Oregon Federation News
March, 2023

A publication of the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs

2023 Federation Officer Nominees

Here are the candidates running for office for the 2023-2024 year in the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs. As a pilot project, we are trying online voting this year. Your club secretary should get an email by March 1 with a link to the ballot.

This is a transition year, as we move from one-year terms to two-year terms. In order to have the terms alternate, some of the candidates are for two-year terms, and some are for one-year.

The current President (Tim Keck) automatically becomes the Past President. The current 1st Vice President (Karyn Buchheit) automatically becomes the President.

First Vice President

1st VP -- Patrick Cox
South Coast Council

Residence: Coos Bay, OR
Occupation: Retired millwright
Dance experience: 20 years; caller
Club offices held: President, Council Delegate
Federation offices held: 2nd Vice President

1st VP -- Michael Kious
Capital Callers & Cuers Assoc
Emerald Empire Council

Residence: Gresham, OR
Occupation: Cabinet Maker
Dance experience: 25 years; caller
Club offices held: President, 1st VP, 2nd VP
Other leadership: Sound Chairman for Mid-Winter Festival

1st VP -- Jan Steele
Kountry Rhythm Rockin' Outlaws
Central Oregon Council

Residence: Prineville, OR
Occupation: Seamstress and Office Manager
Dance experience: 52 years
Club offices held: President
Federation offices held: OFN Editor

Second Vice President (two-year term)

2nd VP -- Julia Buchheit
Silver City Squares
Mid-Willamette Council

Residence: Silverton, OR
Occupation: Instructional Assistant
Dance experience: 14 years; cuer
Club offices held: Council Delegate 5 yrs
Council offices held: State Delegate 4 yrs
Other leaderhip: Mid-Winter Festival Youth Co-Chairman, 3 yrs

2nd VP -- Cherie Cox
South Coast Council

Residence: Coos Bay, OR
Occupation: Retired RN
Dance experience: 20 years; caller
Club offices held: President 5 yrs, Secretary, Treasurer 4 yrs
Council offices held: President
Federation offices held: Membership Chairman

Secretary (one-year term)

Secretary -- Lorri McIntosh
Charlie Brown Squares
Rogue-Sis-Q Council

Residence: Grants Pass, OR
Occupation: Nurse Educator
Dance experience: 21 years
Club offices held: Vice President, Secretary
Council offices held: President, Secretary, State Delegate
Federation offices held: President, Secretary Other leadership: Chairman Summer Festival, Medical Care for Diamond Lake Festival

Treasurer (two-year-term)

Treasurer -- Marilyn Schmit
Independence Wagon Wheelers
Mid-Willamette Council

Residence: Dallas, OR
Occupation: Retired Banker
Dance experience: 50 years
Club offices held: President, Secretary, Treasurer
Council offices held: President, Treasurer
Federation offices held: Treasurer, Insurance, Historian, State Fair Chairman
Other leadership: NSDC Showcase of Ideas Chairman

Membership (one-year term)

Membership -- Sue Harrel
Chaps & Petticoatsbr> Portland Area Council

Residence: Mollala, OR
Occupation: Buyer for health care
Dance experience: 4 years
Club offices held: Treasurer