Printed 20 August 2023
President's Corner
Helping our organization
Square and Round dancing is an activity that we all know provides us with hours of enjoyment and entertainment. Making the activity fun usually requires a fair amount f planning and organization. This President’ Corner is dedicated to the people who have contributed their time & skills to support the structure that makes the dances happen. The leadership, planning and administration for square and round dance activities is no different that of any other activity that we have in our everyday life. Some of us are natural born leaders, some of us can be leaders but it takes work, and some of us just are not. If you are in the first category, we have a job for you. If you are in the second category, I believe with help you will do fine. If you fit the third category, it’s not a problem and you shouldn’t feel bad; however, there may be a way for you to help as well. You do not need to be in a leadership position to be on a committee. Committees are an integral part of an organization in that they define all the details needed to solve the issue or accomplish the task that has been asked of the leadership. A note to the leaders here; when assigning a committee, consider all the members in your organization as potential contributors, not just the ones you see at the meeting. You might be surprised by the people who may want to help.
Perhaps you may have a particular skill that you can share with your club or Area Council that may help the organization. Are you good at marketing, maybe you can write well, or you have some killer recipes that fit well with potlucks. On a more serious side, occasionally our clubs may need legal advice; that would be something to share. If you are working, the ability to contribute may be less, but if you are retired and are looking for something to fill your free time, well this would be it.
Sometimes, the best way to support your organization is to come to the dances. As this is the primary purpose of our organization, it can be said that well attended dances are more fun. People by nature are social and square & round dancing is the epitome of social activity that enhances our sense of community. That is what we are all about.
Sharing is caring,
Tim Keck
Editor's Note
There are a couple of informative articles in our pages this month. Please remember to register your lessons on the same web site where you enter your dance flyers,, on the "Lessons" page. You'll start listing September classes in this issue.
Click here to find out how to get your
information into the OFN, including dances, lessons, photos, flyers,
advertisements, and caller/cuer information.
We have set up an email mailing list to notify people when a new edition of
the online OFN is available, and for other important news about the OFN.
To subscribe to this mailing list, just fill out this information:
Federation Events
Federation Meetings
The next Federation meeting will be hosted by the Emerald Empire, and will be held at the Emerald Square Dance Center in Springfield on September 10, 2023. This is our "turnover" meeting, where the 2023-24 officers will be installed.
Mid-Winter Festival 2024 is scheduled for January 26-28, 2024, at the Linn County Fairgrounds in Albany.
Hi everyone. Welcome to August. Can you believe it.... Mid-Winter Festival is 6 short months away. To a planner like me that seems like such a short time. If you are a planner, have you checked out the amazing website? There is amazing information on there, cool places to visit, yummy places to eat and of course the most comfortable places to lay your head. If you haven't visited then I suggest you take the time to go explore. The webmaster did such an amazing job. So start your planning and we will look forward to seeing you at the dance festival.
Summer Festival
"Sashay to Salem 2024" will be held at Blanchet Catholic School in Salem on July 12 to 14, 2024. There will be four
dance halls, Mainstream, Plus, Advanced and Rounds. More details will be following, since this is just getting
Federation Links
Other National Events
The latest news about the National Square Dance Conventions® is located in the National Squares magazine, produced by the NEC. You can find the latest issue here: (
The 2023 USAWest Convention will be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 26-29, 2023.
The 73rd National Square Dance Convention® will be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 26-29, 2024.
The 74th National Square Dance Convention® will be held in Shreveport, Louisiana, June 25-28, 2025.
Other National Links
Corporation Renewal Status
All clubs in the Oregon Federation are required to maintain their status as
non-profit corporations with the State of Oregon. The Secretary of State's
office mails out a renewal notice about a month before your registration
expires every year. The following clubs expire this month:
August 21 -- R Square D
August 23 -- Portland Area Council
When & Where
Download a complete list
of the Federation club dances this month, all sorted by date and city.
Everything in the When & Where is extracted from the state directory
information. If you find that your club information is wrong, you can
fix that by going to the directory information
area and fixing your data.
Letters and Articles
Click on the title to see the article.
- Dispelling a Common Myth of Music Licensing
This is the second of three articles about music licensing, the first was in March 2023. This month, I’ll be dispelling a common myth in music licensing – that only one person, typically, either the caller or cuer needs to be licensed at a square dance (also known as piggybacking). From the research I have done, this myth is just that, a myth.
In July 2019, ROUNDALAB stated that piggybacking is not allowed in their licensing agreements. This means an unlicensed person may not ‘piggyback’ on the music license of another. ROUNDALAB also stated when it comes to licensing, what matters is the person performing/playing the music is licensed. The key word being ‘performing’. Note, a performer is not necessarily always the person that is actually on the microphone when music is playing. An unlicensed person may be on the microphone calling or cueing moves over music, but the person who is pushing play or laying the needle down on the record (old school, I know) is considered to be the performer. The article I reference here is from ROUNDALAB, but my research shows that CALLERLAB has similar, if not the same language in their licensing agreements as well.
What does this mean for clubs and organizers of dances/lessons? It means that each performer needs to be licensed, whether that be though their respective professional organizations (ROUNDALAB, CALLERLAB, CLOG, ACA, etc.), or the clubs hold the licenses themselves. It also means clubs need to be diligent in making sure not just their club callers and cuers, but their guest callers and cuers too, are all properly licensed to perform music. It is a common practice to require a copy of the caller/cuer’s licensing card as part of contract execution. Remember, it’s the clubs who will be in trouble if fees are assessed.
As a reminder, my role with the Federation as Music Licensing Coordinator is to maintain compliance with the licensing agreements the Federation is a party to and advise the Federation on music licensing related information. However, I feel it is important to share the information I learn with clubs and councils. Music Licensing can be confusing for clubs and councils to wrap their heads around, trust me I know!! That said, feel free to reach out to me if you have questions about music licensing. I will always do my best to research and provide interpretations and opinions. My role is not to police, but to inform. Happy Dancing everyone!
Brooke Davison
OFSRDC Music Licensing Coordinator
- Federation Insurance Issues
One of the primary benefits that the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs offers to its member clubs is affordable liability insurance, through the United Square Dancers of America. There is a lot of confusion about what this insurance is (and is not), even among people with a long history with the Federation. Like many topics, there are so many cases of "well, everyone knows..." that just aren't so. I'm going to try to dispel some of that confusion.
There are two parts to the USDA insurance. What most people seem to think of is the secondary medical insurance, which can help pay your deductibles if you are injured at a dance. However, this coverage is relatively unimportant. In fact, the insurance company provides this coverage to us for free as an "added bonus". The real meat of the coverage is the general liability insurance that protects the club in case of a lawsuit. Let's talk about both parts.
The medical insurance covers your medical costs any time you are injured during a regularly scheduled and sponsored dance activity, anywhere in America. It doesn't cover you while you're walking from your car -- it has to be while dancing. (It does cover accidents during travel if you have 10 or more club members in a commercial vehicle.) However, one key point is that this is secondary insurance. You have to go through your own insurance (either private or Medicare) first. After they have paid, if there are things they didn't cover, like dedictibles or other limits, then the USDA secondary coverage steps in, up to $10,000.
And that's all the secondary medical insurance does. It is available to every member of a club who had paid the premiums and kept their list of new members updated. Many (but not all) of the state square dance federations across the country use the USDA insurance, and dancers from any of those clubs would have the same coverage. The Square and Folk Dance Federation of Washington uses a different insurance company. The Oregon Federation has several clubs that are also members of the Washington Federation, who get their insurance through Washington. (Our guidelines require that they show us proof of the insurance once a year.) That doesn't mean they are "dancing uninsured" when they dance at your club, or that you are "dancing uninsured" when you dance at their club. It just means they would have to use the Washington insurance.
The accidental medical insurance covers the individual dancer. The general liability insurance protects the club. This is an important point, and it's one that many people lose track of. If someone is seriously injured at one of your dances, the expenses will pile up. Even after your private insurance and the $10,000 limit of the USDA medical coverage has been exhausted, that might not be enough. The only recourse at that point is to file a lawsuit against the club. This is where the general liability coverage comes in. The USDA's insurance company has a team of well-dressed lawyers who can defend your club in court and handle the expenses of any settlement. This is the value of the insurance: your club does not have to risk bankruptcy over some simple negligence. After all, a $400,000 settlement plus legal fees would spell the end of any club or council, or even the Federation itself. And this kind of lawsuit certainly does happen. There have been several over the past 20 years.
Let's go over some of the scenarios and see what the reality actually is. Because we have this crossover with Washington, I'm going to use the term "USDA-covered club" to refer to clubs that get their insurance through Oregon. That phrase does not include the Washington clubs who are members of the Oregon Federation.
A USDA-covered club member dances at a USDA-covered club dance. This is the easy case. The secondary medical insurance applies here. If the injury is severe enough, the dancer can file a lawsuit, and the general liability coverage will step in to protect the club.
A USDA-covered club member dances at a non-USDA club dance. The secondary medical insurance applies here. If the injury is severe enough, the dancer can file a lawsuit, but it will be up to the club's insurance to handle that.
A USDA-covered club member dances at a state festival, in Oregon or in Washington. Again, the secondary medical insurance applies here. The medical insurance follows the DANCER, not the club.
A non-USDA club member dances at a USDA-covered club dance. The secondary medical insurance is not involved, because the dancer is not covered. If the injury is severe enough, the dancer can file a lawsuit, and the general liability coverage will step in to protect the club.
A non-USDA club member dances at a Federation festival. This is just like the previous bullet. The secondary medical insurance is not involved, because the dancer is not covered. If the injury is severe enough, the dancer can file a lawsuit, and the general liability coverage will step in to protect the club.
- A non-USDA club member dances at a non-USDA club dance or festival. USDA is not involved here, so it depends on the individual club.
There has been a nonsense notion that we should post a warning at our dances saying that "non-Federation members are dancing uninsured and at your own risk". Why is the "at your own risk" disclaimer so silly? Either the person has insurance, or they don't. There's really no point in telling an uninsured person that they don't have insurance. They should already know that, and reminding them of that fact does not relieve your club of liability. If they are injured at your club dance, your club is liable, whether or not the person has insurance, and whether or not they signed a disclaimer.
I hope that helps clear things up. When questions arise, contact your Federation Insurance Chairman, currently Marilyn Schmit. She has an "inside line" to the insurance contacts at USDA, and can get your questions answered.
Tim Roberts
- National Dance Day

Dance organizations of all kinds from all across the country will be participating in “National Dance Day” on September 16, and the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs would like to thoroughly embrace this opportunity to shed a light on all things dance while promoting our clubs! Therefore, we are calling all Dancers to participate in some way with the National Dance Day on September 16, 2023. Let’s flood Oregon and Washington with dance demos and community dances to promote our favorite activity: square dancing, round dancing, line dancing and clogging! Work with your clubs and councils to come up with a creative venue to strut your moves on this “groovy” day which celebrates all kinds of dancing. If you need help coming up with new places to dance, here is a list for your consideration:
Community colleges
Private schools
Rural schools
Halftime at a football game
RV parks
Local malls
City centers
American Legion
"Flash mob" demo in malls or city centers
Chamber of Commerce Events
Hop & Heritage Festival (Independence, OR)
Pendleton Roundup (Pendleton, OR)
Oktoberfest (Mt. Angel, Canyon City)
Craft shows
Church bazaars
Other church events
Remember to check with the venue management for permission and for their assistance. Take your lesson information with you to the dances. Contact your local newspaper or TV Station and invite their Features Editor to attend or even participate if you plan to have a time to teach. Once you have determined where you are going to dance, be sure to complete a Notification of Event Form: Let your council delegates know your plans so they can share your dance plans with the OFSRDC during their report at the OFSRDC September 10 meeting. And, most importantly, HAVE FUN!
History of National Dance Day: In 2010, Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton started National Dance Day while working with Nigel Lythgoe, co-creator of, “So You Think You Can Dance” and the co-founder of the American Dance Movement. They determined that dance was a creative and artistic outlet that can be used to promote a healthy lifestyle by improving muscle tone, bone density, balance, flexibility, and strength. In 2020, working with the American Heart Association, the National Dance Day was moved to September in an effort to provide new dance contents for their “kids’ health initiative, the Kids’ Heart Challenge encouraging students to participate. Dancing improves mental and physical health and relieves stress while building healthier bodies.
If you have any questions or need assistance, contact Kathy Roberts, OFSRDC Publicity and Education Coordinator, National Dance Day information is from:
Available Callers & Cuers
You can
download this list
of callers and cuers who are available and ready to call or cue a dance
for you.
Daryl Clendenin
14421 SE Jupiter Ct
Milwakie, OR 97267
Cece & Sarge Glidewell
PO Box 1928
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Henna Yauger
14915 SE Brookfield Dr
Oregon City, OR 97045
Ian Craig
19598 Goose Lake Dr NE
Aurora, OR 97003
Roger Putzler
6213 Nelson Loop SW
Albany, OR 97321
K.C. Curtis
3835 SW 168th
Portland, OR 97326
Mark Wheeler
6728 SE Woodstock Blvd
Portland, OR 97206
Cece & Sarge Glidewell
PO Box 1928
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Rikki Lobato
2230 SW Webster Rd
Grants Pass, OR 97526
Oregon Round of the Month
The Interstate Highlanders Council has chosen the August Oregon Round of the Month:
"Jukebox Jump", Phase II+1 Waltz (Suzie Q), choreographed by Bev Oren. Performed by Si Cranstoun on the album "Old School".
Download your cue sheet here.
For more information on the Round of the Month, please contact
Lessons starting in August and September
Everything in this section is taken from the state directory
information. If you find that your class information is wrong, you can
fix that by going to the directory information
area and picking to the "Lessons" tab.
Timber Twirlers
738 SE 5th
Tuesdays @ 7 to 8:45pm
Contact: Judy 503-991-2161
Aloha Grange #773
3425 S.W. 185th Ave.
Tuesdays, 7-9
Contact: Doug at #503-314-2635
Chaps & Petticoats
Maplewood Grange
25480 S. Hwy 99E
Sunday, September 17th 5-7pm (2nd Free Lesson Night)
Contact: Vicki email: 503-263-6060
Chaps & Petticoats
Maplewood Grange
25480 S. Hwy 99E
Sunday, September 10th 5-7pm (Free Lesson Night)
Contact: Vicki email: 503-263-6060
Tri Squares
Kinton Grange
19015 SW Scholls Ferry Rd
Sunday 3:30pm - 5:30pm
Tri Squares
Kinton Grange
19015 SW Scholls Ferry Rd
Sunday 2pm - 3:15pm
High Desert Dancers
Pine Forest Grange
63214 Boyd Acres Rd
6:30-8:30 pm Mondays & Thursdays
Contact: Kay Bithell, 541-382-7014
Country Cut-Ups
Boring Barn
13987 SE Richey Rd.
Thursday, 7:30 to 9:30pm
Contact: Robert Lumsden 503-791-7779
Coos Bay
63769 S Barview Road
Sunday 4-6pm
Contact: Patrick Cox
Grants Pass
Charlie Brown Squares
Josephine County Square Dance Hall
1451 Fairgrounds Rd
SSD Class: Tuesday 6:30pm starting 9/12/2023
Contact: Carla Simpkins 541-218-2539
Grants Pass
Charlie Brown Squares
Josephine County Square Dance Hall
1451 Fairgrounds Rd
Thursdays starting 9/7/23
Contact: Carla 541-218-2539
Sunset Promenaders
I.O.O.F. Hall
267 E. Main St.
Sunday 2:30 - 4:00 PM
Contact: 503 640 3383
R Square D
Kelso Senior Center
106 NW 8th Ave.
Tuesday 6:30 PM
Contact: Chris Poole
R Square D
Kelso Senior Center
106 NW 8th Ave.
Wednesday 7:30 PM
Contact: Chris Poole
R Square D
Kelso Senior Center
106 NW 8th Ave.
Wednesday 6:30 PM
Contact: Chris Poole
Lebanon Square Circlers
Lebanon Senior Center
80 Tangent Street
(Starting Sept 17) Sundays 5:00pm—6:00pm
Contact: 503-960-8880 or
Lebanon Square Circlers
Lebanon Senior Center
80 Tangent Street
(Starting Sept 16) 1st and 3rd Saturdays 6:00pm to 7:15pm (MS dance follows)
Contact: 541-401-9780 or
Lebanon Square Circlers
Lebanon Senior Center
80 Tangent Street
(Starting Sept 17) Sundays 6:30pm—8:00pm
Contact: 503-838-5113 or 541-401-9780
Braids & Braves
McMinnville Grange
1700 Old Sheridan Rd.
Sunday, 5-6:30 p.m., Sept 10
Contact: Jennie Ramer 971-237-4711
Star Promenaders
Rogue Valley Square Dance Center
3377 Table Rock Rd
Mondays 630-830 September 11, 2023
Contact: Frances @ 541-890-6237
Star Promenaders
Rogue Valley Square Dance Center
3377 Table Rock Rd
Thursdays 630-830 starting September 14, 2023
Contact: Frances @ 541-890-6237
River City Dancers
Milwaukie Community Club
10666 SE 42nd Ave
Sunday, 5:30 to 7 pm
Oregon City
Bachelor N Bachelorettes
Abernethy Grange
15745 S. Harley Ave.
Wednesday, Sept. 13 6:15 to 7:15 pm
Contact: Bev: 971-506-8528 Melissa: 360-904-7419
River City Dancers
Milwaukie Community Club
10666 SE 42nd Ave
Sundays 5:30---7pm
Contact: http//
Dancing Friends
Buckeroo Barn
5051 NE Stephens St
Monday, 6:30-8:00p
Contact: Neil Koozer
Dancing Friends
Buckeroo Barn
5051 NE Stephens St
Tuesday, 6:30-8:00p
Contact: Rod Skinner
Salem Square Dance Center
3695 45th Av NE
Sunday 4:00 - 5:30 pm
Contact: Marilyn Schmit, 503-508-0539
Salem Square Dance Center
3695 45th Av NE
Thursdays 7:40 p.m.
Contact: Marilyn Schmit, 503-508-0539
Salem Swingin' Stars
Salem Square Dance Center
3695 45th Av NE
Wednesdays, 8:00 PM (Starts September 13, 2023)
Contact: 503-884-0158
Salem Swingin' Stars
Salem Square Dance Center
3695 45th Av NE
Wednesdays, 6:30 PM (Starts September 13, 2023)
Contact: 503-385-5925
Vancouver, WA
Buzzin Bees
Points West II
128 NW 95th Cir
Contact: Carol Zelmer 360-695-1467
Vancouver, WA
Happy Hoppers
Washington Grange #82
7701 NE Ward Rd
Mondays, 6:30 PM starting Sep 11
Contact: Gil Shoemaker - 360-450-7029
Vancouver, WA
Happy Hoppers
Washington Grange #82
7701 NE Ward Rd
Mondays, 7:30 PM starting Sep 11
Contact: Gil Shoemaker - 360-450-7029
New Dancer Jamborees
October 7 (1st Sat)Charlie Brown Squares
Cartober: Slip The Clutch Community Danc
See Flyer *Community Dance* Open to ALL!
Josephine County Square Dance Hall, Grants Pass
Caller: J Domis
Cuer: None
View Flyer
November 19 (3rd Sun)Chaps & Petticoats
Turkey Trot Dance
Turkey Dinner 5:30
Maplewood Grange, Aurora
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Dave Cooper
View Flyer
December 2 (1st Sat)Lebanon Square Circlers
New Dancers Dance/Toy Drive
7:30 Pre-Rounds; 8:00 Class/Mainstream
Lebanon Senior Center, Lebanon
Caller: Charlotte Jeskey
Cuer: Jackie Gale
View Flyer
Special Dances
August 6 (1st Sun)Golden Squares
Farewell Dance - Final Dance
Pre-rounds 1:30, dance 2 PM
The Estates Auditorium, Woodburn
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Julie Stiers
View Flyer
August 11 (2nd Fri)Central Oregon Council
Central Oregon Round Up
2-4pm MS Dance /4-5pm Plus/Advanced / 7-10pm MS Dance w/Plus
Sisters High School, Sisters
Caller: Jay Henderson
Cuer: Dave Cooper
View Flyer
September 2 (1st Sat)Beachcombers
Battle Rock Weekend
7:00 pre-rounds 7:30 mainstream
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Dave Cooper
View Flyer
September 13 (2nd Wed)Charlie Brown Squares
Mexican Hat Dance
Advanced 6pm/Pre Rounds 7pm Floor Level 730-930pm
Josephine County Square Dance Hall, Grants Pass
Caller: Guest Scott Pearce (Folsom, CA)
Cuer: Rikki Lobato
View Flyer
September 22 (4th Fri)Tri Squares
Anniversary Dance
7:00 Pre-Rounds, 7:15 Plus, 7:30-9:30 MS & Rounds, Plus 4th
Kinton Grange, Beaverton
Caller: Terry Halley and KC Curtis
Cuer: Sandra Pinion
View Flyer
7:00 Rounds, 7:15 Plus, 7:30-9:30 MS & Rounds, Plus 4th
September 30 (5th Sat)Tualatin Valley Council
5th Saturday Hahn Barn Dance TVC Counci
Picnic 4:00 pm, Mainstream & Rounds 5:00 - 7:30pm
Hahn Barn, Banks
Caller: Mark Wheeler Caller/MC
Cuer: Lane Clem Cuer/MC
View Flyer
October 6 (1st Fri)Red Rock Squares
Harvest Dance
We're welcoming fall with great dancing, Boston Cream Cake &
Redmond Grange, Redmond
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
Cuer: Craig Abercrombie
View Flyer
October 6 (1st Fri)Kountry Rhythm Rockin Outlaws
Country Fever Dance/Campout Weekend
See Attached Flyer for details - October 6-7-8 2023 Location
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Caller: Jim Steele (Great Caller since 1961)
Cuer: Mark McDonald
View Flyer
October 7 (1st Sat)Country Cut-Ups
Anniversary Dance
Plus 7:00-7:30 Mainstream 7:30-10:00
Boring Barn, Boring
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
Cuer: Craig Abercrombie
View Flyer
Plus 7:00-7:30 Mainstream 7:30-10:00
October 7 (1st Sat)Sunset Promenaders
38th Anniversary Dance
Lasagna Dinner @ 6, 7 to 9:30 Mainstream
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
October 14 (2nd Sat)R Square D
Fall Festival
7:30-8:00 Pre-Rounds; 8:00-10:00 Mainstream & Rounds
Kelso Senior Center, Kelso
Caller: Craig Abercrombie & Adam Christman
Cuer: Susan Healea
View Flyer
October 20 (3rd Fri)Klamath Country Squares
Potato Festival
Friday Night Dance
Knights of Columbus, Klamath Falls
Caller: Jim Steele
Cuer: Dave Cooper
View Flyer
October 22 (4th Sun)Country Cut-Ups
70's Birthday Bash
Robert Lumsden & Melissa James Birthday Party 2-5pm
Boring Barn, Boring
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
October 27 (4th Fri)Sunset Promenaders
Seaside Sashay Square Dance Festival
Hayshakers & Sunset Promenaders Hosting
Seaside Convention Center, Seaside
Caller: Greg Weber & Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Debbie Taylor
View Flyer
November 2 (1st Thu)Sunset Promenaders
9th Plus Dance Anniversary
7:00-7:30 Intermediate Rounds,7:30-9:30 Plus Dance
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
December 16 (3rd Sat)Charlie Brown Squares
56th Birthday Dance
See flyer
Josephine County Square Dance Hall, Grants Pass
Caller: Buddy Weaver
Cuer: Rikki Lobato
View Flyer
April 12 (2nd Fri)Rogue-Sis-Q Council
58th Pear Blossom SD Festival
See Flyer - 3 Day Event 4/12-4/14
Rogue Valley Square Dance Center, Medford
Caller: Michael Kellogg
Cuer: MaryAnn Callahan
View Flyer
May 10 (2nd Fri)Country Cut-Ups
2nd Annual Spring Fling
7:00-10:00PM Mainstream
Boring Barn, Boring
Caller: Andy Allemao
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
May 24 (4th Fri)Charlie Brown Squares
Annual Boatnik Festival(3 days)
See Flyer
Josephine County Square Dance Hall, Grants Pass
Caller: David Mee
Cuer: Dawn Mee
View Flyer
July 24 (4th Wed)Star Promenaders
51st Diamond Lake Festival
See Flyer - July 24-27th 2024
Diamond Lake, Diamond Lake
Caller: Michael Kellogg
Cuer: Rikki Lobato
View Flyer
All the Flyers
Click a thumbnail to download the flyer.
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Click a thumbnail to see the full-sized picture.
Silver City Squares participated in the Mt. Angel 4th of July parade with over 20 club members, one square on the trailer and two on the street.
Silver City Squares participated in the Mt. Angel 4th of July parade with over 20 club members, one square on the trailer and two on the street.
Undaunted by the heat, an intrepid group of Rosetown Ramblers danced in the Portland Pride parade on July 16
Eager Beavers Independence Day Dance on July 3
The Central Oregon Council is running promotional booths at various venues. The first one was June 28th at a local park for Redmond's Music on the Green. They collected many names for lessons. A laptop showed two videos.
R Square D’s “50s & 60s Sock Hop” on June 28th in Kelso.
Councils & Clubs
Click a council name to go directly to that section.
Blue Mountains Council
No council news received.
LaGrande Star Promenaders
No club news received.
August 24 (4th Thu)
Regular Dance
Not holding regularly scheduled dances
Fort Union Grange, Island City
Not holding regularly scheduled dances
Muddy Frogs
No club news received.
August 20 (3rd Sun)
Regular Dance
2 to 4 p.m.
Milton-Freewater Comm Bldg, Milton-Freewater
Caller: Guests
Cuer: Guests
2 to 4 p.m.
Central Oregon Council -
No council news received.
August 9 (2nd Wed)
meet every 3 months--time and place vary
meet every 3 months--time and place vary
August 10 (2nd Thu)Central Oregon Round Up - Trails End Dan
7-10pm Mainstream Dance with Regional Callers/Cuers
Sisters High School, Sisters
Caller: Jay Henderson
Cuer: Dave Cooper
View Flyer
August 11 (2nd Fri)Central Oregon Round Up
2-4pm MS Dance /4-5pm Plus/Advanced / 7-10pm MS Dance w/Plus
Sisters High School, Sisters
Caller: Jay Henderson
Cuer: Dave Cooper
View Flyer
August 12 (2nd Sat)Central Oregon Round Up
10:30-Noon- Rd Dance Wkshop/2-3pm Plus/Adv/3-5pm Easy MS/7-1
Sisters High School, Sisters
Caller: Jay Henderson
Cuer: Dave Cooper
View Flyer
High Desert Dancers -
No club news received.
August 5 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00-9:30 pm squares/alternate with rounds
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
7:00-9:30 pm squares/alternate with rounds
August 11 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
August 19 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00-9:30 pm squares/alternate with rounds
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
7:00-9:30 pm squares/alternate with rounds
August 19 (3rd Sat)Free Community Square Dance
No partner or dance experience needed. Come casual & comfor
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
View Flyer
August 19 (3rd Sat)Free Community Dance
Great opportunity for the community to be introduced to squa
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
View Flyer
August 25 (4th Fri)
Regular Dance
7:00-9:30 pm squares/alternate with rounds
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
7:00-9:30 pm squares/alternate with rounds
No club news received.
August 4 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
7:00 PM
Redmond Grange, Redmond
Caller: Guest Callers
Cuer: Guest Cuers
August 18 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
7:00 PM
Redmond Grange, Redmond
Caller: Guest Callers
Cuer: Guest Cuers
Sagebrush Shufflers -
No club news received.
August 12 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
6:30-9:00 PM
Ochoco School Crossing Gym, Prineville
Caller: Guest callers
Cuer: Guest cuers
6:30-9:00 PM
August 26 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
6:30-9:00 PM
Ochoco School Crossing Gym, Prineville
Caller: Guest callers
Cuer: Guest cuers
6:30-9:00 PM
Sundown RidgeRiders -
No club news received.
August 3 (1st Thu)
Regular Dance
6:30 - 9:00pm
Pleasant Ridge Community Hall, Redmond
Cuer: Mark McDonald
6:30 - 9:00pm
August 17 (3rd Thu)
Regular Dance
6:30 - 9:00pm
Pleasant Ridge Community Hall, Redmond
Cuer: Mark McDonald
6:30 - 9:00pm
Emerald Empire Council -
No council news received.
August 7 (1st Mon)
every two months-call for details
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
every two months-call for details
August 14 (2nd Mon)
every two months-call for details
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
every two months-call for details
August 21 (3rd Mon)
every two months-call for details
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
every two months-call for details
August 28 (4th Mon)
every two months-call for details
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
every two months-call for details
Cascade Callers & Cuers Assoc
Our next Fifth Saturday dance is September 30. We canceled our July 29th dance because the clubs in Roseburg were having a barn roof benefit. We encourage our dancers to attend. The wonderful Buckeroo Barn's roof leaks and containers have to be strategically placed to catch all the drips.
Our dances start with pre-rounds at 7:00 and mainstream from 7:30 - 9:30. The hall is air conditioned.
Happy calling, cueing and dancing
Christina Corelli - Secretary
In July we had 3 dances tentatively scheduled. As of this writing we have had two of them, one on the 2nd and one on the 16th. The one on the 16th had Tim Matteson of the Spin cycle Squares calling. We were pleased to have a live caller and are looking forward to Kris Jensen from Albuquerque, NM call for us in November on the 12th. We always enjoy dancing to live callers, but most of the time we dance to recorded music which Fred Beisse obtains from leading callers such as Bronc Wise, Darrell Lipscomb, Todd Fellegy among others. We hope we will have at least a square so we can dance on July 30 as well as Aug. 13th and 27th.
At our July 2nd dance we had two visitors from Boston, Massachusets join us. They were young, full of energy, and great dancers, and we enjoyed getting to know them. We hope more visitors will drop in to dance with us.
We dance in Hall B Sunday afternoons at the Emerald Square Dance Center at 2095 Yolanda in Springfield, OR, off I-105. We dance from 1:30PM to 3:30PM at least two times a month. Be sure to check our website at to see when our dances are scheduled but also give Fred Beisse a call at 458-221-3564 to make sure we are dancing on any given Sunday.
Keep on dancing,
Gaynor Hintz
Club reporter
August 6 (1st Sun)
Regular Dance
Irregular, please see website link
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Irregular, please see website link
August 13 (2nd Sun)
Regular Dance
Irregular, please see website link
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Irregular, please see website link
August 20 (3rd Sun)
Regular Dance
Irregular, please see website link
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Irregular, please see website link
August 27 (4th Sun)
Regular Dance
Irregular, please see website link
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Irregular, please see website link
Misty Valley Cloggers
No club news received.
August 18 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
7:30 - 10:00
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Cuer: Lauri Weidenhaft
7:30 - 10:00
The Single Trees are a fun-loving, group of dancers who just want to dance. The board of Single Trees has decided to return to dancing twice a month on the third and fourth Fridays at the Emerald Square Dance Center at 2095 Yolanda, Springfield. This decision was made despite the fact that we are losing money with each dance and thus may run out of money, but we will have a good time in the meantime. We are grateful to the many callers who are willing to travel down from the Portland metro area to call for us. In July we were scheduled to dance on July 14th and July 28th as it is summer and there are few other square dances being held at the hall—only Spin Cycle Squares (on Sunday late afternoon) and Cast A Shadows are dancing during the summer (advanced club twice a month normally). We dance in Hall A from 7:30 to 10PM starting with pre-rounds for 15 minutes and then a plus tip before starting mainstream with rounds at 8 with every 3rd tip plus. Please check our website at for the full schedule or the OFN where and when section.
We held our club picnic on Saturday July 8th at the country property of one of our members, Suzanne Peterson. She has graciously let us have them there for many years now. Even in the hottest of days it is fairly cool in the shade of her huge trees that dot the property. We even had a tip called by fellow member and caller Janet Geiger. There were games, lots of food and lots of conversation. Three members and former members attended that we hadn’t seen at dances for a while: Florence Mulvihill, Eldon Albertson and Marguerite Zolman. Some of us even got in a little blueberry picking. It was a perfect summer day. Thanks to all who attended and brought their delicious dishes, thanks to the head barbecuer, Rich Sousa, for standing there to cook those wonderful hamburgers and hot dogs.
We hope to see many come join us on the dance floor to add to the fun.
Gaynor Hintz
Club reporter
August 25 (4th Fri)
Regular Dance
7:30 pre-rouunds, 7:45 Plus tip; 8-10:00 MS w/3rd tip plus
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Jim Hattrick (4th Fridays)
Cuer: Jackie Gale
7:30 pre-rouunds, 7:45 Plus tip; 8-10:00 MS w/3rd tip plus
Spin Cycle Squares -
We dance from 4 - 6 on Sundays at the Emerald Dance Center in Springfield. Everyone is welcome. All our dances are casual. Tim calls all levels and helps us if there are any figures giving us fits.
Melba Walker and her sister, Joy Pitts, treated us to a fabulous 'picnic' with hot dogs, several salads and desserts. Her message to our club said, "Come hungry!" We are so spoiled.
We invite you to join us any Sunday from 4 - 6. It might be wise to call David Lajoie at 541-520-7311 to make sure we are dancing. We shouldn't have any dark Sundays, but one never knows. We dance in Hall A at the Emerald Dance Center, 2095 Yolanda in Springfield. The floor is cushioned, and we have heat in the winter and air conditioning in the summer.
Christina Corelli
August 6 (1st Sun)
Regular Dance
August 13 (2nd Sun)
Regular Dance
August 20 (3rd Sun)
Regular Dance
4:00-6:00 p.m. MS Plus & Advanced Call for dates
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
4:00-6:00 p.m. MS Plus & Advanced Call for dates
August 27 (4th Sun)
Regular Dance
4:00-6:00 p.m. MS Plus & Advanced Call for dates
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
4:00-6:00 p.m. MS Plus & Advanced Call for dates
Sweet Home Squarenaders
No club news received.
August 12 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
September 10, 2022.- June 17, 2023 6:30- 9:00pm
Oak Heights School, Sweet Home
Caller: Jim Voll
Cuer: Jackie Gale
September 10, 2022.- June 17, 2023 6:30- 9:00pm
August 26 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
September 10, 2022.- June 17, 2023 6:30- 9:00pm
Oak Heights School, Sweet Home
Caller: Jim Voll
Cuer: Jackie Gale
September 10, 2022.- June 17, 2023 6:30- 9:00pm
We will be back to our usual schedule of the second and third Saturdays starting in September. We have Plus from 7:00 - 7:30PM and then Mainstream with rounds.
Mike and Camille's baby boy is scheduled to arrive August 28, but he's a few weeks ahead as Camille's doctor tells her. We know babies pay no attention to schedules as they arrive when they are ready! We are all excited!
Carol Reetz, Larry's wife, was moved to Quail Crest in Eugene. This is a memory care facility not far from Larry's home. And, what a small world! Her roommate is Dianne Morrow, a former Danebo Circle Eighter and one of our round dancers. Quail Crest is an open facility so we can all go and visit Carol and Dianne, too. Carol had a big smile for me when I was there. Please keep Larry in your thoughts and prayers as this is a different experience and a difficult one for him as well.
We are having another free community dance in September. The date is being decided. We hope this dance will reap many new dancers for the fall classes which start in October with Roger Putzler teaching. The last free community dance had over 7 squares and lots of people who had never square danced. We had enough angels to show everyone a great time.
Please join us the second and third Saturdays starting in September at the Emerald Dance Center. We are dark July and August.
Christina Corelli
August 12 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 plus 7:30-10:00 ms
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Michael Kious
Cuer: Christina Corelli
7:00 plus 7:30-10:00 ms
August 19 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 plus 7:30-10:00 ms
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Michael Kious
Cuer: Christina Corelli
7:00 plus 7:30-10:00 ms
Interstate Highlanders
No council news received.
Klamath Country Squares
No club news received.
August 1 (1st Tue)
Regular Dance
6:30 p.m.- 09:30 p.m.
Knights of Columbus, Klamath Falls
Caller: Cece Glidewell
Cuer: Sarge Glidewell
6:30 p.m.- 09:30 p.m.
August 3 (1st Thu)
Regular Dance
6:30 p.m.- 09:30 p.m.
Knights of Columbus, Klamath Falls
Caller: Cece Glidewell
Cuer: Sarge Glidewell
6:30 p.m.- 09:30 p.m.
August 8 (2nd Tue)
Regular Dance
6:30 p.m.- 09:30 p.m.
Knights of Columbus, Klamath Falls
Caller: Cece Glidewell
Cuer: Sarge Glidewell
6:30 p.m.- 09:30 p.m.
August 10 (2nd Thu)
Regular Dance
6:30 p.m.- 09:30 p.m.
Knights of Columbus, Klamath Falls
Caller: Cece Glidewell
Cuer: Sarge Glidewell
6:30 p.m.- 09:30 p.m.
August 15 (3rd Tue)
Regular Dance
6:30 p.m.- 09:30 p.m.
Knights of Columbus, Klamath Falls
Caller: Cece Glidewell
Cuer: Sarge Glidewell
6:30 p.m.- 09:30 p.m.
August 17 (3rd Thu)
Regular Dance
6:30 p.m.- 09:30 p.m.
Knights of Columbus, Klamath Falls
Caller: Cece Glidewell
Cuer: Sarge Glidewell
6:30 p.m.- 09:30 p.m.
August 19 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
6:30 p.m.- 09:30 p.m.
Knights of Columbus, Klamath Falls
Caller: Cece Glidewell
Cuer: Sarge Glidewell
6:30 p.m.- 09:30 p.m.
August 22 (4th Tue)
Regular Dance
6:30 p.m.- 09:30 p.m.
Knights of Columbus, Klamath Falls
Caller: Cece Glidewell
Cuer: Sarge Glidewell
6:30 p.m.- 09:30 p.m.
August 24 (4th Thu)
Regular Dance
6:30 p.m.- 09:30 p.m.
Knights of Columbus, Klamath Falls
Caller: Cece Glidewell
Cuer: Sarge Glidewell
6:30 p.m.- 09:30 p.m.
August 29 (5th Tue)
Regular Dance
6:30 p.m.- 09:30 p.m.
Knights of Columbus, Klamath Falls
Caller: Cece Glidewell
Cuer: Sarge Glidewell
6:30 p.m.- 09:30 p.m.
August 31 (5th Thu)
Regular Dance
6:30 p.m.- 09:30 p.m.
Knights of Columbus, Klamath Falls
Caller: Cece Glidewell
Cuer: Sarge Glidewell
6:30 p.m.- 09:30 p.m.
Mid-Willamette Council -
No council news received.
August 21 (3rd Mon)
Sept, Nov., Jan., Mar., May
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Sept, Nov., Jan., Mar., May
Braids & Braves
Our June club meeting was combined with a dessert potluck at the Ramers home. We had a variety of goodies to sample.
The June dance was our last dance for this season. We will be dark in July and August.
A campout has been planned for August at Champoeg Park. A club potluck will also be held there.
September will be the beginning of the new dancer lessons and the first dance of the new season.
August 19 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
Capitol Callers & Cuers Assoc -
No club news received.
August 20 (3rd Sun)
Regular Dance
Cherry City Cloggers -
No club news received.
August 1 (1st Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00p - 8:00pm
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
4:00p - 8:00pm
August 8 (2nd Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00p - 8:00pm
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
4:00p - 8:00pm
August 15 (3rd Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00p - 8:00pm
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
4:00p - 8:00pm
August 22 (4th Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00p - 8:00pm
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
4:00p - 8:00pm
August 29 (5th Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00p - 8:00pm
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
4:00p - 8:00pm
No club news received.
August 12 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
August 26 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
Golden Squares
No club news received.
August 6 (1st Sun)Farewell Dance - Final Dance
Pre-rounds 1:30, dance 2 PM
The Estates Auditorium, Woodburn
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Julie Stiers
View Flyer
Independence Wagon Wheelers -
The club auditioned a few callers and cuers in April through July, and we will make a final decision at our annual club meeting in August. Some people that auditioned have pulled out, so maybe our decision will be made easier. Who knows?
We are dark in August because the Polk County Fairgrounds will be hosting the county fair. A good month for us to go visit somewhere and share the fun of dancing and camaraderie.
The potential slate of club officers has been announced and will be made official at the annual meeting in August.
We have a couple of members who are dealing with health situations. Keep Pete Bennett and Paul Baldwin in your thoughts. Both have or are experiencing some hospitalizations, so we keep them close for good thoughts.
We have collected several cans of decaf coffee for Windsor House, our club charity. That way they can have more than one cup a day. They enjoy our donations twice a year, once in July and again in December.
Marilyn Schmit
August 5 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
August 12 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
Lebanon Square Circlers -
Lebanon Square Circlers have been having fun even in the summer, with free square dances on Tuesdays 1:00pm to 3:00pm (for age 50 and older) at the Lebanon Senior Center. Additionally, we have been getting together for potlucks, campouts and picnics. We are happy to report that our club is actually growing with several new members every month.
Kaynor Heineck
August 5 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
August 19 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
No club news received.
We had a good June of dancing, although we went dark once because of low attendance and are going dark at least once in July since our cuer will be gone to ICBDA. It is supposed to be really hot in Salem that week also, so it will just be easier to stay home and cool off.
We had our 47th birthday dance. We danced for a while, and then feasted on chocolate cake and ice cream sundaes. Then we resumed dancing for a while to dance off part of the calories. We had a nice relaxing evening.
We will be starting some kind of rhythm on September 14 for phase 3 level. We need to pick one soon so we can publish some advertising. Look for some advertising in the OFN to see what we come up with.
August 3 (1st Thu)
Regular Dance
Schedule 7-9:00 p.m.
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Randy Lewis
Schedule 7-9:00 p.m.
August 10 (2nd Thu)
Regular Dance
Schedule 7-9:00 p.m.
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Randy Lewis
Schedule 7-9:00 p.m.
August 17 (3rd Thu)
Regular Dance
Schedule 7-9:00 p.m.
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Randy Lewis
Schedule 7-9:00 p.m.
August 24 (4th Thu)
Regular Dance
Schedule 7-9:00 p.m.
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Randy Lewis
Schedule 7-9:00 p.m.
August 31 (5th Thu)
Regular Dance
Schedule 7-9:00 p.m.
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Randy Lewis
Schedule 7-9:00 p.m.
Salem Swingin' Stars
No club news received.
August 4 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Randy Lewis
August 18 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Randy Lewis
Silver City Squares
No club news received.
August 11 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
7:30 PM to 11:00 PM
Waldo Hills Community Club, Silverton
Caller: Ian Craig
Cuer: Mark McDonald
7:30 PM to 11:00 PM
August 26 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30 PM to 11:00 PM
Waldo Hills Community Club, Silverton
Caller: Ian Craig
Cuer: TBA
7:30 PM to 11:00 PM
No club news received.
August 4 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
August 18 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
Willamette Squares
No club news received.
August 26 (4th Sat)Regular Dance
7:00 - 9:30
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Terry Halley
Cuer: Stephanie Lozano
View Flyer
7:00 - 9:30
Portland Area Council -
The theme for the PAC 5th Friday dance on June 30 was “Show Your Colors,” and show them we did. We had 7 squares for this dance, which was co-hosted by River City Dancers at the Milwaukie Community Club. Darrell Kalmbach called, and Tami Helms cued.
The next PAC dance will be on September 29, at the Oak Grove Community Club. The theme will be “Apples Abound.” The caller will be KC Curtis, and Julie Stiers will cue. The dance will be co-hosted by Buzzin’ Bees and starts at 7:30 for a half hour of pre-rounds and Plus squares.
August 21 (3rd Mon)
Monthly Meeting
Oak Grove Community Club, Oak Grove
Monthly Meeting
Bachelor N Bachelorettes -
Our club policy is to cancel dances when the temperatures reach 90 degrees.
We look forward to slightly cooler weather in August. We miss dancing with all our friends.
BnBs dance on the 1st, 3rd, anf 5th Wednesdays. Darrell Kalmbach is scheduled to call on August 2nd. Ian Craig will be calling on August 16th. That night is our August theme dance. "Hot August Nights". Terry Halley will be calling on the 30th. And our wonderful Tami Helms will be cuing all 3 nights.
Pre-rounds 7:30 Mainstream 8-9:30, 9:30 Announcements and one plus tip.
Please keep an eye out for great sales on school suppliues. At our September 6th dance we will be collecting items to help needy students get a good start to their school year.
Come dance with us. Abernethy Grange 15745 S Harley Ave., Oregon City. You can also find us on facebook.
Kathy Polley
August 2 (1st Wed)Regular Dance
Pre-rounds 7:30, Mainstream 7:30, 1Plus tip after announceme
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
August 16 (3rd Wed)Hot August Nights
Pre-rounds 7:30, Mainstream 7:30, 1Plus tip after announceme
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: Ian Craig
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
August 30 (5th Wed)Regular Dance
Pre-rounds 7:30, Mainstream 7:30, 1Plus tip after announceme
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: Terry Halley
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
Buzzin Bees
No club news received.
Chaps & Petticoats -
Chaps and Petticoats are dark for the Summer (July, August and September 1). We will resume our 1st and 3rd Friday dance nights starting Sept. 15 at Maplewood Grange in Aurora.
On August 16 at the Clackamas County Fair in Canby, Chaps and friends will do a Square Dance demo with Scott Zinser calling beginning at 8:00 PM on the Main Lawn Stage. Immediately after, we will invite the audience to join us for an audience teach …will we see you at the Fair?
We are offering two free Mainstream lesson nights, at Maplewood Grange, on Sept. 10 and Sept. 17 from 5-7 PM.
Lessons thereafter are $5/night - pay as you go or inquire about upfront paid discounts.
Hope you are having a wonderful summer!
Happy Feet,
Betty Chipps
August 4 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
August 18 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
No club news received.
August 5 (1st Sat)Regular Dance
Plus 7:00-7:30 Mainstream 7:30-10:00
Boring Barn, Boring
Caller: Ian Craig
Cuer: Stephanie Lozano
View Flyer
Plus 7:00-7:30 Mainstream 7:30-10:00
August 26 (4th Sat)Regular Dance
Plus 7:00-7:30 Mainstream 7:30-10:00
Boring Barn, Boring
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Julie Stiers
View Flyer
Plus 7:00-7:30 Mainstream 7:30-10:00
No club news received.
August 5 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
August 19 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
Heads to the Center -
No club news received.
August 3 (1st Thu)
Regular Dance
7:30 - 9:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
Caller: tape club
7:30 - 9:30 pm
August 10 (2nd Thu)
Regular Dance
7:30 - 9:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
Caller: tape club
7:30 - 9:30 pm
August 17 (3rd Thu)
Regular Dance
7:30 - 9:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
Caller: tape club
7:30 - 9:30 pm
August 24 (4th Thu)
Regular Dance
7:30 - 9:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
Caller: tape club
7:30 - 9:30 pm
August 31 (5th Thu)
Regular Dance
7:30 - 9:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
Caller: tape club
7:30 - 9:30 pm
River City Dancers -
River City Dancers does not go dark during the summer. We remain open all year, dancing every second and fourth Saturday. Our hall is very comfortably air conditioned for your dancing pleasure. We hope you will join us for great dancing.
Happy dancing,
Carol Mendenhall
August 12 (2nd Sat)Dancing in Paradise
7:00 Plus & Pre-Rounds, 7:30 to 9:30 pm Mainstream & Rounds
Milwaukie Community Club, Milwaukie
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
7:00 Plus & Pre-Rounds, 7:30 to 9:30 pm Mainstream & Rounds
August 26 (4th Sat)Regular Dance
7:00 Plus & Pre-Rounds, 7:30 to 9:30 pm Mainstream & Rounds
Milwaukie Community Club, Milwaukie
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
7:00 Plus & Pre-Rounds, 7:30 to 9:30 pm Mainstream & Rounds
Many Ramblers just returned from the IAGSDC square dance convention in Ottawa, Ontario. Highlights included (1) many hours of dancing all levels from SSD to C4, (2) dancing at the caller school graduation, which had 24 students this year, (3) dancing outside on Parliament Hill, (4) hanging out with more than 700 conventioneers, (5) meeting 120 first-time convention-goers, (6) walking and biking along the Rideau Canal, (7) drinking Wayne Gretzkys (none of our servers knew who Arnold Palmer was, so we decided in Canada an iced tea with lemonade should be called a Wayne Gretzky), (8) learning new fluffs and flourishes, (9) brunch performance by Canadian country music singer Drake Jensen, and (10) Parliament light show portraying Canadian history. Next year, convention will be in Durham, NC, and we’ll be back in San Francisco in 2025.
We hosted a free taste of square dancing on Thursday, June 29, at the Oak Grove Community Club. We signed in 21 prospective dancers, who had a great time whirling and twirling and generally raising a ruckus.
We will be putting on a dance demo in Sellwood Park on Sunday, August 6 from noon to 12:45. Daryl Clendenin will be calling.
We will start out the fall with our free taste of square dancing at the Sellwood Community House on September 9. We will start at 6 pm, with Ian Craig doing the honors. We hope to see you there!
Our fall lessons will start on September 13 at Bridgeport United Church of Christ, 621 NE 76th Ave., Portland, 97213. We will be teaching Social Square Dance (SSD) again this year. The lessons go from 7-8:30 pm. The first two lessons in the series are free.
Meanwhile, enjoy this sunny weather!
Jeff Knapp
August 12 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
Rogue-Sis-Q Council
No council news received.
August 1 (1st Tue)
4:30pm on even numbered months
Rogue Valley Square Dance Center, Medford
4:30pm on even numbered months
Charlie Brown Squares -
No club news received.
August 5 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
August 19 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
No club news received.
August 17 (3rd Thu)
Intro to SSD
Caller: Dean Black
Kountry Rhythm Rockin Outlaws -
No club news received.
August 2 (1st Wed)
Regular Dance
3:00 - 6:30pm Every Sun / 6:00-7:30pm Every Wed
Pleasant Ridge Community Hall, Redmond
Caller: Jim Steele
Cuer: Mark McDonald
3:00 - 6:30pm Every Sun / 6:00-7:30pm Every Wed
August 6 (1st Sun)Mainstream Workshop Sunday - No Rounds
3:00 - 4:30pm
Pleasant Ridge Community Hall, Redmond
Caller: Jim Steele
View Flyer
3:00 - 6:30pm Every Sun / 6:00-7:30pm Every Wed
August 9 (2nd Wed)
Regular Dance
3:00 - 6:30pm Every Sun / 6:00-7:30pm Every Wed
Pleasant Ridge Community Hall, Redmond
Caller: Jim Steele
Cuer: Mark McDonald
3:00 - 6:30pm Every Sun / 6:00-7:30pm Every Wed
August 13 (2nd Sun)
Regular Dance
3:00 - 6:30pm Every Sun / 6:00-7:30pm Every Wed
Pleasant Ridge Community Hall, Redmond
Caller: Jim Steele
Cuer: Mark McDonald
3:00 - 6:30pm Every Sun / 6:00-7:30pm Every Wed
August 16 (3rd Wed)
Regular Dance
3:00 - 6:30pm Every Sun / 6:00-7:30pm Every Wed
Pleasant Ridge Community Hall, Redmond
Caller: Jim Steele
Cuer: Mark McDonald
3:00 - 6:30pm Every Sun / 6:00-7:30pm Every Wed
August 20 (3rd Sun)
Regular Dance
3:00 - 6:30pm Every Sun / 6:00-7:30pm Every Wed
Pleasant Ridge Community Hall, Redmond
Caller: Jim Steele
Cuer: Mark McDonald
3:00 - 6:30pm Every Sun / 6:00-7:30pm Every Wed
August 23 (4th Wed)
Regular Dance
3:00 - 6:30pm Every Sun / 6:00-7:30pm Every Wed
Pleasant Ridge Community Hall, Redmond
Caller: Jim Steele
Cuer: Mark McDonald
3:00 - 6:30pm Every Sun / 6:00-7:30pm Every Wed
August 27 (4th Sun)
Regular Dance
3:00 - 6:30pm Every Sun / 6:00-7:30pm Every Wed
Pleasant Ridge Community Hall, Redmond
Caller: Jim Steele
Cuer: Mark McDonald
3:00 - 6:30pm Every Sun / 6:00-7:30pm Every Wed
No club news received.
August 12 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
Pre-rounds 7:00, Squares 7:30
Rogue Valley Square Dance Center, Medford
Caller: Phil Ramey
Pre-rounds 7:00, Squares 7:30
August 26 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
Pre-rounds 7:00, Squares 7:30
Rogue Valley Square Dance Center, Medford
Caller: Phil Ramey
Pre-rounds 7:00, Squares 7:30
South Coast Council
No council news received.
No club news received.
August 26 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
3 PM to 6 PM
Beachcombers Cove, Port Orford
Caller: Dave Cooper
Cuer: Cathy Houston
3 PM to 6 PM
Crook County Mavericks
No club news received.
August 11 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
7:00-9:00 PM Phase II-IV
Beachcombers Cove, Port Orford
Cuer: Dave Cooper
7:00-9:00 PM Phase II-IV
No club news received.
August 5 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
August 19 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
Harmony Methodist Church, Coos Bay
Caller: Sherm Welch
Cuer: Cathy Houston
No club news received.
August 12 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 PM
Coquille Community Building, Coquille
Caller: Bob Houston
Cuer: Denise Harris
Tualatin Valley Council -
The June TVC meeting presided by TVC President Dale Brabham was held via Zoom with 21 attendees including Tim Keck, president of the Oregon State Federation of Square and Round Dancers. This meeting was a bit longer than normal at just over one and a half hours as there was much to discuss. Our next meeting will be in-person at the Tanasbourne Old Spaghetti Factory, the first such general meeting since Covid restrictions.
Marie Clem had previously volunteered for and was confirmed as our new Treasurer with a unanimous vote. After a short message from Sally Duyck, a motion was made by Tom Sminia to appoint her as our Vice President. The motion was seconded and Sally was unanimously confirmed as our new Vice President. Andis Garuts is continuing as Secretary so our primary Board is complete. Dale Brabham is our State Delegate in addition to serving as President of the TVC. Lane Clem was appointed as our new Caller Advisor and Tami Helms continues with Randy Lewis as one of our Cuer Advisors. Tim Roberts is continuing as our Webmaster; and Ferrous Steinka as our TVC OFN Editor. Our PAC representative is Erin Kalmbach.
Once again all the TVC club reporters submitted reports. The TVC is the only Council in the state with 100% club reporting to the OFN. This is a bit of news I do not mind repeating. Keep up the good work!
There are no TVC events nor club anniversaries this month but you may want to consider combining a day at the beach with a visit to one of two of our smaller clubs. The Hayshakers dance every Sunday from 5 to 7:30 at the Pacific Grange in Warrenton, midway between Seaside and Astoria. The Wavesteppers dance every Tuesday at the Senior Center in downtown Tillamook from 4 to 6. Combine the beach, Tillamook Cheese Factory, and dancing all in one outing. See their reports and/or websites for further details. Both are mainstream clubs.
The next TVC event is our annual Hahn Barn Dance. This year we are trying for cooler weather so, instead of August, the dance will be September 30th. The picnic will be at 4pm by the lake followed by a mainstream dance featuring caller emcee Mark Wheeler and cuer emcee Lane Clem at 5p.m. Mark and Lane may ask for callers and cuers from the floor for a "Hoedown" style dance.
Ferrous Steinka
August 28 (4th Mon)
Columbia River Dancers -
As mentioned in the last issue of the TVC news letter, we are visiting this summer and will be dark in July and August. Our email will gladly announce your dance if you send us a copy of your flyer or your posting.
We also noted last issue that we have decided to conduct mainstream workshops on Sunday evenings beginning at 6 PM and going to about 8. The idea is to hone skills in preparation for dancing in the fall. So for someone wanting to stay on top of their moves, review what they thought they knew or just want more floor time this is for you. So far we have had 3 to 4 squares but there is room for many more.
Just be aware that if the temperature reaches 90 degrees we will not dance. If we have your email address we will send you information about the cancellation. Take exit 9 off of l-5 and go east 3 miles. We are on the corner of 72nd Ave. and 179th Street.
Nick Johnson
August 4 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
7 PM plus, 8 PM Mainstream
Manor Grange #1101, Battleground
Caller: Jim Hattrick
Cuer: Jim Hattrick
7 PM plus, 8 PM Mainstream
August 18 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
7 PM plus, 8 PM Mainstream
Manor Grange #1101, Battleground
Caller: Jim Hattrick
Cuer: Jim Hattrick
7 PM plus, 8 PM Mainstream
Several of our members were part of the over 200 people, many in square dance attire, attending the celebration of life for Jim Hattrick. One of our members related that Jim’s celebration of life was one of the most beautiful she had ever attended.
As summer begins to heat up, the Eager Beavers and guests are especially grateful to dance in air-conditioned comfort at the Aloha Grange. We dance Plus with Phase II and III Rounds every Monday from 1:00 to 3:00pm, including holidays. Darrell Kalmbach and Jeanine Norden are our caller and cuer, and we hope you will join us for an excellent way to start the week!
We are looking forward to our annual club picnic in September.
For current information, please see our website at (see link above)
Alice Hendricks
August 7 (1st Mon)Regular Dance
1:00 to 3:00 Plus & Ph II/III Rounds
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach - Caller
Cuer: Jeanine Norden - Cuer
View Flyer
1:00 to 3:00 Refresher Plus & Ph II/III Rounds
August 14 (2nd Mon)
Regular Dance
1:00 to 3:00 Plus & Ph II/III Rounds
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach - Caller
Cuer: Jeanine Norden - Cuer
1:00 to 3:00 Refresher Plus & Ph II/III Rounds
August 21 (3rd Mon)
Regular Dance
1:00 to 3:00 Plus & Ph II/III Rounds
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach - Caller
Cuer: Jeanine Norden
1:00 to 3:00 Refresher Plus & Ph II/III Rounds
August 28 (4th Mon)
Regular Dance
1:00 to 3:00 Plus & Ph II/III Rounds
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach - Caller
Cuer: Jeanine Norden - Cuer
1:00 to 3:00 Refresher Plus & Ph II/III Rounds
With 5 months of lessons and class level dances behind us, the Hayshakers will dance to Mark Wheeler calling dances designed to incorporate EVERY move in bewildering combinations and permutations getting new and old dancers alike prepared for the Seaside Sashay on October 27 & 28.
New lessons begin again on Sunday September 10th. We are considering having two dances a month separate from Sunday lessons — still not sure how it can be done. When we figure it out we will let you know.
Craig Holt
August 6 (1st Sun)
Regular Dance
All year around starting at 5:00 p.m.
Pacific Grange, Warrenton
Caller: Mark Wheeler
Cuer: Guest
All year around starting at 5:00 p.m.
August 13 (2nd Sun)
Regular Dance
All year around starting at 5:00 p.m.
Pacific Grange, Warrenton
Caller: Mark Wheeler
Cuer: Guest
All year around starting at 5:00 p.m.
August 20 (3rd Sun)
Regular Dance
All year around starting at 5:00 p.m.
Pacific Grange, Warrenton
Caller: Mark Wheeler
Cuer: Guest
All year around starting at 5:00 p.m.
August 27 (4th Sun)
Regular Dance
All year around starting at 5:00 p.m.
Pacific Grange, Warrenton
Caller: Mark Wheeler
Cuer: Guest
All year around starting at 5:00 p.m.
Summertime and the livin' is easy. Now that’s a great opening line to a classic American song. Do you know who wrote it and whose version is the most iconic? Just hearing the melody line makes me feel languid, relaxed and yearn for lemonade or iced tea. I’m hoping for that kind of summer for all of us except for nights when someone is calling a square dance.
Now on June 10th we had a Birthday Celebration Dance. It may seem a bit odd to celebrate extra birthdays, but Hoedowners figured everyone deserved a dance in honor of their birthday whenever it happens to be. Thanks, Scott Zinser, for standing on that stage and leading us in our squares.
On June 24th we had our Strawberry Dance. We were lucky this year that it fell in the middle of our great strawberry harvest. We’ve had years when the berries weren’t yet ripe or the picking was done. 2023 was just perfect. One year our extended Montana family had a reunion in June. I was working so we sent our daughter on the famous Empire Builder train from Portland to Shelby. We got up early and picked fresh Oregon Hood strawberries to take back in a small cooler for the picnic. When she returned, we found out they never opened the cooler, and the family ate those horrible California strawberries that are hard and white in the middle. What can I say? Some folks think all strawberries are created equal but here in Oregon we know different. Thank you, Terry Halley for making our squares so much fun.
What lies ahead for August? I think it’s going to be hot, hot, hot and we’ll thank our lucky stars we are air conditioned! How do you feel about a root’n, toot’n Root Beer Float Dance on August 12th? That sounds cool enough. We voted to go dark on August 26th. So many Hoedowners have summer plans for that Saturday night.
Krystal Laas
August 12 (2nd Sat)Root Beer Floats
7:00-9:00 Mainstream with Rounds
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Randy Lewis
View Flyer
7:00-9:00 Mainstream with Rounds
August 26 (4th Sat)Going Dark
Taking the day off
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
View Flyer
7:00-9:00 Mainstream with Rounds
M&M’s are enjoying the last month of summer vacation but looking forward to dancing again at the Winona Grange on September 16th.
Lindie Noonan
August 5 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
August 19 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
Oak Hills Squares hosted numerous local clubs for their Anniversary Dance on June 17th. Although the club has been in existence for nearly 5 years, we were unable to hold our Anniversary Dance previously due to Covid restrictions. The celebration was well worth the wait! With Mark Wheeler as caller and Connie Clark as cuer, the dance floor was always full. At least 5 squares danced while many others socialized and enjoyed plenty of treats, including a yummy and beautifully decorated anniversary cake. Thanks to Barbara Laney and her crew, the gym was transformed into a beautiful celebration space. We all made new friends and look forward to dancing together in the future.
An election of officers was held in June with most of the previous officers willing to retain their roles: President, Linda Kitchin; Vice President, open; Secretary, Anne Scott; Treasurer, Hilary Barrett; TVC Delegate and OFN reporter will be shared by Marsha Freed and Lynne Fonner; Caller, Mark Wheeler.
Oak Hills Squares is an active club and, according to a vacation poll taken in June, we will have enough dancers to make at least one square throughout the summer. Come and join us on Mondays from 6:30-8:30 for fun evenings in the Oak Hills Community Center, 2085 NW 153rd Ave, Beaverton. 97006.
For additional information visit our website, (see link above)
Lynne Fonner
August 7 (1st Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30 to 8:30
Oak Hills Community Center, Beaverton
Caller: Mark Wheeler
6:30 to 8:30
August 14 (2nd Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30 to 8:30
Oak Hills Community Center, Beaverton
Caller: Mark Wheeler
6:30 to 8:30
August 21 (3rd Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30 to 8:30
Oak Hills Community Center, Beaverton
Caller: Mark Wheeler
6:30 to 8:30
August 28 (4th Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30 to 8:30
Oak Hills Community Center, Beaverton
Caller: Mark Wheeler
6:30 to 8:30
R Square D’s “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” dance on June 14th had six squares dancing to Craig Abercrombie’s calling and Susan Healea’s cueing. It was a fun dance and we enjoyed root beer floats after the dance.
Our first August dance is on the 9th and it’s our annual “Back to School” dance. We will collect school supplies and donate them to a local school. Craig and Susan will call and cue this dance and ice cream sundaes will be served at the break.
August 23rd is “Summer’s Last Hurrah!”. Craig is our caller and Rochelle Catt will cue this dance. Root beer floats and cookies are the refreshments for that night.
We are encouraged that new members who attended lessons last fall and the lessons earlier this year are regularly attending our dances as well as visiting other clubs.
For current information, please see our website: (see link above)
Chris Poole
August 9 (2nd Wed)Back to School (w/Ice Cream Sundaes)
7:00-8:00 Plus; 8:00-9:30 MS w/Rounds
Kelso Senior Center, Kelso
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
Cuer: Susan Healea
View Flyer
August 23 (4th Wed)Summer's Last Hurrah! (Root Beer Floats)
7:00-8:00 Plus; 8:00-9:30 MS w/Rounds
Kelso Senior Center, Kelso
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
Cuer: Rochelle Catt
View Flyer
Sunset Promenaders -
In June we installed our new slate of officers: Ed Mickelson, President, Janice and Tom Sminia, Vice President, Dianne Pratt, Secretary, Lalani Radford, Treasurer and Judy Schnase Past President. We are thankful to these members who have volunteered to serve our club! The club did a visitation to River City Dancers on June 10th for their 33rd anniversary dance. Thank-you to Leslie Tallman and Johnny Semm for organizing our visitations. We had over a square in attendance and brought home a banner.
Since the weather is so hot now and several clubs close over summer, I thought it would be a good reminder to all that we have an air-conditioned dance hall and would love you to join us for mainstream dances, plus dances and consider taking some waltz classes in September! Please contact anyone at our club if you are interested in signing up for the classes.
Beginning waltz lessons start Sunday, September 17th, from 2:30 – 4 pm. Tami Helms and Tim Keck will be the instructors. The cost is $6 per person and no previous round dance experience is needed.
Our August mainstream dances are on the 5th with a Hawaiian Luau theme and the 19th. Darrell Kalmbach and Tami Helms will be calling and cueing both dances. The Plus dances are on August 3rd and August 17th with Darrell and Tami.
Dances are held upstairs (an elevator is available) at the Hillsboro IOOF Hall, 267 E Main St. in downtown Hillsboro. Parking is available on the street or in the Heritage Bank parking lot across the street.
For current information, please see our website: (see link above)
Terri Browning
August 3 (1st Thu)Plus Dance
7:00-7:30 Intermediate Rounds,7:30-9:30 Plus Dance
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
August 5 (1st Sat)Picnic - Mainstream Dance
7:00-7:30 Rounds,7:30-9:30 Mainstream Dance
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
August 17 (3rd Thu)Plus Dance
7:00-7:30 Intermediate Rounds,7:30-9:30 Plus Dance
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
August 19 (3rd Sat)
Mainstream Dance
7:00-7:30 Rounds,7:30-9:30 Mainstream Dance
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
August 19 (3rd Sat)Mainstream Dance
7:00-7:30 Rounds,7:30-9:30 Mainstream Dance
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
August 31 (5th Thu)
Regular Dance
7:00-7:30 Intermediate Rounds,7:30-9:30 Dance
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
7:00-7:30 Intermediate Rounds,7:30-9:30 Dance
n June we had two dances (the Frank Collett Memorial Dance and the Berry Best Ice Cream Social). And nine of our members enjoyed a visitation to the Oak Hills Squares.
In August we are dark because of the heat, but to keep dancing we've planned two visitations: first to the Sunset Promenaders on the 5th, and then to the Valley Squares on August 19th. We're so glad some clubs have AC! Our board keeps meeting over the summer, planning for the upcoming year. Also we have our annual Tri Squares Picnic, Sunday the 13th - an evening potluck at Snyder Park in Sherwood, on a shady hilltop with lovely views of the surrounding area, very laid back and comfortable. And If we're lucky, a member will bring his acoustic guitar again for some more enjoyable music.
Gloria Davis
August 11 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
August 25 (4th Fri)
Regular Dance
Summer is definitely here. Our 1st Friday dance, August 4th, we have Darrell Kalmbach calling, Connie Clark cueing. Our 3rd Saturday dance, August 19th, we have Scott Zinser calling and Connie Clark cueing.
Valley Squares has changed our dance night format back to what we used to do, Mainstream with every 3rd tip Plus, 7 - 9:30 pm. Refreshments downstairs at 9:30 pm. Come join us, things seem to be returning somewhat to normal.
Carolene Siebert
August 4 (1st Fri)Regular Dance
MS & Plus every 3rd tip with Rounds, 7-9:30 pm
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Connie Clark
View Flyer
MS & Plus every 3rd tip with Rounds, 7-9:30 pm
August 19 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
MS & Plus every 3rd tip with Rounds, 7-9:30 pm
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Scot Zinser
Cuer: Connie Clark
MS & Plus every 3rd tip with Rounds, 7-9:30 pm
Guess what? We have not changed our venue! We are still dancing at the Tillamook Senior Center, 316 Stillwell Avenue. Located on the corner of 4th and Stillwell there is no on site parking and little street parking. The huge Tillamook Coliseum Theater parking lot is directly across the street. Our dances are held weekly on Tuesdays from 4:00 to 6:00. Our caller/cuer is Lane Clem. It is a good idea to call before you make the trip to see if we have enough folks for a square.
For up to date information see: (see above link)
Bob Allen
August 1 (1st Tue)Regular Dance
4:00 - 6:00
Tillamook Senior Center, Tillamook
Caller: Lane Clem
Cuer: Lane Clem
View Flyer
4:00 - 6:00
August 8 (2nd Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00 - 6:00
Tillamook Public Library, Tillamook
Caller: Lane Clem
Cuer: Lane Clem
4:00 - 6:00
August 15 (3rd Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00 - 6:00
Tillamook Public Library, Tillamook
Caller: Lane Clem
Cuer: Lane Clem
4:00 - 6:00
August 22 (4th Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00 - 6:00
Tillamook Public Library, Tillamook
Caller: Lane Clem
Cuer: Lane Clem
4:00 - 6:00
August 29 (5th Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00 - 6:00
Tillamook Public Library, Tillamook
Caller: Lane Clem
Cuer: Lane Clem
4:00 - 6:00
Umpqua Area Council -
No council news received.
August 9 (2nd Wed)
meet every other month
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
meet every other month
No club news received.
August 5 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
PLUS 6:00, Mainstream 6:30 Every 3rd tip PLUS
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Caller: Sandy Harris
Cuer: Neil Koozer
PLUS 6:00, Mainstream 6:30 Every 3rd tip PLUS
August 19 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
PLUS 6:00, Mainstream 6:30 Every 3rd tip PLUS
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Caller: Sandy Harris
Cuer: Neil Koozer
PLUS 6:00, Mainstream 6:30 Every 3rd tip PLUS
No club news received.
No club news received.
August 12 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
August 26 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance