2025 Federation Officer Nominees
Here are the candidates running for office for the 2025-2026 year in the Oregon
Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs. The Federation now uses online
voting. Your club secretary should get an email by March 1 with a link to the
Most of our positions are two-year terms.
The current President (Pat Cox) automatically becomes the Past President.
The current 1st Vice President Joyce Welton automatically becomes the President.
The current Secretary (Lorri McIntosh) is in the second year of a 2-year term.
The current Membership Chairman (Sue Harrel) is in the second year of a 2-year term.
First Vice President (three-year term)
1st VP -- Dave Cooper
Beachcombers, Mavercks
South Coast Council
Residence: Port Orford, OR
Occupation: Retired Teacher
Dance experience: 16 years; caller, cuer
Club offices held: President, Council Delegate
Council offices held: President, State Delegate
Federation offices held: President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President
Other leadership: Summer Festival Chairman
Second Vice President (two-year term)
2nd VP -- Julia Buchheit
Silver City Squares
Mid-Willamette Council
Residence: Silverton, OR
Occupation: Veterinary Technician
Dance experience: 16 years; cuer
Club offices held: Council Delegate 6 yrs
Council offices held: State Delegate 5 yrs
Federation offices held: 2nd Vice President, Youth Advisor
Other leadership: Mid-Winter Chairman 2025, Mid-Winter Youth Co-chairman 3 yrs
Treasurer (two-year-term)
Treasurer -- Marilyn Schmit
Independence Wagon Wheelers
Mid-Willamette Council
Residence: Dallas, OR
Occupation: Retired Banker
Dance experience: 50 years
Club offices held: President, Secretary, Treasurer
Council offices held: President, Treasurer
Federation offices held: President, Treasurer, Insurance, Historian, State Fair
Other leadership: NSDC Showcase of Ideas Chairman
Treasurer -- Lane Clem
Sunset Promenaders>
Tualatin Valley Council
Residence: Beaverton, OR
Occupation: Retired Risk Professional
Dance experience: 15 years; caller; cuer
Club offices held: Secretary, Treasurer
Council offices held: Treasurer
Federation offices held: Treasurer
Other leadership: