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Oregon Federation News
August 2015

A publication of the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs

Printed 20 August 2015
Editor's Note

Many clubs have gone dark for the summer. Please make sure that your club information accurately reflects your dark dances. Also, summer goes by very quickly, and that's followed by lessons starting up in the fall. September lessons start showing up this month, so please double-check to make sure your lesson information is up to date.

Click here to find out how to get your information into the OFN, including dances, lessons, photos, flyers, advertisements, and caller/cuer information.

We have set up an email mailing list to notify people when a new edition of the online OFN is available, and for other important news about the OFN. To subscribe to this mailing list, just fill out this information:

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Email address:
Federation Events

The Federation has been assigned three dance session at the Oregon State Fair. If you are interested in dancing with the youth at 11 AM on Saturday September 5, check this flyer.

Mid-Winter Festival 2016 will be rolling in January 29 to 31, 2016, in Albany, Oregon. It's not too early to nail down your hotel reservations. They go quickly. The festival web site will be up and running pretty quickly at www.midwinterfestival.com/.

It's not too early to think about attending the quarterly Federation meeting on September 19 and 20 at the Milwaukie Community Center. There will be a dance Saturday evening, and meetings on Sunday. Here is a flyer with more information.

Oregon's 2016 Summer Festival will be a "Seaside Beach Party" at the Seaside Convention Center. Start planning now to attend July 29 to 31, 2016. Remember that Seaside hotels fill up quickly in the summer.

When & Where

Download a complete list of the Federation club dances this month, all sorted by date and city.

Everything in the When & Where is extracted from the state directory information. If you find that your club information is wrong, you can fix that by going to the directory information area and fixing your data.

Letters and Articles

Click on the title to see the article.

Available Callers & Cuers

Download a list of callers and cuers who are available and ready to call or cue a dance for you.

Federation Links
Oregon Round of the Month

August's Oregon Round of the Month is "Crazy Cajun Stomp", phase II+1 two-step, choreographed by Tami Helms & Tim Keck. This was chosen by the Portland Area Council. Download your cue sheet here.

For more information on the Round of the Month, please contact .

Lessons starting in August and September

Everything in this section is taken from the state directory information. If you find that your class information is wrong, you can fix that by going to the directory information area and picking to the "Lessons" tab.


Timber Twirlers
738 SE 5th
Tuesdays, 7:00 PM to 8:45 PM
Contact: 541-926-5899
Aloha Grange #773
3425 S.W. 185th Ave.
Wednesdays, 7:30 PM
Contact: 503-848-9839
Aloha - Basic Plus
Valley Squares
Aloha Grange #773
3425 S.W. 185th Ave.
Sept 15, Tuesdays, 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Contact: 503-645-4193
Aloha - Mastering Mainstream
Valley Squares
Aloha Grange #773
3425 S.W. 185th Ave.
Sept 15, Tuesdays, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Contact: 503-645-4193
Pacific Grange
90475 Hwy 101/Cullaby Lake
Sundays, 2:00 PM
Contact: 503-458-6584
Chaps & Petticoats
Maplewood Grange
25480 S. Hwy 99E
Sunday, 9/13/15, at 6:00pm - 8:00 pm
Contact: Betty Chipps
Country Cut-Ups
Boring Barn
13987 SE Richey Rd.
Thursdays, 7:30 PM
Contact: 503-502-8204
Coos Bay
First United Methodist Church
123 Ocean Blvd
Sunday, September 13, 2015 4:00pm
Contact: Patrick cox 541-510-1276
Corvallis Squares
First Congregational Church
4515 SW West Hills Rd
Mondays, 7 PM
Contact: 541-758-4351
Grants Pass
Charlie Brown Squares
Josephine County Square Dance Hall
1451 Fairgrounds Rd
Tuesday, 6:00 PM
Contact: 541-955-7453
Independence Wagon Wheelers
Polk County Fairgrounds, Arts & Craft Bl
520 S. Pacific Hwy W
Sundays 6pm
Contact: 503-931-2641
Klamath Falls
Klamath Country Squares
Presbyterian Church
4431 S 6th St
Thursdays, 7:00 PM
Contact: 541-892-6646
Klamath Falls
Klamath Country Squares
Triad School Student Union
2450 Summers Ln.
Thursdays, 7:30 PM
Contact: 541-883-7722
Lebanon Square Circlers
20 East Ash Street
Sundays, 3:00 PM first class September 20, 2015
Contact: 541-401-9780
Lebanon Square Circlers
20 East Ash Street
Sundays 6:30pm
Contact: 503-960-8880
Lebanon Square Circlers
20 East Ash Street
Sundays, 6:30 PM first class September 20, 2015
Contact: 541-401-9780
Lebanon Square Circlers
20 East Ash Street
Sundays, 4:30 PM first class September 20, 2015
Contact: 541-401-9780
Braids & Braves
McMinnville Grange
1700 Old Sheridan Rd.
Mondays, 7:00 PM
Contact: Brenda Fields 503-560-5690
Rogue-Sis-Q Council
Rogue Valley Square Dance Center
3377 Table Rock Rd
Thursdays, 7:30 PM
Contact: 541-858-9616
Rogue-Sis-Q Council
Medford Senior Center
510 E Main
Sundays, 4:00 PM
Contact: 541-772-1431
River City Dancers
Milwaukie Community Club
10666 SE 42nd Ave
Sundays, Starting Sept. 13th, open 1st 3 lessons; 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Contact: http://www.rivercitydancers.net/lessons
Valley River Dancers
Call Ahead
Tuesdays, 6:30 - 8:00
Contact: 503-852-7715
Valley River Dancers
Call Ahead
Tuesdays, 8:00 - 9:30
Contact: 503-852-7715
Oak Grove
Oaky Doaks
Oak Grove Community Club
14496 SE Cedar Ave
Thursdays, 7:30 PM
Contact: 503-658-5011
Oregon City
Bachelor N Bachelorettes
Abernethy Grange
15745 S. Harley Ave.
Sep 22, 2015, 7:pm
Contact: 503-829-3026
Oregon City
Bachelor N Bachelorettes
Abernethy Grange
15745 S. Harley Ave.
Sept 23, 2015, 6:30 pm
Contact: 503-829-5124
Checkerboard Squares
Rockwood Grange
18303 SE Stark St
Tuesdays, 7:00 PM
Contact: 503-774-2674
Rosetown Ramblers
Ankeny Street Studios #100
975 SE Sandy Blvd
Every Wednesday, starting September 9, at 7:00 pm
Contact: info@rosetownramblers.com
Buckeroo Barn
5051 NE Stephens St
Sept. 14th Mondays, 6:45 PM
Contact: 541-672-0964
Buckeroo Barn
5051 NE Stephens St
September 17, 2015 10 week class 7:00pm
Contact: Doris Koozer 541 459-3709
Timber 8's
Buckeroo Barn
5051 NE Stephens St
Tuesdays, 7:00 PM (First Class Sept. 22)
Contact: umpquaareasquaredancers.org/lessons
Salem Swingin' Stars
Salem Square Dance Center
3695 45th Av NE
Wednesdays, 6:30 PM (Starts Sept. 9, 2015)
Contact: 503-378-0081
Willamette Squares
Salem Square Dance Center
3695 45th Av NE
Sundays, 5 PM
Contact: 503-856-8740
Willamette Squares
Salem Square Dance Center
3695 45th Av NE
Sundays, 6:30 PM
Contact: 503-856-8740
Salem, Oregon
Salem Square Dance Center
3695 45th Av NE
Thursdays, 7:30 p.m.
Contact: Marilyn Schmit, President 503-508-0539
Silver City Squares
Waldo Hills Comm Club
1245 Cascade Hwy NE
Tuesdays, 7:00 PM
Contact: 503-873-5241
Spin Cycle Squares
Emerald Square Dance Center
2095 Yolanda Street
Sunday September 13, 2015
Contact: Tim Matteson
Tri Squares
Tigard Grange
13770 SW Pacific Hwy.
Sundays, 3:30 PM; 9-20-15
Contact: 503-816-6058
Tri Squares
Tigard Grange
13770 SW Pacific Hwy.
Sundays, 2:00 PM; 9-20-15
Contact: 503-816-6058
Vancouver, WA
Happy Hoppers
Clark County Square Dance Center
10713 NE 117th Ave.
Mondays, 6:30 PM
Contact: 360-887-1888
Vancouver, WA
Happy Hoppers
Clark County Square Dance Center
10713 NE 117th Ave.
Mondays, 7:30 PM
Contact: 360-887-1888
Yoder, OR
South Clackamas Community Church
8905 S Schneider Rd
September 7, 2015 06:30 PM
Contact: Tim Kane

Special Dances
August 6 (1st Thu)
Central Oregon Council
Central Oregon Round UP
August 6th, 7th & 8th
Sisters High School, Sisters
Caller: Charlie Fagen
Cuer: Debbie & Paul Taylor
View Flyer
September 12 (2nd Sat)
Toe Draggers
Are You Man Enough to Wear Pink, Dance f
Donation Dance for the Susan G. Komen Foundation
Kinton Grange, Beaverton
Caller: KC Curtis, MC
Cuer: Bev Flint, MC
View Flyer
October 3 (1st Sat)
R Square D
Octoberfest Weekend
German Dinner 6:00; Rounds 7:30; Dance 8:00 - 10:00
Rose Valley Grange, Kelso
Caller: Les Seeley
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
October 17 (3rd Sat)
Seaside Sashay
10 AM to 10:30 PM
Seaside Convention Center, Seaside
Caller: Daryl Clendenin & Chuck Garner
Cuer: Debbie & Paul Taylor
View Flyer

All the Flyers

Click a thumbnail to download the flyer.


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Click a thumbnail to see the full-sized picture.

The River City Dancers helped Norma and Stan Craig celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary

Judy Schnase and Julie Stiers with the Sunset Promenaders and Valley Squares at the Astoria Maritime Museum with the clubs' combined mystery trip July 11th

Steven and Natalie Goff, former Toe Draggers now living in Granada, Nicaragua, came back to dance at the June 19 dance

Gabe and Blake tuckered out of dancing at the Buckeroo Round Up all week-end

Sunset Promenaders and Valley Squares had their Mystery/Destination trip on July 11th to Netel Grange in Astoria

The Valley River Dancers entertained SRO crowds lining the streets of St. Paul for the annual Fourth of July rodeo parade

95 degree temps for the Toe Dragger July 3 dance drove four squares into the cooler Kinton Grange basement

Toe Draggers caller KC Curtis celebrated his July 4 birthday at dinner prior to the July 3 dance

Genevieve Churchill dropped by the Toe Draggers dance on July 3
Councils & Clubs

Click a council name to go directly to that section.

Blue Mountains Council
No council news received.
August 30 (5th Sun)
Meeting, BBQ, Dance
2:00 PM
Yantis Park, Milton-Freewater
Muddy Frogs - Link
The Milton-Freewater Muddy Frogs provided the entertainment for the Eastern Star State Convention in Pendleton in June. In July, the Frogs, along with the Family-a-Fair club, provided entertainment at Yantis Park in Milton-Freewater as part of the local 4th of July celebration. In August, we will be dancing in Yantis Park in Milton-Freewater from 11:00-1:00 as part of the Muddy Frogwater Festival. August 30 will find the Frogs hosting the Blue Mountain Council for a 2018 festival meeting at 12:30, a council meeting at 1:00 , and a dance from 2:00-5:00, with a barbeque following, all at Yantis Park in Milton-Freewater. Please contact Merri Anne at 541-861-9055 to verify the times.

We would love to have you join us!

Keep on dancin’!

Barb Walter

August 16 (3rd Sun)
Regular Dance

Central Oregon Council
No council news received.
August 6 (1st Thu)
Central Oregon Round UP
August 6th, 7th & 8th
Sisters High School, Sisters
Caller: Charlie Fagen
Cuer: Debbie & Paul Taylor
View Flyer
Bachelor Beauts - Link
No club news received.
August 1 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
7pm pre-rounds / 7:30pm square & round
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
Caller: Roger Putzler
Cuer: Mark McDonald
View Flyer
August 15 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
7pm pre-rounds / 7:30pm square & round
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
Caller: Ron Bliven
Cuer: Doug Hatch
View Flyer
Crook County Mavericks - Link
No club news received.
August 17 (3rd Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30-7:00 PM Intermediate, 7:00-9:00 PM Phase II-IV
Clog House Redmond, Redmond
Cuer: Dave Cooper
Red Rock Squares - Link
No club news received.
August 7 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
August 21 (3rd Fri)
Picnic in the Park
5:00 Picnic 6:pm pre-rounds / 6:30pm square & rounds
American Legion Park, Redmond
Caller: Les Sealy
Cuer: Mark McDonald
Sagebrush Shufflers - Link
No club news received.
August 8 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
August 22 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
Advance, Rounds, Squares
Powell Butte Community Center, Powell Butte
Caller: Jim Steele
Cuer: Carol Bro
Sundown Round Dance Club - Link
No club news received.
August 10 (2nd Mon)
Caribbean Fun In The Sun
6:30-7 Intermediate Rounds, 7-9:00p Phase II-IV
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
Cuer: Mark McDonald
View Flyer
Swinging Mountaineers Plus - Link
No club news received.
August 14 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
7pm pre-rounds / 7:30pm plus squares & rounds
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Joyce Brown
View Flyer
August 28 (4th Fri)
Regular Dance
7pm pre-rounds / 7:30pm plus squares & rounds
Pine Forest Grange, Bend
Caller: Ron Bliven
Cuer: Carol Bro
View Flyer

Emerald Empire Council
No council news received.
August 17 (3rd Mon)
7:00 PM
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Cascade Callers & Cuer Assoc - Link
No club news received.
August 29 (5th Sat)
Labor Day Dance
7:30 PM Pre Rounds, 8:00 PM Squares
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: CCCA
Cuer: CCCA
View Flyer
Danebo Circle 8 - Link
No club news received.
August 1 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30 pre-rd 8-10:30 sq
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Lennie Ludiker
Cuer: Christina Corelli
August 15 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30 pre-rd 8-10:30 sq
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Roger Putzler
Cuer: Christina Corelli
Misty Valley Cloggers - Link
No club news received.
August 21 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
Single Trees - Link
June 12th was our annual Reigning Cats and Dogs Dance, a benefit for Greenhill Humane Society. KC Curtis called the squares and Helen Halley cued the rounds. An excellent dance.

Scott Zinser and Christina Corelli did the honors for us on June 26th. Our annual club picnic is scheduled for August 9th. Terry Halley and Jackie Gale are on board for August 14th.

We look forward to our Hot August Nights/End of Summer Dance, Sandy Harris calling and cueing on August 28th.

On a sad note, Ray Janisse, long-time square dancer, died recently. Our condolences to his wife, Diann.

Marguerite Zolman

August 14 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
7:30 plus; 8-10:30 MS squares
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Terry Halley
Cuer: Jackie Gale
August 28 (4th Fri)
Hot August Nights/End of Summer Dance
7:30 plus; 8-10:30 squares
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Sandy Harris
Cuer: Sandy Harris
Spin Cycle Squares - Link
No club news received.
August 2 (1st Sun)
Regular Dance
5:30 MS Plus/7Advanced
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
August 9 (2nd Sun)
Regular Dance
5:30 MS Plus/7Advanced
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
August 16 (3rd Sun)
Regular Dance
5:30 MS Plus/7Advanced
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
August 23 (4th Sun)
Regular Dance
5:30 MS Plus/7Advanced
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
August 30 (5th Sun)
Regular Dance
5:30 MS Plus/7Advanced
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Tim Matteson
Sweet Home Squarenaders - Link
No club news received.
August 8 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30 PM
Oak Heights School, Sweet Home
Caller: Leonard Snodgrass
Cuer: Jackie Gale
August 22 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30 PM
Oak Heights School, Sweet Home
Caller: Leonard Snodgrass
Cuer: Jackie Gale
Whirl-A-Ways - Link
No club news received.
August 8 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30 plus 8-10:30 ms
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Mike Kious
Cuer: Christina Corelli
August 22 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30 plus 8-10:30 ms
Emerald Square Dance Center, Springfield
Caller: Mike Kious
Cuer: Christina Corelli
Wolf Pack - Link
No club news received.
August 15 (3rd Sat)
Annual Picnic
Annual Picnic
Day Island Park, Springfield
View Flyer

Interstate Highlanders
No council news received.
August 17 (3rd Mon)
7:00 PM
Roosters Bar & Grill, Falls
Delegate: NA
Klamath Country Squares - Link
No club news received.
August 15 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30 p.m.- 9:30 p.m.
Triad School Student Union, Klamath Falls
Caller: Larry D. Sprout
Cuer: Sarge Glidewell

Mid-Willamette Council
No council news received.
August 17 (3rd Mon)
7:30 PM
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Delegate: Norma Sohn
Braids & Braves - Link
McMinnville's Alien Days Festival was great fun in May! What a wonderful variety of inventive alien costumes! While we waited for our float's turn in line, we watched a young boy in his spaceship rolling down the street, herded by his parents. Then there was the huge silver bus that parked right in front of it and a multitude of folks in silver tights spilled out of it and began to put together a rolling drum carrier. They had acrobats and their own band.

As another float pulled past us to join the parade, the four-piece band played 'I'll Fly Away' so KC had us square up and we danced to it. KC also called our dance that night and we were thrilled to have four squares, thanks to guests from several clubs. Many thanks to KC and Linda Curtis for a fun afternoon and evening! Carmen

August 15 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 - 10:00 PM
McMinnville Grange, McMinnville
Caller: Leonard Snodgrass
Cuer: Sandra Pinion
Capitol Callers & Cuers Assoc - Link
No club news received.
August 16 (3rd Sun)
Regular Dance
Cherry City Cloggers - Link
No club news received.
August 4 (1st Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00p - 8:30pm
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Cheri Posedel
August 11 (2nd Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00p - 8:30pm
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Cheri Posedel
August 18 (3rd Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00p - 8:30pm
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Cheri Posedel
August 25 (4th Tue)
Regular Dance
4:00p - 8:30pm
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Cheri Posedel
Corvallis Squares - Link
No club news received.
August 8 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
August 22 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
Golden Squares - Link
No club news received.
August 3 (1st Mon)
Regular Dance
7:00 P. M.
The Estates Auditorium, Woodburn
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Jackie Gale
August 17 (3rd Mon)
Regular Dance
August 31 (5th Mon)
Regular Dance/Pie Night
7:00 P. M.
The Estates Auditorium, Woodburn
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Jackie Gale
Independence Wagon Wheelers - Link
No club news received.
August 1 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
August 8 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
Lebanon Square Circlers - Link
No club news received.
August 1 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
August 15 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
ReVuN'Q - Link
What a party we had for the retirement recognition dance combined with our 39th birthday. We had over 25 couples attend and dance with Ray and Virginia as we honored them for their recent retirement. We also had several friends and some family show up to sit on the sidelines to cheer everyone on and to greet the Walz’s with hugs and lots of smiles. Pictures from the party have been posted on Facebook and will be sent to the OFN for posting there also.

We have pretty much finished mambo and will be working on bolero steps for August as we prepare for fall lessons in an “as of yet” undecided rhythm. We did a demo at Summer Festival for the Showcase of Rounds. Hope those of you who attended, enjoyed it.

Come join us on Thursdays to dance Phase 3-4 rhythms with a great bunch of people and a good cuer in Cheryl Manley with the assistance of her husband, Geof. Marilyn Schmit

August 6 (1st Thu)
Regular Dance
Lessons 7:30-8:20;Dance 6:30-7:20 & 8:30-9:30
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Cheryl Manley
View Flyer
August 13 (2nd Thu)
Regular Dance
Lessons 7:30-8:20; Dance 6:30-7:20 & 8:30-9:30
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Cheryl Manley
View Flyer
August 20 (3rd Thu)
Regular Dance
Lessons 7:30-8:20;Dance 6:30-7:20 & 8:30- 9:30
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Cheryl Manley
View Flyer
August 27 (4th Thu)
Regular Dance
Lessons 7:30-8:20;Dance 6:30-7:20 & 8:30-9:30
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Cuer: Cheryl Manley
View Flyer
Salem Swingin' Stars - Link
No club news received.
August 7 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Jeanine Norden
August 21 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Jeanine Norden
Silver City Squares - Link
No club news received.
August 14 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
Timber Twirlers - Link
Timber Twirlers are dark for the summer. We will start dancing again in Sept. We cancelled our club picnic in June as the temp's were going to be in the high 90's and just a little too warm for most of us.

Some of us are getting around dancing at other clubs and going to festivals.

Life time member (and my partner) Al Felde had surgery for a cochlear implant on June 30 so hopefully this fall he will be able to hear and enjoy the dances a lot more.

We are still looking for a new home for our club to use to dance, so if you know of someplace in the Albany area that might welcome square dancers at a reasonable price, let us know. My email is sandy.harris@comcast.net Enjoy the summer. Sandy

August 7 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
August 21 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
Valley River Dancers - Link
Valley River Dancers were the guests of the Toe Draggers on their annual mystery trip in June. The group danced on the steps of the Oregon State Capitol, entertained young women at Oak Creek Youth Correctional Facility in Albany, and enjoyed the hospitality of the Lebanon Square Circlers at their annual Strawberry Festival potluck and dance. We thank both clubs for their gracious hospitality and generosity. We had a blast.

Congratulations to the Silver City Squares for capturing the Mid-Willamette Valley banner from us. Many clubs in the council competed for the honor, and we accept your challenge to win it back!

It's time! Friday, July 24, is our annual Dance Under the Stars. It will be held in Newberg on the tennis courts at the corner of Howard and 6th Streets. Pre-plus is at 7:30 and mainstream at 8:00 with Newberg's own Randy Dibble calling. Julie Stiers will cue rounds. Please remember that the dancing surface will eat your good dance shoes; sneakers are recommended.

Two parades filled our July dance card. Half the club turned out for the St. Paul Rodeo parade on Independence Day. We are also dancing in the Newberg Old Fashioned Festival Parade on July 25th.

Our plus class graduated five dancers in July including a 12-year old, and we are proud of how well each of our students have mastered the moves. A-2 classes and workshops are continuing through the summer, and are now at 7:00 on Tuesdays. Drop-ins are welcome.

August 14 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
7:30-10:30 PM
Chehalem Community Center, Newberg
Caller: Chuck Garner
Cuer: Julie Stiers
August 28 (4th Fri)
Hawaiian Luau!!
7:30-10:30 PM
Chehalem Community Center, Newberg
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Julie Stiers
View Flyer
August 29 (5th Sat)
Advanced Dance
7:30-9:30 PM
The Estates Auditorium, Woodburn
Caller: Randy Dibble
View Flyer
Willamette Squares - Link
The Willamette Squares enjoyed their June dance titled "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" and dancing was especially enjoyable during this current heat wave in the air-conditioned square dance center. The decorations consisted of bats and balls and the food was like you'd expect to be available at a baseball game: peanuts, hotdogs, chips, lemonade, and a variety of finger foods. The singing calls carried out the baseball theme. There was a friendship ring making a circle for the purpose of mixing up the dancers into squares. It was a fun dance.

Shari and Mark, who met through square dancing, had a lovely wedding attended by a number of Willamette Squares members. Of course, our "purple Shari" made sure the purple theme was carried throughout. It was a beautiful ceremony, and, of course, there was plenty of food and music and dancing. We wish them happiness together.

Willamette Squares got together for a meeting at the new home of Nancy and Gary Ohren. Nancy and Gary had hosted us before at their previous home overlooking the creek. They decided it was time to downsize so they sold their existing home and built their new one. It is lovely and we were able to see it and at the same time hold our business meeting. Congratulations to them on their beautiful new home. Jodee Howard

August 22 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30 - 10:15
Salem Square Dance Center, Salem
Caller: Sandy Harris
Cuer: Jackie Gale
View Flyer

Portland Area Council
Our third club to disband, in as many months, was the Columbia Gorge Plus. Frankly, it is surprising that Hood River, and The Dalles, an area of over 22,000 people, cannot maintain even one square dance club. Here is a riddle: If there is not enough interest among 22,000 people for even one square dance club, how big of community is required to support a club, and how many clubs can the Portland area maintain? We may find out in the next couple years. The times are a changing, folks, and we need to consider why the ballroom clubs thrive, but square and round dance clubs continually shrink. What are the differences between the two? Are they reconcilable? Or, another thought: Just because a club has “always done it that way”, is not a good business reason that it should continue that way. It’s why businesses change – to stay in business.

Jim Schira

August 17 (3rd Mon)
Bachelor N Bachelorettes - Link
Aug 5, we are again going to have our largest dance of the year with national caller MIKE SIKORSKY and Tami Helms. It’s always crowded, so come early for best parking. It will be our luau dance. Grass skirts are welcomed, as we are casual for the summer. Just watch out for club gardener Maury Mowdown, who’s threatening to bring his lawnmower!

We have a dance demo at the West Linn Old Time Fair on the 19, at 3:P.M. I don’t often go to fairs, but this is too tempting. (I usually avoid temptation, unless I can’t resist.)

Towards the end of the month (on the 26th) will be our Back to School Dance, where school supplies will be accepted for a needy school. KC Curtis and Tami Helms will provide the entertainment.

Lotta Fluff

August 5 (1st Wed)
7:30 - 10:30 PM
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
August 12 (2nd Wed)
Welcome Back Dance Party
7:30 - 10:30 PM
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: Jim Hattrick
Cuer: Jim Hattrick
View Flyer
August 19 (3rd Wed)
Regular Dance
7:30 - 10:30 PM
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
Cuer: Doug Hatch
View Flyer
August 26 (4th Wed)
Back To School!
7:30 - 10:30 PM
Abernethy Grange, Oregon City
Caller: K.C. Curtis
Cuer: Ken Pratt
View Flyer
Buzzin Bees - Link
No club news received.
August 1 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30 pre rounds 8:00
Hazel Dell Grange, Vancouver
Caller: Bill Lundin
Cuer: Debbie Combs
August 15 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30 pre rounds 8:00
Hazel Dell Grange, Vancouver
Caller: Bill Lundin
Cuer: Debbie Combs
Chaps & Petticoats - Link
Thank you to all the Clubs who donated to the Portland Area Council’s raffle basket for the Summer Festival in Klamath Falls. You were all very generous and we have two “Birthday” theme baskets to present the Summer Festival committee…kudos to all, square dancers are awesomeJ

Our last dance in the 2014-2015 season, ended on June 19th, “Lazy Days of Summer” was the theme. With George Hermann calling, an invitation was extended to Independence Wagon Wheelers to join us. You folks made that dance fun for the Chaps & Petticoats and for George. Not to mention, you took home our banner! …Thank you so much for the smiles and the dancing.

Spend a day at the Aurora Colony Days and enjoy “vintage” in more ways than one. Aurora is the “antique Capital of Oregon”…lots of antique malls and “vintage” wine tasting at: Rooster Run or Aurora Colony Vineyards. Come as early 7:30am and enjoy breakfast served by the American Legion Hall, bring a folding chair and set-up by 10am for the 11am parade where (guess who) Chaps and Petticoats will dance on the float. Afterwards, antique shop to your heart’s content: enjoy, too, specialty drinks and café sandwiches and pastry at the “White Rabbit” off 99E.

It is that time again…plant the gardens for new memberships and grow your club. Chaps and Petticoats Mainstream Lessons begin September 13th, from 6:00-8:00 pm, with Scott Zinser teaching at the Maplewood Grange. Sundays, September 13th & 20th are free lesson nights, so Angels take a friend to dinner and bring them to an evening of “learning to dance” at no charge…they will enjoy the social environment, and perhaps even want to continue to dance.

Invite: Angels are appreciated and admitted to lessons free of charge. Does your Club do lessons? If not, bring a student, you can always introduce them as a “new dancer“ to your club, once graduated.

Coming attraction: are you “Man enough to wear Pink”? Take your Club to the afternoon dance from 1:00-4:00pm at the Kinton Grange in Beaverton and help the ToeDraggers earn funds for the Susan B. Komen Cancer Foundation. Remember … wear Pink!

Happy Feet,

Betty Chipps

August 7 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
August 21 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
Country Cut-Ups - Link
Independence Day was celebrated with a dance at the Boring Barn, in spite of the heat. It was a small, sweating crowd, but we still had fun dancing to caller, Terry Halley and cuer, Frances Herigstad . There was plenty of red/white/and blue in the hall, thanks to our club decorators and the colorful clothing on the dancers. No one seemed to mind missing the fireworks.

Summertime can be busy with gardens, barbecues, outings, and the like, but don’t forget to support your local square dance club. I have heard it said, “The more you dance, the better you feel!” It is great physical activity as well as a fun, social time. We are grateful for those who have stepped up recently to fill in some vacant door and kitchen duty slots. If we all do our share, the club can thrive. Don’t forget to start talking to your friend, relatives, coworkers, or enemies about square dancing. Lessons are coming up in September.

August 1 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 pre rounds --- mainstream 7:30-10:30(3rd tip Plus)
Boring Barn, Boring
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Molly Combs
View Flyer
August 15 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 PM, Plus, 7:30PM to 10:30Mainstream(3rd tip Plus)
Boring Barn, Boring
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Stephanie Lozano
View Flyer
August 29 (5th Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 PM, Plus, 7:30PM to 10:30Mainstream(3rd tip Plus)
Boring Barn, Boring
Caller: Richard Lane
Cuer: Stephanie Lozano
View Flyer
Floordusters - Link
No club news received.
August 3 (1st Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30 PM
South Clackamas Community Church, Canby
Caller: Tim Kane
August 10 (2nd Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30 PM
South Clackamas Community Church, Canby
Caller: Tim Kane
August 17 (3rd Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30 PM
South Clackamas Community Church, Canby
Caller: Tim Kane
August 24 (4th Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30 PM
South Clackamas Community Church, Canby
Caller: Tim Kane
August 31 (5th Mon)
Regular Dance
6:30 PM
South Clackamas Community Church, Canby
Caller: Tim Kane
Happy Hoppers - Link
It’s a Happy Hopper Hiatus.

In July and August our club dance schedule goes "dark", allowing the Happy Hoppers to disperse to points unknown, spreading the joy. We'll start up again in September.

Our weekly square dance lessons are also on summer vacation. The Happy Hoppers work hard to make our education program a comfortable environment for newcomers. Lessons will pick up again on Monday, September 21.

The highpoint of the summer season, our annual club picnic will take place on Sunday, August 2, at Don and Joanne Oja's farm.

Marc Kahn

August 1 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
August 15 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
Heads to the Center - Link
No club news received.
August 6 (1st Thu)
Regular Dance
7:30 - 9:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
August 13 (2nd Thu)
Regular Dance
7:30 - 9:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
August 20 (3rd Thu)
Regular Dance
7:30 - 9:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
August 27 (4th Thu)
Regular Dance
7:30 - 9:30 pm
Milwaukie Grange, Milwaukie
Oaky Doaks - Link
July is the ‘changing of the guard’ for the Oaky Doaks and a chance to look back and enjoy the fruits of this past year. Our Board was a slim sleek machine of 6; significantly fewer than in previous years. They took the opportunity to step out boldly and our members, caller, and cuer all jumped in to make this a stellar year. We are grateful for their willingness to guide our club into a vibrant presence. We look forward to a continuation with our new ‘full complement’ Board. If you haven’t been by recently you’ll want to come visit.

Why not join us for our Big Birthday Bash on the 1st of August? That one day of the year we celebrate the birthday of anyone and everyone who has one in 2015. That includes YOU! Last year we celebrated a total of 3408 years of birthdays. That was the most… so far. Help us set a new record this year. (Pssst… Invite all your friends, they don’t have to be dancers to have birthdays!)

And this year, we’ll be celebrating SPECIAL MILESTONES in our guests’ lives. Special Birthdays: Sweet 16; Voting Age 18; Legal Drinking Age 21; 30 year olds; 40 year olds; Middle Age 50; Over the Hill 60; Retiree 62s and 65s; Honored 70 year olds + 75 year olds; Very Honored 80’s + 85’s; Any 90 year old Exemplary Citizens? What about Anniversaries: 20th; Silver, Pearl, Coral, Ruby, Sapphire, Golden or Diamond Anniversaries?

Other special Milestones? 25 years at the same company or in the same house? 10 years volunteering for the same non-profit? How about special Milestones of membership in your dance club, too? SURE… we’re celebrating together and celebrating for each other.

We have lots to commemorate. So come join the party on Saturday, August 1st, the first Saturday Dance for the Oaky Doaks. Intermediate Rounds at 7:00; a special round dance workshop at 7:20; Pre-rounds at 7:40; Mainstream + Rounds 8:00 -11:00. With a special Big Bash Birthday Party and Milestone Celebration at break!

- - Elysa and Eric Foxman

August 1 (1st Sat)
The Big Birthday Bash
8:00 Mainstream
Oak Grove Community Club, Oak Grove
Caller: Mike Halley
Cuer: Helen Halley
View Flyer
August 15 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
8:00 Mainstream
Oak Grove Community Club, Oak Grove
Caller: Mike Halley
Cuer: Helen Halley
River City Dancers - Link
Like most square dance clubs, River City Dancers have elected a new board with the advent of summer. It’s time to give everyone, old and new, a big-circle “Thank You”. We call our board positions as if singular (i.e.-President, not Presidents) even when held by a couple).

Dave & Barbara Schmidt handed over the presidency to Greg & Sandy Peterson, who were last year’s Vice President. (It’s traditional in RCD for VP’s to become President the following year). Larry & Penny Crow are taking over as Vice President. Neal & Virginia Keefer are returning as Secretary; Jim and Caron Clippard are carrying on as Treasurer.

Thanks, everyone, for steering us through last year, and continuing into 2016. We are fortunate to have such good people, doing so many jobs, so well.

To name a few other behind-the-scenes folks are Philip and Michelle Wood, our outstanding and reliable editor; Susan & Marvin Shaw, our indomitable Sunshine Reporter; Jolene & Ed Cummings, our fabulous photographer; Carol Mendenhall & Gene Meyer, our friendly visitation liaison.

Our clubs are fortunate to have “sparks” who provide that extra zip to our cherished activity, which involves much more than just dancing, as we all know. I’m thinking about June’s recent celebration of Stanley & Norma Craig’s 60th wedding anniversary, a combined effort of RCD and BnB’s. It was especially sweet to have their children attend.

Recent successful efforts have been the fund-raising for our hall; the giant basement sale spearheaded by Jim & Margi Adams; and the Ted Vigil/John Denver Tribute (and yummy bake sale) headed by Jim & Caron Clippard, plus the efforts of many volunteers.

As noted earlier, we were dark (our only time of the year) for Summer Festival in Klamath Falls.

Nancy Thornton

August 8 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
6:45 Plus, 7:15 pre-rounds, 7:30 to 10:30 pm Mainstream
Milwaukie Community Club, Milwaukie
Caller: Les & Paula Seeley
Cuer: Tami Helms
August 15 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
6:45 Plus, 7:15 pre-rounds, 7:30 to 10:30 pm Mainstream
Milwaukie Community Club, Milwaukie
Caller: Les & Paula Seeley
Cuer: Tami Helms
Rosetown Ramblers - Link
During the summer, the Ramblers’ focus shifts from weekly dancing to sowing seeds for future growth of the club. We were active in the Portland Pride celebration—with 16 Ramblers dancing in the Pride Parade and generating lots of enthusiasm from the crowds lining the parade route. Many thanks to Ken Meredith, our driver, and to Chuck Garner, who saved the day by bringing speakers for our music!

On Saturday, August 1, we will have our second annual ice cream social—Saturday Sundaes—at the Ankeny Street Studio, 975 SE Sandy Blvd., Portland. This free event includes ice cream, social time, an introduction to square dancing for new dancers, and an hour of Plus and Mainstream dancing for experienced dancers. The fun starts at 6:30 pm. All are welcome—solos, couples, families. This is a great opportunity to experience the Ramblers’ high-energy dance style in air-conditioned comfort!

For those looking forward to September, note that our September dance will be on September 12—this is the second Saturday in September. We wanted to avoid dancing on Labor Day weekend since many people have travel plans. Our caller will be Scott Amspoker (New Mexico). We’ll alternate Mainstream and Plus tips from 7 until 9:30 at the Milwaukie Grange.

Our fall Mainstream classes will start on September 9, with a free introduction for new dancers. Classes take place every Wednesday evening from 7-9 pm at the Ankeny Street Studio. Ian Craig will be our instructor this fall.

Planning is well underway for our all-weekend dance extravaganza, Scares and Squares, which will take place October 23-25 at the Multnomah Arts Center in Multnomah Village. (Note the date change—we will be dancing the weekend before Halloween this year.) Callers this year will be Mike DeSisto, Chris Phillips (Florida), and Gary Monday. This is a great opportunity to dance many hours over the course of the weekend—and we dance all levels from Mainstream through C1. Registration and other information is available at http://www.rosetownramblers.com/SNS2015/. SYIAS!

Jeff Knapp

August 1 (1st Sat)
Ice Cream Social and Free Introduction t
6:30 Social; 7:30 Intro: 8:30 MS & Plus
Ankeny Street Studios #100, Portland
Caller: Gary Monday
View Flyer
Silver Stars - Link
The Silver Stars have been having a very hot summer, as have many of the clubs. We are dark for the summer but have enjoyed the many weekend events in the area, as well as the clubs who are dancing during the summer months.

We have visitations planned as well as a club picnic. We will start the dance season in September with Chuck Garner calling on September 12. Dorothy Lowder is our cuer. We dance at the Hazel Dell Grange with plus from 7 - 8, and mainstream from 8 - 10. Happy dancing one and all, stay cool, and yellow rocks to all.

August 8 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
August 22 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
Tumbleweeds - Link
Hello everyone ! How have you been getting along with this hot weather? Myself it has just about done me in, have to water just about every day and I have lost the battle with the lawn. Well the tumbleweeds had to cancel the picnic because of weather, but will reschedule. We had a visitation from B&B's. Their aim to get their banner back it is nice to have them come dance with us. Not much to report just to invite you to come and dance with us every Friday at 11:00 to 2:00 and have lunch with us in our air-conditioned hall.


August 7 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
11:00-2:00 PM
Odd Fellows Hall, Milwaukie
Caller: Les Seeley 1st, 3rd & 5th Friday
Cuer: Tami Helms 1st,, 3rd & 5th Friday
View Flyer
August 14 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
11:00-2:00 PM
Odd Fellows Hall, Milwaukie
Caller: Charlotte Jeskey
Cuer: Tami Helms 1st,, 3rd & 5th Friday
View Flyer
August 21 (3rd Fri)
Hawaiian Dance
11:00-2:00 PM
Odd Fellows Hall, Milwaukie
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Frances Herigstad
View Flyer
August 28 (4th Fri)
Regular Dance
11:00-2:00 PM
Odd Fellows Hall, Milwaukie
Caller: Daryl Clendenin
Cuer: Lonnie Sycks
View Flyer

Rogue-Sis-Q Council
No council news received.
August 3 (1st Mon)
4:30 PM
Elmers Restaurant, Medford
Delegate: Lorri McIntosh
Charlie Brown Squares - Link
No club news received.
August 1 (1st Sat)
Welcome New Caller
7:30pm to 10:30pm Alternating EZ Mainstream/Mainstream/Plus
Josephine County Square Dance Hall, Grants Pass
Caller: Ray Holmes
Cuer: Bob Dingman
View Flyer
August 15 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
Circle-N-Square - Link
No club news received.
August 15 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
Rogue Squares - Link
No club news received.
August 14 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
Rogue Valley Square Dance Center, Medford
Caller: Denny Lantz
Cuer: Mary Nutt
August 21 (3rd Fri)
Regular Dance
Rogue Valley Square Dance Center, Medford
Caller: Denny Lantz
Cuer: Mary Nutt
Star Promenaders - Link
No club news received.
August 7 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance
8:00 PM
Rogue Valley Square Dance Center, Medford
Caller: Wayne Weaver
Cuer: Bob Dingman
August 8 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
8:00 PM
Rogue Valley Square Dance Center, Medford
Caller: Wayne Weaver
Cuer: Bob Dingman
August 22 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
8:00 PM
Rogue Valley Square Dance Center, Medford
Caller: Wayne Weaver
Cuer: Bob Dingman

South Coast Council
No council news received.
Beachcombers - Link
Beachcombers celebrated their 63rd birthday with an evening dance on June 27. KC Curtis called and our own Cathy Houston cued the rounds. They provided three hours of pure fun for the 4 squares of dancers. We enjoyed dancing with all those who came from around the state to party with us!

Our next dance will be our annual Battle Rock Festival over Labor Day Weekend. Leonard Snodgrass will be traveling down to the South Coast to call the weekend for us and Dave Cooper will be coming over the mountain to cue the rounds for us. We will again be having the Friday night BBQ (don't forget to pre-register!), dancing in the surf, pie making, cider pressing, our fundraiser breakfast, Sunday night jamboree and lots of relaxing and catching up with old friends, so bring your RVs, book a motel or vacation home and plan on spending a fun weekend with us on the beautiful South Coast!


August 22 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
3 PM - 6 PM
Beachcombers Cove, Port Orford
Caller: Guest Callers
Cuer: Guest Cuers
Saints-N-Aints - Link
Several club members traveled to Port Orford to help the Beachcombers celebrate their birthday and enjoyed the calling of K.C. Curtis and rounds cued by Cathy Houston. What a good dance! Everyone stayed until the very end, which now days is quite unusual.

We are getting ready to start our new class on September 13. Advertising has begun and cards and flyers printed up to post and hand out. We will be dancing in the July Jubilee Parade in North Bend and also plan on dancing at the Fun Fest Parade in Coos Bay in September.

Our annual South Coast Area Picnic will be held on the third Sunday in August at Sturdivant Park in Coquille. It will be a potluck with hot dogs and hamburgers provided by the Area Council. If you are in the area come by and join us.


August 1 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
First United Methodist Church, Coos Bay
Caller: Sherm Welch
Cuer: Donna Hiserote
August 15 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
First United Methodist Church, Coos Bay
Caller: Sherm Welch
Cuer: Donna Hiserote
Sets In Order - Link
No club news received.
August 8 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
7:00 PM
Coquille Community Building, Coquille
Caller: Coleeta Quigley
Cuer: Denise Harris

Tualatin Valley Council
The next TVC event is our annual Hahn Barn Dance, a fifth Saturday dance on Saturday, August 29th. Daryl Clendenin will be our caller/MC with Yvonne Clendenin as our cuer/MC. Other callers and cuers will be invited from the floor to call or co-call a tip. This is always a fun dance with a country social potluck picnic before the dance in the shade beside the lake. The potluck picnic begins at 6:30 and you have about an hour before pre-rounds begin at 7:30 at the barn. Mainstream with every third tip Plus is scheduled to begin at 8:00PM.

Gary and Bette Hahn graciously offer their hospitality each year and it is always a grand time! Their farm is located at 37280 NW Hahn Rd, Banks, OR 97106. Call Gary Clark, 503-647-5742, for more information, or refer to the flyer in the OFN Flyer section.

This dance has always been a great success because of the many dedicated volunteers who help make it happen. We need set-up and clean-up crews for the picnic. We also need to clean the barn the morning of the dance. It is a great time to get to know other club members - so please recruit people from your club to help. TVC volunteers, please send your name and activity you would like to help with to Dale Brabham, at dbrabham@mac.com

Ferrous Steinka

August 24 (4th Mon)
Spaghetti Factory , Hillsboro
Delegate: Gary Clark
August 29 (5th Sat)
Barn Dance
picnic potluck starts at 6:30
Hahn Barn, Banks
Caller: Daryl Clendenin
Cuer: Yvonne Clendenin
View Flyer
Columbia River Dancers - Link
Our club has been has been steadily growing and having a great time this summer, especially now that we are in both the Oregon and Washington State Federations.

Several of our members attended the Tri-Squares Trophy dance. We took 2nd place, with about 37% of our membership in attendance. We are looking forward to the Valley Squares hosting the next dance where we plan to win first place.

We extended a special invitation to the Hoedowners to visit us on Saturday, 6/27, the hottest, muggiest night of the year. The Hoedowners had to go dark due to the heat. Consequently, with our “wonderful” air conditioning at the YMCA, we thought it would be a great opportunity for the Hoedowners to join us and Richard and Daryl could call a few tips together. Well, the Hoedowners visited, as did R Square D, Hoppers, B&Bs... and the list goes on. It was a HUGE dance, with both the Hoedowners earning a banner and R Square D retrieving their banner (which we already miss & need to “steal” again!). Unfortunately, unbeknownst to the YMCA or our club, the A/C wasn't working! A few days later, the YMCA's Facilities Manager investigated and confirmed it was not working. This will forever go down in our club's history as the "Murphy's Law" Dance.

The A/C was fixed by the time we had our next (7/11) dance, also well-attended, with the Happy Hoppers taking home one of our banners. With Richard taking some well-earned vacation time, Jimmy Ellis, who just moved from Texas to Vancouver, called our dance, with Dorothy Lowder cuing. Both did a great job! It was a very fun dance, with lots of laughter and craziness. It was "nicely air-conditioned" too.

We look forward to our Saturday 7/25 dance, with Randy Dibble calling and Dorothy Lowder cuing, and our Saturday 8/22 dance, with Mike Stout calling and his wife, Julie, cueing. We will be dark the 2nd Saturday in August for USA West. Richard Lane will be back in September, when we start lessons.

Nancy Smith

August 8 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
August 22 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
7 PM plus, 8 PM Mainstream
Clark County YMCA, Vancouver
Caller: Richard Lane
Cuer: Richard Lane
View Flyer
Eager Beavers - Link
July is the month we wonder where the time went while we enjoy the long summer days and fresh produce from the farmers’ markets.

We are in the process of finding callers and cuers who could carry on our best traditions and introduce us to new ones for the ongoing success of our club. After many years of putting up with a bunch of “We do it our way” dancers, our caller, George Clark, is retiring this fall. Stay turned for announcements.

Our visitation to Hoedowners June 13th was a success with fifteen members coming to dance. The Hoedowners offered strawberries and ice cream which our members always enjoy as much as dancing.

Do not forget we invite other dancers to our annual beach trip September 16th – 18th in Garibaldi. Square dancers have special rates at the Garibaldi Inn. We have activities planned and there will be plenty of food. We do like to eat. For more information on activities and space call Nan at 503-291-1966.

Members, please sign up to bring a dish to the annual picnic August 13th. I was sweetly asked to bring chocolate chip cookies. It is pleasant to be appreciated.

All plus dancers are invited to dance with us on Monday afternoons, Rounds 1:00 - 1:30; Plus 1:30 - 3:15 p.m., at the Sunset Presbyterian Church, 14986 NW Cornell Road in Beaverton. This hall is air-conditioned which makes dancing a pleasure during the summer. Please check our caller/cuer schedule for July, August & September at www.eagerbeavers.info or see the OFN flyer. You will see callers Daryl Clendenin and Darrell Kalmbach on the agenda.

Rachel Nettleton

August 3 (1st Mon)
Regular Dance
1:00 Ph3 - 1:15 Ph2 - 1:30 to 3:15 Plus
Sunset Presbyterian Church, Portland
Caller: George Clark
Cuer: George Clark
View Flyer
August 10 (2nd Mon)
Regular Dance
1:00 Ph3 - 1:15 Ph2 - 1:30 to 3:15 Plus
Sunset Presbyterian Church, Portland
Caller: Daryl Clendenin
Cuer: Yvonne Clendenin
View Flyer
August 17 (3rd Mon)
Regular Dance
1:00 Ph3 - 1:15 Ph2 - 1:30 to 3:15 Plus
Sunset Presbyterian Church, Portland
Caller: George Clark
Cuer: George Clark
View Flyer
August 24 (4th Mon)
Regular Dance
1:00 Ph3 - 1:15 Ph2 - 1:30 to 3:15 Plus
Sunset Presbyterian Church, Portland
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Joyce Hooper
View Flyer
August 31 (5th Mon)
Regular Dance
1:00 Ph3 - 1:15 Ph2 - 1:30 to 3:15 Plus
Sunset Presbyterian Church, Portland
Caller: George Clark
Cuer: George Clark
View Flyer
Hayshakers - Link
No club news received.
August 8 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
Hoedowners - Link
June was bustin’ out all over with late summer temperatures; no overcast skies or drizzle. Thank heavens those beautiful Oregon Hood strawberries were still available for our June 13th Strawberries and Cream dance. The floor was swirling with 8 squares during mainstream and most everyone lingered for the strawberry buffet that followed.

The weather turned scorching hot and we decided that we couldn’t guarantee a comfortable dance experience with the Weather Channel forecasting 103 degrees for our June 27th Dad’s Barbeque. Well the forecasters are the luckiest type of employees; they don’t get fired even when they’re wrong. The temperatures moderated into the 90’s but most Hoedowners headed north to dance with the Columbia River Dancers. It was warm wherever you went. It’s a June we’ll not soon forget.

Not to worry, our August 8th dance is our traditional Knobby Knees Dance. That means were expecting dancers to come with knees exposed; short skirts, short pants, cut-offs, jogging attire, kilts, capris, just let your patella hang out! Darrell Kalmbach will be our guest caller, Randy Lewis, cuer and ice cream sundaes on the menu.

Not to belabor a point but August 22nd is our Hot August Nights Dance. Hot August Nights is an annual vintage car show in Reno where the hot rods and muscle cars are the main attraction. We promise to keep you cool with ice cold watermelon and if you have a cool car, drive it over for the evening. Stay cool,

Krystal Laas

August 8 (2nd Sat)
Knobby Knees
Ice Cream Sundaes
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Randy Lewis
View Flyer
August 22 (4th Sat)
Hot August Nights
Watermelon & Fruit
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Daryl Clendenin
Cuer: Yvonne Clendenin
View Flyer
Mix N Mingle - Link
No club news received.
August 1 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
Higher level Rounds 7 pm; Pre-Rounds 7:30; Squares 8-10:30
Winona Grange, Tualatin
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Jeanine Norden
View Flyer
August 15 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
Higher level Rounds 7 pm; Pre-Rounds 7:30; Squares 8-10:30
Winona Grange, Tualatin
Caller: Randy Dibble
Cuer: Jeanine Norden
View Flyer
R Square D - Link
R Square D dances are casual for June, July and August, on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. Our dances were well attended in June, in spite of the heat. We were very thankful for the fans. June 10th was our M&M dance, and June 24th was our strawberry dance with lots of strawberry shortcake. Several of our members hopped over to the Columbia River Dancers on June 27th. Although there was a problem with the air conditioning, we all had a great time.

August 12th will be our Hawaiian dance with Jim Raupp as guest caller. August 26th will be our Back To School dance. Please bring back to school supplies that will be donated to one of our local schools. Both dances will be casual.

For more information about R Square D please visit our website at www.r-square-d.info or friend us on Facebook. Caller Craig Abercrombie, cuer Lonnie Sykes.

Toni Carroll for Marie Geisler

August 12 (2nd Wed)
Hawaiian Dance
7:00 Plus; 7:30-9:30 MS w/Rounds
Kelso Senior Center, Kelso
Caller: Jim Raupp
Cuer: Lonnie Sycks
August 14 (2nd Fri)
Regular Dance
August 22 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance
August 26 (4th Wed)
Back to School Dance
7:00 Plus; 7:30-9:30 MS w/Rounds
Kelso Senior Center, Kelso
Caller: Craig Abercrombie
Cuer: Lonnie Sycks
View Flyer
Sunset Promenaders - Link
This time of the year seems to always be a busy time and the heat this year seems to have increased the pressure.

We celebrated our Country’s Independence Day with a dance with root beer floats at the break.

The Club is looking forward to the Mystery Trip with the Valley Squares. Anyone know where we are going? Ha, ha.

August 1st our dance theme is “Hawaiian Luau” with Mike Stout and Ken Pratt calling and cueing and Julie Stout will attempt to teach us how to do the Hula.

Annual TVC Hahn picnic and barn dance at the Hahn farm. This is always a great time with friends of all over the area to socialize, eat, and dance is a real barn.

August 9th is our annual Club picnic at Noble Woods Park in Hillsboro; this is always a great time to socialize with our members and of course eat.

Then there is our anniversary dance which is on October 3rd. Tickets are on sale now, $8 for single and $15 for couples including dinner at 6:30, dance at 7:30. Dan Preedy will be calling and Ken Pratt cueing.

Tom & Janice Sminia

August 1 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
7:30 PM
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Mike Stout (1st & 3rd Saturday)
Cuer: Ken Pratt
View Flyer
August 6 (1st Thu)
Plus Dance
Guest Cuer Tami Helms
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Tami Helms
View Flyer
August 15 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
Guest Cuer Julie Stout
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Mike Stout
Cuer: Julie Stout
August 20 (3rd Thu)
Plus Dance
Guest Caller Lonnie Sycks
I.O.O.F. Hall, Hillsboro
Caller: Darrell Kalmbach
Cuer: Lonnie Sycks
Toe Draggers - Link
We lost special friends in the passing of club member Debra Wold and Tim Roberts' father, Norm in the month of June.

July started out warm with a combined celebration for the USA and KC’s birthday on July 3rd.

As we begin August we take our last world tour stop to Japan for our two Friday dances. August 21st we’ll celebrate the Festival of Aki Celebration. Bring your stamped passport to see if you are eligible for the special prize drawing that evening.

Where has our summer gone? We’ll begin in Sept with celebrating the Toe’s Anniversary and our special dance, “Who is Man Enough to Wear Pink”, Sept. 12th a Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Kinton Grange. All donations from the dance will go to the Susan G. Komen Foundation to help find a cure for cancer.

We just have to share our excitement for KC and Linda Curtis. They have accepted, along with their commitment to our club, to be the new caller team for the Buzzin’ Bees in Vancouver, WA. It is so exciting to see KC and Linda taking on more responsibility to keep the square dance community strong and vital.

Pat Olson

August 7 (1st Fri)
Regular Dance - starting our tour of Jap
7:30 preround, 8:00 MS
Kinton Grange, Beaverton
Caller: KC Curtis
Cuer: Bev Flint
View Flyer
August 21 (3rd Fri)
Special Dance celebrating the Festival o
7:30 preplus, 8:00 MS
Kinton Grange, Beaverton
Caller: KC Curtis
Cuer: Bev Flint
View Flyer
Tri Squares - Link
We were honored to have such a large turnout for our Trophy dance on June 19th. The Valley Squares took home the trophy with the highest percentage of attendance. There were over 85 dancers on the floor. A big thank you to Terry Halley and Sandra Pinion for a great time!

The month of August tends to go by so fast! Even during this busy season, make sure to stop by and visit the Tri Squares! We will be having two dances during the month of August. Our first dance will be held on August 1st, with the theme “Tropical Isle”. Our second dance, on August 21st is themed a "Concert in the Park”. Both dances will start at 7:30 PM with 15 minutes of pre-rounds and 15 minutes of plus. At 8PM we will start mainstream with every fourth tip plus. Please note, that if temperatures reach over 90 degrees we will be dark. Make sure to dress comfortably. We would love to have visitors join us!

Our website is well kept and up to date. Make sure to check out our page at www.trisquares.com. We have information on our lessons, dance flyers, photos, contact information and much more! See you in a square,

Leslie Woodland

August 1 (1st Sat)
Tropical Isle Dance
7:30 to 10:00 PM
Tigard Grange, Tigard
Caller: Terry Halley
Cuer: Sandra Pinion
View Flyer
August 21 (3rd Fri)
Concert in the Park Dance
7:30 to 10:00 PM
Tigard Grange, Tigard
Caller: Terry Halley
Cuer: Sandra Pinion
View Flyer
Valley Squares - Link
We lucked out on finding fresh, local strawberries from the Farmers' Market for our June 6th Strawberry Dance. Thanks to Pete and Julie Cooper for their generous donation and to all the members and guests who joined in the fun. By the next weekend, when looking for fresh berries for the Hoedowners' dance, I encountered lots of "Closed for the Season" signs at the farms, and depleted supplies at the markets. It has been a strange year!

Our members showed up in force at the Tri-Squares' Red, White & Blue Dance where we took home the traveling trophy - a wonderful way for Cheryl Kahler to end her term as VP in charge of Visitations. Watch the OFN and the Valley Squares Website for your chance to steal it for your club.

Our Summer Solstice dance, held in our air-conditioned hall, was fun and marked the beginning of this hot, dry spell.

Lessons ended with our month-long Mainstream workshop. Chuck challenged us with some all-position and dance by definition calls. We hope our dancers use the summer to visit lots of different clubs. In September, our Mastering Mainstream, followed by Beginning Plus lessons commence on Tuesday, September 15th: 6:30 for MM; 8:00 for Plus.

Hope to see you at our dances August 5th and 19th.

Patt Hawthorne

August 1 (1st Sat)
Hawaiian Luau
7:00 Plus, 8:00 Mainstream,
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Chuck Garner
Cuer: Connie Clark
View Flyer
August 15 (3rd Sat)
Hot August Night
7:00 Plus, 8:00 Mainstream,
Aloha Grange #773, Aloha
Caller: Chuck Garner
Cuer: Connie Clark
View Flyer
Wave Steppers - Link
We have a change in the Wave Steppers’ 2015 dance schedule—the club’s September 12th dance will be called by Darrell Kalmbach, with line dance coach Gwen Kiel. September is the club’s anniversary; according to old (and sometimes sketchy) records, there’s been a square dance club in Garibaldi going back to the early 1900s.

The Wave Steppers’ square dance classes, taught by club caller Joe Wrabek, continue every Wednesday evening at the Tillamook Elks Lodge, 1907 Third St. in downtown Tillamook. The classes are free.

All the club’s dances are held the second Saturday of the month, on the Dance Floor at Garibaldi City Hall, 107 6th St. (one block off US 101). The Garibaldi Inn and Suites, located half a block away, offers discounts for dancers spending the night. Please visit our webpage for up to date information, www.wavesteppers.org.

Joe Wrabek

August 8 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
Hawaiian Dance
Garibaldi City Hall, Garibaldi
Caller: Harvey Hunsucker
Cuer: Harvey Hunsucker
View Flyer

Umpqua Area Council
Check out our flyer of the line up of the Callers & Cuers that will be at the Douglas County Fair this year (August 5th- 8th) razzle dazzling us with their talent. If you love a good county fair, plan on coming to Roseburg, taking in the sights of the Fair during the day, and then join us on the dance floor in the evening. Dancers (and yes, you need to be dancing) get into the fair free if you are wearing you square dance attire and badge. Dancers do need to be wearing square or round dance duds and be proficient at the mainstream level to join us on the dance floor at the Fair. We stop dancing about 9:00 pm so that leaves plenty of time to find an elephant ear, scone, or whatever tickles your fancy as far as fair food goes before the fair ends for the night. Hope to see you at the Fair!

Frank Schuchard

UAC President

August 5 (1st Wed)
Douglas County Fair
Hosting Club: Buckeroos
Douglas County Fair, Roseburg
Caller: Scott Zinser
Cuer: Neil Koozer
View Flyer
August 6 (1st Thu)
Douglas County Fair
Hosting Club: Timber 8's
Douglas County Fair, Roseburg
Caller: Don Marshall
Cuer: Neil Koozer
View Flyer
August 7 (1st Fri)
Douglas County Fair
Hosting Club: Dancing Friends
Douglas County Fair, Roseburg
Caller: Chuck Simpkins
Cuer: Neil Koozer
View Flyer
August 8 (2nd Sat)
Douglas County Fair
Hosting Club: Buckeroos & Timber 8's
Douglas County Fair, Roseburg
Caller: Dale Roberson
Cuer: Neil Koozer
View Flyer
Buckeroo - Link
If the Buckeroo Barn walls could talk they would not only be saying, but probably shouting, what a super fun time everyone had at the 41st Annual Round Up the week end of June 12-14th. Scot and Erin Byars did a bang up job of keeping us entertained all week end, the weather was perfect for dancing, and it was great to see so many old friends and new faces from out of town dancing at the Barn with us.

Wearing casual attire and chowing down on ice cream sundaes (some were enough to impress Chef Jen Yee at New York’s Lafayette) the ice cream “Saturday Night Sundae” dance was a great way, despite the heat wave, to kick off the start to summer.

August is just around the corner, and along with the Dancing Friends and Timber 8’s we plan on dancing at the Douglas County Fair in the evenings and hope you can join us.

Happy Dancing,

Rita Schuchard

August 1 (1st Sat)
Regular Dance
August 15 (3rd Sat)
Regular Dance
Rounds 7:00 Squares 7:30 (Time changed as of Jan. 2015)
Buckeroo Barn, Roseburg
Caller: Dale Roberson
Cuer: Neil Koozer
View Flyer
Timber 8's - Link
No club news received.
August 8 (2nd Sat)
Regular Dance
August 22 (4th Sat)
Regular Dance

Copyright © 2015, Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs.