Emergency Call for Medical Aid

Say you're dancing in a square. As you circle to the right, one of the members of your square falls down and twists their ankle. What should you do?
This question has come to a head recently because there have been couple of incidents that were mishandled, so it's time for a refresher. The number one piece of advice is "don't move them". If they're able to hop up on their own and continue dancing, that's fine, but don't try to force them to sit up, or move them to the side. Moving an injured person before qualified medical personnel have evaluated them is an invitation to further injury.
The next step is one that used to be widely publicized but seems to have disappeared. Callerlab established the "ECMA" protocol -- "Emergency Call for Medical Aid". One member of the square should kneel down to comfort the injured dancers. The other six members of the square join hands and raise them high. Callers are trained to look for this special signal, and will alert a club officer, who can use the Emergency Medical System to call for medical attention. These raised hands not only serve to alert the caller, but they provided much needed buffer space, keeping other curious dancers away from the injured person.
The attached poster should be posted at every one of our dance halls. In some states, it is mandatory that students be taught the ECMA protocol during each set of lessons. That's probably a very good way to handle it.
Then, after the emergency has passed, a club officer needs to fill out an accident report form and sent it to the current Insurance Chairman. Links to the form are on the Federation's web page. The online form is most convenient, because it gets submitted directly to USDA, but the printed form can also be used.
ALL such incidents need to be reported. These are not insurance claim forms -- they are warning our Insurance Chairman and the USDA contact that an incident occurred, so they are prepared when claims are filed later. In the insurance business, surprises are most unwelcome.
Now you know the steps to follow. Spread the word, so we can all be prepared when the unexpected happens.
Tim Roberts
OFN Editor
- Leonard Turner

LEONARD TURNER had been a dancer for 55 years! He started out square dancing and then about 35 years ago switched over to round dancing. He round danced until very recently. Dancing was a significant part of Leonard’s life. Leonard passed on 1 July 2024, and he will be celebrated on 16 August 2024. The funeral service will be at 11:00 am at Willamette National Cemetery, 11800 SE Mount Scott Blvd, Portland, Oregon 97086, with a reception following at 12:30 at the American Legion (Post #150), 8329 SE 89th Ave, Portland, Or 97266.
ABOUT LEONARD TURNER: Leonard was born on 9 August 1937. He was the last survivor of 6 brothers. Leonard was born in Lamar, Arkansas. He left Arkansas and joined the US Navy in September 1954, where he served honorably during the Korean War. When he arrived for fire technologist duties on the USS Watts, he overhauled & significantly improved their entire system. The Navy then promoted him to be an Electrical Instrument Repairman. Leonard achieved the rank of Petty Officer 2nd class in only 3 years. Leonard married Jacquita Prentice in California in July 1958. They have three children. Leonard was a brilliant man and a MENSA member. His Navy experience set him up for success in the private sector. He worked for Intel for over 20 years as a manufacturing engineer, with only a 12th grade education. Leonard was the sole inventor or primary inventor of 16 Intel patents. His last invention was the Pentium II. In 1979, Leonard was asked to help set up the Intel Hillsboro, Oregon site. He fell in love with northern Oregon and hasn’t moved away from the area since.
Leonard loved to round dance and did so as often as possible, sometimes going to 3 or 4 dances in the same day! Joanne (his ever-faithful dance partner and friend for the past 13 years) went with him on all of his dance trips and they danced until their legs were rubber! Leonard also enjoyed singing and playing his guitar and tinkering around with mechanical products. Leonard was a man of the utmost integrity and leaves behind the following family:
Daughter - Cindy Adams, Dave Adams, and their 3 children DJ, Ben & Amy.
Son - Kevin Turner, Laura Turner, their 2 daughters, Amanda & Hannah, and a daughter-in-law, Bailey.
Daughter- Shelley Turner and her son Ira Turner.
Leonard was so intelligent that he refused to accept his Alzheimer’s diagnosis. He had his well water tested, his soil tested, and even the inside paint of his home tested. Unfortunately, he lost his battle with Alzheimer’s on 1 July 2024, surrounded by all 3 of his children and some of his grandchildren. Leonard’s genius mind & dancing prowess will be sorely missed.
- Jack Hilton

A Celebration of Life for Jack Hilton, who passed away May 16, 2024, will be September 14, 2024 at Woodburn Estates and Golf in the dining room next to the office at 1 PM.
Longtime square and round dancers, Jack and his wife Rita were members of the (recently folded) Golden Squares and the Checkmates.
Available Callers & Cuers
You can
download this list
of callers and cuers who are available and ready to call or cue a dance
for you.
Thomas Buchheit
6122 Brush Creek Dr
Silverton, OR 97381
Anthony Egan
PO Box 765
Oregon City, OR 97045
Mark Wheeler
6728 SE Woodstock Blvd
Portland, OR 97206
Lane Clem
15495 NW Oakhills Drive
Beaverton, OR 97006
Rikki Lobato
2230 SW Webster Rd
Grants Pass, OR 97526
Oregon Round of the Month
The Mid-Willamette Council has chosen the August OROM:
"I Can't Get to You from Here", Phase II Waltz, choreographed by Randy & Lorraine Pratt. Song is performed by Don Williams on "Listen to the Radio", but should be slowed by about 10%.
Download your cue sheet here.
For more information on the Round of the Month, please contact
Lessons starting in August and September
Everything in this section is taken from the state directory
information. If you find that your class information is wrong, you can
fix that by going to the directory information
area and picking to the "Lessons" tab.
Battle Ground, WA
Columbia River Dancers
Manor Grange #1101
17901 NE 72nd Ave
Sundays 5:00-6:30 Mainstream, 6:30-7:30 Plus
Contact: Dale Smith (360)606-8849
Albany, Oregon
Timber Twirlers
738 SE 5th
Tuesdays @ 7 to 8:45pm
Contact: Judy 503-991-2161
Aloha Grange #773
3425 SW 185th Ave
Tuesdays, 7-9
Contact: Sarah at 503-516-8960
Chaps & Petticoats
Maplewood Grange
25480 S. Hwy 99E
Sunday, September 17th 5-7pm (Free Lesson Night)
Contact: Vicki email: lbs@canby.com 503-263-6060
Battle Ground, WA
Columbia River Dancers
Manor Grange #1101
17901 NE 72nd Ave
Sundays at 5:00pm
Contact: Mary Brown (360)798-9458
Tri Squares
Kinton Grange
19015 SW Scholls Ferry Rd
Sundays 2:00 - 3:15pm
Contact: Dale Brabham 775-223-1758
Tri Squares
Kinton Grange
19015 SW Scholls Ferry Rd
Sunday 3:30pm - 5:30pm
Contact: TriSquares.Info@gmail.com
High Desert Dancers
Pine Forest Grange
63214 Boyd Acres Rd
6:30-8:30 pm Mondays & Thursdays
Contact: Kay Bithell, 541-382-7014
Country Cut-Ups
Boring Barn
13987 SE Richey Rd.
Thursday, 7:30 to 9:30pm
Contact: Robert Lumsden 503-791-7779
Grants Pass
Charlie Brown Squares
Josephine County Square Dance Hall
1451 Fairgrounds Rd
Tuesdays 630pm
Contact: Carla - see flyer
R Square D
Catlin Grange
205 Shawnee Road
Wednesday 6:30 PM
Contact: Craig Abercrombie
R Square D
Catlin Grange
205 Shawnee Road
Wednesday 7:30 PM
Contact: Craig Abercrombie
Lebanon Square Circlers
Lebanon Senior Center
80 Tangent Street
Sundays 5:15pm—6:15pm
Contact: 541-401-9780
Lebanon Square Circlers
Lebanon Senior Center
80 Tangent Street
Sundays 6:30pm—8:00pm
Contact: 541-401-9780
Star Promenaders
Rogue Valley Square Dance Center
3377 Table Rock Rd
Mondays 630pm
Contact: Frances/Phil Ramey - See flyer
River City Dancers
Milwaukie Community Club
10666 SE 42nd Ave
Sunday, 3:30 pm to 5:00pm
Contact: RCDPresident@gmail.com
Oregon City
Bachelor N Bachelorettes
Abernethy Grange
15745 S. Harley Ave.
Wednesday, Sept. 11 6:00 to 7:15 pm
Contact: Bev: 971-506-8528 Melissa: 360-904-7419
River City Dancers
Milwaukie Community Club
10666 SE 42nd Ave
Sunday 3:30pm to 5:00pm
Contact: http//www.rivercitydancers.net
Rosetown Ramblers
Brigeport United Church of Christ
621 NE 76th Ave.
Wednesdays, 7-8:30 pm starting Sept. 11, 2024
Buckeroo Barn
5051 NE Stephens St
4:00 to 5:00 pm, weekly on Sunday afternoon
Contact: Buckersquaredance@gmail.com
Buckeroo Barn
5051 NE Stephens St
2:00 to 4:00 pm, weekly on Sunday afternoon
Contact: buckeroosquaredance@gmail.com
Dancing Friends
Buckeroo Barn
5051 NE Stephens St
Thursdays 630-830p
Contact: luvrounddancing@gmail.com
Dancing Friends
Buckeroo Barn
5051 NE Stephens St
Tues 530p phase 5-6, 630p swing, 730p funshop
Contact: luvrounddancing@gmail.com
Salem Square Dance Center
3695 45th Av NE
Sundays, 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Contact: Marilyn
Salem Swingin' Stars
Salem Square Dance Center
3695 45th Av NE
Wednesdays, 8:00 PM (Starts September 11, 2024
Contact: 503-884-0158 Sheila
Salem Swingin' Stars
Salem Square Dance Center
3695 45th Av NE
Wednesdays, 6:30 PM (Starts September 11, 2024)
Contact: 503-383-5925 Terry
Silver City Squares
Waldo Hills Community Club
1267 Cascade Highway
Sundays, 6:30-8:30 pm
Contact: Karyn Buchheit 503-383-4869
Silver City Squares
Waldo Hills Community Club
1267 Cascade Highway
Sundays, 3:00-5:00 pm
Contact: Karyn Buchheit, 503-383-4869
Silver City Squares
Waldo Hills Community Club
1267 Cascade Highway
Tuesdays, 7:00-9:00 pm
Contact: Karyn Buchheit, 503-383-4869
Vancouver, WA
Happy Hoppers
Washington Grange #82
7701 NE Ward Rd
Mondays at 7:30 PM Starting Sept 9
Contact: Jim Roberts 360-573-0446
Vancouver, WA
Happy Hoppers
Washington Grange #82
7701 NE Ward Rd
Mondays, 7:30 PM starting Sept 9
Contact: Jim Roberts - 360-573-0446
Vancouver, WA
Happy Hoppers
Washington Grange #82
7701 NE Ward Rd
Mondays, 6:30 PM starting Sept 9
Contact: Jim Roberts - 360-573-0446
New Dancer Jamborees
November 24 (4th Sun)Chaps & Petticoats
Turkey Trot Dance
Thanksgiving Dinner Served
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Dave Cooper
View Flyer
Special Dances
July 24 (4th Wed)Star Promenaders
CANCELED ***51st Diamond Lake Festival
See Flyer - July 24-27th 2024
Diamond Lake, Diamond Lake
Caller: Michael Kellogg
Cuer: Rikki Lobato
View Flyer
August 8 (2nd Thu)High Desert Dancers
2024 Central Oregon Round-Up
August 8, 9, & 10, 2024 Mainstream, Plus, Advanced & Round
Sisters High School, Sisters
Caller: Ray Brendzy
Cuer: MaryAnn Callahan
View Flyer
August 22 (4th Thu)High Desert Dancers
Benefit Dance for Caller Jim Steele
Funds raised will help pay Jim's medical expenses
Redmond Grange, Redmond
Caller: Debbie Klug and Ron Bell-Roemer
Cuer: Allen Bigelow
View Flyer
August 30 (5th Fri)Beachcombers
Battlerock Festival
3 Day Dance weekend
Beachcombers Cove, Port Orford
Caller: Terry Halley, Sherm Welch, Phil Ramey
Cuer: Dave Cooper, Cathy Houston
View Flyer
September 7 (1st Sat)Wave Steppers
Anniversary Dance
Anniversary Dance
Garibaldi City Hall, Garibaldi
Caller: Egan
View Flyer
September 14 (2nd Sat)Tualatin Valley Council
State Meeting Dinner Dance
Dinner 6PM, Rnds 7, Plus 7:15, MS 7:30 w 3rd tip plus
Kinton Grange, Beaverton
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
Cuer: Julie Stiers
View Flyer
October 4 (1st Fri)Kountry Rhythm Rockin Outlaws
Country Fever Weekend
See flyer—3 day weekend 10/4 to 10/6
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Caller: Jim Steele & Jet Roberts
Cuer: Rikki Lobato
View Flyer
October 11 (2nd Fri)Rosetown Ramblers
Scares and Squares Dance Weekend
Join us for a full weekend of dancing featuring Eric Henerla
Beaverton Elks Lodge, Beaverton
Caller: Eric Henerlau, Hunter Keller
Cuer: Rikki Lobato
View Flyer
October 19 (3rd Sat)Mix N Mingle
40th Birthday Dance
PreRnds 7:30. Plus 8:00. Cake & Ice Cream 9:45
Winona Grange, Tualatin
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Julie Stiers
View Flyer
October 25 (4th Fri)Sunset Promenaders
Seaside Sashay
October 25th & 26th
Seaside Convention Center, Seaside
Caller: Adam Christman & Craig Abercrombie
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
February 2 (1st Sun)Lebanon Square Circlers
Birthday Dance
2:00-5:00 PM; Every 3rd tip Plus
Lebanon Senior Center, Lebanon
Caller: Shaun McKamey
Cuer: Jackie Gale
View Flyer
April 11 (2nd Fri)Rogue-Sis-Q Council
59th Annual Pear Blossom SD Festival
See Flyer - 3 Day Festival 4/11 to 4/13/25
Rogue Valley Square Dance Center, Medford
Caller: Eric Henerlau
Cuer: Rikki Lobato
View Flyer
June 6 (1st Fri)
Lebanon Square Circlers
Strawberry Festival
2 day event (F/S) see flyer for times
Lebanon Senior Center, Lebanon
Caller: Shaun McKamey (MC)
Cuer: Jackie Gale (MC)
All the Flyers
Click a thumbnail to download the flyer.
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Oregon Governor Tina Kotek welcomes us to Summer Festival 2024 in Salem, and then danced the first tip!
Thanks to a hanger-on, we had a three-person couple in the round dance hall at Summer Festival in Salem
Eager Beavers Independence Day Dance on July 1
Eager Beavers Independence Day Dance on July 1, Darrell Kalmbach, Tami Helms
Portland's Rosetown Ramblers had a fabulous time dancing before a packed house at Beaverton's beautiful Reser Center for the Arts.
Councils & Clubs
Click a council name to go directly to that section.
Blue Mountains Council
No council news received.
LaGrande Star Promenaders
No club news received.
August 22 (4th Thu)
Regular Dance
Not holding regularly scheduled dances
Fort Union Grange, Island City
Muddy Frogs
Greetings Square Dancers,
A brief graduation ceremony followed by a dance is planned for Sunday, July 21, from 2 - 4 p.m. in the Milton Freewater Community Building, 109 NE Fifth Avenue, Milton Freewater, OR.
Between tips, Carol Ernst will teach a line dance or two. A potluck will follow.
Questions? Please reach out to:
Kim - luckymunk50@yahoo.com
Merri Anne - merrianneh@charter.net
August 18 (3rd Sun)
Regular Dance
2 to 4 p.m.
Milton-Freewater Comm Bldg, Milton-Freewater
Caller: Guests
Cuer: Guests
Central Oregon Council -
No council news received.
August 19 (3rd Mon)
Two to three weeks prior to State Meeting
Abby's Pizza, Redmond
High Desert Dancers -
No club news received.
August 3 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 - 9:30 pm
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
August 8 (2nd Thu)2024 Central Oregon Round-Up
August 8, 9, & 10, 2024 Mainstream, Plus, Advanced & Round
Sisters High School, Sisters
Caller: Ray Brendzy
Cuer: MaryAnn Callahan
View Flyer
August 9 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
7:00 - 9:30 pm
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
August 17 (3rd Sat)Free Community then Mainstream Dance
6-7 pm Community Dance, 7-9:30 Mainstream Dance
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
Cuer: Craig Abercrombie
View Flyer
August 22 (4th Thu)Benefit Dance for Caller Jim Steele
Funds raised will help pay Jim's medical expenses
Redmond Grange, Redmond
Caller: Debbie Klug and Ron Bell-Roemer
Cuer: Allen Bigelow
View Flyer
August 23 (4th Fri)
Regular Dance
7:00 - 9:30 pm
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
No club news received.
August 2 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
7:0 pm - 9:30 pm
Redmond Grange, Redmond
Caller: Guest Callers
Cuer: Guest Cuers
August 16 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
7:0 pm - 9:30 pm
Redmond Grange, Redmond
Caller: Guest Callers
Cuer: Guest Cuers
Sagebrush Shufflers -
No club news received.
August 10 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Ochoco Elementary School, Prineville
Caller: Guest callers
Cuer: Guest cuers
August 24 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Ochoco Elementary School, Prineville
Caller: Guest callers
Cuer: Guest cuers
Sundown RidgeRiders -
No club news received.
August 1 (1st Thu)
Regular Dance
6:30 - 9:00pm
Pleasant Ridge Community Hall, Redmond
Cuer: Mark McDonald
August 15 (3rd Thu)
Regular Dance
6:30 - 9:00pm
Pleasant Ridge Community Hall, Redmond
Cuer: Mark McDonald
Emerald Empire Council -
No council news received.
August 4 (1st Sun)
7:00p - 8:30pm
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
August 5 (1st Mon)
7:00p - 8:30pm
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
August 11 (2nd Sun)
7:00p - 8:30pm
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
August 18 (3rd Sun)
7:00p - 8:30pm
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
August 19 (3rd Mon)
7:00p - 8:30pm
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
August 25 (4th Sun)
7:00p - 8:30pm
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Cascade Callers & Cuers Assoc
We have a short business meeting before our dances. 7:00 is Pre-Rounds and then 7:30 to 9:30 is our square and round dance. The dances are called and cued by members of the CCCA.
Please join us for our next Fifth Saturday dance August 31. It's also Christina's birthday. She'll bring cake and ice cream!
November 30 is the next scheduled CCCA Fifth Saturday dance after the one in August. Put both dates on your calendar.
Respectfully submitted,
Christina Corelli
August 31 (5th Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30 PM Pre Rounds, 8:00 PM Squares
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Guest Callers
Cuer: Guest Cuers
We unfortunately have had to cancel our last two dances—one in June and one July 8 because we have not been able to muster a square of dancers. It is summer after all and people are on the go. We hope to get enough for the July 21 dance in Hall B (the middle door on the back side of the ESDC) at 2095 Yolanda in Springfield. We dance from 1:30 to 3:30PM. Some of our dancers stay to dance with Spin Cycle Squares in Hall A from 4 to 6PM.
Please be sure to call Fred Beisse at 458-221-3564 to make sure we are dancing on any given date and/or to ask him to be placed on the email list so you can get notifications timely.
We may get a live caller visiting us again in the near future so stay tuned for that. You can also check our website at cas-sd.yolasite.com for more information.
Gaynor Hintz
August 11 (2nd Sun)
Regular Dance
Irregular, please see website link
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
August 25 (4th Sun)
Regular Dance
Irregular, please see website link
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Misty Valley Cloggers
No club news received.
Single Trees had two fun dances in June. The first one was a benefit for Greenhill Humane Society and including the $50 donation by the club we raised over $250 in cash and gave them lots of extra donations of toys, food, towels, etc. We were treated to a new duo for us—Mark Wheeler calling and Dave Cooper cueing. It was nice to see three squares on the floor all evening. Many of our newer dancers are continuing to come out and dance and improve their skills. We even had some guests from our sister club, the Whirl-A-Ways, even though many were out of town on their campout at Camp Sherman. We also had visitors from the clubs just to the north of us as well as some visitors from the south (Cottage Grove, Roseburg).
Our second dance on June 28th was even better attended with five squares on the floor at one point, and four the entire evening including the last tip. The hall was nicely decorated for the Hawaiian theme and many guest came in muu=muus and Hawaiian shirts that added to the fun theme. Bruce Lowther did a fine job of calling to the crowd of happy dancers and had a new caller, Shaun McKamey n, do a tip, for us. Bruce’s wife Judy got to cue a round dance tip for us as well. Jackie Gale as always did a fab job of cueing, and we appreciated her husband Bill manning the door for a while and then dancing rounds with some of the ladies. Many dancers came from the Alliance clubs in support of Bruce and Shawn. We hope they will continue to come throughout the summer since their clubs go dark for July and August.. What a fun dance! We hope to see it’s like at our next dance on July19 with Roger Putzler and Jackie Gale. This dance has a Watermelon, Tie Dyes, and Crazy T-shirt theme. Casual clothes are fine all summer long. We’ll be dark on July 26 as many are headed to Diamond Lake for the big festival hosted by Star Promenaders. We hope some go to the Summer Festival in Salem this year too.
We hope to be dancing the 2nd and 4th Fridays this fall. Our President Melba Walker is busy seeing if the callers hired for the third Friday will be able to do the 2nd Friday instead and then we will be back to or old schedule of yore. Check the OFN listings in September to make sure we are dancing before driving to dance with us on the second Fridays. We will let everyone know as soon as we can to avoid confusion.
We dance at the Emerald Square Dance Center at 2095 Yolanda in Springfield from 7:30 (plus, 7:45 pre-rounds, 8 mainstream with every 3rd tip plus and rounds in between tips) to10PM . We do not take formal breaks, but have open grazing after 8PM. For more information please visit our website at singletrees.blogspot.com. We post lots of photos there too.
Gaynor Hintz
August 16 (3rd Fri)
Barnyard Jubilee
7:30 Plus, 7:45 Pre-rounds; 8-10:00 MS w/3rd tip plus
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Darrell Kalbach
Cuer: Jackie Gale
August 23 (4th Fri)
Ducks Vs. Beavers
7:30 Plus, 7:45 Pre-rounds; 8-10:00 MS w/3rd tip plus
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Bruce Lowther
Cuer: Christina Corelli
Spin Cycle Squares -
We look forward to having Cheryl Hagey and her husband, Tim back dancing with us. Cheryl had surgery on her torn esophagus.
We enjoy dancers from other clubs who join us from time to time. We welcomed Izzy who had recently moved to Eugene. She dances contra and picked up square dance figures easily.
Please come and join us from 4 to 6 on Sundays. It's casual dress always.
Christina Corelli
August 4 (1st Sun)
Regular Dance
4:00-6:00 p.m. MS / Plus / Maybe Advanced Call for dates
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
August 11 (2nd Sun)
Regular Dance
4:00-6:00 p.m. MS / Plus / Maybe Advanced Call for dates
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
August 18 (3rd Sun)
Regular Dance
4:00-6:00 p.m. MS / Plus / Maybe Advanced Call for dates
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
August 25 (4th Sun)
Regular Dance
4:00-6:00 p.m. MS / Plus / Maybe Advanced Call for dates
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
Sweet Home Squarenaders
No club news received.
August 3 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
September 14, 2024 6:30- 9:00pm
Oak Heights School, Sweet Home
Caller: Shaun McKamey
Cuer: Jackie Gale
August 10 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
September 14, 2024 6:30- 9:00pm
Oak Heights School, Sweet Home
Caller: Shaun McKamey
Cuer: Jackie Gale
August 17 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
September 14, 2024 6:30- 9:00pm
Oak Heights School, Sweet Home
Caller: Shaun McKamey
Cuer: Jackie Gale
August 24 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
September 14, 2024 6:30- 9:00pm
Oak Heights School, Sweet Home
Caller: Shaun McKamey
Cuer: Jackie Gale
August 31 (5th Sat)
Regular Dance
September 14, 2024 6:30- 9:00pm
Oak Heights School, Sweet Home
Caller: Shaun McKamey
Cuer: Jackie Gale
Our last dance of the season is always a pie and ice cream social. Thomas Buchheit was the caller, and boy did he do a great job! Tom brought dancers from Silver City Squares with him too. It was so much fun having young people dancing with us. A great end to our dance season. We are dark July and August.
This fall we will be dancing on the third Saturdays. Roger Putzler will be calling. Come at 7:00 for Plus and 7:30 to 10:00 for Mainstream with rounds. Christina Corelli is cueing.
The Camp Sherman campout in June was a success, as always. One of the highlights is Saturday's omelet in a bag. Two or three eggs are put into a freezer bag along with diced ham, bacon, onions, peppers, etc. You squish it well, getting as much air out of the bag before sealing and dropping it into a huge pot of boiling water. When it's done you can add cheese or salsa. It pops out of the bag nicely! So much fun!
We do miss our former caller, Mike Kious, his wife Camille and baby Aidan. The Kious family had become part of the Whirl-A-Ways family. It was so much fun watching baby Aidan grow. We all took turns holding him. We hope they can come down for a visit when we start back up in September.
Christina Corelli
August 17 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00p - 10:00pm
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Roger Putzler
Cuer: Christina Corelli
Interstate Highlanders
No council news received.
August 31 (5th Sat)
6pm before the dance Quarterly
Klamath Country Squares
No club news received.
August 17 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
6:00 PM
Knights of Columbus, Klamath Falls
Mid-Willamette Council -
No council news received.
August 19 (3rd Mon)
Sept, Nov., Jan., Mar., May
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Braids and Braves had a fun club picnic in June. We welcomed our new caller Bruce Lowther and club cuer Judy Russell, who were able to join us for our picnic.
Our lessons start September 15, 5:00-6:30 p.m. at the McMinnville Grange, 1700 SW Old Sheridan Road, McMinnville, OR.
We have been dark for the summer, but we will start dancing again the third Saturday of the month on September 21, 7:00-9:30 p.m. Come join us, and celebrate National Square Dance Month.
Trena Worthington
August 17 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 - 9:30PM
McMinnville Grange, McMinnville
Caller: Bruce Lowther
Cuer: Judy Russel
Capitol Callers & Cuers Assoc -
The club is dark during the summer but as August approaches, the active members are looking forward to lessons in September, with new students, returning dancers, and contemporary music that has come around recently.
Our next meeting is September 22, at 1:30 p.m. at the Salem Square Dance Center. We invite any callers or cuers in the area to come and join us to share ideas, and to ask any questions that they may have.
Marilyn Schmit
August 18 (3rd Sun)
Regular Dance
Cherry City Cloggers -
No club news received.
May was a busy and productive month for us. We raised over $600 with a huge garage and plant sale, thanks to the efforts of members who pitched in to help with organizing, advertising, set-up, cleanup, selling, etc. It was a lovely day for a sale. A big thank you goes to Sue for providing her garage and lunch for all.
The popular International Butterfly Dance on May 11 was well attended with five squares. We were colorful dancers as most tried to match the butterflies, even a couple of butterfly wings. Teams created butterflies out of punch out designs, then competed to see whose butterfly flew the longest distance. Roger, Rachel, and Jaga’s team, much to everyone’s surprise, won. We also learned a lot about butterflies. Thanks go to Cynthia for planning this special event.
Our potluck and membership meeting were held at Jana’s house on May 17. Officers were elected with a sigh of relief since there were no contests and the incumbents volunteered for another term. A big Thank You for their willingness to serve. We also made our plans for our coming year.
On May 25, Veterans’ Recognition, Charlotte Jeskey and Sandy Harris called and cued at the First Baptist Church. The veterans were thanked and recognized for their service. Cynthia shared some interesting stories about her family’s service. The club gave Charlotte, retiring this year, a token of our appreciation and recognition for her lengthy career as a caller.
On June 8, the Luau Dance was the last dance until September. We met at the Congregational Church with Bruce Lowther and Judy Russell calling and cueing, and we had tropical themed entertainment and snacks. We cheered to see the volcano erupt then enjoyed the chocolate cake surrounding it. A little lesson on Hula dancing was fun and not that difficult. Another thank you to Cynthia for planning this event.
The club will be dark from June 10 until September 14. Lessons will begin on Thursday, September 26. The first lesson is free. Lessons are at Corvallis Community Center, 2601 Tyler Ave., 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. To sign up, call CCC 541-766-6959, or register at the first lesson. Our new location is the First Baptist Church in Corvallis starting September 14.
For more information: Oregon Federation News (OFN) or call or text 541-752-1282.
Rachel Nettleton
August 10 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
August 24 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
Independence Wagon Wheelers -
In July, we had only one dance with guest caller Terry Halley and his lady, Betty Chipps, in attendance. We managed three squares sometimes, but mostly two squares in the air-conditioned hall. The Red, White, and Blue theme was very colorful. Door prizes were given out and we had visitors from four clubs.
The August dances will have Bruce Lowther as guest caller on the first Saturday. and our club caller, KC Curtis, will return for the second Saturday. No themes as of this writing, just comfortable dancing with friends.
We are looking forward to lessons in September with KC Curtis as the instructor. Lessons begin September 15 at 6:00 p.m. at the Salem Square Dance Center.
Marilyn Schmit
August 3 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 PM
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Guest Caller, Bruce Lowther
Cuer: Stephanie Lozano
August 10 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 PM
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: KC Curtis
Cuer: Stephanie Lozano
Lebanon Square Circlers -
Lebanon Square Circlers is dark for the summer, with our last event being the Strawberry Festival. Although our club is dark until September, we stay connected with card parties, game parties, potlucks, picnics, and other get-togethers over the summer.
Our next dance is our Silo Dance, held at Frank and Marianne Cawrse’s farm on Sunday, September 1 at 2:00 p.m. The Silo Dance is part of a four-day campout (day trippers are welcome) with a potluck every day at 6:00 p.m. If you would like more details about what Lebanon Square Circlers are up to, we encourage you to pop in to our website at www.lebanonsquarecirclers.com, and we hope to see you in a square (or a potluck)!
Kaynor Heineck
August 3 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
August 17 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
No club news received.
The club took the last two weeks of June and the first two weeks of July off from dancing due to lack of attendance, out-of-town trips for some, Summer Festival activities, and ICBDA for the cuer. We started back up on July 18 to see if we could get some planning done for fall lessons, and to get back on our feet after being down for a while.
All intermediate level dancers are invited to join us on Thursdays from 7:00-9:00 p.m. to dance to all the various rhythms.
Marilyn Schmit
August 1 (1st Thu)
Regular Dance
Schedule 7-9:00 p.m.
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Randy Lewis
August 8 (2nd Thu)
Regular Dance
August 15 (3rd Thu)
Regular Dance
August 22 (4th Thu)
Regular Dance
August 29 (5th Thu)
Regular Dance
Salem Swingin' Stars
Summer is here! Thank goodness we have A/C in the hall so we can dance in relative comfort during this hot weather. July, we had two dances and, of course, the Summer Festival. August brings us three dances. We have a guest caller on August 2 and the Randy's will be calling and cueing on August 16. August 30 is Fifth Friday Plus Dance. See you on the dance floor.
Sheila Machado
August 2 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Randy Lewis
August 16 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Randy Lewis
August 30 (5th Fri)
Regular Dance
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Randy Lewis
Silver City Squares
Our youth oversaw the concession stand at the Summer Festival. We enjoyed seeing everyone who stopped by to say hi and purchase something.
We will be starting mainstream, plus and waltz lessons in September. Watch for our flyers.
We used the trailer in the Mt. Angel Fourth of July parade. The kids who participated really enjoyed themselves. We are planning to participate in the Homer Davenport Days parade in Silverton the first weekend in August.
Petrina Buchheit
August 9 (2nd Fri)Regular Dance
7:30 PM
Waldo Hills Community Club, Silverton
Caller: Terry Halley
Cuer: Mark McDonald
View Flyer
August 24 (4th Sat)Regular Dance
7:30 PM
Waldo Hills Community Club, Silverton
Caller: Terry Halley
Cuer: Mark McDonald
View Flyer
We stopped dancing in May, so we will not be having another dance until September.
Sandy Harris
August 2 (1st Fri)
no dance - dark
August 16 (3rd Fri)
no dance - dark
Willamette Squares
No club news received.
August 24 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Bruce Lowther
Cuer: Judy Russell
Portland Area Council -
The next PAC 5th Friday dance will be our free introduction to square dancing on Friday, August 30. We are using this dance to promote PAC clubs’ lessons starting in September. We are reaching out beyond the traditional square dance channels to invite prospective dancers to this free dance. By doing this combined introduction, we hope guests will be able to do one-stop shopping to find a club that fits their needs, e.g., location of lessons, day of the week, and start time. Scott Zinser is generously donating his time and talent as our caller for the evening. We will be dancing at the Oak Grove Community Center, 14496 SE Cedar Ave., Oak Grove. All are welcome!
See you on a dance floor!
August 1 (1st Thu)August PAC Dances
8:00 AM
View Flyer
August 19 (3rd Mon)
Monthly Meeting
Oak Grove Community Club, Oak Grove
Bachelor N Bachelorettes -
Bachelors and Bachelorettes will continue dancing in August in their newly air-conditioned dance hall.
On August 7, Darrell Kalmbach will be calling, with Tami Helms cueing. The theme for August 21 will be Hot Summer Nights—hopefully not too hot! Terry Halley will have calling honors, while Tami Helms cues.
Dancing starts with pre-rounds at 7:30, followed by Mainstream and rounds from 8-9:30. There’s a break at 9:30 for announcements, followed by one Plus tip.
Come join us at the Abernethy Grange in Oregon City.
August 7 (1st Wed)
Regular Dance
Pre-rounds 7:30, Mainstream 7:30, 1Plus tip after announceme
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: Terry Halley
Cuer: Tami Helms
August 21 (3rd Wed)
Hot Summer Nights
Pre-rounds 7:30, Mainstream 7:30, 1Plus tip after announceme
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: Terry Halley
Cuer: Tami Helms
Chaps & Petticoats -
No club news received.
August 2 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
August 16 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
Start inviting your friends, family, neighbors to mainstream square dance lessons starting on September 12. You can also invite them out to eat ice cream at the Boring and Dull Day on August 9! The Cut-Ups will be serving ice cream and passing out lesson flyers at Trail’s End Park in Boring.
Bev De La Bruere
August 3 (1st Sat)Regular Dance
Plus 7:00-7:30 Mainstream 7:30-10:00
Boring Barn, Boring
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
Cuer: Craig Abercrombie
View Flyer
August 9 (2nd Fri)
Come and join us
Boring Barn, Boring
August 23 (4th Fri)
August 24 (4th Sat)Regular Dance
Plus 7:00-7:30 Mainstream 7:30-10:00
Boring Barn, Boring
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Julie Stiers
View Flyer
August 31 (5th Sat)Regular Dance
Plus 7:00-10:00PM
Boring Barn, Boring
Caller: Daryl Clendenin
Cuer: Julie Stiers
View Flyer
The Happy Hoppers of Vancouver, Washington danced right into the month of June celebrating their 65th Anniversary Dance on June 15. A BIG thank you to all who were able to attend. The 14 squares (and a little bit more) enjoyed kicking up their heels with Craig Abercrombie and Adam Christman calling and cuing the dance. The celebration continued after the dance with a treat of strawberry shortcake and social time! FUN!
Happy Hoppers will be dark in July and August. Our club will be back to lessons and dancing in September. We ask everyone to check our website happy-hoppers.com to keep informed.
The club plans on participating in two summer parades. Sharing square dance information and cheer in hopes of keeping this wonderful dance/sport alive! We thank those who can join the fun!
The Happy Hoppers will have a picnic for members this summer. The date is set for Sunday, August 4, 2024. More information on website. Many dancers continue dancing in the summer...we cheer you on and might see you along the way!
See you dancing...Denise and Roz Buddenberg
August 3 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
August 17 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
Heads to the Center -
No club news received.
August 1 (1st Thu)
Regular Dance
7:00 - 8:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
Caller: Rick Hawes
August 8 (2nd Thu)
Regular Dance
7:00 - 8:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
Caller: Rick Hawes
August 15 (3rd Thu)
Regular Dance
7:00 - 8:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
Caller: Rick Hawes
August 22 (4th Thu)
Regular Dance
7:00 - 8:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
Caller: Rick Hawes
August 29 (5th Thu)
Regular Dance
7:00 - 8:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
Caller: Rick Hawes
River City Dancers -
We would like to remind you all that we dance all summer, and our hall is air-conditioned for your comfort. Looking forward to welcoming you to our dances every second and fourth Saturday.
Carol Mendenhall
August 10 (2nd Sat)Regular Dance
7:00 Plus & Pre-Rounds, 7:30 to 9:30 pm Mainstream & Rounds
Milwaukie Community Club, Milwaukie
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
August 24 (4th Sat)Regular Dance
7:00 Plus & Pre-Rounds, 7:30 to 9:30 pm Mainstream & Rounds
Milwaukie Community Club, Milwaukie
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
Although our club is dark during the summer, we have not been idle.
On June 26, we performed before a packed house at the Reser Performing Arts Center in Beaverton. We did two singing calls. The first was a mash-up of Somewhere Over the Rainbow and What a Wonderful World. The second was Mamma Mia. We earned two standing ovations from the nearly 500 people in the audience. Our favorite audience comment was, “You made something I thought was stodgy and old-fashioned into a beautiful expression of joy and inclusivity.” This is how we are going to grow our favorite activity! Many thanks to Stephen Cole for coming down from Seattle to share his love of music and entertainment.
Over the July 4th holiday, a passel of Ramblers headed east to Durham, NC, for the annual IAGSDC square dance convention. They reported having a fabulous time, enjoying southern hospitality and a line-up of stellar callers. Next year’s convention will be much closer to home in San Francisco. Check it out—it’s hard to find a more fun place to dance.
If you are looking for some excitement over the summer, check out the Ramblers in the Portland Pride Parade on Sunday, July 21.
We resume our social dances on September 14, with the stupendous Scott Zinser calling at Oak Grove Community Center. Although our club focuses on creating a safe space for the LGBTQ community, everyone is welcome at our dances, and we encourage you to stop on by if you are looking for a high-energy, friendly dance environment.
Then, in October, we’ll host our mostly annual fall square dance festival, Scares and Squares. This year, our three-day event will take October 11-13 (corresponding to our regular dance weekend), so no conflict with Seaside Sashay! Our featured callers are Hunter Keller and Eric Henerlau. We’ll have 14 hours of dancing at all levels from Social Square Dance to C-2. We’ll be dancing at the Beaverton Elks Lodge off Canyon Road near OR 217, so this will be a convenient location for all our friends in Washington County, as well as Portland and Vancouver. Check out rosetownramblers.com or the flyer under Special Dances on this site for details and registration materials.
Jeff Knapp
August 10 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
Rogue-Sis-Q Council
Our next meeting is Aug 6th. The area is excited to be planning the 2025 Oregon Summer Festival - taking place in Salem July 11-13, 2025. Going to be a great event. A Facebook group has been created and the website www.oregonsummerfest.org is now active...watch for updates to start happening soon. We do not have a Council dance until January - due to 5th Fridays happening Labor Day weekend and the day after Thanksgiving.
August 6 (1st Tue)
4:30pm on even numbered months
Round Table Pizza, Medford
Charlie Brown Squares -
We will have our last Saturday night dance until September this Saturday, July 20th. Special guest Mike Halley from CA (formerly OR) and cuer Mark McDonald will be calling and cueing the dance and we will have ice cream as well!! Please join us if you can!
New SSD classes will begin on 9/10 with 2 nights of classes open to new dancers. We will also have a booth at the Josephine County Fair to help promote dancing from Aug 7-11 in Grants Pass. There will also be 2 nights that we will be dancing at the fair. We hope everyone has a wonderful summer and we hope we will see some visitors down south when it works out!
August 3 (1st Sat)
August 9 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
August 17 (3rd Sat)
No club news received.
Kountry Rhythm Rockin Outlaws -
Jim Steele is home and recovering from his major open heart surgery. He is doing well. Jim and Jan truly appreciate all the love and support being offered by their beloved dance community. Hopefully, the 6-week recovery will bring strength and healing to Jim.
All Sunday Mainstream Workshops and Wednesday night Plus workshops are canceled for July, August, and September due to Jim's recovery. We are hoping maybe sometime in September to resume the workshops.
Jet Roberts will join Jim for Country Fever in October at the Buckeroo Barn Oct 4-6. This is a not-to-miss weekend!! Rikki Lobato will be cueing the weekend and doing a teach on Saturday afternoon. We need your pre-registrations to make this the fantastic weekend that we are planning. Pre-registration helps us to plan and prepare for the weekend - with caller/cuer costs, hall rental, food, and various other expenses. You are fed, entertained, and guaranteed to have a great time. Please consider signing up. If for some reason you can't make it - we are happy to give you a refund or rollover your ribbon to next year. There is dry camping available at the Barn and both your callers and cuer are all staying on site for the weekend. There will be a wonderful and fun afterparty on Saturday nite - inside the barn with guitars, a fireplace, friendship, and whatever drinks and snacks you bring. Laughter and smiles are also guaranteed!! Contact Jan if you need a flyer or want to pre-register (rockinoutlaws@gmail.com)
Have a great rest of your summer!
August 4 (1st Sun)
Regular Dance
Sundays 2:30-4:00pm (MS) Plus on Wed - 6:00-7:30pm
Pleasant Ridge Community Hall, Redmond
Caller: Jim Steele
August 7 (1st Wed)
Regular Dance
Sundays 2:30-4:00pm (MS) Plus on Wed - 6:00-7:30pm
Pleasant Ridge Community Hall, Redmond
Caller: Jim Steele
August 11 (2nd Sun)
Regular Dance
Sundays 2:30-4:00pm (MS) Plus on Wed - 6:00-7:30pm
Pleasant Ridge Community Hall, Redmond
Caller: Jim Steele
August 14 (2nd Wed)
Regular Dance
Sundays 2:30-4:00pm (MS) Plus on Wed - 6:00-7:30pm
Pleasant Ridge Community Hall, Redmond
Caller: Jim Steele
August 18 (3rd Sun)
Regular Dance
Sundays 2:30-4:00pm (MS) Plus on Wed - 6:00-7:30pm
Pleasant Ridge Community Hall, Redmond
Caller: Jim Steele
August 21 (3rd Wed)
Regular Dance
Sundays 2:30-4:00pm (MS) Plus on Wed - 6:00-7:30pm
Pleasant Ridge Community Hall, Redmond
Caller: Jim Steele
August 25 (4th Sun)
Regular Dance
Sundays 2:30-4:00pm (MS) Plus on Wed - 6:00-7:30pm
Pleasant Ridge Community Hall, Redmond
Caller: Jim Steele
August 28 (4th Wed)
Regular Dance
Sundays 2:30-4:00pm (MS) Plus on Wed - 6:00-7:30pm
Pleasant Ridge Community Hall, Redmond
Caller: Jim Steele
No club news received.
August 2 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
Friday SSD, Saturday 6:30 Adv or Plus or Rnds, 7:30 MS/Plus
Rogue Valley Square Dance Center, Medford
Caller: Phil Ramey
August 10 (2nd Sat)Garden Harvest w/Salad Bar
7-730 Pre Rounds 730-930pm
Rogue Valley Square Dance Center, Medford
Caller: Wayne Weaver
Cuer: TBD
View Flyer
August 24 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
Friday SSD, Saturday 6:30 Adv or Plus or Rnds, 7:30 MS/Plus
Rogue Valley Square Dance Center, Medford
Caller: Phil Ramey
South Coast Council
No council news received.
No club news received.
August 24 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
dances end 4:30
Beachcombers Cove, Port Orford
Caller: Dave Cooper
Cuer: Cathy Houston
August 30 (5th Fri)Battlerock Festival
3 Day Dance weekend
Beachcombers Cove, Port Orford
Caller: Terry Halley, Sherm Welch, Phil Ramey
Cuer: Dave Cooper, Cathy Houston
View Flyer
Crook County Mavericks
No club news received.
August 11 (2nd Sun)
Regular Dance
Phase 2-4 to the floor
Beachcombers Cove, Port Orford
Cuer: Dave Cooper
No club news received.
August 3 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
Harmony Methodist Church, Coos Bay
Caller: Sherm Welch
Cuer: Cathy Houston
August 17 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
Harmony Methodist Church, Coos Bay
Caller: Sherm Welch
Cuer: Cathy Houston
No club news received.
August 10 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 PM
Coquille Community Building, Coquille
Caller: Bob Houston
Cuer: Denise Harris
Tualatin Valley Council -
The June TVC meeting was held on June 24th at the Aloha Grange. Twenty three members were present as newly elected President Sally Duyck presided. An Italian dinner, main course provided by Vice President Joann Swanson, preceded the meeting. The upcoming TVC 5th Saturday was discussed as well as the proposed 2025 dance schedule. There was a discussion regarding the completion and ordering of the printed 2024-2025 TVC Directory and a request to those clubs which had not already sent or verified their information. It was decided to cancel the July TVC meeting due to vacations and member summer activities. The next TVC meeting will be an in person meeting at the Aloha Grange on August 26th. A schedule of the Zoom and in person meetings is available by viewing the PDF version of the Directory at the "Documents" tab on the TVC web page, https://www.tualatinvalleycouncil.org/, see link above.
The TVC 5th Saturday dance was held on Saturday, June 29th at the Oak Hills Community Center. There were over seven squares in attendance which was pretty good considering that this was an outside, “Dancing in the Park”, event and it was dampened a bit by a light rain. We did not have to move indoors, however, the showers were brief. Attendees brought finger food snacks and their own lawn chairs. Darrell Kalmbach called a lively dance and Tami Helms cued right up to the end. She even did one last request round as the showers began again with all the round dancers braving the rain. All in all, it was a very fun evening and the comments on the venue were positive.
The next TVC event will be in September at the Kinton Grange where the Council will host a Saturday dance and a Sunday Federation meeting on the 14th and 15th.
Ferrous Steinka
August 26 (4th Mon)
Columbia River Dancers -
The Columbia River Dancers regular club dances on the first and third Friday nights will be DARK continuing through August. Our Sunday workshops will continue, weather permitting. If the temperature gets to 90 degrees or more we will cancel and post on our website. (See link above)
Our workshops review mainstream moves starting at 5 PM and going to 6:30. Right after the mainstream workshop we may also have a couple plus move lessons. It is a pleasure learning from Daryl Clendenin.
Nick Johnson
August 2 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
August 16 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
Our new Club Officers for this year were installed in June a month later than normal. The only officers in town for our May meeting were our newly elected Vice Presidents which were also our outgoing Presidents for last year. Presidents - Sally & Mike Duyck, Vice-Presidents - Karen & Ferrous Steinka, Secretary - Donna Swanson, and Treasurers - Joann & Ronnie Swanson.
July 1st we had our Independence Day Dance. Four squares dancing Plus. Lots of red, white, and blue with fun was had by all. We have a photo in the OFN. Darrell Kalmbach called a great dance. Tami Helms was great filling in for Jeanine Norden who is recovering from surgery. We wish Jeanine the best and hope to have her back with us soon. She is missed.
We are fortunate to dance in air-conditioned comfort at the Aloha Grange every Monday afternoon from 1:00 to 3:00, and would love to have you join us! Casual dress is welcomed. This summer we are welcoming Hawaiian Attire on the 2nd Monday of each Month.
For current dancing information, please see our website at http://EagerBeavers.info. (see link above).
Alice Hendricks
August 5 (1st Mon)Plus Dance
1:00 to 3:00 Plus & Ph II/III Rounds
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Jeanine Norden
View Flyer
August 12 (2nd Mon)
Plus Dance
8:00 AM
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Jeanine Norden
August 19 (3rd Mon)Plus Dancing
1:00 to 3:00 Plus & Ph II/III Rounds
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Jeanine Norden
View Flyer
August 26 (4th Mon)
Plusr Dance
8:00 AM
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Jeanine Norden
The Hayshakers are having a picnic on Saturday August 10th — the first in many years. Randy and Sandy Pope of Ocean Park, Washington are hosting the event..
We are working with the Sunset Promenaders getting ready for the Seaside Sashay in October.
Craig Holt
August 4 (1st Sun)
Regular Dance
All year around starting at 5:00 p.m.
Pacific Grange, Warrenton
Caller: Mark Wheeler
Cuer: Guest
August 11 (2nd Sun)
Regular Dance
All year around starting at 5:00 p.m.
Pacific Grange, Warrenton
Caller: Mark Wheeler
Cuer: Guest
August 18 (3rd Sun)
Regular Dance
All year around starting at 5:00 p.m.
Pacific Grange, Warrenton
Caller: Mark Wheeler
Cuer: Guest
August 25 (4th Sun)
Regular Dance
All year around starting at 5:00 p.m.
Pacific Grange, Warrenton
Caller: Mark Wheeler
Cuer: Guest
For the Hoedowners June is always a month of transitions, spring to summer, inside to outside, dinners to picnics. Our first dance of the month was on the 8th. We called it our “Graduation Dance” with Terry Halley calling and Randy Lewis cueing. We’ve all graduated from Basic to Mainstream and maybe even to Plus so we all have a good reason to celebrate our advancements.
On the 22nd we had our infamous “Strawberries and Cream Dance”. We welcomed Thomas Buchheit to the stage. A lovely evening of dancing and knowing those Oregon Hoods were lurking in the dining room. There were bowls of sliced strawberries on the buffet table accompanied by whipped cream, extra sugar and a variety of cakes. I can attest to the fact that not a sliver of strawberry was left. GONE!
Please join us on August 10th for our "Knobby Knees and Popsicles Dance". We’ll have Mark Wheeler calling and Randy Lewis cueing. Then on August 24th for our "Back to School Sock Hop" with Randy Dibble calling and Connie Clark cueing.
Hope to see you!.
Krystal Laas
August 10 (2nd Sat)Regular Dance
8:00 AM
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Guest
Cuer: Randy Lewis
View Flyer
August 24 (4th Sat)Regular Dance
8:00 AM
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Guest
Cuer: Randy Lewis
View Flyer
M&M’s are having a great summer break but anxiously counting down to our first dance back! (38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, . . . . . . . . . . Sept 7).
Lindie Noonan
August 3 (1st Sat)
August 17 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
It's been a great summer so far with the Oak Hills Squares! We have had a good turnout on our Monday evening dances in our air-conditioned space, including our very successful Anniversary Dance on June 17th. Many dancers from other clubs joined us for a joyful evening of socializing, dancing, and sharing good food. The gym was transformed into a "dance hall" with many lights and decorations with the help of our faithful members. We enjoyed dancing to calls by our own Mark Wheeler with Renee Ruud guest caller and Lane Clem guest cuer.
The TVC sponsored another wonderful evening of dance on June 29th at Oak Hills and many members from clubs all around the TVC came to enjoy. The dance was held in the outdoor space at the Oak Hills Recreation Center and Oak Hills Squares proudly took home the attendance banner!
Our club recently held yearly registration for members and is thrilled to accept nine new members who have been attending our dances for several months. Welcome new members !!
We hope to see new dancers come for lessons we are planning to begin in September.
For additional information visit our website, http://oakhillsquares.com/. (see link above)
Lynne Fonner
August 5 (1st Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30 to 8:30
Oak Hills Community Center, Beaverton
Caller: Mark Wheeler
August 12 (2nd Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30 to 8:30
Oak Hills Community Center, Beaverton
Caller: Mark Wheeler
August 19 (3rd Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30 to 8:30
Oak Hills Community Center, Beaverton
Caller: Mark Wheeler
August 26 (4th Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30 to 8:30
Oak Hills Community Center, Beaverton
Caller: Mark Wheeler
R Square D is experiencing many changes. I have been told change is Dynamic. It sure keeps one on their toes. Due to several unexpected resignations, we have new Officers and Board members. Vic Roberts will be President, Sandy Sims and Sharon Hutton will share the Vice Presidency. Secretary is Susan Fowler and Treasurer is Gloria Nichols. We would like to thank John and Chris Poole for their years of service. Thanks to all who attended Johns funeral in June. Also, we would like to thank Goldie Worley for her service as Treasurer and Secretary.
In June we were able to bring home a Happy Hoppers banner after attending their Anniversary Dance. The Kelso Senior Center begun renovation in June and we started dancing at the Catlin Grange, 205 Shawnee Road, Kelso WA. 98626. Once the Center renovation is complete we will move our dances back there. The rest of our summer dances are held on the second and fourth Wednesdays, August 14th and August 28th. Please come and dance with us.
For current information, please see our website: http://r-square-d.info/. (see link above)
Susan Fowler
August 9 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
7:00 To 9:30
Catlin Grange, Kelso
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
August 14 (2nd Wed)Dance
7:00-8:00 Plus; 8:00-9:30 MS w/Rounds
Catlin Grange, Kelso
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
Cuer: Susan Healea
View Flyer
August 24 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 To 9:30
Catlin Grange, Kelso
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
August 28 (4th Wed)Summer's Last Hurrah!
7:00-8:00 Plus; 8:00-9:30 MS w/Rounds
Catlin Grange, Kelso
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
Cuer: Craig Abercrombie
View Flyer
Sunset Promenaders -
August 1st, 15th and 29th will be our Plus dances with Darrell Kalmbach calling and Tami Helms queuing.
Our August 3rd mainstream dance will be a Hawaiian Luau theme. Please wear your Hawaiian attire and enjoy some luau foods with us after the dance. Darrell Kalmbach is calling, and Tami Helms is queuing. Please come and join the fun!!
We will be having a mainstream dance on August 17th with Darrell Kalmbach calling and Tami Helms queuing.
Dan & Terri Browning are hosting a club picnic at their home on August 11th at 2 pm. All Sunset Promenaders and those that frequently dance with us are welcome. It will be a potluck and the pool is open as well.
In June we had a well-attended ice cream social mainstream dance on June 15th. On June 29th many of us attended the TVC dance at Oak Hills. We made it through most of the night dancing outside with very little rain! Many clubs attended and it was a super fun event! Thanks to Darrell for calling and Tami for queuing!
For current information, please see our website: http://sunsetpromenaders.com/. (see link above)
Terri Browning
August 1 (1st Thu)Plus Dance
7 int. pre-rounds, 7:30 - 9:30 plus/mixed-level rounds
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
August 3 (1st Sat)Regular Dance -- Hawaiian Luau
7 - 7:30 Pre-Rounds 7:30-9:30 Mainstream 9:30 Plus Tip
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
August 15 (3rd Thu)Plus Dance
7 int. pre-rounds, 7:30 - 9:30 plus/mixed-level rounds
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
August 17 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
7-7:30 Pre-Rounds 7:30-9:30 Mainstream 9:30 Plus Tip
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
August 29 (5th Thu)Plus Dance
7 int. pre-rounds, 7:30 - 9:30 plus/mixed-level rounds
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
In June we had two dances, the "Stars & Stripes" on the 14th and our end-of-the-year dance, "Berry Best Ice Cream Social," both with our caller Terry Halley and our cuer Sandra Pinion. And we actually had two visitations, to Mix & Mingle in Tualatin on the 1st and Chaps & Petticoats in Aurora on the 21st.
In August we are dark due to the heat, but we plan two visitations: to the Bachelor & Bachelorettes in Oregon City on the 7th, and to the Silver City Squares in Silverton on the 24th, where Terry will be calling. We're so glad some clubs have A/C!
Our board keeps meeting over the summer on Zoom, finalizing plans for the upcoming year, including waltz lessons for September.
Also we're having our annual Tri Squares potluck picnic on August 18th, at 5pm in Snyder Park in Sherwood, on a shady hilltop with lovely views of the surrounding area, very laid back and comfortable.
Gloria Davis
August 9 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
7:00 Pre-Rounds, 7:15 Plus, 7:30-9:30 MS & Rounds, Plus 4th
Kinton Grange, Beaverton
Caller: Terry Halley
Cuer: Sandra Pinion
August 23 (4th Fri)
Regular Dance
7:00 Pre-Rounds, 7:15 Plus, 7:30-9:30 MS & Rounds, Plus 4th
Kinton Grange, Beaverton
Caller: Terry Halley
Cuer: Sandra Pinion
Hot August nights! Dress casual and stay cool in our air conditioned hall.
Valley Squares first Friday, August 2nd, dance will have Mark Wheeler calling and cueing by Connie Clark. Our third Saturday, August 17th dance, will feature Scott Zinser calling and Connie Clark cueing. Both dances are from 7 pm to 9 pm, Mainstream and Plus, with refreshments at 9 pm.
Come join us at our dances, let's have fun,
Carolene Siebert
August 2 (1st Fri)Regular Dance
7:00pm - 9:00 pm Mainstream & Plus with Rounds in between
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Mark Wheeler
Cuer: Connie Clark
View Flyer
August 17 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00pm - 9:00 pm Mainstream & Plus with Rounds in between
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Connie Clark
We dance at the Tillamook Senior Center from 4-6pm on Tuesday each week. Our caller is Anthony Egan.
The address of the Tillamook Senior Center is 316 Stillwell Avenue, Tillamook. Located on the corner of 4th and Stillwell there is no on site parking and little street parking. The huge Safeway parking lot is directly across the street. Our dances are held weekly on Tuesdays from 4:00 to 6:00 and we always have food and snacks.
We will be dancing at the Tillamook County Fair August 8th from 11:30 -12:15 on the stage in the courtyard. Come enjoy an old fashion county fair and be sure to check out the Pig 'n Ford races.
For up to date information see: www.wavesteppers.org. (see above link)
Lynda Sherman
August 6 (1st Tue)Regular Dance
4pm to 6pm
Tillamook Senior Center, Tillamook
Caller: Anthony Egan
View Flyer
August 13 (2nd Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00 PM
Tillamook Senior Center, Tillamook
Caller: Terry Halley
August 20 (3rd Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00 PM
Tillamook Senior Center, Tillamook
Caller: Terry Halley
August 27 (4th Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00 PM
Tillamook Senior Center, Tillamook
Caller: Mark Wheeler
Umpqua Area Council -
No council news received.
August 12 (2nd Mon)
meet every other month
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
August 14 (2nd Wed)
meet every other month
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
August 25 (4th Sun)UAC BBQ & Ice Cream Social
2:00 PM
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
View Flyer
No club news received.
August 3 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
7p pre rounds, 730p MS 3rd tips plus
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Caller: Carl Ballou
Cuer: Neil Koozer
August 17 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
No club news received.
August 27 (4th Tue)
Regular Dance
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Cuer: Neil Koozer
No club news received.
August 10 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
August 24 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance