dances in April and to revisit the issue in May, but masks are optional.
We dance every Monday afternoon from 1:00 to 3:00. For up-to-date information see our website at
Alice Hendricks
May 2 (1st Mon)May Day Dance
1:00 to 3:00 Refresher Plus & Ph II/III Rounds
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Jim Hattrick Caller/Cuer 1st 3rd 5th Mon
View Flyer
May 9 (2nd Mon)Mother's Day Dance
1:00 to 3:00 Refresher Plus & Ph II/III Rounds
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Jeanine Norden
View Flyer
May 16 (3rd Mon)Regular Dance
1:00 to 3:00 Refresher Plus & Ph II/III Rounds
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Jim Hattrick Caller/Cuer 1st 3rd 5th Mon
View Flyer
May 23 (4th Mon)Regular Dance
1:00 to 3:00 Refresher Plus & Ph II/III Rounds
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach 2nd & 4th Monday
Cuer: Jeanine Norden
View Flyer
May 30 (5th Mon)Memorial Day Dance
1:00 to 3:00 Refresher Plus & Ph II/III Rounds
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Jim Hattrick Caller/Cuer 1st 3rd 5th Mon
View Flyer
The Hayshakers are dancing again on the 2nd & 4th Saturday of every month from 7 until 9 o’clock with Mark Wheeler calling. We have many new students, so the first 1½ hours dance time is devoted to teaching square dance and the remainder to dance Mainstream and a little Plus. Our website is
Craig Holt
May 20 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
All year around starting at 7:00 p.m.
Pacific Grange, Warrenton
Caller: Mark Wheeler
Cuer: Guest
March finally arrived and It’s like we’re all marching to a new drummer. Can’t you just feel it in the air? A balmy day, masks are optional, and dancers are returning! Woo Hoo!
Hoedowners hosted two dances in March. On the 12th Scott Zinser called and Randy Lewis cued. While on the 26th KC Curtis led the dancers in squares and Randy Lewis did rounds. Want to know the second most exciting development of March? Masks were certainly #1 but #2 Hoedowners resumed our monthly pinochle games. We love seeing our friends across a dance square, but we also look forward to seeing our friends across a square card table! More to come!
Our round lessons have been progressing. Somehow, I thought a Triple Traveler was an equestrian event. Turns out I was wrong. Connie Clark is still optimistic and teaching.
A big Hoedowner welcome to our two brand spankn’ new members Jeffery and Dee.
Please join us for our regularly scheduled dances in May on the 14th and 28th. We have some surprises in store. Masks and/or shields are optional. We Can Not Wait to See You!!
Krystal Laas
May 14 (2nd Sat)Regular Dance
7:00-9:30 Mainstream & Rounds
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Dan Nordbye
Cuer: Randy Lewis
View Flyer
May 28 (4th Sat)Regular Dance
7:00-8:00 Plus/Interm. Round;8:00-10:00 Mainstream
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Cuer: Randy Lewis
View Flyer
Easing up on dance mandates went well with everyone in March so M&M’s are continuing with their new “conditions”: proof of vaccination required but wearing a mask is optional. Fingers crossed that it only gets better.
In this month of May we will be voting in a new Board - familiar names playing musical chairs into a new position. We will only be dancing one night, May 7th, as we had to cancel our May 21st dance. That only leaves just a handful of dances left until we go dark for the summer. Our last dance is June 18th.
We hope you get a chance to join us at the Winona Grange to enjoy a night of dancing with Randy & Jeanine . Be sure to check our website for any potential changes.
Lindie Noonan
May 7 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
Pre-Rounds 7:30; Squares 8-10:30
Winona Grange, Tualatin
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Jeanine Norden
May 21 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
The Oak Hills squares continue to hold lessons on Monday’s from 6.30-7.30pm at the gym in Oak Hills On NW 153rd Ave. We have 9 students who are doing great. We then dance mainstream until 8.30pm with our fabulous caller, Mark Wheeler.
The first Monday of each month we will dance mainstream from 7.30-9pm and we welcome other clubs to come along and join us. The dances will be themed, the hall decorated and we will have tasty treats available.
Monday, May 2nd will be our next dance, with the theme of “Friendship” as we have one of our founding couples coming to visit from their new home in Florida. We hope to also welcome a lot of fellow dancers from other clubs.
If you cannot make the first Monday of the month dance then please feel free to come and visit on any Monday evening.
Mask wearing is optional, however we do require all dancers to be vaccinated.
Linda Kitchin
May 2 (1st Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30 PM
Oak Hills Community Center, Beaverton
May 9 (2nd Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30 PM
Oak Hills Community Center, Beaverton
May 16 (3rd Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30 PM
Oak Hills Community Center, Beaverton
May 23 (4th Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30 PM
Oak Hills Community Center, Beaverton
May 30 (5th Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30 PM
Oak Hills Community Center, Beaverton
R Square D had a class-level dance in March that was great fun and we had a few students dancing with us that night. Our Spring Celebration dance on the fourth Saturday was lively and fun with Jim Hattrick and Susan Healea as our caller and cuer.
We have only one dance in May. It’s our Fiesta De Mayo Dance on Friday, May 13th. Craig Abercrombie is calling and Patty Hermann will cue this dance. Plus dancing and intermediate rounds are from 7-8 and the mainstream dance with phase II rounds is from 8-9:30. We are dark on the fourth Saturday for Memorial Day weekend.
Our lessons are continuing on Wednesday evenings with plus at 6:30 PM and the beginning/mainstream class from 7:30-9:00. The classes will wrap up in mid-May.
After a two-year absence, we will hold Octoberfest this year! It will be October 14-15 at Catlin Grange in Kelso. Callers for this are Craig Abercrombie and Adam Christman. Our featured cuer is Susan Healea. Put those dates on your calendar and watch for more news as it gets closer.
R Square D dances at Kelso Senior Center, 108 NW 8th Ave, Kelso, WA. Our hall is air conditioned and masks are not required.
Chris Poole
May 13 (2nd Fri)Fiesta de Mayo
7:00-8:00 Plus; 8:00-9:30 MS w/Rounds
Kelso Senior Center, Kelso
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
Cuer: Patty Hermann
View Flyer
May 28 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
Sunset Promenaders -
We have been moving ahead with lessons starting out with 13 students but since have dropped those numbers down to about 6 people.
Starting in May we will be having cookies, water and coffee after the dances for some social time.
We voted for officers and the new slate is; President Judy Schnase, Vice President Ed Mickelson, Secretary Diane Pratt, and Treasure Lalani Radford. Thank you all for stepping up to take on those jobs. Also would like to give a big shout out to those who were doing those duties during the last couple years through all the turmoil of Covid. It seems we have made it through and are still having fun dancing.
Promenaders will be co-sponsoring the Seaside Sashay this year Oct. 21 2022. The cost for the weekend will be $20.00. The Callers will be Randy Dibble and Stephen Nosack from the Seattle Area. Debbie Taylor will be the cuer.
Our normal schedule is 1st and 3rd Saturday for Mainstream, 1st, 3rd, and 5th Thursday for Plus. We dance at the IOOF Hall in Hillsboro near 3rd and Main. We no longer require proof of vaccination and masks are optional. See our website for further information,
Mike St.Clair
May 5 (1st Thu)
Regular Dance
7:00-7:30 Intermediate Rounds,7:30-9:30 Dance
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Mike Stout (Mainstream 1st & 3rd Satur
Cuer: Julie Stout (1st, and 3rd Saturdays M/S)
May 7 (1st Sat)Regular Dance
7:00-7:30 Intermediate Rounds,7:30-9:30 Dance
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Mike Stout (Mainstream 1st & 3rd Satur
Cuer: Julie Stout (1st, and 3rd Saturdays M/S)
View Flyer
May 19 (3rd Thu)
Regular Dance
7:00-7:30 Intermediate Rounds,7:30-9:30 Dance
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Mike Stout (Mainstream 1st & 3rd Satur
Cuer: Julie Stout (1st, and 3rd Saturdays M/S)
May 21 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00-7:30 Intermediate Rounds,7:30-9:30 Dance
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Mike Stout (Mainstream 1st & 3rd Satur
Cuer: Julie Stout (1st, and 3rd Saturdays M/S)
We are happy to report that we have had a successful free dance on April 2nd. Approx. 35 new people were learning the basics, and most expressed an interest in joining us again at the Kinton grange for the next free dance on Saturday May 14th, at 11:00-2:30.
Our first dance in May is on the 6th. This will be our Ducky Derby dance, with lots of Ducky-ness activity going on. You won’t want to miss this one. KC & Linda Curtis will call and Connie Clark will cue pre-rounds @ 7:30. Mainstream @ 8:00.
May 7th Kinton grange will hold a plant sale, they always have lots to choose from. May 20th will be a regular dance, pre-plus with KC & Linda Curtis calling & Julie Buchheit cueing.
Toe’s will host the next 5th Saturday TVC dance, held at the Kinton grange on April 30th. KC & Linda Curtis will call, no info on the who will cue at this time.
Please join in the fun and friendship @ the Kinton Grange and dance with us! We are still just 5 ½ miles west of Washington Square, on Scholls Ferry Rd.
Kathy Degman
May 6 (1st Fri)Ducky Derby & Crazy Hat Dance
7:30 prerounds , 8:00 MS
Kinton Grange, Beaverton
Caller: KC Curtis
Cuer: Connie Clark
View Flyer
May 14 (2nd Sat)Community Dance
Intro to Square Dancing
Kinton Grange, Beaverton
Caller: K.C. Curtis
View Flyer
May 20 (3rd Fri)Regular Dance
7:30 preplus, 8:00 MS
Kinton Grange, Beaverton
Caller: KC Curtis
Cuer: Julia Buchheit
View Flyer
Yes, we are back! Member-only refresher workshops began in April, and in May the refreshers will be open to all dancers! We dance at the Tigard Grange, 2:00: Round Dance refreshers with cuer Sandra Pinion, and 3:30-5:30: Mainstream refreshers with our caller Terry Halley. On Sunday afternoons: May 1, 15, 22, and 29. We still ask that dancers wear masks for now. Cost $5 at the door. (And our first two "real" dances are coming up in June, on Sunday afternoons.
Please see our website or the OFN for flyers.) Also in May we will be deciding whether to keep our previous dance nights or to change our dances to Sunday afternoons. A lot is going on at Tri Squares!
Gloria Davis
May 1 (1st Sun)
Club Refresher Lessons
Mainstream refresher for club
Tigard Grange, Tigard
Caller: Terry Halley
Cuer: Sandra Pinion
May 8 (2nd Sun)
Regular Dance
3:30-5:30 Floor Level "Rustyl Nail" Mainstream
Tigard Grange, Tigard
Caller: Terry Halley
Cuer: Sandra Pinion
May 13 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
May 15 (3rd Sun)
Club Refresher Lessons
Mainstream refresher for club
Tigard Grange, Tigard
Caller: Terry Halley
Cuer: Sandra Pinion
May 22 (4th Sun)
Club Refresher Lessons
Mainstream refresher for club
Tigard Grange, Tigard
Caller: Terry Halley
May 27 (4th Fri)
Regular Dance
May 29 (5th Sun)
Club Refresher Lessons
Mainstream refresher at 3:30, round dancing refresher at 2:0
Tigard Grange, Tigard
Caller: Terry Halley
Cuer: Sandra Pinion
Valley River Dancers -
We are dancing. Second Fridays are Plus dances. Fourth Fridays are Mainstream. Randy Dibble is calling and Leonard Snodgrass is cueing. We have begun new dancer lessons. They began this past Tuesday, April 12th. We have two more weeks of open lessons for those who would like to join us. Lessons are at the Community Center in Newberg. 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm for new dancers and followed by 8 to 9:30 pm Advanced workshop for those interested in joining us for that.
Judy Zimmerman
May 13 (2nd Fri)
Regular Plus Dance
7:30-8 PreRounds, 8-10 Plus with Rounds, 10-10:30 Advanced
Chehalem Community Center, Newberg
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Leonard Snodgrass
May 27 (4th Fri)
Regular Mainstream Dance
7:30-8 PrePlus, 8-10 Mainstream with Rounds, 10-10:30 Plus/A
Chehalem Community Center, Newberg
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Leonard Snodgrass
Valley Squares May 21st dance will be our 73rd Anniversary Dance, 7 to 9 pm at the Aloha Grange. Craig Abercrombie is Calling and Connie Clark Cueing. Come join us! Masks are optional.
Our class has completed their lessons and we have 8 new members. We have several visitations planned, we want to keep everyone dancing and enjoying other clubs and callers.
See you in a square,
Carolene Siebert
May 21 (3rd Sat)Regular Dance
MS & Plus with Rounds, 7-9 pm, floor level
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
Cuer: Connie Clark
View Flyer
May 21 (3rd Sat)73rd Anniversary Dance
Floor level, Mainstream & Plus with Rounds in between.
Aloha Grange, Aloha
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
Cuer: Connie Clark
View Flyer
No change in May. We are trying to find enough students for a square. No dances at WaveSteppers until further notice. For up to date information see:
Bob Allen
May 14 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 - 9:00 pm
Garibaldi City Hall, Garibaldi
Caller: Don Hart
Cuer: Connie Clark
Umpqua Area Council -
No council news received.
May 11 (2nd Wed)
meet quarterly
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
No club news received.
May 7 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
PLUS 6:00, Mainstream 6:30 Every 3rd tip PLUS
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Caller: Mark Wheeler
Cuer: Neil Koozer
May 21 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
PLUS 6:00, Mainstream 6:30 Every 3rd tip PLUS
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Caller: Mark Wheeler
Cuer: Neil Koozer
No club news received.
May 3 (1st Tue)
Mixed Rhythms Fun Floor time
6:30 PM
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Cuer: Neil Koozer
May 10 (2nd Tue)
Mixed Rhythms Fun Floor time
6:30 PM
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Cuer: Neil Koozer
May 13 (2nd Fri)3rd Friday round dance moved to 2nd Frid
Phase 2-4 Round Dance Party
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Cuer: Neil Koozer
View Flyer
May 17 (3rd Tue)
Mixed Rhythms Fun Floor time
6:30 PM
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Cuer: Neil Koozer
May 20 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
May 24 (4th Tue)
Regular Dance
Ph 2-3
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Cuer: Neil Koozer
May 31 (5th Tue)
Regular Dance
Ph 2-3
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Cuer: Neil Koozer
No club news received.
May 14 (2nd Sat)Birthday Dance
7pm pre-rounds
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Neil Koozer
View Flyer
May 28 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance